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Table of Contents

Thesis statement...............................................................................................................................3

Background Information of Tasmania University...........................................................................3

Analysis of theories and application................................................................................................3

Role of Human Resource Management.................................................................................3

Challenges and managing diversity.......................................................................................4

Role of Leaders and personality and behavior.......................................................................5

Recommendation and Solution........................................................................................................6


Reference List..................................................................................................................................8

Thesis statement
This essay is aimed to discuss the role of HRM in planning, recruiting and maintaining an
effective workforce for Tasmania University. This essay has also focused on strategies for
managing diversity and challenges in workplace.
Background Information of Tasmania University
The University of Tasmania has come into news after they do not pay salaries to their staff
and members. University of Tasmania is one of latest institutions that have been caught in
underpayment of wages of members and staff. This university has already been involved with
other dozen of universities in Australia (Skromanis et al. 2018). University of Tasmania said
that they were reviewing payment of their members and staff and those they would amount to
all their members with interest. According to the Fair Work Ombudsman, it is already in
investigation process and called any members with worry about their payment to contact its
office. According to chief people officer Jill Bye, this problem is created due to historically
inconsistent practices in many universities of Australia and interpretations differing of
convoluted staff agreements (Kaine et al. 2020). University of Australia said penalties that
are related to underpayment are not applied correctly to pay for fewer concentration periods,
where a member is paid for less time regardless of how they truly work. In this topic, detailed
discussion will be on HRM and role of leaders and behavior and personality regarding
reducing tensions and increasing commitment and engagement.
Analysis of theories and application
Role of Human Resource Management
Human resource management develops all activity that has been undertaken to develop,
maintain, and attract an influential workforce in an organization. HRM plays an important
role to manage all resources with organizing such as recruiting, managing, training, and
motivating. Strategic role of Human resource management is to increase performance of
organization. HRM needs to main three factors that help organization to control success of
competition (Amrutha and Geetha, 2020). Managers are HR managers, all members and
employees, and match process are three factors HRM needs to maintain in an organization. In
University of Tasmania, underpayment issues have been directed by their HR to maintain
name and goodwill of University. HRM focuses on human capital building and performance
drive of organization and with use of latest information technology; they are developing
global HR new strategies. With use of information technology, HRM used planning and
decision-making with an integrated computer-designed system to provide information and

data and information technology helps to improve long-term planning in human resources.
Strategic contingency theory is based on two concepts that are Strategic and Contingency
(Clegg, 2019). According to this HRM theory, leaders are main part of organization and they
work as a centralized part of organization. With unique ideas and mentality, leaders in
organization solve problems in organization and they motivate all employees to do better
work and practices. University of Tasmania should use this theory to solve underpayment
issues in their University. With help of this Human resource management theory, HRM of
Tasmania University should motivate their employees to give their salary on time through
help of this process they can motivate their employees, and with this motivation, employees
will do their best for organization that helps to increase goodwill of Tasmania University
across country. In addition to that, it has been found that how a leader chooses to behave, or
in terminology, that is more academic how a leader accesses a repertoire of styles, impacts
the various stakeholders profoundly. On the contrary, leadership requires a deep
understanding about the role of people in the ultimate success of the mission and vision of the
organization. Through this process, they will become an example for other Universities as
well which have same problem of underpayment (Singh et al. 2020). Some issues HRM is
facing these days and some of issues are company branding as an employer choice,
increasing focus on projects and teams, using part-time and temporary employees, and
promoting balance in work-life. All these issues are HRM is facing these days due to
Challenges and managing diversity
Diversity is an organizational reality part and it is increasing in intricacy. Diversity is a global
issue and managers need to address and confront this issue in front of organization. value of
diversity offers many things to organization such as giving a different point of view, broader
opinion range, innovations, and creativity, and it also reflects needs of consumers as well
(Sakdiyakorn and Wattanacharoensil, 2018). At University of Tasmania, they are committed
to promoting and creating a good environment of work that is open to difference and
welcoming of diversity. University also treated people equally but main problem in Tasmania
University is they do not value its employees because it is directly related to underpayment
issues. These issues are some things that question creativity and diversification of University.
Staff members of university come from different parts of world and University should value
them and pay them timely otherwise it is just employee exploitation nothing else. University
should manage its system and use some theories, which are related to management and

diversity to increase workplace environment. Diversity Pedagogy is best way to maintain
diversity in organization because it is a set of values noticed inseparable and natural
connection between cognition and culture (Ioannidi and Malafantis, 2022). Major five
approaches of pedagogical are collaborative, integrative, reflective, inquiry-based learning,
and constructivist. Through help of Management theory, Tasmania University can settle its
issues relating to its structure, which is very necessary for them. Through help of this theory,
they can manage their employees well and motivate them to do their best for University
(Mousa et al. 2020). They can manage their underpayment issue for their employees and
motivate them to d their best for University. In addition to that, it has been argued that
diversity initiatives are problematic because diversity and unity represent an organizational
paradox in terms of being seemingly contradictory yet interdependent elements that persist
over time. Woke strategies take a single-edged approach to diversity, whereby concerns for
diversity are pursued without concern for potentially detrimental effects on unity.
Role of Leaders and personality and behavior
The role of leaders is very specific with an organization, as they have to reach specific goal
that organizations set for them and their teams. Leaders and team management are directly
proportional with each other because both team and leader are always approaching goal of
organization. In a team, regular interaction is very necessary and leaders should manage their
teams properly to reduce tension and increase creativity and innovation, which revolve
around organization (Mansaray, 2019). University of Tasmania should look to manage its
team and interact with leaders with various leadership styles and theories to reduce tension
and increase engagement and commitment of members of University. Teamwork always
gives benefits and gives best innovation and creativity to help organization to its success.
Leadership is an important factor in success of an organization. Contemporary Leadership
style includes transformational leadership, which helps to support employees and team
members (Uslu, 2019). Through this leadership style, members are motivated by leaders and
leaders to support their team members to do good work for organization. With help of this
leadership style, University of Tasmania increases commitment and engagement of
employees and reduces tension in workplace. Through this leadership style, leaders support
their team members to create and innovate unique things that will help organization reach
goals and success they have desired (Muhammed and Zaim, 2020). This very effective
leadership style helps to influence team members toward success of organization. Authentic
Leaders always look for their passion and purpose with solid value practices and established

relationship with members of team. Tasmania University should look for this approach to
reach its desired goal.
Recommendation and Solution
● Behavioral Approach
The behavioral approach helps to lead organization in better ways and this will help to
manage techniques of leadership and team members in different ways, which are good for
organization to increase its name and goodwill (Palmer, 2022). University of Tasmania
should introduce approaches of behavioral things, which lead them to gain name and
goodwill in Australia as a reputed University. Main problem is they do not pay their
employees as per their potential and work. Through this approach, focus on leadership will
increase and contribute to success and failure of leadership (Krockow et al. 2022). Two
behaviors from this approach are task-oriented behavior and people-oriented behavior, which
gives satisfaction to employees of University and helps to increase management system
within University.
● Leadership Styles
There are various leadership styles that University of Tasmania should take and involve in
their structure because leadership styles are very helpful to create relationships with
employees. Leadership style approach helps organization to approach success and reach its
goals (Al Khajeh, 2018). Contingency styles of leadership help University of Tasmania to
maintain and create relationships with employees and between specific organizational
situations and leadership styles. Situational model of leadership helps to adapt approach of
goal-oriented leadership skills. Focus of leadership styles is coaching style, supporting style,
entrusting style, and directing style (Gandolfi and Stone, 2018). Through help of leadership
styles, University of Tasmania approaches its employees and motivates them through pay
their employees per their work.
● Diversity
Diversity inclusion is one of main aspects of success of an organization because through help
of diversity there are various ideas, innovation, and creativity come under organization. All
these factors help organization reach its goals and objectives. University of Tasmania should
implement diversity in a more specific way to run their University in a well-mannered way
(Waldman and Sparr, 2022). Diversity includes equality, which includes lots of ability in
organization such as creativity, innovations, different ideas, and many more things that leads
to success of an organization. Diversity does not just improve performance of organization

but it also creates friction of positivity that improves upends conformity and deliberation. It
also increases morale and creates effectiveness and efficiency in organization.
● Human Resource Management
Human resource management is main aspect of any organization because it ensures effective
and seamless application of processes and policies in an organization. University of Tasmania
should implement HRM in their University properly because there is a lack of
communication between its employees and University (Kerdpitak and Jermsittiparsert, 2020).
HRM helps to keep balance between needs and satisfaction of employees for profitability and
capability of an organization to reach its goals and objectives.
● Includes different types of power
The University of Tasmania should introduce different types of power, which help to divide
power in each section. The position of power gives advantages through different types of
powers such as coercive power, reward power, and legitimate power. Personal power is also
required in decision-making process, which includes referent power and expert power. Both
these powers help to take different types of decision-making, which is very useful for
organization (Rainey and Jones, 2019). Another source of power is relationship network,
information, and personal effort is required to maintain name and dignity of University across
Restating the thesis statement, it has been concluded that inclusivity in workplace is an
essential aspect for enhancing team motivation along with efficiency. This essay has
discussed the importance of HRM in selecting and recruiting proper workforce and has found
that Tasmania University is required to focus on delivering value to its employees to enhance
the workflow. It is concluded main problem of University of Tasmania is its relationship with
its employees. They do not pay as per potential and work of employees. Issue of
underpayment is main concern and management of University said they would pay their
employees with interest. There are several HRM techniques and theories are discussed with
recommendations as well for a better understanding of topic. Finally, it has been concluded
from this essay that when leadership is ineffective, absent, or toxic the result is that people,
organizations, communities, and even entire societies are impacted, sometimes in the most
devastating ways. Thus, Tasmania University’s HRM is required to follow transformational
leadership style for enhancing the performance of the team.

Reference List
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