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In the realm of serendipity holds,

A love story unfolded in a cherished space. 

An unexpected man entered my world, 

And within his presence, love unfurled.

With each glimpse, my heart skipped a beat

In your eyes, I found a universe untold,

A depth of emotions, a story to behold.    

Your touch, a symphony that set me ablaze,

An unexpected man, deserving of praise.

Your laughter, a melody that paints the air,

Your smile is a beacon of warmth and care.

In your arms, I found solace and peace,

An unexpected love that will never cease

In this love story, an unexpected twist,

I found a love that forever persists.

With gratitude in my heart, I see it's true,

The unexpected man in my life, that's you.


My love, as we journey together, I want you to

know that my heart is forever intertwined with
yours. Our shared experiences have built a love
that cannot be broken, from our lowest moments
to our highest. I eagerly await more
adventures, laughter, and personal growth as we
explore the depths of our souls together.

I remember how you first move on me HAHAAHHA

how grateful I am for that time. it was an
unexpected way you interacted with me in our
chats, even when I didn't have any romantic
feelings for you at that time. It's a journey I
never could have expect, one that has changed
my life in the most beautiful and unexpected
way. During that time, I was cautious with my
emotions and had no intentions of pursuing a
romantic relationship. Nonetheless, your
demeanor and the way you interacted with me
deeply change me in a way I never thought
possible. You entered my life like a gentle
breeze, slowly weaving your way into my
thoughts and gradually catch my heart. Meeting
you is probably the most precious thing I've
ever experienced, I thank god and the universe
for giving me a chance to live in the same
lifetime as you, and I thank them for letting
our paths crossways.

It feels like a lifetime ago, yet the memory

remains etched in my heart like it was just
yesterday. The way our eyes met, and the spark
of connection ignited between us. It was at
that very moment that I knew there was
something special about to unfold. From that
day forward, our lives intertwined, and we
start on a series of adventures. Whether it was
our spontaneous road trips, or our cozy
evenings spent lost in conversation, each
experience became a cherished memory that
forever resides in my heart.

From the moment you entered my life, everything

changed. Your love and presence have become a
guiding light, illuminating my path and
bringing warmth to even the darkest corners of
my soul. You have shown me what it means to be
cherished, to be supported, and to be
unconditionally loved. I never imagined how
deeply your love might have affect my heart.
I've learned to appreciate my own beauty and to
love myself more fully as an outcome of it.
Through your eyes, I have discovered how to
accept my defects and shortcomings, realizing
that they contribute to what makes me special
and lovable. Your unshakable faith in me has
given me the courage to face hurdles and reach
for the stars. You have brought a sense of calm
and stability into my life. In times of chaos
and uncertainty, your steady presence anchors
me, reminding me that no matter what storms may
come, we will face them together. Your firm
support has given me the courage to chase my
dreams, step outside of my comfort zone, and
believe in my own abilities. You've taught me
to enjoy even the littlest things in life and
to always be in the present. Every day is an
adventure with you, full of joy, shared
memories, and unending love. You inspire the
best in me; your joyful and excitement serves
as a constant reminder to be open to life's

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