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Following this prayer/meditation

always removes people, situations,

toxic emotions from you. You use this
to also bring whatever you want into
your life. So people get some act right
or just leave you alone. This also
speeds up your desired good. Some
people, especially when trying to
apply Agape and there is a
person/situation involved that they
don't care for, question how to apply
it. You are not necessarily feeling
loving about them/it. Rather, focus
loving on what you want, not what
presently is. Most importantly, this is
not just used for a specific situation.
You have to get in the habit of
thinking like this about everything,
which will in turn, speed things up for
you. So every thought, imagination,
emotion, words, and behaviors, you
will need to run through this 14 point
check list:

1Agape (ag-ah-pay): to be loving, friendly, fond of, affectionate, have
a personal attachment to, be glad about, give yourself for (your
words, thoughts, imagination, feelings-which is your essence).
2Makrothumeo (mak-roth-oo-meh-o): endure without complaining or
speaking in a way that goes against agape. To undergo without
giving in; or to remain firm under suffering or misfortune without
yielding. To bear pains or trials calmly or without complaint; not
hasty, steadfast despite opposition, difficulty, or adversity. Does not
lose temper easily, lenient.
3Chresis (khray-sis): to be useful; to be better, to be easy, to be
good, gracious, to handle; to furnish what is needed; give an oracle.
4Zeloo (dzay-loo-o): to have feeling against; jealousy, indignation.

5Perpereuoai (per-per-yoo-om-ahee): to boast, to brag, as if to

pierce through the heart with boasting/bragging.
6Phusioo (foo-see-o-o): arrogant, haughty. Having or revealing an
exaggerated sense of one’s own importance or abilities.
7Aschemonsune (as-kay-mos-oo-nay): uncomely, indecent,
inelegant, and shapeless.
8Zeteo (dzay-the-o): to plot against life: yours or someone else’s (life
in this context is referring to quality of life, not existence. The
ancients did not believe in actual death; so death is referring to not
having a high quality of life).
9Paroxuno (par-ox-oos-mos): to dispute in anger, contention, to
exasperate easily, to become easily opposed to, touchy, resentful,
and fretful.
10Kakos (kak-os): worthless (intrinsically), depraved, injurious,
harmful, hurtful (in effect or influence); diseased, derelict, vicious,
mischief, malice, deception, grievous, lewd, malicious.
11Adikia (ad-ee-kee-ah): injustice (quality or act), wrongfulness (of
character, life, or act), not fair and impartial, unjust, wrong,
12Aetheuo (al-ay-thi-a): that which is not concealed, not hidden, not
unwitting, not ignorant of, aware.
13Stego (steg-o): to cover with silence (to not talk about anything
that goes against agape).
14Pisteuo (pist-yoo-o): to have faith (in upon, or with respect to a
person or thing), i.e. credit, by implication to entrust, fidelity,
persuasion, credence, belief, assurance.
15Elpizo (el-pid-zo): to expect, trust, and anticipate with pleasure,
16Hupomeno (hoop-om-em-o): to stay under (behind), remain, to
undergo, fortitude, persevere, abide, continue, dwell, be present,
17Ekpipto (ek-pip-to): to drop away, be driven off of one’s course, to
lose, become inefficient, take no effect, not come to completion, not
in abundance.

1Charity is 2patient and 3kind;

charity does not 4envy; charity is
not 5boastful, is not 6arrogant.
Does not behave 7unseemly,
seeks not her 8own at the
expense of another, is not easily
9provoked, thinks no 10evil; does
not rejoice in 11wrong but rejoices
in 12truth; 13bears all things,
14believes all things, 15hopes all
things, 16endures all things.
Charity never 17fails. 1
Corinthians 13:4-8

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