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European Polymer Journal 39 (2003) 1721–1727

The enthalpy of fusion and degree of crystallinity of

polymers as measured by DSC
Y. Kong, J.N. Hay *

Department of Metallurgy and Materials, The School of Engineering, The University of Birmingham, P.O. Box 363, Edgbaston,
Birmingham B15 2TT, UK
Received 1 July 2002; received in revised form 4 October 2002; accepted 4 March 2003

Crystalline polymers are not in thermal equilibrium and thermodynamic parameters such as enthalpy of fusion as
determined by differential scanning calorimetry from the area under the melting endotherm over a wide temperature
range have not been measured under equilibrium conditions. Accordingly measurements of the degree of crystallinity
based on the enthalpy of fusion reflect experimental conditions, are incorrect in that they do not usually agree with
those determined by other analytical procedures, such as density and WAX scattering, particularly when measured at
ambient temperatures. While this has been repeatedly pointed out procedures used to determine the fractional crys-
tallinity of polymers based on the enthalpy of fusion continue to be widely used.
Using the First Law method, the enthalpy of fusion and fractional crystallinity have been measured as a function of
temperature for metallocene polyethylene and polyethylene terephthalate during heating. The crystallinity measured on
the sample prior to heating is in good agreement with that determined by density and wide angle X-ray diffraction.
 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Enthalpy of fusion; Crystallinity; First Law method

1. Introduction crystallisation mechanism, there is general disagreement

on how the fractional crystallinity should be measured
The fractional crystallinity of a semi-crystalline poly- by this technique and also whether the measured value
mer is one of its most important physical parameters in has any real significance [2–8]. The fractional crystal-
that it reflects the morphology and determines me- linity determined by DSC differs substantially from that
chanical properties, in that the Young modulus, yield determined by other analytical techniques and to such
stress, fatigue response and impact strength increase an extent that it is considered that DSC fractional
progressively with crystallinity [1]. There is also a gen- crystallinity is defined differently from that determined
eral tendency to become more brittle and the fracture by wide angle X-ray diffraction (WAXD) and density
mechanism changes from ductile yielding to craze initi- measurements, fold surface effects and the invalidity of
ation of cracks. While differential scanning calorimetry the two phase model of crystalline polymers being in-
(DSC) is widely used to characterise semi-crystalline voked most frequently.
polymers by determining melting characteristics and Most DSC methods rely on measuring the heats of
fusion and melting temperatures of crystalline sam-
ples and comparing these directly [9–20]. The tempera-
ture range observed depends on the thermal stability
Corresponding author. Tel.: +44-121-414-4544; fax: +44- of the lamellae present in the sample, and to their
121-414-5232. thickness distribution. Thickening of the lamellae with
E-mail address: (J.N. Hay). time isothermally or on heating makes the observed
0014-3057/03/$ - see front matter  2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1722 Y. Kong, J.N. Hay / European Polymer Journal 39 (2003) 1721–1727

melting endotherms heating rate dependent and melt- crystallinities measured by this method and other ana-
ing occurs over a wide range of temperature [21]. It lytical techniques on the same polymer samples.
is not uncommon to observe multiple melting endo-
therms, crystallisation exotherms and shifts of the en-
dotherm to higher temperatures with heating rate [22,
23]. 2. Experimental
Enthalpy is a fundamental thermodynamic of mate-
rials; it is temperature dependent and any change in Poly(ethylene terephthalate), PET, was supplied by
enthalpy accompanying a phase change is also temper- DuPont Ltd as moulding pellets. It has a number aver-
ature dependent [24]. Equilibrium thermodynamic pro- age molecular weight of 19.6 kg mol1 and weight av-
cedures adopted for low molar mass materials are erage of 36.4 kg mol1 . PET was dried in a vacuum oven
assumed to apply to polymers and these produce errors at 100 C for 12 h and pressed at 280 C for 2 min at a
in the measurement of fractional crystallinity by ther- pressure of 7.5 MN m2 into 100 mm · 100 mm · 0.8 mm
mal analysis [9–20]. Highly viscous melts means that plaques. These plaques were quenched in ice water to
polymer crystallisation is limited by kinetic rather than obtain amorphous sheets.
thermodynamic parameters. Due to dynamic chain Metallocene polyethylene (m-PE) was purchased from
entanglements not all of the molecular segments crys- Exxon Chemical Co. France, as an Exact grade 3009. It
tallise, defects are present in the crystals and the di- is a copolymer of ethylene and hexene-1, whose number
mensions of the critical nuclei limit the lamellar crystal and weight average molecular weight are 40 and 100
thickness [25]. Accordingly these lamellae undergo re- kg mol1 respectively. The m-PE was moulded at 160 C
organisation and progressive thickening on heating. The for 5 min under the same pressure. The plaques were
rate of heating and annealing alter the observed enth- slowly cooled in the hydraulic press to room tempera-
alpy of fusion and the temperature range over which ture in 5 h.
melting is observed [2,25]. Accordingly, unlike low mo- A Perkin–Elmer DSC, DSC-2, interfaced to a PC was
lecular weight materials, polymer crystals melt over a used to measure the thermal properties of the moulded
wide range of temperature and the temperature depen- samples. The calorimetry was operated under a nitrogen
dence of the enthalpy of fusion cannot be neglected [26]. flow 20 cm3 min1 . The temperature of the calorimeter
The observed melting endotherms reflect the thermal was calibrated from the observed melting points of
stability of the lamellae present as melting is approached ultra-pure materials––stearic acid, indium, tin and lead
and not in the initial sample prior to heating [22]. The at the heating rates of 10, 5 and 2.5 K min1 and then
melting enthalpies are not comparable directly unless extrapolated to zero heating rate to correct for thermal
they are measured over the same temperature range lag. The procedure used in DSC was the same as de-
[3,7]. scribed previously [7].
Assumptions have been adopted for convenience in Densities were measured on moulded specimens by
using DSC to measure the fractional crystallinity of ArchimedesÕ method by weighing in air and in n-heptane
polymers; one involves measure the enthalpy of fusion at 296 K and averaged over at least three specimens
from the area of the endotherm above an arbitrarily taken from the same sample. The weight fraction crys-
drawn baseline. The errors involved in doing this can be tallinity is given by
large [25,27]. Seguela [6] has correctly stated that the
correct baseline for such analysis is given by: ðq  qa Þqc q
Xc ¼ ¼ Xc;v c ð2Þ
ðqc  qa Þq q
Cp;b ðT Þ ¼ Cp;c Xc ðT Þ þ Cp;a ð1  Xc ðT ÞÞ ð1Þ
where qc and qa are the densities of crystalline and
amorphous regions. The values used for PET were 1.515
where Cp;b ðT Þ is the heat capacity of the semi-crystalline and 1.335 g cm3 respectively [28]. Xc;v is the volume
sample at temperature T , Cp;c and Cp;a are the heat ca- fraction crystallinity and q is the density of the sample
pacity of the completely crystalline and amorphous measured.
phase respectively and Xc ðT Þ is the weight fraction of WAXD experiments were carried out using a Philips
crystallinity at temperature T . However, all of these XÕPert vertical diffractometer interfaced to a PC. The
parameters are temperature dependent and it is impos- diffractometer was operated with CuKa radiation and
sible to determine the theoretical baseline unless Xc ðT Þ wavelength of 0.1542 nm at 40 keV and 50 mA. The
and the heat capacity values are known. diffraction intensities were recorded as a function of
An alternative more thermodynamically correct pro- increasing scattering angle 2h, which was in the range 5–
cedure, since it relies on the application of the First Law 80 with a step angle of 0.02 and the scan time of 1 s per
of Thermodynamics, has been used previously [7]. In this step. The volume crystallinity was calculated from the
paper a comparison is made between the fractional ratio of the areas under the crystalline peak to the total
Y. Kong, J.N. Hay / European Polymer Journal 39 (2003) 1721–1727 1723

and converted into the weight fraction crystallinity by If a two-phase model [3,27] is adopted for semi-crys-
using the above equation. talline polymers, the enthalpy of the partially crystalline
sample at temperature T is H ðT Þ, i.e.
HðT Þ ¼ Xc ðT ÞHc ðT Þ þ ð1  Xc ðT ÞÞHa ðT Þ ð6Þ
3. DSC analysis
On heating, the rate of heat flow into the sample is then
3.1. Conventional method
dH =dt ¼ ðdH =dT ÞðdT =dtÞ ¼ Cp b ð7Þ
In DSC, the weight fraction crystallinity is conven- where dH =dt is the heat flow, Cp ¼ dH =dT the sample
tionally measured by divided the enthalpy of fusion at apparent heat capacity [27] and b the heating rate. This
the different temperature, i.e. heat capacity has two components, arising from the heat
capacities of the crystalline and amorphous fractions of
Xc ðT Þ ¼ DHf ðT3 ! T4 Þ=DHf0 ðTm0 Þ ð3Þ
the sample and also that arising from any change in
crystallinity, dXc ðT Þ, i.e.,
where Xc ðT Þ is the weight fraction crystallinity,
DHf ðT3 ! T4 Þ is the enthalpy of fusion of the sample Cp ¼ dH =dT
between T3 and T4 as illustrated in Fig. 1, and DHf0 ðTm0 Þ is
dXc ðT Þ
the enthalpy of fusion of the totally crystalline at the ¼ ½Cp;c Xc ðT Þ þ Cp;a ð1  Xc ðT ÞÞ  DHf0 ðT Þ
equilibrium temperature, Tm0 . This is obviously wrong
dXc ðT Þ
since the measurement should be done in the same ¼ Cp;b  DHf0 ðT Þ ð8Þ
temperature, i.e. dT

where Cp;c ¼ dHc ðT Þ=dT and Cp;a ¼ dHa ðT Þ=dT are the
Xc ðT Þ ¼ DHf ðT Þ=DHf0 ðT Þ ð4Þ
heat capacity of completely crystalline and amorphous
in which, materials, dXc ðT Þ=dT is the crystallinity change with
temperature. The first term on the right hand side is the
DHf0 ðT Þ ¼ Ha ðT Þ  Hc ðT Þ ð5Þ change in heat capacity on heating the sample and the
second is the excess heat capacity [4] due to any change
where DHf ðT Þ and DHf0 ðT Þ are the enthalpy of fusion of in crystallinity.
the measured sample and 100% crystalline material at Eq. (8) can be rearranged to
temperature T . Ha ðT Þ and Hc ðT Þ are the enthalpies of the
100% crystalline and amorphous phases at temperature Cp  Cp;b
dXc ðT Þ ¼ dT ð9Þ
T . Apparently, DHf0 ðT Þ is temperature dependent. DHf0 ðT Þ


T1 T2 T3 T4
Heat capacity


Fig. 1. A schematic representation of the enthalpy changes on heating an amorphous crystallisable polymer. Dash baseline drawn
1724 Y. Kong, J.N. Hay / European Polymer Journal 39 (2003) 1721–1727

12 0.6


Fractional crystallinity / wt

Heat capacity / J g-1K-1




T1 T2 0.0
250 300 350 400 450

Temperature / K

Fig. 2. DSC trace of the melting of m-PE and the change in fractional crystallinity with temperature. Liquid amorphous specific heat
extrapolated from the molten state.

If a sample of initial crystallinity, X0 , is melted from T1 served melting occurs over a narrow temperature range
to T2 , as shown in Fig. 2, it is clear that at temperature T1 [29]. Then it can be assumed that DHf0 ðT 0 Þ is independent
the fractional crystallinity is the initial value X0 , while at of temperature, and Eq. (10) reduces to,
T2 the fractional crystallinity is 0. On integrating the Z T2
above Eq. (9) from T1 to T2 gives 1 DHf
X0 ¼ ðCp  Cp;b Þ dT ¼ ð13Þ
Z T2 DHf0 T1 DHf0
Cp  Cp;b
X0 ¼ Xc0 ðT1 Þ ¼ dT ð10Þ where
T1 DHf0 ðT Þ
Z T2
This equation clearly indicates that if the conventional DHf ¼ ðCp  Cp;b Þ dT
method––what might be called ‘‘the baseline procedure’’–– T1

is used to measure the crystallinity, the temperature de-

This is the only situation that observed enthalpy of fu-
pendence of each parameter must be incorporated into
sion of a semi-crystalline polymer can be directly related
the integration equation. Polymer crystals melt over a
to the fractional crystallinity. Although Eq. (13) has a
wide temperature range and drawing an arbitrary base-
similar form to (3), the two enthalpies have been defined
line between two set temperatures, and integrating the
differently. Recently Qiu et al. [8] concluded that the
enclosed area cannot measure the heat of fusion. Instead
degree of crystallinity measured by DSC is equal to the
since [24]
initial crystallinity plus an increment due to heat ca-
Z T2
pacity change, i.e.
DHf ðT2 Þ ¼ DHf ðT 0 Þ þ DCp ðT Þ dT ð11Þ
Xcdsc ¼ X0 þ DXc ð14Þ
where DHf ðT2 Þ and DHf ðT Þ are the changes of the
as the temperature dependence of the enthalpy of fusion
enthalpy of fusion at temperature T2 and any other
was not considered and the baseline was incorrectly
temperature T 0 respectively, and DCp ðT Þ is the difference
of heat capacity as function of temperature, then
Alternative methods are required to determine the
Z Tm0 fractional crystallinity more correctly.
DHf0 ðT 0 Þ ¼ DHf0 ðTm0 Þ  DCp;c dT ð12Þ
3.2. The First Law method
where DHf0 ðT 0 Þ is the enthalpy of fusion of 100% crys-
talline at any other melting point T 0 , DCp;c is the heat The First Law method is an application of the First
capacity difference between the completely amorphous Law of Thermodynamics to the heating and cooling of a
and crystalline phases. polymer sample in a calorimeter. The detailed descrip-
Only when the polymer sample has been crystallised tion of the method can be found in a previous paper [7].
at high temperature over a long period time is it ob- It involves heating a crystalline sample between two set
Y. Kong, J.N. Hay / European Polymer Journal 39 (2003) 1721–1727 1725

temperatures, T1 and T2 , and returning the amorphous Combining with Eqs. (4), (12) and (19) gives
sample from T2 back to T1 without crystallisation oc-
R T2
curring. The net change in enthalpy between the two is 0 T0
ðCp  Cp;a Þ dT
the residual enthalpy, DHR , and is measured at T1 . The Xc ðT Þ ¼ R T0 ð20Þ
DHf0 ðTm0 Þ  T 0m DCp;c dT
residual enthalpy is used to measure the crystallinity of
the sample at T1 . The procedure can also be used to
measure the crystallinity of the sample at any interme- The fractional crystallinity of the sample can thus be
diate temperature during heating to melting. determined at any temperature on melting.
At T1 , the crystallinity of the sample is expressed as The essential difference between the ‘‘baseline’’ and
the First Law method is that: in the latter the enthalpies
X0 ðT1 Þ ¼ DHf ðT1 Þ=DHf0 ðT1 Þ ¼ DHR =DHf0 ðT1 Þ ð15Þ of fusion are correct at each temperature and have
where DHf ðT1 Þ and DHf0 ðT1 Þ
are the enthalpies of fusion thermodynamic significance.
of the partially and completely crystalline polymer at T1 .
Similarly at any other temperature T 0 the enthalpy of
fusion is the difference of enthalpy change between the
4. Results and discussion
heating from T 0 to T2 and the cooling amorphous from
T2 to T 0 , i.e.
4.1. The change crystallinity of m-PE on melting
DHf ðT 0 Þ ¼ DH ðT 0 ! T2 Þ þ DH ðT2 ! T 0 Þ ð16Þ
Fig. 2 shows the melting endotherm of the m-PE
in which sample and the resulting change in fractional crystal-
Z T2
linity on heating. m-PE is reasonably thermal stable to
DH ðT 0 ! T2 Þ ¼ Cp dT ð17Þ decomposition above Tm and amorphous heat capacity
T0 can be determined over a significant temperature range
such that it can be extrapolated to ambient temperature
with reasonable certainty. The heat of fusion of crys-
Z T0 talline PE was taken directly from Ref. [30]. It is clear
DH ðT2 ! T 0 Þ ¼ Cp;a dT ð18Þ that up to about 300 K the fractional crystallinity of
m-PE is constant, at a value of 0.54 consistent with
On simplifying Eq. (16) becomes those of 0.57 and 0.54 measured by density and WAXD,
Z T2 respectively. On heating above 300 K the fractional
DHf ðT 0 Þ ¼ ðCp  Cp;a Þ dT ð19Þ crystallinity of the sample begins to decrease with tem-
T0 perature and drops progressively to zero at 400 K. The

Heat capacity / J g-1K-1


Liquid T2

350 400 450 500 550

Temperature / K
Fig. 3. DSC analyses in PET amorphous and crystallised at 383 K for 2 h and at 448 K for 18 h on heating. Liquid amorphous line
extrapolated from post-Tg .
1726 Y. Kong, J.N. Hay / European Polymer Journal 39 (2003) 1721–1727


Fractional crystallinity / wt
0.3 448K*18h




350 400 450 500 550

Temperature / K
Fig. 4. The temperature dependence of the fractional crystallinity of PET on heating––amorphous, crystallised at 383 K for 2 h and
448 K for 18 h.

onset of melting in m-PE early in the heating process corresponding to a minor endotherm which has been
makes the choice of a baseline for integration difficult attributed to the melting of secondary lamellae [31]. In
and a wrong choice will undoubtedly lead to errors from all cases the greatest decreases of crystallinity was due to
the use of the ‘‘baseline method’’ of analysis. the final endotherm above 500 K corresponding to the
melting of annealed or primary lamellae.
During heating to determine the fractional crystal-
4.2. The change crystallinity of PET on melting
linity of a polymer, crystallisation, melting, re-crystalli-
sation, lamellae thickening and final melting have been
The crystallisation and melting of PET samples can be
observed. The fractional crystallinity is not constant
seen in Fig. 3. The samples prior to heating were crys-
with temperature or even time at constant temperature
tallised to different extents at different temperatures,
[4]. By using the First Law method it is possible to
such that the samples are both amorphous and partially
measure the fractional crystallinity of a sample at any
crystalline. Well crystalline samples do not show any
apparent crystallisation exotherm, while poorly crystal-
The fractional crystallinity measured by other ana-
line samples show one but which is obviously less than
lytical techniques, such as WAXD and density, are
that of the amorphous samples. Although crystallisation
normally carried out at ambient temperature. Therefore,
conditions were varied this did not prevent annealing
and change of crystallinity occurring on heating. As
mentioned earlier [7], an extrapolated post-Tg specific
heat–temperature dependence was chosen for the liquid
amorphous line owing to degradation of PET above Tm . Table 1
Weight fraction crystallinity of PET measured by different
The change in fractional crystallinity of the above
PET samples during the heat scan can be seen in Fig. 4.
For amorphous PET the value is zero until above the PET sample Weight fraction crystallinity
glass transition where it increases rapidly from 420 to Density DSC ± 0.02 WAXD
450 K corresponding to the crystallisation exotherm. Amorphous 0.01 0.00 0
The maximum fractional crystallinity reached was about 373 K, 1 h 0.09 0.10 0.11
0.25. Poorly crystallised materials further crystallised at 373 K, 2 h 0.13 0.16 0.17
higher temperatures with the fractional crystallinity in- 373 K, 5 h 0.19 0.20 0.19
creasing on heating. The maximum crystallinity reached 398 K, 18 h 0.25 0.26 0.27
is similar to that of the amorphous samples. In the well 423 K, 18 h 0.27 0.28 0.28
crystalline PET, the crystallinity was almost constant up 448 K, 18 h 0.29 0.31 0.30
473 K, 18 h 0.35 0.36 0.37
to 450 K, but there after it decreased by a small amount
Y. Kong, J.N. Hay / European Polymer Journal 39 (2003) 1721–1727 1727

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