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Case Scenario 1

Responsibilities Amidst Disaster

A Case Study


DRRM officers are in charge of facilitating and supporting risk assessments and planning activities at
the local level. It is also one’s job to identify what strategies are to be implemented for cost-effective
risk reduction measures. Afterward, to be able to disseminate information and raise public
awareness about hazards, vulnerabilities, and risks that may be encountered before, during, and
after the occurrence of a disaster.

As a DRRM officer, I am the one who has enough knowledge and capabilities of promoting
awareness of my locality. Since natural disasters are not new to us, hence, reinforcing the capacities
of communities towards the risk and adverse impacts of natural hazards is one of my duties since it
is essential for us in order to reduce vulnerabilities and manage disasters. The study addresses the
responsibilities of a DRRM officer in the midst of a certain natural occurring disaster which as the
tornado that eventually hit a community that happened to be where I and my family belong to.

Question number 1

First response as a DRRM officer:

Since tornadoes occur more likely with little or no warning, it is advisable for us to be observant of
our environment. As a DRRM officer, taking precautions in advance of the storms, such as
developing an emergency plan, having a safety kit or emergency kit, making sure of knowing the
warning signs, monitoring the direction of the tornado, and advising the people of providing a safe
shelter for every family, if possible, can help stay safe from tornado destruction. During the
tornado’s destruction in my community, the first thing to do is to spot a suitable place to take shelter
while the tornado is still not over. It is also important that every member of the family knows the
action plan. When a tornado hits, flying and falling objects are expected so the better and best thing
I can do is to keep myself and my loved ones safe by providing them a safe shelter. I will keep them
away from windows for they may cause injury if it breaks, away from heavy objects that might fall
and if the basement is available, it would be the safest place to keep my loved ones safe from the

Question number 2

Next thing to do after saving my family:

Family comes first before anyone else, but right after saving my family, I will also help the people in
my community, considering the precautions I have to take by using all the available resources and
with all of my will. Yet since I have to consider my loved one’s worry about my safety. I will offer
help, especially to those people who can’t save their own lives, such as those PWDs, senior citizens
belonging to the older age group, and people with low chances of surviving during the tornado. It is
a duty and will to help the community during a natural occurring disaster.
II. Case Scenario 2


I am working in the hospital for straight 12 hours already and supposedly my time of duty is over
when a hurricane hit my workplace and other places nearby where my family’s home is currently
located. Since the hurricane is already causing its destruction, my co-workers won’t be able to go to
the hospital because of the flood and blockage of debris on the street on their way to the workplace.
Thereof, even if I’m already done with my time of duty, still I won’t be able to pass through the
streets on my way to our home. This study dwells on how I would deal with these dilemmas.
Situated in a hospital where I have to fulfill my duties and responsibilities and how I would be able to
keep my family safe from the hurricane while I’m away from their current location. Over and above
that, my husband needs to undergo immediate surgery in the midst of the hurricane.

Question number 1

Should you refuse to work any longer?

Since my time of duty is already done then I have the freedom to get away from work. But since my
co-workers won’t be able to come across the hurricane because of the flood, then I might just also
stay there in the meantime also for my safety and try to contact my loved ones to make sure of their
safety. Despite my responsibilities at work, I also need to consider the safety of my family even from
a long distance, especially at times of disaster. Securing the safety of my family will always be my
priority. All I can do in the meantime is to make sure of their safety since I could not also head my
way home. I will tell them to go to a safe place inside our house. Away from the windows and stay at
a higher ground in case it floods. Yet, if the signal is not available, then I have to find other ways to
get to them. I can make use of the resources available in the hospital.

Question number 2

Your partner needs to have immediate surgery:

If in case my husband’s condition is not that much likely to save my family, then I have to do my part
as a partner. I need not panic so that I can save my family from the hurricane’s destruction. Since I
am at the hospital, then I will make use of the available resources. I will ask for help from my other
co-workers to drive me heading to my family and tell them I need immediate help for my husband
needs emergency surgery. And if they agree to help me then I have no time to waste and head my
way to my loved ones. I will make sure that I will be able to get my family to the hospital safely so
that my husband can also have his immediate surgery. I will look for an available surgeon in the
hospital and ask for help with no hesitation.

Question number 3

Responsibilities during a disaster:

I have my responsibilities at work, to make sure of the safety of the patients before myself. But my
family’s safety will always be my first priority. Since I am still at the hospital even though my time of
duty is already done, then I have to help the patients who need it. They also have their families who
are praying for their safety as much as I do. A bit of help can save a precious life. Especially to those
patients with the weak condition who cannot even carry their weight. Helping them would mean a
lot to them. It is a free will, without a free will then there is no moral responsibility.

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