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Seminars in Diagnostic Pathology 36 (2019) 303–311

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Review article

The hematoxylin and eosin stain in anatomic pathology—An often-neglected T

focus of quality assurance in the laboratory
Mark R. Wick
From the Division of Surgical Pathology & Cytopathology, University of Virginia Medical Center, Charlottesville, VA, United States


Keywords: Accuracy in morphological diagnosis is the cornerstone of anatomic pathology. Proficiency with the microscope
Histotechnology offers values to the health care system that cannot be overestimated. However, that skill is only possible if high-
Histochemistry quality histological substrates are available for assessment, particularly focusing on hematoxylin and eosin
Quality assurance (H&E)-stained slides. This brief review considers the several steps that are necessary to control in the preparation
Light microscopy
of high-quality H&E sections, including those dealing with fixation, embedding, microtomy, histochemical
Hematoxylin and eosin
staining, and coverslipping. A table for the troubleshooting of problem slides is also included.

It has become increasingly apparent over time that the most basic of How can this situation be changed? There is certainly no easy re-
all tools in anatomic pathology—histochemical staining of tissue sam- medy for the problems cited above, but, at the very least, anatomic
ples with hematoxylin & eosin (H&E)—is only passingly considered as pathologists must exercise the directorial roles that they have in the
the focus of quality assurance. Laboratory inspectors are indeed re- histology laboratory. Even technologists without formal histo-
quired to make a subjective evaluation of each laboratory's H&E pre- technology (HT) certification can be taught to perform good H&E stains
parations,1 but, sadly, no objective standards really exist for judging (Fig. 1), using the many help-sites on the internet and the variety of
their adequacy. All too often, a minimalistic approach is applied; in printed materials on that topic,3–7 as well as direction from knowl-
other words, if the sections can be interpreted at all microscopically, edgeable laboratory physicians. The latter people should review the
they are felt to be acceptable. It is an unfortunate reality that many daily output of slides with careful attention to quality, stressing the
pathologists have only a rudimentary knowledge of the effects of sur- particulars of good microtomy, tissue-mounting, and the proper dif-
gical technique and tissue processing on the final results that will be ferentiation of stains. Even though health systems have become more
obtained in stained microscopic sections. All too often, one is faced with and more insular with time, the trading of representative H&E-stained
a sample that has been obtained crudely, fixed badly, or mishandled in slides between different laboratories is another positive step down the
the histology laboratory, making morphologic interpretation of it road to improved quality. Pathologists on the receiving end of such
needlessly complex. These faults typically occur not through willful exchanges can then critique the senders’ work-products, making con-
neglect of proper methodology, but rather because of ignorance of the structive criticisms whenever they can. Formal documentation of that
sequence of steps that constitute the science of histotechnology. Most activity is recommended as well.
trainees in pathology are not well-versed in the details of this labora- With improved H&E “substrates” to work with, it will no doubt be
tory discipline, making them totally dependent on the expertise of their surprising to some practitioners that they will develop progressively-
technicians, or the lack of it. increasing levels of skill and confidence in morphological interpreta-
I believe that this is an important contributing factor to the playing- tion. Changes in national healthcare are on our doorsteps, with in-
down of morphological skill, in the current practice of anatomical pa- creasing emphasis on cost-effectiveness. Well-trained pathologists with
thology. If H&E sections are suboptimal, one feels uncomfortable in good skills in microscopy can provide a huge diagnostic bargain to the
basing a definite diagnostic conclusion on them. The result is either system. However, that will only occur if greater consistency is attained
hyper-equivocation in reporting, or an immediate turning to non-or in the universal production of good H&E sections.
quasi- morphological methods as alternatives to microscopy.2 Needless This discussion considers several factors that contribute to that goal.
to say, the second of those actions delays case-disposition, and it in- In large part and by design, they represent purely technical elements of
creases the cost of anatomic pathology services in the healthcare system tissue processing and slide preparation. An apology is made for that
at-large. fact, to readers who are already well-versed on this topic. Nonetheless,

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0740-2570/ © 2019 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

M.R. Wick Seminars in Diagnostic Pathology 36 (2019) 303–311

Fig. 2. Poor biopsy technique, with excessive mechanical distortion, results in

marked nuclear smudging and difficulty in interpretation.

Fig. 1. This optimally-processed and properly-stained hematoxylin and eosin the latter of which is marketed commercially in the United States.
section shows excellent nuclear detail and sharp definition between nuclear and Because the former reagent is characteristically used at a 10% dilution,
cytoplasmic coloration. the final formaldehyde concentration in 3.7–4%. Various other chemi-
cals have been added to formalin to alter its stability and preservative
as stated above, it is my impression that a considerable number of capabilities, including calcium chloride, calcium carbonate, ammonium
pathologists in-training and pathologists in-practice do not have a firm bromide, sodium chloride, sodium phosphate, sodium hydroxide, and
grasp of it. absolute ethyl alcohol. Among these mixtures, that consisting of for-
malin, distilled water, and monobasic/dibasic sodium phosphate is the
most widely employed and is known as “10% neutral buffered for-
Biopsy techniques
malin” (NBF).7,9–12
Although it is a general-purpose fixative and yields good morpho-
The specific procedures that are used in performing biopsies of
logical detail when prepared properly, NBF does have some dis-
clinical lesions are usually left to the discretion of the attending clin-
advantages in tissue pathology. Firstly, any solution containing for-
ician. This provision is not a problem if the operator has been ade-
maldehyde is potentially carcinogenic, and levels of formalin vapor in
quately educated on the specific advantages and disadvantages of
the ambient air of the laboratory must be measured regularly by gov-
various techniques, as applied to specific diseases. However, it may
ernmental mandate. The maximum permissible exposure limit for any
prove to be a disaster if the surgeon is inexperienced in such matters.
individual employee is 1 part per million over an 8 h period, as es-
Specimen inadequacy and some artifactual changes in tissue are
tablished by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration.13
problems which relate to faulty procedure, and these account for some
Secondly, poorly prepared NBF, which has been buffered erroneously
of the diagnostic obstacles that pathologists encounter. There is nothing
and has a pH outside of the physiologic range, may cause unwanted
quite so aggravating for the clinician (and the patient) as to be informed
precipitates of “black acid hematin pigment” in tissue sections. The
that a second biopsy will be necessary because of these deficiencies,
latter has a dark particulate appearance, and may simulate micro-
causing additional expense and anxiety.
organisms on a histologic slide (Fig. 3). These two possibilities can be
As an example of these contentions, it is well-known that malignant
distinguished through the use of polarization microscopy, because he-
hematolymphoid proliferations and certain high-grade carcinomas are
matin pigment is birefringent whereas microbes are not.7 Thirdly, NBF
composed of extremely fragile cells that are exquisitely susceptible to
that is allowed exposure to ambient air for prolonged periods of time
the compressive or shearing effects of some biopsies8 (Fig. 2). More-
(as with large “batches” that are diluted for use in the gross laboratory)
over, it is probable that several cubic millimeters of tissue will be ne-
will develop high levels of formic acid. The latter is detrimental to
cessary for the complete pathologic characterization of such lesions.
Hence, a small biopsy specimen would be predictably unsuitable in
these circumstances.
Other procedures causing reproducibly detrimental physical effects
on tissue specimens are represented by electrocautery and laser exci-
sion. These methods enjoy wide clinical usage at present because of
their ease of performance and the limitation of surrounding tissue da-
mage that they afford. Nonetheless, lesional cells in the specimen are
often rendered unrecognizable because of widespread thermal coagu-
lation, precluding histologic interpretation altogether. It should there-
fore be obvious that cauterizing techniques must be avoided for diag-
nostic purposes.


Tissue fixation with formalin

Fig. 3. Improperly-maintained formalin solution produces precipitates over
Formalin represents a 37–40% aqueous solution of formaldehyde, hematoxylin and eosin sections that may resemble microorganisms.

M.R. Wick Seminars in Diagnostic Pathology 36 (2019) 303–311

protein substructure, and may accentuate the formation of methylol recommended period of fixation with several preservatives, over which
bonds between polypeptides. unwanted changes reproducibly occur in tissue biochemistry. Overfixed
Despite these drawbacks, formalin is inexpensive and widely specimens are difficult to cut and often demonstrate alterations in
available, and is therefore ubiquitously employed as the fixative of morphologic definition or antigenic integrity. On the other hand, un-
choice for clinical specimens. The above-cited failings of this pre- derfixation allows bacterial putrefaction to proceed, similarly damaging
servative can be prevented by careful technique in its preparation, the tissue sample. Specimens that are immersed in the most commonly
adherence to environmental monitoring requirements, and application used preservative – NBF – should ideally be processed further within
of proper prosection and fixation techniques for the submission of tissue 8–12 h.
sections. Some laboratories prefer to use NBF-ethanol (mixed in equal The pH of fixatives is not critical for light microscopy, except that
volumes), because it affords a greater degree of tissue penetration than certain unwanted pigmentary deposits may be seen with unduly acidic
formalin alone. preservatives. Nonetheless, hyperacidity is extremely detrimental to
cellular ultrastructure, and also to the maintenance of tissue anti-
genicity.7 For these reasons, it would be wise to control pH within the
Other factors influencing fixation
physiologic range during fixation, in the event that electron microscopy
or immunohistology are necessary diagnostically.
As outlined by Carson and Hladik,7 there are several other con-
siderations in the fixation of tissue besides one's choice of preservative
solution. These include temperature, size of the sample, the volume Tissue processing and preparation of microscopic sections
ration of tissue to fixative solution, the duration of fixation, and the pH
of the solution. Because most commonly-employed fixatives are aqueous in nature,
Recently, the rapid but controlled elevation of temperature with the next step in tissue processing is usually that of dehydration and
microwave ovens has been utilized as an independent means of fixation, “clearing” (removal of all water from the specimen). Graded solutions
by coagulation of tissue proteins.14 Surprisingly, this process appears to of ethanol are used for this purpose, and these must be changed fre-
have little if any adverse effect on staining characteristics, even with quently to maintain their desiccating properties. A variety of clearing
immunohistologic methods. However, it must be emphasized that agents are available, but the most common are xylene and limonene
careful control is the key to thermal fixation; overheating may com- derivatives. In likeness to the alcohols, such reagents may be con-
pletely destroy the specimen if it is allowed to reach an extreme level taminated by water with repeated use and should be monitored closely
(e.g., over 65 °C). In a more conventional context, there are really no for this problem.
compelling reasons to employ fixative solutions at one temperature Xylene is inexpensive and does not leave a residue on glassware or
versus another. other instrument parts in the histology laboratory. In light of these
Specimen size is, on the other hand, a potentially crucial factor af- virtues, it is the most popular clearing agent. However, xylene fumes
fecting quality of fixation, and this determinant goes hand in hand with are potentially toxic to technologists, making careful storage, controlled
the volumetric relationship between a tissue sample and the solution in disposal, and environmental monitoring mandatory. In addition, xylene
which it is immersed. Large, extremely thick specimens will be in- may damage the protein substructure of certain fragile tissue antigens.7
adequately penetrated by most fixatives, allowing autolysis to proceed Limonene-type clearing agents are derived from plants, and are there-
unchecked in their central areas (Fig. 4). This problem results in fore biodegradable. They have a strong odor – like that of lemons or
eventual loss of the unfixed foci during microtomy, yielding micro- oranges – which is alternatively perceived as pleasant or noxious by
scopic sections that resemble doughnuts. Because penetration is fa- various people. Other disadvantages of limonenes are that they leave a
cilitated by minor thermal or mechanical currents in the fixative solu- residue on mechanical tissue processors and may sometimes interfere
tion, large specimens that are covered with an inadequate volume of with the adherence of tissue sections to glass slides. The microtomy of
preservative will predictably be underfixed. An experienced histo- specimens cleared in limonenes has been said to be easier than that
technologist typically detects this problem upon attempting microtomy encountered with xylene.7
of the tissue, and will “run the specimen back” for more prolonged In the relatively early days of histotechnology, all dehydration and
fixation and reprocessing. However, this consumes additional time and clearing steps were done by hand. Over the past 45 years, however, a
should be unnecessary. variety of automatic tissue processors have been engineered and mar-
As noted in the foregoing discussion, there is a maximum keted.15 These are used widely at present, and may be divided into two

Fig. 4. Inadequate fixation of tissue causes the central aspects of tissue blocks to putrefy (left panel), resulting in sections that show tissue loss (top right panel) or
complete loss of cellular detail (bottom right panel).

M.R. Wick Seminars in Diagnostic Pathology 36 (2019) 303–311

main groups – “open” and “closed.” Open processors mechanically undesirable folds in the final stained slide. The temperature of paraffin
transfer baskets containing tissue cassettes from on “station” (chemical or Carbowax stations in the tissue processor, and at the embedding
bath) to another, on a computer-driven schedule. The latter may be center, must be monitored closely. Overheating the wax will cause
altered by the operator to change the time of dehydration, clearing, or unwanted thermal artifacts in the tissue and compromise its cellular
other steps. Closed instruments vary the solutions to which each spe- detail. Excessively cool wax fails to infiltrate the specimens adequately.
cimen basket is exposed by pumping chemicals in and out of fixed Another class of embedding compounds that has been used at some
chambers, again according to a programmed schedule. In other words, centers is represented by polymeric plastic resins such as glycol me-
open processors move specimens, whereas closed processors move thacrylate or epoxy. Disadvantages of these compounds include the
chemical solutions. necessity of cutting corresponding tissue sections with a glass or dia-
Each of these two types of instruments has advantages and dis- mond knife microtome, and the requirement for a transitional fluid,
advantages. Open processors show a low incidence of reagent con- such as propylene oxide, to embed the tissue after dehydration and
tamination from one station to another, but they are subject to the clearing.7 Moreover, plastic sections are difficult to stain with the same
mechanical “hangup” of specimen baskets in transit. Closed processors intensity as that seen in paraffin-embedded preparations. The main
do not suffer from the latter drawback, but they are subject to chemical advantage of plastic media is that extremely thin, flat sections may be
carryover from one reagent pumping step to another. This potentially prepared by experienced microtomists, providing exquisite cellular
compromises the dehydration-clearing sequence. On balance, in- detail. In addition, some enzyme-histochemical staining methods that
dividual experience on the part of technologists and pathologists ulti- otherwise require the use of frozen sections are possible with specimens
mately determines which type of processor will be chosen. embedded in epoxy or glycol methacrylate.
Histomicrotomy is a seemingly straightforward process, re-
Embedding and sectioning presenting the cutting of serial paraffin-embedded sections with a tissue
microtome. Nevertheless, this technique has many hidden traps that
The final stations in any tissue processor infiltrate all specimens relate to the proper maintenance, calibration, and orientation of cutting
with paraffin or another wax-based embedding medium. Thereafter, the blades; preparation of paraffin blocks; and dexterity of the technologist.
technologist removes each biopsy (one at a time) from its metal or Microtome blades that are dull or nicked will produce “chatter” or
plastic cassette and proceeds to embed it in a rectangle of additional “venetian blind” artifacts in tissue sections (Fig. 8). In addition, the
liquid wax, with attention to the proper orientation of the tissue “clearance angle” (between the tissue block and the microtome knife) is
sample. The pathologist or pathology assistant may direct this process crucial to good technique. It should be approximately 3–8°.16 If the
by notching or inking one or several surfaces of the specimen, and angle is too narrow, alternately thick and thin sections are cut, or they
providing a “map” in accompanying paperwork that indicates whether are folded on themselves. An excessive clearance angle causes chattered
these should be placed face-down, face-up, or in parallel with the lateral or otherwise unacceptable sections (Fig. 5), and may preclude the
aspects of the cassette. Such provisions are usually necessary only with ability of the technologist to obtain a tissue ribbon. Even worse are the
large pieces of tissue. For example, technologists accustomed to hand- effects of loose microtome blades or tissue blocks in the microtome
ling skin biopsies will, as a matter of routine, orient the epidermis chuck. These deficiencies may shatter the paraffin block entirely or
perpendicularly to the bottom of the cassette mold and facing one of its deeply groove the tissue specimen. A block that is mounted crookedly
long sides. If several pieces of tissue are included in the same block, in the microtome chuck will produce irregular ribbons, or cause in-
these are best arranged diagonally. dividual sections in the ribbon to break free from one another.
The embedding step is a potential source of great irritation (and Regardless of whether one uses paraffin or carbowax as an em-
medicolegal liability) for the pathologist if it is done by an in- bedding medium, there is still a need to refrigerate tissue blocks before
experienced or careless laboratory worker. With few exceptions, small microtomy is attempted. This step hardens the wax slightly and allows
biopsy specimens that are oriented improperly cannot be interpreted for crisp sections to be cut. Warm blocks will yield wrinkled ribbons or
microscopically, necessitating that the block be remelted and re-em- cause successive sections to anneal to one another. In addition, failure
bedded. This takes time, and in the process of facing the poorly-oriented to moisten the surface of blocked tissue suitably before cutting it yields
specimen for preparation of initial sections, valuable tissue may be an excessive number of knife marks or fragmented sections. The tech-
lost.15 nologist can simply rub a wet finger over the block several times prior
In order to circumvent embedding difficulties, some laboratorians to microtomy, if the specimen is small. If it is large, and particularly if
have taken to pre-embedding small biopsies in agar before they are put the tissue is heavily cornified, a wet piece of cloth or cotton soaked in
in cassettes for fixation. This does assure proper orientation, but agar 5% ammonium hydroxide may be applied for 2 or 3 min to rehydrate
will not “fix” in the same manner that tissue does, nor will it respond the tissue face.16
similarly to dehydration, clearing, and infiltration by wax. All of these
factors may cause the tissue to “pop” free of the surrounding agar after Mounting of tissue sections
embedding and during tissue sectioning, defeating the purpose of the
agar impregnation step altogether. Therefore, I do not advocate this The wax ribbon of serial tissue sections can be removed from the
procedure, rather preferring to educate technologists on the details of microtome knife as it is cut. In this process, the operator exerts slight
orientation during wax embedding. Even a very small biopsy can be traction on the end of the ribbon, stretching it gradually, and subse-
appropriately configured in the wax block, with the use of a magnifying quently depositing it on the surface of a warm water bath at the cutting
lens or dissecting microscope. station. The temperature of such flotation devices should be kept at
Paraffin is still the most widely-utilized embedding medium, but 5–10 °C below the melting point of the embedding wax. If it is too hot,
some laboratories have opted to employ “CarbowaxR” as a substitute. desiccated-looking sections will result that resemble “parched earth”17
The latter compound is a water soluble wax, making dehydration and (Fig. 6); in contrast, cool flotation baths produce excessive wrinkling of
clearing of the tissue unnecessary and allowing for direct infiltration of the tissue.
formalin-fixed tissue with embedding medium in the tissue processor.7 To facilitate the process of obtaining a smooth, unwrinkled, paraf-
This element of simplicity is attractive, but Carbowax has its draw- finized ribbon of tissue, it can be stretched further while floating in the
backs. One concerns the dissolution of the embedding medium when warm water bath. Also, adding a few milliliters of ethyl alcohol to the
microtomized tissue ribbons are placed in a water bath prior to water is beneficial in this regard.18 The ribbon must not be left in the
mounting them on glass slides. This unwanted eventuality makes it bath for more than one or two minutes, or spurious overhydration of
difficult for the technologist to keep the tissue section flat, resulting in the tissue will be produced. This effect simulates the appearance of

M.R. Wick Seminars in Diagnostic Pathology 36 (2019) 303–311

Fig. 5. Poor fixation, loose or dull microtomy blades, or improper blade clearance angles in microtomy are associated with “chatter” or “venetian blind” artifacts in
hematoxylin and eosin sections.

With respect to optimizing the cost of slide preparation, as many

individual sections as possible should be mounted on one slide, from
the same ribbon. It is not difficult for adept technologists to include 5 to
10 cuts of a small specimen on each slide, arranged in a serial fashion.
Also, in light of the limited size of many skin, bronchoscopic, and gut
biopsies, it is advisable to save any unmounted paraffin ribbons (with
appropriate identification) from such cases for one week after they are
accessioned. Re-mounts can be prepared from these directly, without
the need for further microtomy of the tissue block.
Finally, the identification of tissue sections must be scrupulously
maintained throughout the remainder of their sojourn in the histology
laboratory. Such a necessity is assured by having the technologist
scratch the case and block numbers onto one end of all mounted glass
slides with a diamond knife, or by the use of a bar-coding system.

General staining and coverslipping procedures

Once the tissue has been affixed to glass slides, paraffin is removed
prior to the staining procedure. This is accomplished by placing the
sections in a carrier, heating them to 56 °C for at least one hour (pre-
Fig. 6. Overly-hot water baths at the slide-mounting station cause hematoxylin ferably longer—to evaporate water from the glass slides and further
and eosin sections to assume a “parched-earth” appearance. anchor the tissue), and immersing them for 3–5 min in each of three or
four successive containers of a clearing agent (xylene or a limonene
derivate). Most histologic dyes penetrate tissue best if it has been re-
edema fluid microscopically.7 Because tissue sections do not adhere hydrated; thus, passage of the slides through containers of graded
well to untreated glass slides, a bonding agent also must be a compo- ethanol solutions (absolute; 95%; 70%) and distilled water is necessary
nent of the water bath. Elmer's-GlueR, albumin, and poly-L-lysine are all before staining can be undertaken. The importance of proper paraffin
suitable additives of that type. clearance cannot be overemphasized, with regard to final results. If a
One of the most dangerous of all mistakes in the histology labora- sizable quantity of wax remains in the sections, dyes will not be able to
tory can take place when mounting sections from flotation baths. penetrate them and impregnate constituent tissues.
Friable tissue may “shed” small fragments that float free on the surface There are two principal procedures for the application of hema-
of the water, and these may be inadvertently picked up when mounting toxylin & eosin (H&E) to tissue sections – the “progressive” method, and
slides from subsequently processed, unrelated cases. Derisively known the “regressive” technique19–22 The former is usually preferred, and it is
as “floaters,” these rogue pieces of tissue may cause serious inter- characterized by sequential staining with hematoxylin (for roughly
pretative problems for the pathologist (Fig. 7). For example, it is not 15 min) and eosin (for 1–3 min). These steps are separated by appli-
difficult to envision a small piece of a prostatic carcinoma that may find cation of ammonia water or lithium carbonate as “blueing” agents for
its way onto slides of another prostate biopsy, a ribbon of which is hematoxylin, which is actually a chemical “lake” of hematein and a
mounted subsequently in the same water bath. Technologists must be mordant such as ammonium aluminum sulfate (). In addition, copious
impressed with the tremendous medicolegal liabilities that such a rinsing with water must be assured after exposure of the tissue to he-
mistake incurs, and they must routinely skim, or otherwise clear, the matoxylin and ammonia or lithium. The “progressive” H&E method is
surface of the water bath between cases. An alternative source of so-named because the technologist can monitor the depth of staining as
floater-type artifacts is the “tongue blade metastasis,” wherein tissue it develops and terminate each step appropriately. This procedure is
adheres to wooden applicator sticks that are used to float successively- desirable because it can compensate for the effects of various fixatives
prepared ribbons from two different cases.15 Needless to say, this which enhance the uptake or either hematoxylin (formaldehyde, os-
practice is highly inadvisable. mium, heavy metals) or eosin (picric acid). “Retrogressive” H&E

M.R. Wick Seminars in Diagnostic Pathology 36 (2019) 303–311

Fig. 7. Poor water bath hygiene by the technologist may result in carryover of tissue between unrelated cases—so-called “floaters”.

staining refers to a technique wherein tissue is purposefully over-im-

pregnated with hematoxylin and then modified to suit the operator by
decolorization with dilute hydrochloric acid. Final results are much
more difficult to control in that procedure, and it requires a highly
experienced technologist to achieve good nuclear detail in the ultimate
In regard to eosin as a counterstain for hematoxylin, two points
merit mention. One is that eosin is a “differentiating” stain which dis-
similarly impregnates tissues of varying chemical structure and mole-
cular density. As much, it requires the same amount of technical at-
tention as hematoxylin in a progressive H&E method. Different
connective tissues should be stained to variable degrees in a properly-
performed procedure of this type; however, overly-rapid passage of
sections through ethanol solutions, after exposure to eosin, interferes
with this effect and should be discouraged. Secondly, some workers
prefer to use a combined eosin reagent (incorporating such dyes as
phloxine or safranin) to enhance its differentiating properties.7
Inasmuch as most laboratories utilize Harris’ hematoxylin—which is Fig. 8. Improper coverslipping may produce blobs of mounting medium that
insoluble in alcohol—the final preparation of H&E- stained microscopic obscure the stained section. This particular slide also suffers from excessive
sections involves dehydration in graded alcohols and several changes of tissue folding, probably caused by poor waterbath hygiene.
a clearing agent. Subsequently, a drop of synthetic mounting medium is
placed over the tissue after blotting away excess clearing solution, and a
glass cover slip is attached. For several years, automatic cover-slipping machines have been
The latter steps sound simple enough, but they actually require marketed by several firms. These are potentially attractive because they
some technical finesse. Experienced technologists often dilute the potentially save technologists’ expenditure of time in a rote procedure.
mounting medium slightly with a few drops of clearing agent, and also However, experience with such devices has been less than satisfactory.
leave a very small amount of clearing solution on the glass surface Quite often, the amount of mounting medium dispensed is inadequate,
surrounding the tissue. These provisions assure that the mounting and air bubbles rapidly appear under the cover slips after the slides are
medium will disperse evenly under the glass cover slip, to the exclusion delivered to the pathologist.
of entrapped air bubbles. Excess mounting medium must be carefully As mentioned earlier, some laboratories attach gum-backed labels to
blotted from the area around the attached cover slip, because it may cover-slipped sections, on which corresponding case and block numbers
otherwise diffuse over the surface of the slide. This unwanted phe- have been written or typed. Others prefer to use slides with a “frosted”
nomenon results in “blobs” of mounting medium on the coverslips area on one end, where these numbers can be written in indelible ink. A
(Fig. 8) (interfering with microscopy), or on the sides of the glass slides third, more recent, technique is the use of unique, bar-coded, case-
(causing them to stick to other surfaces or to one another). Under no specific labels that are affixed to requisition forms, gross specimen
circumstances should newly-mounted sections ever be stacked on top of containers, blocks, and glass slides. Whichever one of these procedures
one another, or immediately placed in vertical slide boxes or small is followed, laboratory workers must be certain to check all labels
plastic carriers. These maneuvers make it virtually certain that sections against bar codes, block designations, and diamond knife-etchings on
will anneal to one another, to plastic surfaces, or to struts in slide boxes, the slides. The crucial nature of this step cannot be overstated in pa-
as the mounting medium hardens. The latter process can be accelerated thology laboratories that process many similar biopsies, because the
by brief and gentle warming in a drying oven into which forced air is gross characteristics of small specimens are of limited help in distin-
pumped. guishing one from the other. Nearly all “shave” skin biopsies, prostatic

M.R. Wick Seminars in Diagnostic Pathology 36 (2019) 303–311

needle biopsies, and endoscopic gut biopsies look alike macro- addendum with specific examples, and their possible remedies, is in-
scopically. If a mistake occurs that compromises the identity of a given cluded at the end of this article.
case, the pathologist and responsible clinician should be informed im-
mediately. Such errors may result in the need to rebiopsy the patients Acknowledgment
who are concerned.
The foregoing discussion has mentioned several particular problems The author is grateful to Dennis Chandler, H.T. (ASCP), for his re-
that can be seen because of suboptimal histologic preparation. An view of this manuscript.

Appendix: Specific problems in histotechnology and their possible solutions

Suboptimal fixation of tissue, with autolysis or partial loss of tissue in microscopic sections

Histologic “Symptoms”

– Tissue blocks have “mushy” centers when seen at the embedding station.
– Tissue components separate when sections are placed in water bath for mounting.
– Nuclei in H&E stains are smudgy or bubbly, or they show poor definition in general.
– Tissue in central aspects of microscopic sections is more eosinophilic than that at the periphery in H&E stains.

Possible remedies

– Assure the submersion of gross specimens and prosected tissue blocks in an adequate volume of fixative for an sufficient period of time.
– Partially prosect bulky gross specimens before immersion in fixative, to facilitate its uniform access to tissue.
– Change fixative for gross specimens to include glyoxal.
– Agitate cassettes while in fixative holding solutions.
– Do not place an excessive number of tissue blocks in holding containers or tissue processor compartments.
– Cut thick blocks down at the embedding station, deparaffinize them, and place them in tetrahydrofuran for additional dehydration, before
infiltrating them with paraffin, OR cut thick blocks down, run them through the “purge” cycle in the tissue processor, and then put them
successively in 95% ethanol and formalin (“running back” blocks).

Carryover of tissue pieces between specimens at the embedding station

Histologic “Symptom”—Foreign tissue pieces from other cases (“floaters”) in stained tissue sections
Possible remedies

– Clean tissue forceps thoroughly in between the handling of successive specimens.

– Open and process one tissue cassette at a time at the embedding station.

Overdecalcification of tissues that contain calcium

Histologic “Symptom”—Stained H&E sections have a pale, “washed-out” appearance, with poor definition between nuclei and cytoplasm (Fig. 9).

– Optimize concentration of hydrochloric acid solution or ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) solution, as well as time of decalcification, by
using test tissues with variable sizes and degrees of calcification.

Fig. 9. Over-decalcification of tissue results in “washed-out” hematoxylin and eosin staining, with poor cellular definition.

M.R. Wick Seminars in Diagnostic Pathology 36 (2019) 303–311

Uneven microtomy of tissue blocks, with partial loss of tissue or poor orientation

Histologic “Symptoms”

– Tissue sections do not match the appearance of paraffin blocks, because some tissue has been lost at microtomy.
– Successive sections made from paraffin ribbons do not look the same, because ribbons are crooked
– There are holes in the paraffin sections.

Possible remedies

– Make sure air bubbles are removed from tissue at the embedding station.
– Make sure tissue pieces are embedded at the same level in embedding molds, by pressing tissue down firmly in the mold during infiltration with
properly-molten paraffin.
– Make sure that paraffin blocks are positioned in a truly-horizontal position on the microtome, and adequately chill them beforehand in ice water.
– Decrease micrometer advances with the microtome during preparation of tissue ribbons.

Mechanical distortion of tissue blocks during microtomy

Histologic “Symptoms”

– Overly-thick or thin microscopic sections, particularly in alternation in the same tissue ribbon.
– Grooved (“chattered”), scored, or smeared stained tissue sections.
– Vertical scratches or defects in stained tissue sections.

Possible remedies

– Optimize microtome blade tilt (“clearance angle”).

– Make certain microtome blade is securely fastened and properly sharpened.
– Assure firm mounting of paraffin blocks in microtome.
– Improve level of paraffinization during embedding of tissue.
– Correct possible overdehydration of tissue in processing machines.

Problems Incurred at the microtomy station, relating to water baths

Histologic “Symptoms”

– Folded and wrinkled tissue in stained sections.

– Cracks in stained tissue sections, resembling “parched earth”.
– “Floaters” (foreign tissues) are present in stained tissue sections.

Possible remedies

– Carefully control water temperature in water baths.

– Add a small amount of 95% ethanol to water baths.
– Scrupulously skim surface of water bath between cases to remove floating tissue.
– Do not use wooden applicator sticks to handle tissue in the water bath.

Fig. 10. Poor definition between nuclear and cytoplasmic detail is seen in this section, as a consequence of inadequately controlling pH, concentration, staining
times, or freshness of reagents during hematoxylin and eosin staining.

M.R. Wick Seminars in Diagnostic Pathology 36 (2019) 303–311

Poor-quality H&E sections relating to the staining procedure itself

Histologic “Symptoms”

– Irregular staining of the sections.

– Nuclear “bubbling” or “smudging”.
– Poor definition between nuclei and cytoplasm (Fig. 10).
– Over- or under-staining with either hematoxylin or eosin.
– Blue-black precipitate in stained sections.

Possible remedies

– Correct possible incomplete dehydration of tissue in the tissue processor; consider substituting toluene for xylene.
– Do not leave tissue in melted paraffin for prolonged periods during embedding.
– Assure the absence of water or fixative in melted paraffin at the embedding station.
– Control the thickness of tissue sections consistently during microtomy.
– Maintain good control of concentrations, pH, and freshness of staining reagents; filter hematoxylin solution regularly.
– Make sure sections are dried properly and at a suitable temperature (≤70 °C) before staining, and/or treat them briefly with absolute ethanol and
xylene before staining.
– Optimize respective staining times in hematoxylin and eosin.
– Avoid over-differentiation or under-differentiation of the hematoxylin staining step.
– Adjust the specifics of the “blueing” step in H&E staining, and assure that blueing agent is completely removed before the eosin step.

Problems relating to coverslipping of tissue sections

Histologic “Symptoms”

– Bubbles under coverslip or detachment of coverslips with storage of slides.

– “Blobs” of mounting medium over surfaces of coverslips.

Possible remedies

– Make sure that mounting medium is neither too thick nor too thin in consistency.
– Use a pipette for addition of mounting medium to stained sections to control volume.

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