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Remembering my

















YANG JUN, President
Transcribed by Edward Moore


irst, I’d like to say hello to the association members. After three years of the
pandemic we are finally back to normal, and also at the beginning of this year
even China has returned to normal. I was able to travel to China at the be-
ginning of this year. The great thing is that I was able to spend time with my
grandmother and unfortunately, she passed away at the beginning of June. In my life
there have been two people who are important to me. One is my grandfather and the
2nd is my grandmother. Both of them nurtured me while growing up and especially in
leading me into tai chi chuan. This direc- and that bad was bad. She just talked in
tion. Guiding me into the life of tai chi ch- a very strict way. But whenever she talked
uan and also as well, he succeeded in pass- to me, she always encouraged me and she
ing the family art to the next generation. always showed me love as a mother would.
So, that’s why the two of them have affect- So, her loss actually makes me feel that the
ed my life deeply. My grandmother is the inside of my heart is emptied out. This
one who was more like a mother to me. kind of feeling to me. These three years in
Since I was three months old, she nurtured which my grandfather and grandmother
me and in my daily life I was also taken have passed away…these are the closest
care of by my grandmother. In our family people to me. It kind of makes me feel
my grandmother was actually a very strict that I lost a strong support on my back.
person. She would say that good was good I feel alone now. I have to move ahead by

President’s Letter

myself. So, those are my feelings. On the other hand, I also under-
stand that both my grandparents have lived a long life and they
had joy in their lives. They had longevity and were healthy until
the end. Both of them never had any specific illness, they naturally
and peacefully passed away. In China we have a saying that this is
a fortune; through their morals and self-nurturing they can pass
away in this way: peacefully. On the other hand, I also understand
that this is nature and nobody can change it. Still, it will take some
time for me to accept this kind of truth. On the other hand, I also
feel thankful for my grandparents. Their nurturing and their ed-
ucation of me made me able to spread tai chi chuan around the
world. To spread tai chi, this for me is a kind of returning to them

for their contributions and their dedication to me. All I can do is to
This time was also my 20 year work more to spread Yang Family Tai Chi. This is a way for me to
anniversary of traveling into pay them respect and return something to them for the education
Mexico. Through 20 years of and nurturing that they gave me. Sometimes when I am by myself,
development there, Yang I really miss them and it feels like the inside of my heart is a little
bit empty. There is no one for me to rely on. That is my feeling. I am
Family Tai Chi has a good
thankful that I was able to travel to China to see her and be next to
foundation in Mexico. her as she passed away.
This year also marks the
On the other hand, since the pandemic has ended this year, I

20th time I have traveled
have returned to my regular schedule of traveling. I have been
to Paris. through Asia, Europe, and North America to teach seminars. At
the end of the year I will be in South America too. So this is the
good part, especially since when China opened I can further de-
velop teaching in this region. Since I have left China 20 years ago
there is a lot of need for developing tai chi chuan there. It’s good
because right now everything seems open and free for travel-
ing. I just went to Mexico City and taught a seminar there. This
time was also my 20 year anniversary of traveling into Mexico.
Through 20 years of development there, Yang Family Tai Chi has
a good foundation in Mexico. This year also marks the 20th time I
have traveled to Paris. Thinking back since I was in my 30’s, over
20 years Yang Family Tai Chi has not only planted many seeds in
countries all over but they have also grown up in many different
regions. This makes me feel appreciation for the years of develop-
ment with many people’s support to create the Yang Family Tai Chi
that we have today.

President’s Letter

I would also like to share some information with the association

members. Since the last symposium in 2019 that we hosted in
Selvino Italy, we are also planning to have another symposium
soon if we can find a good location to host one. I’d like to ask the
association members to help to give us a Symposium location that
is a good facility at a low cost where we can host the next sympo-
sium. We would appreciate help from our association members
regarding our future planning. Please contact Pam Boyde with
this information.

This year we are also remembering Grandfather’s birthday.

We will continue to do a 49 demonstration on that day,
August 6th, 2023. November 7th will also mark the third year
since my Grandfather passed away. In China when people pass
away, the third year is the time for us to get together and have a
ceremony and memorial for the people who we care about. In this
particular memorial event, we are planning to do it online and
offline together, so please, if you have any kind of program, please
contact the association because we may include it as part of the
memorial program. Please also save the day and join us for this
event on November 7th (Beijing time).

I hope everyone enjoys the summer! 

“ This year we are also

remembering Grandfather’s
We will continue to do a
49 demonstration on that day,
August 6th, 2023.

Remembering my
Published originally in Chinese
Translated by Pam Boyde and Joshua Neuhaus

oday, at the foot of the verdant and image my grandmother described to me as
lush Tianlong Mountain, we mourn she carried me to and from work. This scene
and bid farewell to my grandmother, is etched in my memory like a dynamic sculp-
Ms Hu Ruidi. Grandmother passed ture along with my grandmother’s sweaty face
away peacefully and without illness in the early in the cold wind. Grandmother always gave me
hours of June 7, 2023 at her home in Taiyuan what she thought was best. My grandmother
at the age of 96. visited Seattle twice in her lifetime and brought
me two old-fashioned dough-kneading bowls.
My grandmother was born in the late 1920’s
She thought these bowls were so useful that she
and although it was a time of great turmoil,
travelled all the way across the Pacific Ocean to
she remained virtuous and kind-hearted from
bring two heavy ceramic bowls to Seattle for
childhood and was beautiful and wise. Since
me. These two modest bowls are more pre-
being with my grandfather, she has been very
cious than gold in my heart and exemplify my
diligent in taking care of her family, helping
grandmother’s sincere and simple love for me.
her husband, teaching their sons, and raising
her grandsons. On the 108th step of Huaiyin When my grandfather travelled to teach tai chi,
Middle School in Wutai County, a thin figure the organizers often invited my grandmother
with a tightly wrapped child on her back was to accompany him. Instead, my grandmother
struggling to climb up the stairs. This was the gave that precious opportunity to me, granting

me the chance to get more training and grow band build his career going as far as to change
and develop faster… her own name without hesitation, is still ring-
ing in my ears. And bits and pieces of the past
To me, my grandparents are the people I have
of my grandmother, who kept house by help-
to thank for educating and raising me during
ing her husband, educating her children and
my childhood, they were the beacons that
raising her grandchildren, are still as vivid in
guided me to become an upright person of
my mind as if they hadn’t ended yet. Looking
sincerity and integrity.
back, when I was disciplined by my grandfa-
With tai chi the Yang family has grown and ther for being naughty, it was my grandmother
thanks to tai chi it has flourished. Successive who took me into her arms when I was bawl-
generations of great women and wives of the ing or sobbing stubbornly. Who among the
Yang family have worked tirelessly and it is disciples and descendants of Zongshi did not
only thanks to their help that the Yang family’s receive the sincere motherly love of grand-
great undertaking was able to establish itself mother at one point or another?
and gain its good name.
Now that our grandparents are gone, all we
To this day the story of how my great-grand- can do to repay our grandparents is to “unite,
mother, Mrs. Hou Xueqing, the wife of the help each other and grow”! Grandmother’s
great master Yang Chengfu, helped her hus- memory lives forever! 
Photo Credit Pat Rice
The Yang Family in Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada. International Forum on Taijiquan. July 17-21, 2006. 

Hu Ruidi, Wife of Master Yang Zhenduo and Grandmother of Master Yang Jun
Advisory Board Member

e all join the larger Yang In the occasional moments I had for and great-grandchildren. In particular, I
Tai Chi Chuan Family personal interaction with her, she was appreciate her attention to the singular
in grieving the death of gracious and lively. Our conversations child who as a man would become the next
Madame Hu Ruidi, the were brief, due to language limitations, lineage holder of the Yang Family Tai Chi
dearly beloved wife of but she easily spoke the language of a Chuan tradition. Her guidance and wisdom
Master Yang Zhenduo. friendly face, a genuine smile, and a light would help shape Master Yang Jun’s
touch on my arm. Those gestures created character for understanding others and for
She traveled with her husband and their for us an agreeable moment for mutual leadership. She did well.
family to many places as they participated acknowledgement, a treasured photograph.
in numerous events, at a truly global scale. A few of us were invited to their Taiyuan We are grateful for her life and immense
As the supportive wife of Grandmaster house for a home-made dinner, for which contribution to the tradition of the Yang
Yang Zhenduo, she appears a strong and she had spent days preparing ‘Eight Family. 
elegant woman, confidently and firmly Treasures Rice Pudding,’ a famous and
beside him. She fulfilled her role for many complicated traditional dessert served to
years, a semi-public figure whose presence honored guests. She knew how to make us
affirmed the solidity of the Yang Family. feel comfortable and extra special at the
same time.
She is found frequently in my own folio
of memorabilia from numerous organized I sympathized fully with her deep sorrow
travels in China and elsewhere, with at the passing of her beloved husband, and
various groups of tai chi chuan students I understand the difference that loss has
and friends. In these photos she is smiling, made to her recent years. But my most
interacting with everyone around her, and memorable images of her are the times
participating fully in our activities. She when she was happily engaging in shared
is present, too, for the most solemn of activities. She had many ways of express-
occasions, such as ceremonies for receiving ing her love both for her household family
disciples. She is seen beautifully dressed and for her extended tai chi family.
and delighted to participate in birthday
parties and grand celebrations. Her warmth I, also a grandmother, think of her in that im-
was large, and her enjoyment inspired us to portant role, too—the grandmother devoted Yang Zhenduo, his wife Hu Ruidi, Pat Rice (Winchester Virginia USA) in Kunming China.
have a good time, too. to raising children and grandchildren Grand Opening of Yang Family Headquarters, July 23, 2005.

Academy Instructor

first met Ms. Hu Ruidi in Taiyuan After a truly splendid evening, when we
China in 1997 and I remember a were saying goodbye, my mother who
sweet, elegant lady with a loving had been almost always busy organizing
gaze. A smiling person full of energy the dinner and mainly concentrated on the
and spirit, in perfect harmony with stories of Grandmaster Yang Zhenduo, she
Grandmaster Yang Zhenduo. greeted Master Yang Jun who was 32 years
old at the time, slapping him lovingly but
I then saw her many times in the many orga- forcefully with real affection and sympathy
nized trips to China where until a few years on the same cheek several times, saying to
ago she was always present even if, due to Grandmaster Yang Zhenduo, ‘what a beau-
language difficulties, I had very few oppor- tiful child, your nephew!’ I had a moment
tunities to speak directly to her. I was very of profound embarrassment and blocking
moved when I last saw Shinai Hu Ruidi at my mother’s hand I said to her ‘mum he
the meeting with disciples for Grandmaster
isn’t a child; he is 32 years old and he’s one
Yang Zhenduo’s memorial and I will never
of the most important kung fu masters in
forget her tears, deep sadness and the im-
the world’. She, as if everything was nor-
measurable pain she showed remembering
mal, replied ‘but he looks like a young
her husband.
boy!’ Master Yang Jun stood still, smiling
However, I would like to share a memory and amused. Grandmaster Yang Zhenduo
of a funny episode that took place in 2000, burst out laughing, finding it very comical
in Terni, near Rome, of which we have been and said that I didn’t have to worry and that
joking with Master Yang Jun for years. he really appreciated my mother’s spirit
because she reminded him of his wife Ms.
The first time I heard specifically about Hu Ruidi. He said ‘she too is a spontaneous
her, it was from Grandmaster Yang Zhen- woman, with great spirit and heart, who has
duo when, together with Master Yang Jun, the courage to say what she feels and thinks
they were invited to dinner to my house for and she is not afraid of anything’.
the first time. My parents were also invited.
With them he established a relationship of The essential image described of her by
sympathy and empathic confidence right him, who really knew her, remained in my
from the start. When talking they found out heart and in a moment of deep sadness and
that he and my father were the same age as many tears, it also seems nice to share it
well as Ms. Hu Ruidi and my mother. with a smile. 
Talking About

Edward Moore: Hello Master Yang, translate the technique “jǐ” is not really
thank you for meeting with me today the same idea as the push. Ji is more like
to talk about press energy (挤劲 jǐ jìn). I a squeeze. But this word squeeze also has
think of all of the translations that we use an issue. In English you grab something
for the techniques, “press” might be the and squeeze into it. Here it is more like
most misleading one. In English “press” we are squeezing in the outward direc-
and “push” are almost the same. There tion. Like when it is too crowded and
is not much difference. We can “push” a people are squeezing outward towards
button and also “press” a button equally. each other. This helps to give a clearer
It means the same thing. I am wondering idea for the technical side of the energy
if there is some better word that we could point. For instance, if we say “àn”, which
use to help describe this technique? we currently translate into English as
“push”, you understand that the energy
Master Yang Jun: Yes. This is also a ques- point is on the palm. The whole palm is
tion that bothers me a little bit. English the energy point for pushing on some-
is not my first language. I don’t want to thing. You can push forward; you can
pretend that I understand it that well. But push down. You can push up. So, those
based on what I understand, in Chinese are many different directions that you
the word “push” is closer to “an,” this can push in. The pushing down can be
technical word, press, which we use to used as deflecting. For example, when we


do “turn body, chop with fist” there is a Master Yang: This is an English lan- you use, they ask you to pay attention
push technique where you are pushing guage way of translation, that we say we to the method of relaxation. Through
and deflecting. You can also have a have 8 energies and 5 steps. In Chinese the inside extended. A little bit like
direct push to deliver energy to your we sometimes say 8 techniques, and charging air into a football, basketball,
opponent and push them over. There they sometimes use the term “8 meth- or tire. You charge it and it can equally
are many ways of using the push tech- ods” (八法 bā fǎ). In Chinese, they don’t spread the pressure to the whole body.
nique. It doesn’t mean that a push is really use the word “energy” for this. Also use the whole thing, like a ball, to
just used to push over your opponent, Even when they use the word “energy” absorb something from the outside that
you can use push for purposes such as they are still talking about two parts. gives pressure. This kind of situation,
Like “péng jìn” means ward-off tech- we often use the Chinese word “péng”,
deflecting, yielding, and neutralizing.
nique with the energy – “jǐ jìn”, which like you have extended a tent or yurt.
It is not only for a single application.
is ji technique with the energy. So here, When we use this kind of energy, we use
When we talk about the press, if we un-
why do we distinguish those two to be a the word “péng”. By the way, the peng
derstand it from the English word, you
little bit clear. It’s because tai chi chuan in tai chi chuan is a special character
might try to use a finger to press a but-
is looking for the balance of the yin/ (掤). Not just the meaning of peng that I
ton, but it’s actually not like this. If we yang. Looking for the energy to be hard just mentioned (as with the tent). They
understand it as if we are in a crowded and soft being balanced. The balance of make it have a technical side. This word
place and we are squeezing outward the energy is not being too soft and not is not easily found in a book. It is a very
against others to get more space, then being too hard. We also often use the special word. In an old dictionary you
we easily understand that we use the words “limp” and “stiff ”. So, in Chinese can find it, otherwise we cannot find it
outside of our body against something we use the words “xiè” and “jiāng” (泄, in a new dictionary.
to squeeze and make more space. This 僵).
will give you more of an idea of the So, that is the idea. Because of this kind
energy point that you can use to deliver So, those mean that you are extremely of energy – how are we going to make
the energy. That is how we give this soft or extremely hard. Then you be- it fit yin and yang to be balanced and
come limp and stiff. This is the idea. at the same time for yin and yang to
kind of idea. So, again, with the press
You want to be balanced and not go to be complementary. Then you use the
you are pressing the opponent naturally
extremes. That is the energy type that internal expansion that we call “péng’.
away. Using it to deliver energy to push
we want. How do we train this kind This is exactly the method we use for re-
them away. And also, when you press to
of energy type? It asks you to be more laxation, but it also fits with the method
the side, using the side to press, this is springy and to be more complementa- of the peng. That’s why we sometimes
also a kind of deflection. Press is proba- ry. Balance is one point. To be able to be call it peng “technique” and sometimes
bly more properly described in English complementary is the other point. This peng “energy” in English. But, when
as “squeeze”. Maybe it’s not quite cor- is hard to explain. Complementary is we talk about peng energy, we first talk
rect, but it gives you the idea that you like being able to join it. If one is more, about the energy type. How you use
use the outside to squeeze out against the other will be reduced. If one is less, it and what kind of method, like in-
something.  the other will fill into it. They are always ternal extended. To achieve this goal,
Edward: If the press energy is expand- staying together. This is more like being like yin/yang complementary and hard
ing outwards and creating an expand- complementary to each other. Tai chi and soft to be balanced: this is a meth-
ing technique that makes space, like energy has balance and it is also com- od. This is what we call the method or
squeezing outwards, this seems very plementary. Those kinds of points, how technique of peng. But peng has more
much like ward-off (peng) energy. Why do you demonstrate them? The method functions from the technical point of
do we call it press energy instead of is asking that you cannot focus on the view. You can use it to reach out to your
ward-off energy? Is there a significant force, how much you are using. Instead opponent. To contact your opponent.
difference between the two techniques? of focusing on how much of the force They summarize every fighting skill in


Chinese martial arts into 4 positions: In class, you teach that the right arm is
1. Your beginning point, using the press energy and the left hand
2. Your outreach method, is using the push to add to the press en-
3. How you contact or join with your ergy. Why do we usually have this push
opponent, and added to the press in the hand form?
4. How you make a transition so that Master Yang: You don’t have to, actu-
you can have the ability to go to ally. It’s just that the two energies are
where you wish. stronger than one. As you can see when
Those are 4 positions. In Chinese we you are doing press, if you combine
call them: qǐ, jiē, chéng, zhuǎn. (起, two arms together, they create a kind
接,承,转). These are the 4 processes for of arch, and that arch is more support-
every situation. Where you are is your ive. A stronger press will result. It will
beginning point. How you reach to not easily collapse. If you have only one
your opponent, this is the method you arm there is less of this kind of support.

“ But simply, in a real

situation you may not
really use the double
arms to do a press.
use. How you make contact, and how
you make a transition. These are the
processes for how you deal with your
opponent. So, peng is not only an en-
ergy type, a training method, it also
I think from the physics point of view
this flat surface will not be as strong as
a whole sealed surface, like an egg. It
is able to equalize the energy into the
whole body. So, the arch is actually a
Often you have the has a function as a method for how you kind of rounded arm shape that makes
reach your opponent. That’s why when

situation where you only it easier to deliver energy and is also
we talk about “peng energy” it is par- more supportive. But simply, in a real
use one arm to do it.   
tially based on peng energy, but there situation you may not really use the
is also peng technique. The way that double arms to do a press. Often you
you reach your opponent. All the other have the situation where you only use
techniques are the same. They are first one arm to do it.   
based on peng energy. Then they are Edward: In terms of the waist technique
involved with their own technique. that we use with press, we usually seem
For example, press energy you use the to show it in the hand form with ver-
outside as your contact point to reach tical waist circle since we are basically
your opponent, to deflect your oppo- moving forward and we are not turn-
nent, to transfer your opponent into ing. This makes me wonder if press is
the position you wish to be. That’s why also compatible with horizontal and
peng, lü, ji, an, whatever the energy we figure 8 waist turning?
are talking about: first is energy type, Master Yang: Yes. The hand form has
second is about the technique: how it is limitations as a practice because it is a
used, applied, as a contact to reach your sequence. When you are actually ap-
opponent, how to make contact and plying it you have to fit with your op-
how to make a transition. Those can be ponent’s position, your position, the
distinguished differently as peng, lü, ji, angle, the timing, and the speed… even
an, cai, lie, zhou, kao (The 8 energies).   the height. So, you will be adopting all
Edward: In the hand form, we show the of those, and the goal is that the energy
two arms joined together for the press is able to be delivered into your oppo-
technique in “grasping the bird’s tail”. nent’s center. If your position is higher,

then you certainly need to use an angle ordination, we need to understand how then you are able to make a good
to make it face your opponent’s center we coordinate physically. The Tai Chi coordination. With your internal
so that you can easily deliver energy to Classics say that the energy comes from breathing, your mind focusing, you can
their center. There will be an adjustment the root, which is located in your feet. deliver energy in a unified way. Saying
to be able to apply it efficiently. The se- It is developed by your leg, controlled it is easy, but to achieve this goal you
quence is the sequence. They are limited by your waist, then demonstrated into need a lot of fundamental training.
because they are not modified and you your hands. Then how you coordinate You cannot just get it from hand form
don’t have the ability to change. You are each position is the important part. practice. You need to practice soft and
imitating a perfect position, a perfect How do you push the ground? Where you also need to practice hard. You
situation, perfect speed and with good on the foot? How to do that? How do even need to adopt different tools to
coordination. You have to deliver the you use the leg to deliver the motion? help you to build up the energy, coordi-
energy into an imagined point which is To build up the energy? Those are re- nation, and your personal foundation.
also a perfect point. That is a situation lated to coordination. How do you keep Then you can have a good result on
that they give to you in the sequence. the lower body settled, the upper body energy delivery. Simply by doing the
But in a real situation, you can barely to be light, and the middle body agile? hand form you can make the move-
find that perfect situation. Nobody can If you want to build up momentum, ments correct, but maybe you don’t
apply the application to be exactly the you need the upper body to be light have energy to be able to deliver it.
same as the hand form. The hand form, and agile so that it will not be affected Edward: We usually use the forearm for
the sequence practice, is just learning by your opponent. If your upper body the press technique in the hand form
the technique through the sequence… keeps being disturbed by your oppo- and push hands. Is it also possible to
the movements and what you are doing nent, then your lower body can’t focus use other parts of the body such as the
to understand the technique. The goal the leg development for building up the hands, the shoulder, or the hip to do the
is not about how to do this movement. energy. Next, you also need to under- press technique?
The goal is through this movement how stand how to use the waist to control
you are learning the technique, the co- the energy delivery and the delivery Master Yang: Generally, the location is
ordination, and also the way to apply it. position. Those are the foundations that around the forearm. Sometimes even
Edward: Often when beginners try to you need to learn: the waist method, in the upper arm we still can consider
use the press energy, they tend to use how to control it. The waist has two this as a press, but if you are too close to
force. How do you recommend that functions. One function is leading the the body, the body will be leaning into
they follow the tai chi principles while movement, leading your limbs to go. it and then it becomes changed into a
using press energy? different technique. The techniques are
The second function is to control your
energy delivery and also the position- also related to which part of the body
Master Yang: This is a question about
ing: where it ends. Those are waist you use as the energy delivery point, or
the coordination. The coordination is
functions. Then finally we come back delivery position. If it’s getting too far,
quite clear from the point of view of
the Tai Chi Classics. Generally speak- to the torso area. You also need to have if you use the outside of your foreleg as
ing, the energy delivery involves two a soft springy feeling. When you have a kind of push, you cannot call that a
kinds of coordination and the goal is to this feeling, you can feel that your spine press. It’s going to be more like a kick
achieve energy unification. One coordi- can make momentum, make action. or twisting technique. You will use a
nation is related to upper, middle, and So that’s why we often say that energy different term because if we call them
lower body. The second coordination is is delivered from your spine. Finally, all press, we don’t know which part we
inner and outer. To deliver energy and they transfer to the energy point where are talking about.
be unified in this position– or we can you try to deliver it. Like with press it’s Edward: Sounds good. Great! Thank
say unifying the soft into the hard – is often the outside of the arm. You have you for your time, Master Yang. I really
all about coordination. To apply the co- to understand each part of the method, appreciate it. 

Celebration of Yang Family
Tai Chi

une 15, the celebration of the 20th 20 years ago Daniel Corona, encouraged
anniversary of Master Yang Jun’s by his father, José Ramón Corona, became
first visit to Mexico was held interested in tai chi chuan. José Ramón had
in Mexico City. The event was seen it in China in 1977 during the first
attended by students from all over Mexican tourist trip to China and from
the country, Colombia, the United States, there he decided to practice it and make it
France and Panama, as well as personalities part of his daily routine.
such as Mr. Lan Xiaozeng representing
Ambassador Zhang Run of the Chinese So Daniel undertook the task of looking
Embassy in Mexico, Professor Rodrigo for the descendants of the Yang family and
Sánchez representing the Wushu to his surprise when he found that Master
Association of the Mexico City and teacher Yang Jun was in the city of Seattle USA,
Martine Salane from the Yang Family just 4 hours by plane from Mexico City.
Tai Chi center in Michigan.
Center Director, Certified Instructor


This is how the authentic Tai Chi Chuan Master Yang Jun and special guests arrived Xochimilco, an iconic ancestral place in
of the Yang Family began in our country. by boats called “Trajineras” (Aztec style Mexico City, ending the celebration and
In June 2003 Master Yang Jun set foot on boats ) to the lake of Xochimilco where the beginning of the international seminar.
Aztec soil and started the tai chi chuan ceremony of the 20-year celebration was
group today known as the “Yang Family of held, it started with a tai chi exhibition for At the end of his visit to Mexico, Master
Mexico” located in the facilities of Shaolin Master Yang Jun and special guests, the Yang Jun thanked Daniel Corona and the
Temple Mexico A.C. exhibition featured children from 10 years Yang Family team in Mexico for their years
old to seniors in their 80’s. Yang family of fidelity, commitment and dedication to
Since then many adventures have hap- members from all over the world partici- the Yang Family International Tai Chi
pened, we had the opportunity to train with pated. At the end of the exhibition, Master Association and announced new projects
Grandmaster Yang Zhenduo, we attended Yang Jun delivered 16 new Yang family such as visiting the recently created Yang
Yang Family schools in China, we held ranking certificates of different levels from Family Tai Chi school in Chengdu China,
international seminars in Mexico City and beginner to intermediate levels. the official rankings that will be held from
Cancun, we participated in international now on every year in Mexico, and took
tournaments organized by Master Yang, we At the end of the ceremony, Master Daniel the opportunity to wish good luck to the
were volunteers in symposiums, and host- Corona gave a plaque (plate) to Master colleagues who will participate in the
ed many of other events that have forged a Yang Jun in gratitude for his 20 years of World Championship of Chinese Martial
great friendship and created thousands of effort and dedication to spread the practice Arts in Emmei Shan this August, where in
students of the Yang style in our country. of Yang Family Tai Chi Chuan. addition to Kung Fu they will represent the
Today we can say that we really are a fam- Yang style again. 
ily, the Mexican Yang family. At the time of cutting the cake, the
fireworks began that illuminated Lake

Tai Chi
what every tai chi practitioner
needs to know
IYFTCCA Senior Instructor


Figure 1 Figure 2
Knee model color keyed Femur tibia tinted model

f there was a Guinness World Book body must do as it moves around in the femur can rest, rather like a column that
of Records specifically for your constant yin/yang exchange of gravity and supports a roof. To allow bending and un-
body, your knee would hold several ground reaction forces. Understanding bending of the knee, the surface of the tib-
records. Your knee joint capsule is that your knees are in a middle manage- ial platform is shaped to receive the distal
one of the largest joint capsules in ment position is essential to applying the end contours of the femur, which has two
the body and holds the record for having tai chi requirements of practice in a use- rounded prominences, termed “condyles”.
the LARGEST synovial membrane in the ful and intelligent way. Knowing the basic The condyles of the femur match up per-
body. Your knee joint also has within it anatomy and biomechanics of your knees fectly with the surface of the tibial plat-
the THICKEST cartilage found anywhere is the first step in your journey to improve form when the knee is straight. To align
in the body. Your fibula, the smaller of the your tai chi practice. this perfect fit as the knee is straightened,
two bones in your lower leg which joins the tibia must rotate outwardly, and the fe-
the tibia to form the tibiofibular joint of The knee is a complex joint with com-
mur must rotate inwardly. This movement
your knee, withstands the HIGHEST ten- plex movements which depend on precise
is termed “the screw-home mechanism of
sile forces of any part of your skeleton synchronized movements between three
the knee”. To bend the knee, the process
AND the two bones that form the main articulations (Figure 1): the tibiofemoral
is reversed: the tibia must rotate inward-
joint of your knee are the LONGEST joint (the meeting place of the thigh bone
ly as the femur rotates outwardly to keep
and STRONGEST of any bones in your and largest bone of the lower leg, tinted in
the joint surfaces properly aligned as the
body! 1 blue), the patellofemoral joint (the junc-
knee bends. Without proper alignment of
tion of the kneecap and the thigh bone,
What does all this mean to you and your these surfaces, the ligaments of the knee
tinted in pink) and the superior tibiofibu-
knees? To understand your knees, you are put under considerable stress in bend-
lar joint (the confluence of the upper part
must understand that your knees are in ing. When the knee is straightened, and
of the smaller bone of the lower leg with
the position of middle management be- the surfaces of the femur and tibia are
the thigh bone, tinted in green). 2 “screwed” into a perfect fit, there is an in-
tween your hips and your feet, designed to
let tremendous forces pass through from The tibiofemoral joint, commonly thought herent stability in the knee which requires
your upper body to your feet and from of as our actual knee joint, is the meeting very little muscle effort to maintain. That
your feet to your upper body. Your knees place of the two longest and strongest is why beginning tai chi students will in-
are not the decision makers in the distri- bones in the body, the femur (tinted pur- tuitively “stand up” as they move from one
bution of these loads, that’s up to your feet ple) and the tibia (tinted green). (Figure posture to another. Until they have better
and your hips, but your knees will bear 2) This joint is complex, functioning both skill in applying the principles of tai chi
destructive burdens if your hips and feet as a hinge and a pivot joint. The top of practice and a better level of conditioning,
are not well positioned for the tasks your the tibia creates a platform on which the they will have more stability with the knee
joint extended than when the knee is bent The third and final articulation in your
because of the biomechanics of “form knee joint is the small but mighty tibio-
closure” found in the screw home mech- fibular joint. (Figure 4, tinted green) The
anism. 3 In Part III of this article, we will tibiofibular joint is designed to absorb and
go into the dynamics of the “screw-home control tensile rather than compressive
mechanism” more deeply to ensure that loads applied to the lower leg and foot.
our tai chi practice does not interfere with The middle part of the fibula has more
this crucial function of our knees. ability to withstand tensile forces than any
The second joint considered part of the other part of your skeleton! If ever there
knee joint assembly is the patellofemoral was a talented joint, it is this humble and
joint (Figure 3), the patella is commonly frequently unrecognized joint. It must re-
known as “the kneecap” and it is the most spond to the movements of the tibia and
prominent visual marker on the knee. It is foot to develop stabilizing tension from
easy to mistake the patellofemoral joint as the knee down to the foot. It glides in
the main knee joint because it is such an multiple directions and rotates outwardly
obvious visual landmark. It is important to stabilize the tibia when we are weight
to realize this joint is quite secondary to bearing in a bent knee posture, such as
the total function of the knee even though a bow stance. 5 As we will see in Part III,
it is more visible than the tibiofemoral understanding the function of the fibula
joint. This joint essentially works like a and the tibiofibular joint are essential to
pulley system that gives the muscles in our understanding of the requirements of
the front of our thighs (the quadriceps) tai chi footwork.
Figure 3 greater mechanical advantage. When we The ligament structure of the knee is
Patellofemoral joint tinted
straighten our knee joint the patella is abundant and intricate. Each individual
pulled up into a groove on the thigh bone, ligament has a job to guide the perimeters
when we bend our knee, the patella is of knee movement. If we use our knees
pulled down toward the tibia in the lower according to their design and do not ex-
leg. With any pulley system, friction can perience excessive forces to the knee (like
be a problem. Our body solves this issue a blow or a fall), our ligaments function
with cartilage and structures named bur- within the limits of their design and ex-
sas. Bursa are fluid filled pouches of slip- perience no damage. We will not focus
pery connective tissue that reduce fric- on ligament structure in this article but
tion between structures that are moving turn our attention to the muscles that
over one another. There are more than 20 move and stabilize our knee as those are
bursae in and around the knee, reducing the structures we utilize and consciously
friction between bone, muscle, tendon operate in our tai chi practice.
and ligaments. The bursa underneath the The muscles that control our knee are
kneecap (the infrapatellar bursa) is one of divided into two main categories: exten-
the largest in the body. The cartilage that sors, the ones that straighten the knee;
covers the underside surface of the knee- and flexors, the ones that bend the knee.
cap (patella) is the thickest cartilage of It is important to review muscle contrac-
any joint in your body, again, showing the tions to understand how these muscles
kneecap is built to withstand high friction work together in operating the knee: con-
forces. 4 The patellofemoral joint is fre- centric, the muscle shortens; eccentric,
quently the first messenger that there is the muscle lengthens; and isometric, the
trouble with the knee joint, it will send us muscle stays the same length. Thus, the
pain signals when we bend and straighten muscles that straighten the knee are also
our knees. As we will investigate more in used as the knee is bending to slow down
Part III, we want to respect the messages the flexion so the knee does not bend in a
Figure 4 we receive from our kneecaps, regarding violent and uncontrolled way.
Tibiofibular joint tinted their pain signals as critically useful infor-
mation we must utilize to improve our tai The extensors (straighteners) of the knee
chi practice. are the quadriceps femoris muscles.
Fondly known as “the quads”. There are


four of them, they all attach into the

patellar tendon which attaches onto the
tibia, meaning their action affects the
knee joint. Only one of them acts on the
hip joint as well, the rectus femoris. It
does not significantly contribute to knee
straightening unless the hip joint is also
extended. If you imagine a football player
preparing for kick-off, the thigh is brought Figure 5
back with the knee strongly bent, in that Action of quadriceps
position, rectus femoris will contribute to Figure 6
the extension of the knee when the player Action of right side
kicks the ball.6 Figure 5 shows the lines of bowstance hamstrings
action when the quadriceps straighten the
knee (orange, vastus lateralis; red, rectus
femoris; yellow, vastus medialis longus
and vastus medialis oblique). In Part III,
we will examine the relationship between
traditional requirements of tai chi foot-
work in the utilization of rectus femoris to
extend the knee.
differential movement between the inner
Flexion, or bending, of the knee joint
and outer hamstrings is of critical impor-
occurs during support, when the body
tance in understanding how to fulfill the
lowers toward the ground. However,
requirements of tai chi footwork. We will
this movement is also controlled by the
explore this fascinating aspect of the ham-
extensors (“quads”) so that buckling does
strings in more detail in Part III.
not occur. The flexor muscles are also
very active when the leg is off the ground, Figure 6 shows the basic action of the
slowing down a rapidly straightening leg. hamstring muscles in the bent knee posi-
Imagine walking, after the foot leaves the tion of the bow stance.
ground and the leg swings from the hip as Figure 7 shows the rotational actions pos-
it straightens. Flexion, or bending, of the sible for the lateral and medial hamstring
knee joint is controlled by the hamstring muscles when the knee is bent.
muscles. The action of the hamstrings can
be quite complex because they affect two Now, you have a basic understanding of
joints: the knee and the hip. They work the anatomy and biomechanics of the
with the ligaments within the knee joint knee. In Part II of this article, you will
to prevent the lower leg from moving too learn what happens within the knee joint
far forward as the knee bends. As flex- when things go wrong and how things go
ors, they generate their maximum power wrong. Part III of this article will explain
when the knee is bent about 90°. 7 how the traditional requirements of tai
chi footwork and body mechanics will
There is little written in anatomy texts support the healthy functioning of your Figure 7
Rotational actions
about the separate functions of the ham- knees. of hamstrings
string muscles that create rotations of the
1. Hamill, Knutzen, Derrick. Biomechanical Basis of Human
lower leg. The lateral hamstring muscles Movement, 4th ed., Wolters Kluwer; Philadelphia, PA;
(biceps femoris, long and short) create 2015. Pgs. 193-207
2. Ibid. pg. 194
outward rotation of the fibula when the 3. Nordin, Frankel. Basic Biomechanics of the Musculoskel-
knee is bent. (Figure 7 and 8, purple lines) etal System, 2nd ed., Lea and Febiger, Malvern, PA, 1989.
Pgs. 119-122
The medial hamstrings (semitendinosus 4. Hamill, Knutzen, Derrick. Biomechanical Basis of Human
and semimembranosus) create inward Movement, 4th ed., Wolters Kluwer; Philadelphia, PA;
2015. Pg. 198
rotation of the tibia when the knee is 5. Ibid. Pgs. 199-200
bent. (Figure 7 and 8, green lines) Thus, 6. Ibid. Pg 201
7. Ibid. Pg. 204
the hamstring muscles are designed to 8. Myers, Thomas. Anatomy Trains, 2nd ed. Elsevier,
work separately from one another.8 This New York, 2009


egarding the study of tai chi, It is worth pointing out here that in tai
the previous four chapters chi there are two entirely different words
have covered Chinese terms covered by the English concept of
of 知体 (zhītǐ: knowing the balance. 稳固 Wěngù means balanced in
body). Zhītǐ 知体 is all about the physical sense of steady and stable. 平
修身 (xīushēn: body cultivation) and 衡 Pínghéng is the balance between differ-
is studied across 5 main areas: hands ( ent aspects of a thing. In terms of energy,
手 shǒu), eyes (眼 yǎn), body (身 shēn), we would for example consider the bal-
methods (法 fǎ) and stance/stepping ance of hard and soft, representing yin and
(步 bù). The next chapters will cover the yang. In terms of rooting, we would con-
10 principles summarized by Yang Cheng- sider the balance between the 5 directions:
fu (十大要领 shí dà yàolǐng). forward, back, left, right, and center.
Goals The goal of rooting (重心稳固 zhōngxīn
wěngù) is also translated as stabilizing the
We say the 10 principles were summa- center or center balance. Externally speak-
rized by Yang Chengfu because their con- ing we know for example that a lower
tents were no new invention, rather they and larger stance is more stable, but when
brought together the most fundamental as- it becomes too big then our agility is af-
pects of the classics of tai chi theory. The fected. Internally this goal concerns itself
goals of these principles are rooting (重心 with the question of how to keep qi sinking
稳固 zhōngxīn wěngù) and unifying en- down. In theory there are three areas that
ergy (劲力整聚jìnlì zhěngjù). Both goals affect whether or not our qi can sink: 意
align with different aspects of philosophy. yì (the mind), 身 shēn (the body), and 劲
Rooting is related to the 5 elements and jìn (energy). The 10 principles give some
energy is related to yin & yang. For this guidance in regards to each of these.
reason, it can be said that the goal of the
10 principles is balance (平衡 pínghéng).
That goes for both central balance and
energy balance.

Categorization 动中求静 dòngzhōng qiú jìng (seek stillness
within movement),
The 10 principles align with three broader
categories. Some principles even fit two 用意不用力 yòng yì bú yòng lì (use intent
of these at once. The categories are 身形 rather than force).
shēnxíng (body shape), 练习方法 liànxí
fāngfǎ (practicing methods), and 神和意 The 10 principles
shén hé yì (spirit and intent/mind).
In learning the 10 principles, understanding
1. 身形 shēnxíng (body shape): their background & content, theme and goal
is the general approach. Master Yang often
虚领顶劲 xūlíngdǐngjìn (empty, lively, simplifies this by pointing to keywords that
pushing up, and energetic), we should focus on for each principle.

沉肩坠肘 chén jiān zhuì zhóu (sink the 虚领顶劲 xūlíngdǐngjìn

shoulder drop the elbows),
The famous first principle is 虚xū 领líng 顶
含胸拔背 hán xiōng bá beì (pull in the chest dǐng 劲 jìn. The translations for this princi-
and round the back), ple are manyfold and my current take is that
no single translation can really do it justice.
松腰松垮 sōng yāo sōng kuà (relax waist Both 虚xū (empty as in empty and full) and
and hip). 劲 jìn (energy as in tai chi energy) are terms
we have already come across. Whether or
2. 练习方法 liànxí fāngfǎ not to look for other meanings is a topic of
(practicing methods): debate, but beyond the scope of this article.
分虚实 fēn xūshí (separate empty and full), 领Líng (suspended) and 顶dǐng (pushing
up) on the other hand, while less familiar,
上下相随 shàngxià xiāngsuí (upper and are often pointed to as the keywords that
lower follow each other), actually tell us how to perform this princi-
ple. They are two sides of the same coin. To
内外相合 nèiwaì xiānghé (unite inside and perform this principle correctly you need to
out), find balance between both. 顶Dǐng means to
相连不断 xiānglián búduàn (connected push up, imagine pushing up something that
without interruption), is on top of your head. This helps to make
the neck straight and raise the spirit. 领Líng
用意不用力 yòng yì bú yòng lì (use intent is complementary and is translated as being
rather than force). suspended or being pulled up. This suspen-
sion is what divides up and down. It can be
3. 神和意 shén hé yì (spirit and intent): considered the root of the physical ability to
drop and sink, be that regarding shoulders or
虚领顶劲 xūlíngdǐngjìn (empty, lively, hips. Likewise, it allows our qi to sink down
pushing, up and energetic), and find flowing breathing. 
内外相合 nèiwaì xiānghé (unite inside and


received the invitation to write an When I started practicing tai chi, I was in-
article and it took me by surprise. trigued by the emphasis on classical texts
All the articles in the association about transformation, about inner alche-
BY VIVIANA ULIARTE journal with such interesting topics,
Yáng Yǎ Lì
so much teaching, so many writers with a
Escuela Mendocina de Tai Chi
high training in tai chi and in different re- In the literalness of the early understand-
lated areas. Really, the content of the jour- ings, I expected to see physical changes,
nal is excellent and I was afraid I would I expected short-term fluidity results. My
not be up to the task. first transformational lesson: patience,
process, nothing is automatic or fast.
After reflecting on what I should write
and, above all, how I should contribute In the following years with a calmer spir-
to a publication with such rich content, I it, the second lesson: just go on practic-
came to the conclusion that the best I had ing every day, only perseverance brought
was the experience of transformation, about the expected changes, and even
both personal transformation and also then they were still superficial.
the transformation that I saw in the stu-
dents of the school. When I began teaching, my attitude was

to stop looking at myself in order to look at others, Taoism, Confucianism...
who had my same initial anxieties, who did not un-
derstand that it was necessary to work hard to un- Silvia, with a very sick relative, has stopped suffering
derstand something that, externally, seems so simple what she could not change and accepted. As we do in
and that anyone is able to practice quickly. The third tai chi, what I cannot change I accept.
lesson: my experience was not unique, it was common Rigidity transformed into flexibility, judgment
for people with an idiosyncrasy typical of our culture: transformed into compassionate gaze, anxiety into
everything fast, everything now, everything instanta- patience.
neous. Having to explain it, to integrate it much more

deeply, this was my fourth lesson. In the first classes, I explain that
tai chi is a path of self-knowledge,
Thus, I could go on enumerating transformations that Some are physical
and that this process is absolutely
occurred to me over the years, both in my practice personal. No teacher, no matter changes; others are
and in teaching. But, I find it more interesting to share how excellent he or she is, can do mental and emotional.
the experiences of the school’s students, who can at- it for the student. To know oneself,
test to this gradual transformation. All improved the quality of
the first step is to stop saying “I am
like this” to decide to change what
life of the practitioners.
A young boy, Gaston. A 28-year-old actor who after
three years of practice, says he has deepened his un- hurts me or what hurts those who All had their alchemy.
derstanding of his physicality, his mind, and especial- live with me. So many people ben- All became masters of
ly his emotions, which he now puts into his different efit from the practice directly and
their own transformation,
performances. indirectly.
guided by the teachings of
Vicky, 88 years old, says that for the first time she can Some are physical changes; oth- the great masters of the

feel her hands warm, even in the middle of winter. ers are mental and emotional. All
improved the quality of life of the Yang family.
Relaxation, connection, balance. She performs an
impeccable golden rooster stands on one leg! practitioners. All had their alche-
my. All became masters of their
Loly, despite two spinal surgeries, practices daily to own transformation, guided by the teachings of the
feel flexible, to be active and to move fluidly in her great masters of the Yang family.
everyday life. Self-sufficiency was her primary goal.
It only remains to express my gratitude to my masters
Shall I continue? for the path, for my transformations and for the bless-
ing of being able to faithfully transmit all the teach-
Mónica was able to go through family situations ings I have received that do so much good.
without showing anger, making empathy the guiding
principle of her relationships. And she attributes this To continue studying, practicing, seeing, knowing,
to the principles that govern the practice, Buddhism, realizing, transforming!!!! 

All my energy.
All my heart.
All my mind.
An Interview with Claudio Mingarini, Director: Yang
Chengfu Tai Chi Chuan Center, Rome.
with Edward Moore

Edward: Thank you for meeting with school was closed. For us it was particu-
me today. How have things been with larly complicated because it was not clear,
you lately? the position that our government was
going to take because for instance, be-
Claudio: It has been a special period of tween 2020-2021 we had to spend a lot of
time as you can imagine, that we shared money to renew the school and to adapt
with the rest of the world. It has also been it to the new laws against Covid. After
interesting because we have to change one year of work, we opened one month
our lives. Anyway, in 2020 and in 2021 and then they asked us and everyone to
we started teaching online and this was close again for a few months. So, in this
also a new experience and a great way it was another problem because we
experience. We were able to be in were just spending money and the in-
touch with all of the students and come coming back was not very much. I
give support and to have classes. know, because I was in touch with many
We were at the same time very other instructors from Europe, South
happy because we were able America and so on that there were many
to continue to pay the rent places where it was really hard for many
for the school although the of us who are living and teaching tai chi

chuan. So, it has been an intensive period
of time that I am glad that we came out of
somehow and although in Italy about 40%
of martial arts schools really closed, they
had to give up and do something else. So
that we could survive, for sure our center
was very powerful and now is still alive,
and we are gradually getting up; stand- really a very well-known place. We have tiful from this point of view, the feeling
ing up again because now we can see this been in that geographical area for 37-38 that we had and we shared through tai
year that things look like they are going years, and that has helped a lot. Nearby chi chuan training, teaching, and work,
back to normal. But still about 40% of the the school, less than one kilometer and and a real family feeling between many of
people are slow in coming back. A few of within a ten-minute walk we have one of us. So, I was glad, you know? There were
them just gave up. Other people are still the most beautiful green parks of Roma, a few combinations of things that helped
not clear what the situation is, but things which is Villa Ada, which was before the us. The feeling, the geography, the work
are changing and so we are going back 2nd World War the garden of the King of done before, the position of the school,
to a normal situation that is normal but Italy. So, they had residencies there. We and the movement we had around us.
not normal – but getting closer to a more say that it is an incredible garden, but they There is a beautiful group now growing in
balanced situation. So, we started again were hunting there, making safari with different areas. I’m not talking only about
with all of our activities. Seminars, weekly other people, with special guests that they Rome because we are operating in other
classes, and other things. I’m glad we can used to have there. So, Villa Ada is really centers also. I can see that almost every-
work again with people coming back and a fantastic, wonderful place. So, big. Now where is starting to grow again. Many in-
also with new people. So, this is very much there are three embassies inside and the structors had a difficult time and many of
connected to my world, this situation. remaining space is still such a big area. So them had to change work to survive and
There are many other things happening in it was helpful for us to give classes there in some of them could not find the energy
life, but this period of time now is getting the open air when it was possible (because to work out and we are trying to help this
better. It has been, let’s say, very hard, but there was a period when we could not now through monthly meetings with the
a good training of life. Great experience even do that). To have Villa Ada so close Italian instructors. We are restarting, this
from many points of view. to the school really was great because peo- is the energy. The idea and feeling to re-
Edward: Right, that makes sense! For my ple could easily go there in the summer start all together. Not everyone is in the
second question, after the events of the time and even the winter. The winter time group. Some are still watching and wait-
past two years, can you talk about any- is not a joke, although it is not as cold here ing to know what to do and also seeing
thing that has helped you to keep your as many other places, but you know, when how we are working in different ways. So-
school going? it is only 3 or 4 degrees Celsius in the win- cially, through the meetings that we have,
ter, there must be something that moves through new proposals and so there is
Claudio: Something that has made it eas- you to go there. Not only for the teachers a new springtime after a very hard win-
ier to continue? First of all, there was a but also for the students to keep on going ter which was more than two years long.
strong legacy and connection with many there and meeting. It was beautiful that we Mainly because of Covid.
students. There are people who have fol- could keep on meeting there and working Edward: Since you are one of the senior
lowed the school for many years, 20-30 for what was possible. For instance, tui- instructors in the Yang Family Tai Chi
years. Most of them, but not all, are also tai shou, we left it apart for a couple of years, Association, how have your views of tai
chi chuan teachers and we really love what except for a few people. Also, the feeling chi chuan changed over the years? Has
we are doing and want it to go on and we of being somehow united together – it your focus changed over time?
wanted to keep in touch. Despite every- was a great help because we were giving
thing we were also somehow helping each places to each other. If one school was not Claudio: I started practicing tai chi
other and another good thing that helped, available for some reason, there was nor- chuan in my previous kung fu school
and now I am talking about The Rome mally someone who was willing to offer around 1980-1984, but we were doing 6
Tai Chi Chuan Center, the main place his center to do that kind of seminar or styles, which was very much engaging,
where I am teaching, my main base. It’s that kind of meeting. So, it was very beau- demanding. It was a kind of natural love

of tai chi chuan because I liked what we and it can really be an incredible experi-
called “neijia”, the inner school, in tai chi ence in the way we can train it and also
chuan and in tai chi there was something teach it. I’m not interested in competition.
that I felt was special. Not because it was I don’t want to criticize competition, not
moving slowly because it was not the only at all, but I’m not interested. I’m looking
one where we moved slowly, but because for something else. The practice of tai
it was very interesting from the philo- chi chuan and the variations, even from
sophical point of view, because I started performing the basic forms is an endless
to study yin/yang theory and the Yijing experience. We can always improve and
and I have not finished studying them yet. the sensation is changing. I don’t know…

What I was looking for in tai chi chuan, it I don’t want to use too many words but
I liked what we called is somehow after over 30 years… almost new horizons open. It’s so deep, what we
“neijia”, the inner school, in 40 years. Time flies! And I still think that I do, that the more I do it, I don’t feel very
am on the way. In the beginning there was much experience normally, but if I look
tai chi chuan and in tai chi
philosophy and imagination. Many things backward I can see that there are many
there was something that were unknown and many other things things that I learned but I keep on looking
I felt was special. Not be- were dreams. To be in touch with and to ahead and I still have the feeling of a be-
cause it was moving slowly receive the teachings from a real master ginner because when new horizons open
connected with a real family… Since that we are always beginners, which I love very
because it was not the happened not only the dream came true, much. So, I was starting to be in love with
only one where we moved but it’s more beautiful than before at the tai chi chuan in 1984 – since the begin-
slowly, but because it was moment. So, I would say that there is a ning. Now I can say I am very much in
growing emphasis on keeping on studying love with tai chi chuan: it’s philosophy and
very interesting from and practicing and whatever is flourish- whatever is surrounding it. Also, I had to
the philosophical point

ing… for instance as you know very well, give up many other kung fu styles which I
of view in the practice of tuishou we first stand in was studying and teaching, which I loved,
a fixed step until we know it, and then we but I had to choose. It was never easy to
can move freely and we can do so many say, “ok, no more time for this.” Each side
beautiful creative things. I often say that it has a mystery, but what I can say is that
can be an enlightening game, tuishou be- in the essence of tai chi chuan I find the
cause it always requests us to be mentally essence of kung fu and I am dedicated to
present and aware of everything. Aware kung fu in my life. I can find everything
of everything that is going on, and we can I am looking for and also I can say that
not only go there in our mind because we through the practice of tai chi chuan I
need to go with the feeling because there have a new point of view, an experience,
is no time to think sometimes. To do that a new way of using energy, and whatever I
kind of training with the right feeling was doing when I was 20 and 30 years old
without competing, but searching… It’s a teaching for instance Shaolin and other
kind of jam session as they say in music styles, I think (I don’t remember every-

thing because there are too many things, were following one of these three lines. Master Paolo Cangelosi from what I could
but I remember what is interesting to me I really appreciated very much that we receive from him, although in the end, we
and what I keep on training) the way I were training like crazy, you know? Gi- split up for different reasons. It was dis-
move now, performing those forms for in- useppe was one of us. Every morning in connected. But, this is another story. But
stance, I feel much better and more com- Genoa. Three hours every morning from very very beautiful. It was an incredible
fortable in the use of energy and the use Monday to Sunday and 5-6 hours in the experience because we created the stron-
of my body than what I could feel when I afternoons. Teaching every day includ- gest kung fu school in the history of Italy.
was 30. I think I can do those things in a ing Saturday. And we were training like In Genoa, Milano, and Roma. Not only in
better way thanks to what I could under- crazy – also to remember. There were so one place. And Giuseppe was part of their
stand through the practice and the study many different forms! That is one thing, story. Normally, when I was in Milano
of tai chi chuan. So, I could find every- but I am very grateful about this because he was in Roma but we also had time to
thing that I was searching for in the mar- it really opened my mind. I mean, there meet. Because the instructors were trav-
tial arts world in tai chi chuan. Of course, were opposite theories. For instance: wing eling because our master wanted all the
if I want to do a tiger form I cannot find it chun was going straight, you know. The students to know all of the instructors.
in tai chi chuan, but that’s another thing. shortest way to strike. Choy Li Fut Sha- The main instructors. So we had houses
I’m talking about the inner part of kung fu olin was wide range movements with dif- in Milano, Genoa, and Roma paid by the
and the way of kung fu. ferent theories. To see all of these different association and the instructors were liv-
points of view makes you search for some ing inside the houses in Genoa, Milano,
Edward: Did I hear correctly that you place that includes everything. Do you and Roma. I was teaching more than 1000
were studying 6 styles previously? understand what I am trying to say? Dif- people a month and Giuseppe the same.
Claudio: Yes. We were studying 6 styles ferent philosophies, different strategies, So, an incredible, beautiful experience We
together with Giuseppe because we grew different theories, different styles. There is all had a good basis, generally speaking,
up together from that point of view. Gi- something common, a common heart in in kung fu.
useppe started actually 3 years before the ethics, in the way of training. In the Edward: So, would you say that your
me. We were studying 6 styles. One was way of expressing energy, which is being primary focus is now Yang Family Tai
baguazhang and our master was quite divided into inner and outer schools, but Chi?
advanced in bauguazhang, for his way of at the very advanced level, they get very
moving and in many other ways, proba- much close. They are not so far away any- Claudio: Yang Family Tai Chi became
bly because the master was very much more. And it really opened my mind to naturally, my more important target and
specialized in bagua. And then it was, I see kung fu work because we were not focus. Since the beginning when I met
don’t know where it was coming from… only studying, practicing, and then also in 1996 Master Yang Zhenduo and Mas-
we used to call it Classic Traditional Sha- teaching 6 nights, but also following and ter Yang Jun I was shocked. It was more
olin, it was very beautiful, the forms that we enjoyed it very much. We were teach- than what I felt, and it was more than
we were doing. And then praying mantis ing, Giuseppe more than me, and in the what I dreamt. Because it was difficult to
style, and I knew one of the masters in school there were 10 levels, so different see martial arts in tai chi chuan, at least
Hong Kong, we went to visit him in his programs, and not everyone could teach visibly. And at that time Master Yang
center and he came to Italy more than people who had 6, 7, 8, or 9 years of ex- Zhenduo, I could really feel… not only
once. perience. We were teaching more than me but also Giuseppe came with me and
60 forms from 60-300 movements, and other advanced students from Roma, to
And wing chun, which I kept on studying also many other things. It was crazy but see in one person real humbleness, phi-
for 18 years because I was interested in that interesting from an experience point of losophy, and such a big heart welcoming
point of view, and also many things that view. And then we were doing muay thai people and so skilled in performing tai
were closer to the tai chi way of fighting. in Bangkok and it was not a joke, because chi chuan. Just incredible. We were real-
And also hung gar, the most important you meet people who are 17 years old ly shocked. And since then, it was a great
first Shaolin style coming from the Sha- and they look like they don’t feel any pain shock for me into the direction of tai chi
olin tradition. Giuseppe is still studying when you strike. I was not competing, I chuan because I was still doing many
hung gar. We were studying from a very was training, but I could realize what was things and I had to choose step by step
important line. There were three – let’s say in front of me. And were also trying dif- because there was no time, no energy, and
– chief schools. In our line of tai chi chuan ferent ways of traditional fighting, tradi- no money to follow other teachers and
there is only one, Yang Chengfu, there is tional kung fu, kickboxing, muay thai, so do everything. So, I had to choose, and I
only one who can be the leader. In hung there was a real kind of research in the gladly chose Yang Family Tai Chi Chuan
gar there were 3 since the beginning. We kung fu world and I am really grateful for because I loved it. I had been looking for

them since a long time before. In 1994 I year from his tai chi magazine I could
was in Hong Kong for a documentary see the advertisement that Mei Mei put
movie about kung fu and I was looking there, it was the only one she put, it was
for the Yang Family because I knew that at March 1996. The only advertisement that
one time Yang Chengfu was living there, she put in an English tai chi magazine was
but it did not exist. There were three main that one, so it was a great chance for me.
marital arts associations in a federation There was an image of Yang Chengfu do-
in Hong Kong but not one of them could ing single whip and then Yang Zhenduo a
tell me anything about the Yang Family little bit smaller, and Yang Jun a little bit
and I knew ten years after in 2004 when smaller. The three of them doing the same
Master Yang Jun had to go to Hong Kong, position. In 24 hours I called and I made
Shiye called, he was here in my house be- a reservation for me and Giuseppe and
cause we had just had a seminar and we another 2 people, and after 3 months we
were going to do the director’s seminar were in Stockholm. The following year we
and during those days he received a call were in China with Giuseppe following
and it said come to Hong Kong. He didn’t their seminars. 1997, 1998, I succeeded in
know before. He had to leave that day. He inviting the two of them here to Italy for
said, I have to go to the airport. Fortu- the first time. It was an incredible, difficult
nately, it was in between the two seminars experience to get the visa.
he was going to have here. In the end it Edward: It’s great to hear about his
was an incredible meeting, I think for the history.
first time, of the whole Yang Family rep-
resentatives. And when he came back he Claudio: It was really what I was look-
said, hey I finally saw my uncles because ing for and I gave it all my energy. All my
we write once a year and they send their heart. All my mind. All my time. Because
best wishes for the Chinese New Year, but for me it was very important. I could
my grandfather knew them, I didn’t. And not believe I could meet them and also
then he said there are 4 daughters. Only the way they were doing things. Teach-
one is teaching but she is teaching pri- ing and sharing together. Telling stories.
vately and she does not belong to any as- Yang Zhenduo was incredible. It was a
sociation or organization. She just teaches kind of appointment of life for me. I was
privately to whomever she wants to. That’s looking for them, but I also knew that I
why I couldn’t find them at all in Hong was just one of the thousands of students
Kong. And by chance I found when I was they could meet around the world in their
in London studying tai chi chuan with teachings.
John Ding, the editor of Tai Chi magazine, Edward: Since we have tai chi all over
the Great Britain Tai Chi magazine, and the world, it seems like sometimes dif-
he follows the Yang Shouzhong line, the ferent cultures have different effects on
first son of Yang Chengfu and I was study- the way that tai chi is understood or
ing with him at the time and in the same practiced and I wonder if you feel that

there are any unique qualities for Italy, when Masters Yang Zhenduo and Yang gy vertical circle, I never saw it before and
or for Rome that may give the tai chi Jun came here in 1998 they saw a group I had to learn the 4 energy vertical cir-
there a certain different quality from of people who were already advanced in cle, Edward, in front of 63 people and he
other parts of the worlds? their way. Of course we were beginners didn’t say any words because Mei Mei was
in Yang Family Tai Chi Chuan, but when translating in a very essential way. I didn’t
Claudio: You know, through my experi- I invited them here, it was already two
ence, because I have been traveling quite understand what he was telling me in real
years since I met them before. So, it was time. He was teaching me the 4 vertical
a lot for a long time. I started following already two years I was trying to teach
Master Yang Jun in his seminars all over energies in front of everyone and I would
what I could at that time of the traditional
Europe and the US, China, and South have liked to disappear at that moment! I
Yang Family Long Form. So, they found a
America depending on where he was wanted to be outside to see it because that
good basis because we were coming from
going, so it was a great chance for me the other school. That could make the was my very first tuishou.
to meet many, many people. After that, difference I think. It was not only mine Edward: I know the feeling!
many other instructors and centers are and Giuseppe’s love for tai chi chuan, as
growing, so we met with the chance to we were traveling everywhere but there Claudio: I know that you know because
train together and they started inviting was a great big group also. For instance, you grew up with him and you can real-
me to different places. Romania, Bulgaria, I asked Master Yang Zhenduo immedi- ly understand, I think. So, going back to
Germany. With Frank at the beginning I ately in 1998, I said, hey, why don’t you your question. Is there anything special,
was inviting him to do seminars together also teach tuishou? He said to me the no. Maybe I think that there was already a
in Italy and he was doing the same, so I first official answer (we were in the care great group and we were already training
was going to Germany and Croatia, Mal- of an interpreter) he said was that we still hard with kung fu, right? For me, when
ta. I’m going to Brazil again for a couple needed to deepen the base and it was ab- we found the Yang Family, I was so en-
of weeks at the end of July. So, the pan- solutely true. And we said, yes Master, of thusiastic when I came back from Sweden
orama is quite wide and I don’t see very course. For the rest of our lives we will try that I involved so many people. It was a
much difference depending on the inter- to improve, but here there are people with
ests of the people. Sometimes the person great boom in Italy. Growing and very
more than 20 years of experience and they
is more involved with the martial side successful because of a combination of
are asking for this. They have chosen you
of the medical side, the benefits. What I many things. But, I could find many great
as their master and teacher, but if it does
think could make some difference… with not come through you they will go to look qualities and good feelings. For instance,
the school of Roma was the timing when for it somewhere else. You know, it was in the work Frank was doing in Germany
we met Master Yang Zhenduo and Master not a joke to answer like this. And Master and the way they are working in Romania
Yang Jun because we were coming from Yang Zhenduo and Master Yang Jun start- and Hungary. Very serious and all of these
a previous experience with Master Paolo ed talking to each other and after a few people are very much interested in martial
Cangelosi as I said and we had more than minutes Master Yang Zhenuo said, “OK”. arts and are very serious. South America
1200 people all over Italy. In Rome at that And Master Yang Jun said, “OK. Tomor- also, all of these people have been work-
time at what is now the Yang Chengfu row morning you can have a tuishou class ing in a great way. Also in North America
Center there were more than 330 people with me.” And that was my first tuishou but I’m just mentioning where I have been
in 360 square meters. When we split up class I had with him. Ah no, it was the traveling and keeping in touch. I was in
we lost about 170 people in 2 months. So second! The first one, that’s another story. Budapest two weeks ago and when I came
when I met Masters Yang Zhenduo and It was not actually a tuishou class. I was back, I went to Romania. It’s incredible to
Yang Jun, for me it was already 12 years I asking as usual, “hey, why don’t you teach see how beautiful it is to share the teach-
was practicing tai chi chuan and probably applications? because we are so enthusias-
ings that we have received. To share them
26 years practicing martial arts because tic.” So they talked with Mei Mei and offi-
and to see how happy people are to join
for the first ten years I practiced Japanese cially asked, and they organized a tuishou
martial arts. From 72-82. They found a us in the same direction we are going. I
class during the seminar and Master Yang
group of advanced people. More than Jun started doing a tuishou class in the think it depends on the persons and the
half of them were teachers and they could middle of the seminar, like as a gift. That group they created around them. For us
learn in a faster way than a beginner and was really the first time in 1996, and the the group was already there with many se-
they were very much involved and inter- bad thing was that he called me to go out. rious people, skilled people with a serious
ested in everything about the philosophy, He wanted me like his sparring partner intention to really learn Yang Family Tai
the medicine, and the martial side. So and I didn’t know what to do. The 4 ener- Chi Chuan and all that is around it. 
In the previous episode, Yang Luchan had been
caught spying on the Chen family as they practiced
at night. Yang Luchan had gained entrance to the
exclusive Chen Family house by impersonating a
mute beggar, and then by serving the family faith-
fully. After a dramatic chase, he is caught and held
in a circle of spears as Master Chen demands to
hear his story. They are enraged because he seems
to be a spy from a rival school.
Yang Luchan wiped his tears and raised his head:
“Senior Brother, I am not someone who has no
name or surname, why would I do that? I was
wandering everywhere, and I was visiting famous
teachers, one in the east and one in the west. I
traveled to the Jiangbei and Henan areas, where
there are famous martial artists. I would visit
them. I love martial arts, but I do not have an
imposing physique, so I was looking for a master
to teach me.” He sighed: “Unfortunately, I wasted
4 or 5 years of hard work seeking teachers in many
places. Later I found out that some of these famous
martial artists were either famous in name only,
were falsely advertised, or they were simply bully-
ing the weak. Some were close to bandits. Some of
the masters consider their skills as a business asset
and refuse to pass them on. During this period,
I suffered many losses, was deceived, humiliated,
suffered blows, and so on…”
As Yang Luchan spoke, Master Chen’s face changed.
The words seemed to soften Master Chen’s anger
towards him slightly. Fang Zishou and the others
couldn’t help but turn their heads to wait for Mas-
ter Chen’s response. 
Seeing Master Chen’s reaction, Yang Luchan real-
ized that there might be some hope for him.  Still
bowing low, his face became slightly less pale and
his breathing relaxed. 
Master Chen spoke up in a clear voice, saying, “tell
me. In the past four or five years, who have you
learned from, what have you learned, and why did
you come back here again?”
With a glimmer of hope in his heart, Yang Luchan
went on to tell Master Chen of his journeys, and the
many teachers that he had met before returning to
Chen Village. 



- CHAPTER 19 –Moore
Translated by Ken Ning,
emended by Edward

Impatiently Striving for a High

Degree of Skill, Straying to the
Dark Side
Stealing Boxing (偷拳, TōuQuán) was written by Gong Baiyu (1899-1966).
*Gong Baiyu 1899-1966 was a famed martial arts novelist from Shandong Province. Stealing Boxing contains
a fictionalized account of the lives of Chen Changxing and Yang Luchan in the Chinese martial arts novel tradition.
Translated by Ken Ning and adapted into English by Edward Moore.


ang Luchan had come to Chen area and no bandits dared to prey on the peo-
Village many years before in an ple of Huang’an County again.
attempt to be accepted as a stu-
dent, but it was difficult to gain Another man told Yang Luchan about a
access to the Chen Village teachers. With- Master in Dongguan, Fengyang Prefecture,
out personal connections, he didn’t have a Jiangnan. His name was Master Zeng and
chance. When he was finally rejected, he left he was famous for his ditang saber skills, an
in a fit of anger. His only dream had been old form of traditional kung fu. This master
denied. As he walked away from the village, had traveled around the “rivers and lakes” of
scorned, he made a plan in his mind. He the martial world, proving his art and skills.
would seek out the best martial-arts teachers Eventually his son and apprentices took over
in the land and devote himself to his train- so that Master Zeng could return home and
ing. When his skill was at its highest level he enjoy the blessings of his success. His ditang
would return and finally vent his anger on saber practice had been handed down for
three generations, and although he did not
Chen Qingping. This made him feel a little
have a large number of disciples, many of
better. With his plan before him his opti-
them had become famous in their own right.
mism returned and he stopped into a mer-

Yang Luchan was told that this ditang saber
chant’s shop near a high point
There were legends art was unique to the region and that no
on the road and asked if there
other family taught it. Yang Luchan was also
and stories of many were any famous martial arts
interested to hear of another teacher named
masters nearby.
different masters Lu Wu, who was known as “the Innate Wuji
in the region and it There were legends and sto- Palm” in the Heilongtan area.
wasn’t difficult to ries of many different masters
After hearing the locals talk about these
in the region and it wasn’t dif-
convince the locals to ficult to convince the locals
highly skilled teachers Yang Luchan’s spir-
share the stories that it was lifted again. He was annoyed that he
to share the stories that they
had wasted so much time in Chen Village
they had heard about had heard about legendary
when he could be studying valuable skills

martial artists. Yang Luchan
legendary martial elsewhere. Just from the stop at one mer-
listened with interest as a
artists. chant’s store, he had already learned of 3
man told him of Master Xu
famous teachers. This comforted his heart,
Kaitai, who was legendary for
and renewed his faith in his mission. He
his skill with the long pole in
began to make a plan to visit each teacher.
Huang’an County. Xu Kaitai practiced a hard
From where he was starting in Chen Village,
style of kung fu, and it was said that he could
it would make sense to first travel to Master
break a stone tablet with one strike of his
Xu. The men in the merchant’s shop had spo-
palm. His skill in wielding the long staff pole
ken excitedly of this master. Yang Luchan felt
had made him invincible across the north
inspired by the story of Master Xu and his
and the south. The man told Yang Luchan
disciples righteously vanquishing the hated

that Master Xu had taught for more than 30
bandits, and he looked forward to greeting
years and had between 40 and 50 apprentic-
the master and observing his skills.
es. At that time there was a scourge of bandits
that were harassing and robbing the citizens Yang Luchan traveled from Chen Village to
of Huang’an and everyone was terrified. Yang Huang An searching for the legendary Mas-
Luchan heard that Master Xu and a dozen of ter Xu. He was tired from the journey, but
his apprentices confronted the hated bandits he started out across the town right away
and defeated 200 of them. After this incident, to find the master that he was looking for-
Master Xu’s skill was celebrated all over the ward to meeting. He stopped into a shop


and asked the man where to find the mar- reinvigorated his search with the legends that
tial artist, Master Xu, but the man only gave he had heard, and traveled such a long dis-
him a blank look. Yang Luchan thought the tance to this place only to be met with this
man might be a little slow, so he walked fur- depressing scene. How could the stories be
ther and asked at another business, but the so misleading? He hesitated for a long time
second man seemed more confused than the in front of the gate, reasoning with himself.
first. How could this be? The men at the mer- He thought, “Well, Master Xu isn’t necessar-
chant’s shop in Chen Village had told him ily a quack. People can’t always be so easily
that Master Xu was famous far and wide for judged. There have been doctors and genius-
his skill with the long pole. Had he somehow es since ancient times, and there must be
come to the wrong place? Yang Luchan was some actual experts who sell medicine…”.
not the type to give up easily, so he contin- These thoughts gave Yang Luchan some re-
ued to speak to the locals in the hope that newed hope to continue. He walked up the
someone could tell him something. Finally road to the huts to present a card so that he
he was told that there was a martial artist might be able to visit the master.
named Xu, but he was not well known. He
Unfortunately, meeting with Master Xu
taught in a small village in the countryside.
did not help Yang Luchan feel better. As he
Yang Luchan felt his hopes reduce by half. He

looked around the shop full of
had traveled for days from Chen Village and
magical potions and charms As he walked up the
spent nearly the whole day asking around,
only to find that this supposedly legendary
he thought more about Master dusty road that led to
Liu Ligong’s works of warning.
master was not even well known in his own
It seemed that Master Xu was
the small village, Yang
area. Disappointed, but feeling that he might Luchan saw three
exactly the type of teacher that
as well continue after coming so far, he ven-
tured outside of Huang An to find the village
he was warned about. This was desolate thatch huts
the kind of teacher who sold appear before him. There
that he had been told about.
boxing in the street. An im-
As he walked up the dusty road that led to poster who deals in medicated were wooden signs
the small village, Yang Luchan saw three des- plasters and special potions. hanging at the gate
olate thatch huts appear before him. There Martial arts world tricksters across the road, and he
were wooden signs hanging at the gate across who cut their own thighs on
the spot to demonstrate their
stopped to look at them.
the road, and he stopped to look at them.
They advertised secret magical powders for dubious medicines. They advertised secret
healing and tiger bone paste.
But, as Yang Luchan spoke
magical powders for
with him, he noticed that Mas- healing and tiger bone

Upon seeing these signs, Yang Luchan’s heart
sank. He remembered his old friend Liu Li- ter Xu was very polite, and this paste.
gong, a shipping guard, warning him against impressed him. He did not
the kind of martial arts teachers who ped- show the arrogance of many of
dled medicinal cures, fortune telling items, the other martial arts teachers
and magical tricks. These kinds of teachers that he had met. Master Xu listened to Yang
were known to be businessmen and not au- Luchan explain his mission and was touched
thentic martial artists. He stood there in the by his self-awareness and clear desire to
road, scrutinizing the peeling wooden signs learn true martial arts. Master Xu praised the
and wondering what to do. young man for his ambition and vision, and
said that with such willpower and direction
After his crushing disappointment of being that he was sure to find glory in the martial
rejected at Chen Village, Yang Luchan had arts. Master Xu agreed to teach Yang Luchan
made a new plan to save his mission. He had on the spot, and promised to teach him for


at least three years. Five years at the most. percent powder” that he sold as special in-
In this time, he would impart his true skills jury medicine was the same. As for Master
to Yang Luchan. He wanted neither profit Xu’s martial arts skills, Yang Luchan knew
nor fame, and would be perfectly satisfied enough to see that he was an amateur who
to have Yang Luchan’s respect. Master Xu relied on brute strength to overpower others.
proclaimed, “my good friend, if I take even As far as the legend that Master Xu could
half a penny from you, then I’m not a human break stone tablets, Yang Luchan wondered
being!”. how this rumor even started. Master Xu
could split bricks and stones, but this was a
Yang Luchan listened to this speech, still un-
common trick in the martial arts world that
sure what to do. He hoped for the best, but
Yang Luchan had seen before. It didn’t indi-
he was young, inexperienced, and impulsive.
cate any special skill.
Xu’s bold speech of generosity made him feel
like he couldn’t make any excuses to back Although he wasn’t much of a martial artist,
out after being accepted as his student. Not Master Xu’s true talent lay in squeezing mon-
knowing what else to do, Yang Luchan took ey out of other people. ‘Long Pole’ Xu pro-
out the silver coins that he had saved to pay claimed that he would not charge for lessons,
a true master. but somehow the money that he claimed
‘Long Pole’ Xu’s eyes grew larger to be spending on Yang Luchan was even
more than tuition would have been. One day

when he saw the silver and he
Yang Luchan did not dispensed with his humble at- he needed to buy a blade, the next a bag of
titude. He boldly accepted the iron filings for training. The next day, Yang
feel very inspired to Luchan would require invigorating medicine
silver and said, “Well, I will save
become a disciple these coins for you and they will for his internal energy. More medicines were
of Master Xu, but he be used for your meal expenses”. needed for his muscles and bones. With all
began to learn his of these expenses, Master Xu managed to
Yang Luchan did not feel very squeeze a large amount of money out of Yang
art anyway, thinking, inspired to become a disciple Luchan’s savings in a very short time.
“Well, I did hear of Master Xu, but he began to
learn his art anyway, thinking, After seeing all of this, Yang Luchan knew
people talking in
“Well, I did hear people talking that he could not stay. He quietly packed and

the store about how in the store about how miracu- left without saying goodbye. He left the Hu-
miraculous he is. lous he is. Even if he is not the bei region as if taking refuge.
best, he must have some unique
skills that I can learn.” As he traveled away from Master Xu’s school,
Yang Luchan felt angry and ashamed. He had
But, after following the training of Master spent much of his savings and he thought
Xu for almost two months, the true form of just giving up his dream and returning to
of the famous martial artist was revealed to Guangping where he could be a farmer and
Yang Luchan. ‘Long Pole’ Xu possessed nei- never mention martial arts again.
ther specialized martial arts skills or secret
medicines. Yang Luchan saw that all of the But after walking alone on the road through
ointments that ‘Long Pole’ Xu sold were ac- the countryside for a few days, Yang Luchan
tually purchased from a nearby drugstore. felt calmer. He felt conflicted and challenged,
After the medicines were unwrapped, Mas- but he still couldn’t quite give up the desire
ter Xu removed the labels and pasted on his to learn true martial arts. However, when he
own, which showed his own stamp that indi- asked himself how he could do this, he felt
cated his secret recipe. The so-called “seven disillusioned once again.


As Yang Luchan walked along the road, de- After hearing these questions, Yang Luchan
bating his fate, a traveling group came up was nervous about revealing that he had
the road quickly in a carriage. A porter in studied with Master Xu in case Iron Palm Lu
the carriage eyed Yang Luchan in the road Wu had heard of him. He decided to quick-
and considered him as a young man who ly cover up the past few months and said, “I
was thin, weak, and unimportant. The por- come from Chen Village”.
ter rudely demanded that Yang Luchan get
Iron Palm Lu Wu heard this and became
out of the way. When Yang Luchan did not
suspicious. He thought that Master Chen
move immediately, the man decided to teach
had sent a spy from Chen Village . He didn’t
him a lesson by jumping down and giving
like the idea of someone from Chen Village
him a beating.Yang Luchan wasted no time,
studying in his school and reporting back
and used the long-fist kung fu training that
regularly to his rivals, but he didn’t let his
he had studied to easily dispatch the man.
feelings immediately show. Lu Wu was po-
A second porter from the traveling group
lite to Yang Luchan, but became general and
appeared and proceeded to attack Yang
noncommittal about teaching him.
Luchan, but he was also kicked aside. The
two porters were furious, and so they called Yang Luchan felt encouraged after meeting
seven or eight more men who succeeded in Iron Palm Lu Wu, so after their first meet-
beating Yang Luchan up. ing seemed to go well, he asked to meet him
again. In response, a disciple came out and
Laying by the side of the road, bruised and said, “The master has an important mat-
beaten, Yang Luchan gritted his teeth and ter to deal with. He left at
spoke ruefully to himself, saying, “I have to

five o’clock yesterday and
practice martial arts, but I must study with a it’s difficult to say when
The master has an
true master!”. He picked himself up and con- he will return. It could be important matter to deal
tinued along the road wearily until he arrived three or five years. Since with. He left at five o’clock
at Heilongtan where the next master on his the master is gone, this
list lived. yesterday and it’s difficult to
place will be closed at the
end of the month”. say when he will return.
Yang Luchan had also heard people talking
about the teacher known as “Innate Iron
It could be three or five
Yang Luchan was con-
Palm Lu Wu” back in the merchant shop in fused, and he wondered
years. Since the master
Chen Village, and as he arrived at Heilong- whether to believe the dis- is gone, this place will be
tan, he hoped that the legends about this ciple. He quietly asked a closed at the end of

master were more accurate than the last one. nearby shopkeeper if the
As he arrived at Lu Wu’s school, he noticed master was leaving on a
the month.
with relief that it did not immediately look trip. The shopkeeper said,
suspicious. This time Yang Luchan decided “Yes, that’s right! Mr. Lu
to be more cautious, so he asked for a meet- Wu asked us to hire a carriage for him the
ing with the master first before requesting to day before yesterday”. He also said that the
be a student. duration of the trip was uncertain, which
matched what the disciple had said exactly.
Iron Palm Lu Wu agreed to meet with Yang
Luchan. He asked about the young student’s This gave Yang Luchan no choice but to leave
origins and intentions, saying, “Where are Wu Lu’s school. Before he left, he left a mes-
you from? Where were you before you came sage that he wished to practice martial arts
here? Why do you want to study martial arts, with all his heart, and because he wanted to
and who sent you to me?” study with a famous master, he would return


to Iron Palm Lu Wu’s school in the second it was richly furnished and many people
half of the year to try again. Yang Luchan came and went. Master Zeng was over 50
felt defeated again. After being sad for a few years old, with long eyebrows and green
days, he decided to go back to tiger eyes. His dark skin looked shiny and

“ Yes. There is
Master Chen who
teaches tai chi in
Huaiqing, Henan
the same shopkeeper to ask if
he knew of any other famous
martial arts masters nearby.

The shopkeeper replied, “Yes.

he appeared to be very strong. Yang Luchan
thought that he reminded him of Master
Chen, but slightly shorter and heavier.

Master Zeng sat in his chair with sever-

There is Master Chen who al strong disciples surrounding him like
Province. His internal teaches tai chi in Huaiqing, wolves and tigers. They were all dressed in
boxing is invincible Henan Province. His internal short sleeved shirts, silk pants, and sandals.
boxing is invincible all over the It was obvious to Yang Luchan that they
all over the Central Plains. Since you love were skilled martial artists. Yang Luchan
Central Plains. martial arts, you should go to however, did not make such a good impres-
Since you love him.” sion. His clothes were coarse and his face
looked thin and pale from traveling in the

martial arts, you Yang Luchan had no choice wind and dust for many days. He was short
should go to him. but to start his journey again. and weak looking compared to these tall
He left Heilongtan and trav- and strong men, and he felt a little ashamed
eled to Fengyang. He stayed in standing before them.
Fengyang for two days asking around for
information about any famous martial arts Master Zeng held a pair of iron beads in his
masters in the area. hands and they rang out loudly. He took a
good look at Yang Luchan and then asked,
This time he was not disappointed. There “Brother Yang comes here to see us, but he
really was a martial arts master named Zeng is short of money?”
in the area called East Gate. He was a mas-
ter of the ditang saber and he had dozens of Yang Luchan replied respectfully, “No sir.”
disciples in his school. There was only one Then he told them why he wanted to learn
odd detail that Yang Luchan noticed, when from a famous master.
he mentioned Master Zeng in the area sur-
rounding Fengyang, the people all frowned. After hearing this response, Master Zeng
Yang Luchan wondered about this as he looked surprised. He turned and glanced at
walked. Did they frown because the master his disciples. Yang Luchan felt a bit nervous
was awe-inspiring? He must have amazing and he quickly confessed his sincerity again.
fighting abilities for people to react in this He spoke of how he had traveled thousands
way. Yang Luchan wondered if it might be of miles to find famous teachers. He told
that the master had been bullying the locals Master Zeng how he had admired famous
but he dismissed this thought. Martial arts people from afar and so he came here with
heroes often fight injustice, so Yang Luchan a sincere desire to study. He spoke carefully
thought that it would be natural for some and deliberately and then waited for Master
people to be frightened of a skilled master. Zeng’s response.

He took a bath and changed clothes. After Master Zeng listened to Yang Luchan and
offering a gift for the master’s disciples, he said, “Oh!” He looked Yang Luchan up and
went and asked to meet with Master Zeng. down several times and then shook his
head, saying, “Not just anyone can practice
As Yang Luchan approached the house, this kind of kung fu, you know? If it is not
he saw that it was large and lavish. Inside, practiced well, it will definitely not be effec-


tive, but if it is practiced very seriously for month. He also explained that the disciples
8 or 10 years, one can be invincible in the were not allowed to run around outside
martial arts world.” when they were learning kung fu so that
they would not be distracted. He explained
“Do you possess enough determination? all the rules and regulations of the school
How long have you been learning kung fu?”
and Yang Luchan quickly agreed. An auspi-
After hearing this, Yang Luchan was over- cious day was chosen and the ceremony of
joyed. The style of this master was com- discipleship was performed. Yang Luchan
pletely different from ‘Long Pole’ Xu. This met his fellow disciples in the school and
master really lived up to his reputation. began to train with Master Zeng.
Yang Luchan immediately expressed his
When Yang Luchan began to learn the pos-
determination and begged to be accepted as
tures as taught by Master Zeng they seemed
a disciple, saying, “No matter if it’s 8 or 10
very familiar. He realized that they were the
years. Any number of years will do”.
same ones that he had previously learned
Master Zeng listened but still looked uncon- from Liu Ligong in the past.
vinced. The young man looked poor to him.
While Master Zeng was teaching him, Yang
After a moment, Master Zeng spoke, Luchan mentioned that he had practiced
saying, “it’s not only a matter of getting ex- these postures before, but Master Zeng was
cited about learning a unique skill. I can see very displeased with this. The fellow stu-
that you have determination, but can your dents warned Yang Luchan that he had to
family afford it?” forget everything that he had learned be-
Yang Lucan replied quickly, saying, “We can
afford it”. Yang Luchan realized that he had sounded
impetuous, and he felt ashamed. He didn’t
Master Zeng was still unconvinced, so he dare speak again. He only learned and prac-
interrogated Yang Luchan about his family ticed diligently. When he had the thought
background and possessions. Yang Luchan
that he had learned something before, he
was so relieved to finally meet a famous
ignored it. Ten days of training passed and
master that he quickly spoke truthfully
Master Zeng only taught the class twice, but
about his family background, including how
Yang Luchan continued to apply himself to
many acres of land, how many houses, and
his training.
how many businesses the family owned.
All of the other kung fu students in the
After hearing this response, Master Zeng
school were taught by the most senior stu-
seemed to become a bit more agreeable. He
dent, but Yang Luchan was the only one
listed many rules of discipleship to Yang
who had to practice alone. He exhausted
Luchan. He would need to work hard and
his limbs each day, but he was still more
be patient. He would need to be willing to
inflexible than a gourd. The master did not
spend money to learn the real kung fu. This
often come to teach and the senior kung fu
was basically consistent with what Master
students looked down on Yang Luchan and
Liu Ligong had told Yang Luchan to expect
treated him like a servant. He lived in the
since most of the masters were similar in
this way. teacher’s house and was expected to sweep
the training area, clean the weapons, and do
Master Zeng continued by explaining that a lot of other jobs. They also kept him with
the annual fee was sixty taels of silver, with tasks like nailing shoes and buying sugar.
another three taels of silver for food each One day, while Yang Luchan was practicing


kung fu, he was obviously performing the him was the behavior of Master Zeng and
postures correctly, but a senior student came his disciples in the Fengyang area.
over, criticized his footwork, and slapped
him in the face. Then, another senior stu- Yang Luchan did not think that Master
dent slapped his neck, saying that Yang Zeng was necessarily a bully, but it did seem
Luchan was weak. These senior brothers like the locals were being bullied at times,
were all brawny local boys and Yang Luchan and they did fear Master Zeng and his dis-
was not only an outsider, but was physically ciples. He also learned that Master Zeng
small. The senior brothers taunted him for did not only make a living by teaching at
this, calling him names like “Yang Skinny the school, but also ran businesses outside
Monkey, and “Little Outsider”. the school and the disciples seemed to act
like thugs in support of these businesses.
Yang Luchan was angered by their behavior,
Also, after 6 months of study, Master Zeng
but he endured in order to stay out of trou-
ble and keep learning. After three months had still not shown Yang Luchan any of the
ditang palm or ditang knife that he was fa-

of this treatment though,
These senior he was so frustrated that he mous for. Yang Luchan had only seen a few
really did feel like a skinny of the senior students practice a few of the
brothers were all moves of these forms, but they appeared to
monkey. It was difficult but
brawny local boys he was born with the unique be mediocre to him.
and Yang Luchan was temperament that made him
self-aware and persevering. Although these things bothered Yang
not only an outsider, Luchan, he was committed to stay and con-
Although he was not very
but was physically physically strong, he was tinue to learn martial arts. Fortunately for
small. The senior determined. As long as he Yang Luchan something unexpected was
brothers taunted him could master true martial about to happen that would change his fate
arts skills he was prepared to and prevent him from continuing to study
for this, calling him endure any hardship. at Master Zeng’s school. This would set him
names like “Yang free to eventually follow his destiny and

Skinny Monkey, and After some time had passed,
study tai chi chuan.
he somehow learned to fit in
“Little Outsider” and stay humble. He was still On this fateful day the students were all
having a difficult time earn- training as usual in the school when they
ing respect from the local heard that there was a visitor. The excite-
students so he took some of his own money ment grew when it became known that
and bought some snacks to share with them. there was a martial artist from an enemy
Demonstrating this kind of respect for the
school who had showed up unexpectedly
older students helped to make things a little
at Master Zeng’s door to challenge him to
better, and they gradually stopped insulting
a duel. The challenger was angry and deter-
him so much. After 6 months had passed,
mined, and he wanted to see Zeng Daye’s
the various levels of senior students had
come to like him and they became friends. legendary ditang saber moves for himself.

Although Yang Luchan had finally learned It was soon learned that Master Zeng and
to live in peace with his kung fu brothers, his two sons had unintentionally angered
he started to become discouraged in other the man somehow. Unfortunately for them,
ways. 6 months had passed and he had been he happened to be a ditang boxing expert
taught about half of the tongbeiquan move- from Shandong Province and after being
ments by Master Zeng, so he was not total- insulted, he had rushed to Fengyang to seek
ly disappointed about this. What bothered his revenge. 

Western Connecticut State September 22 – 24: 103 Hand Form October 21 – 23: Instructor seminar 
University campus, Danbury CT, USA September 25-26: Push Hands Contact:  Claudio Mingarini
June 23 – 25 : Fundamental Techniques Contact: Mihaly Vada
and Methods +36 30 44 50 800
June 26 & 27:  Push Hands TOULOUSE, FRANCE
Contact Mari Lewis October 27: Theory
203-247-7326 SPAIN October 28-30: Traditional Hand Form. September 30 - October 1   October 31: Push Hands
Traditional Hand Form Contact: Thierry Huguet
Contact: Miguel Angel Rojo Darriba



July 7-9:   Hand Form Intensive – Part 1, July 29-August 2: 4th Instructor Training August 25-27:  Special training for
– Part 2 5th generation of Yang Family Tai Chi
July 13-17:  Master Yang’s Disciple and TAIYUAN, SHANXI
Pre-disciple Training, August 8-14:  Hand Form Intensive – YUEYANG, HUNAN
Part 2 September 4-8:  Traditional Hand Form
July 21-25: 5th Instructor Training – Part 1 WENXI, SHANXI QIJIANG, CHONGQING
August 18-20:  Traditional Hand Form September 15-17: Traditional Hand

Contact: Fang Hong


seminar with Master Yang Jun is a fun, inspiring learning experience that you will never forget. It is one of the very best ways to
quickly improve your skill and understanding of Yang Family Tai Chi Chuan. His great ability to clearly teach the finer points of tai
chi chuan and link tai chi theory to practice will help you learn how to perform the movements and understand in depth why they
are performed the way they are. This greater depth of understanding will allow you to refine your own daily practice of tai chi chuan long
after the seminar is over so you can continue to improve. Master Yang Jun’s precise, clear teaching style and his patient, kind personality
makes him a favorite teacher for many Yang Family Tai Chi Chuan practitioners around the world. Attending a seminar is also a great way
to meet new friends who share your love of tai chi chuan.

If you wish to host a seminar, please send your request to Head Office at
All tai chi chuan enthusiasts are invited to submit articles, letters, and pictures for publication. Both critical and complimentary
letters concerning the form and content of this journal are welcome. Please send correspondence in electronic format to:

2023 © International Yang Family Tai Chi Chuan Association.

Any reproduction, in whole or in part, of the herein publication, is strictly forbidden, without the written
authorization of the publisher.







Grandmaster Yang Zhenduo BOARD Fang Hong
Therese Teo Mei Mei
Pam Boyde
President Angela Soci VP Operations/Executive
Master Yang Jun Claudio Mingarini Manager
P.O. Box 786, Bothell, Audi Peal Han Hoong Wang
WA 98041 USA Fang Hong Pat Rice VP Instruction & Standards
Ph: +1 (425) 869-1185 Carl Meeks Ray Tom
Nancy Lucero VP of Policy

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