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Description text

    Panda is a big and chubby animal because panda have weigh over 100
kg, so panda look like a doll. Panda is animal from western China and
Tibet, especially from the bamboo forest China and Tibet.  Panda has 2
foots and 2 hands. Panda use its hands to eat bamboo and its leaves.
Panda search bamboo together with others panda. Beside that, the hands
also use to help walk, at the hands there are extra thumbs, which to helps
panda eat. The foots also usually use too walk, but panda use its hands
too. If panda stand, panda as tall as a man.  
 Body panda is a black and white. In the head, there are black eyes
patches and black ears. The head is white. Panda’s nose is big and the
mouth as big as the nose. panda’s furry is long and straight, and also very
soft and smooth. The skin thick and luxuriant furry make panda so cute

Complete the statement below !

Animal : ……………
Weight : ………………..
Panda is from : …………
Colour : ………………..
Noose : ……………….

Stork has a large body, long legs, long

neck but shorter than egrets, and has a
large, strong and thick beak. Storks can
be found in warm climates. Habitat in
drier areas than egrets and Ibis. Food in
the form of frogs, fish, insects, worms,
small birds and small mammals from
wetlands and beaches.

arti nya :

Bangau mempunyai Badan berukuran

besar, berkaki panjang, berleher
panjang namun lebih pendek dari
burung Kuntul, dan mempunyai paruh
yang besar, kuat dan tebal.
Bangau bisa dijumpai di daerah beriklim hangat. Habitat di daerah yang
lebih kering dibandingkan burung Kuntul dan Ibis. Makanan berupa Katak,
ikan, serangga, cacing, burung kecil dan mamalia kecil dari lahan basah
dan pantai.
Stork or eagtet has a large body,smooth
furs, long legs, long neck and strong and
thick beak. Storks can be found in warm
Habitat in drier areas than egrets and
Ibis. Food in the form of frogs, fish,
insects, worms, small birds and small
mammals from wetlands and beaches.

Bird : ………………
Beak : ……………..
Body : ……………..
Leg : ……………..
Food : ……………..
Habitat : ………
Rabbit is a tame animal that can be human's pet too. Rabbit loves to eat
carrot, that's why their eyes are healthy. Rabbit also like to jump around, it's
behavior sometimes makes people to laugh at it's, that's why many people
loves keep rabbit as their pet, although they don't need much care, you just
need to brush it's fur and feed it daily, that's all.
Rabbit has two ears that can hear everything even a wind, they also have a
sensitive nose to smell something to identify what can they eat or what can't
they eat
Rabbit usually have a white fur, many people said that rabbit is a perfect
animal to kept as a pet because they have a cute face that can entertain
some people.

Animal : …………..
Food : ……………
Personal character : …………………….
Colour fur : …………………….
Eyes : ………………………
Face : ……………..

Giraffes are the tallest mammals in the world. We can find them in central,
eastern and southern Africa. Some of them are also kept in the zoo. A giraffe has
a long neck and long legs. The long neck helps it to eat leaves from the tall trees.
It pulls the leaves by its long tounge. Around his body, it has spotted patterns.
“Giraffa camelopardalis” is its scientific name. On the top of its head, there are
small “horns” or knobs. They are used to protect the head when fighting.

Animal : ……………….
The animal is from : …………………..
Food : …………………….
Body : …………….

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