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Common Etiologies of

U p p e r E x t rem i t y S p a s t i c i t y
Francisco J. Angulo-Parker, MDa, Joshua M. Adkinson, MDb,*

 Spasticity  Spastic hypertonia  Upper extremity  Motor neuron syndrome  Cerebral palsy
 Spinal cord injury  Stroke  Cerebrovascular accident

 Spasticity is a motor disorder characterized by increased muscle tone and a hyperexcitable stretch
 The most common causes of upper extremity spasticity include stroke, traumatic brain injury, mul-
tiple sclerosis, spinal cord injury, and cerebral palsy.
 The underlying pathophysiology of spasticity may vary, but the clinical manifestations are some-
what predictable and include elbow flexion, forearm pronation, wrist flexion, and thumb/digital
 The management team should understand the cause of upper extremity spasticity in order to
formulate an optimal treatment plan.

INTRODUCTION undeniable. Many patients with spasticity require

life-long medical management and substantial
Spasticity is a motor disorder characterized by a assistance with activities of daily living. Upper ex-
velocity-dependent increase in tonic stretch re- tremity surgeons may be involved in the manage-
flexes (ie, muscle tone) with exaggerated tendon ment of patients with spasticity in order to
jerks resulting from hyperexcitability of the stretch address joint deformities and functional deficits.
reflex as one component of the upper motor In this article, the authors discuss the epidemi-
neuron syndrome (UMNS).1–4 Upper motor neu- ology and pathophysiology of the most common
rons originate in the motor region of the cerebral causes for upper extremity spasticity.
cortex or brain stem and carry information to the
lower motor neurons, which innervate skeletal PATHOPHYSIOLOGY OF SPASTICITY
muscle. Damage to the upper motor neuron re-
sults in several clinical findings that encompass The upper motor neuron pathways originate in the
the UMNS. Some of the positive features include brain stem or cerebral cortex. These pathways
spasticity and dystonic hypertonia, hyperreflexia, include the corticospinal (pyramidal) tract; these
spasms, and clonus, whereas negative features tracts, along with descending pathways origi-
include paralysis, weakness, loss of dexterity, nating in the brain stem, can directly or indirectly
and muscle fatigue.4 influence the excitability of the anterior horn cell.4
Data regarding the incidence and prevalence of All of these structures may play a role in the path-
spasticity are scant, but the clinical impact is ophysiology of positive symptoms of UMNS.

Disclosure Statement: The authors have no commercial or financial conflicts of interest regarding the content
of this article.

Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Department of Pediatrics, Indiana University School of Medicine, 705
Riley Hospital Drive, Indianapolis, IN 46202, USA; b Division of Plastic Surgery, Department of Surgery, Indiana
University School of Medicine, 545 Barnhill Drive, Emerson Hall 232, Indianapolis, IN 46202, USA
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address:

Hand Clin 34 (2018) 437–443
0749-0712/18/Ó 2018 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
438 Angulo-Parker & Adkinson

The fundamental disruption leading to spasticity of clinically significant spasticity, the studies on
is in the muscle stretch reflex,5 as evidenced byan the incidence and prevalence of spasticity have
increase in resistance during passive stretchor been limited. Most of these studies rely on patient
movement of a joint. Initial paralysis followedby surveys. In addition, there are differences in clin-
aberrant motor behaviors, such as spasticity, is a ical assessment measures and diagnostic defini-
result of the adaptive changes of the brain andspi- tions,9 which make it difficult to estimate the
nal cord after damage to centralmotor path- prevalence of spasticity.10 Despite these limita-
ways.The correlation between spasticity and tions, existing research indicates that 17% to
paralysis is clinically relevant, as each manifesta- 38% of patients with a cerebrovascular accident
tion results in some form of functional impairment (ie, stroke), 34% of patients with traumatic brain
anddisability. Recognition of the simultaneous fin- injury (TBI), 67% of patients with multiple sclerosis
dingsof spasticity and paralysis is also important, (MS), 68% to 78% of patients with spinal cord
as they require different treatment strategies. injury (SCI), and 85% of patients with cerebral
There is no single pathophysiologic mechanism palsy (CP) have spasticity.10–20
that accounts for all aspects of spasticity. Paresis,
soft tissue contracture, and muscle hypertonia are
the 3 major mechanisms of motor impairment. CAUSES OF UPPER EXTREMITY SPASTICITY
Further, several conditions are part of spastic hyper- Cerebrovascular Accident (ie, Stroke)
tonia, including dystonia, rigidity, myoclonus, muscle A stroke is the sudden onset of neurologic deficits
spasms, clonus, posturing, and spasticity.6 Clini- secondary to an acute decrease in blood flow and
cally, isolated stretch-related spasticity will be resultant brain hypoxia. It is a major cause of
velocity-dependent and able to be tested with pas- morbidity and mortality worldwide and ranks as
sive stretches. It is often assessed with examiner- the second-leading cause of death behind
dependent tools, such as the Modified Ashworth ischemic heart disease. Nearly 800,000 new cases
Scale, that reliably rates resistance to passive move- are reported annually in the United States, where
ment on a 5-point scale.6 If left untreated, spasticity approximately 2.6 million men and 3.9 million
may evolve into muscle and joint contractures with women live with stroke.21 Spasticity affects up to
limited motion and loss of function. The most com- 38% of patients following a stroke.10,11,14,18,20
mon clinical manifestations are elbow flexion, fore- Further, it is the number one cause of paralysis in
arm pronation, wrist flexion, and thumb/digital the United States.22,23
flexion (Fig. 1).7,8 Optimal management of these de- The acute decrease in brain perfusion can be
formities requires an understanding of the underlying caused by 2 different mechanisms: occlusion of
cause of upper extremity spasticity and is highly blood vessels (ie, ischemic stroke) and blood
individualized. vessel rupture (ie, hemorrhagic stroke).24 Hemor-
rhagic strokes are much less common and may
EPIDEMIOLOGY OF SPASTICITY be caused by hypertension, aneurysm rupture,
arteriovenous malformation, anticoagulants, or tu-
Upper extremity spasticity may result from several
mor bleeding. The neurologic deficits present in
different conditions. Whereas there has been a
patients who have had a stroke will depend on
significant amount of research into the treatment
the area of the brain affected.25 For example
 Unilateral ischemic injuries secondary to oc-
clusion of the middle cerebral artery will result
in contralateral hemiplegia. Upper extremities
will be more affected than lower extremities.
This lesion results in the classic clinical picture
of upper extremity hemiplegia, facial palsy,
and speech difficulties.
 Unilateral ischemic injuries secondary to oc-
clusion of the anterior cerebral artery will result
in contralateral motor deficits to the lower ex-
tremity, with little to no effect on the contralat-
eral upper extremity.
 A central lesion to the posterior cerebral artery
can cause contralateral hemiplegia.
Fig. 1. Typical clinical manifestations in patients with  Occlusions of the basal ganglia result in
cerebral palsy. contralateral hemiparesis.
Common Etiologies of Upper Extremity Spasticity 439

Although an acute stroke initially presents with Multiple Sclerosis

flaccid paralysis, synergistic movement patterns
MS is a disease of the central nervous system
subsequently develop. These patterns are initially
(CNS) that often leads to significant impairment
generalized; as motor control recovery continues,
and disability. In fact, it is the most common cause
isolated patterns of movement return to the
of nontraumatic disability in the United States.
affected extremity. As motor control returns, spas-
With a prevalence of 0.9 per 1000, MS affects
tic hypertonia diminishes, but spasticity can remain
women 2 to 3 times more commonly than men;
problematic if motor recovery is incomplete.
most patients are diagnosed between the third
Because the sensory cortex is also commonly
and sixth decades of life.28
affected, patients may have additional deficits in
Currently available evidence suggests that MS is
sensation and awareness of the affected limb in
an inflammatory disease, although no consensus
space (ie, proprioception). Furthermore, visual
cause has been established. It is thought to be a
disturbances can occur following stroke, which
combination of genetic predisposition and envi-
may further compromise already limited upper
ronmental factors. MS is characterized by demye-
extremity function, as an awareness of the limb
lination throughout the CNS. The demyelination in
in space is affected. Surgical treatment in pa-
MS is not diffuse but presents in plaques that tend
tients after stroke tends to require more aggres-
to have a preference for the optic nerves, periven-
sive releases in order to adequately address
tricular white matter, brain stem, cerebellum, and
joint deformities and contractures.
cervical spinal cord.29
The symptoms of MS are numerous and varied
Traumatic Brain Injury and include weakness/spasticity, dysesthesias, vi-
sual changes and blindness, and cognitive defi-
TBI is a major cause of death and disability in the
cits. There are multiple subtypes of MS, including
United States. In 2013 alone, 2.8 million TBI-
the following:
related emergency department visits, hospitaliza-
tions, and deaths occurred in the United States.26  Relapsing-remitting MS: It is the most common
Approximately 80% of TBIs are considered mild, type (85% of MS). This subtype is character-
which present with a less complicated clinical pic- ized by episodes of disease exacerbation
ture and limited need for medical treatment. Mild in- with subsequent neurologic improvement.
juries can have significant long-term complications, Some episodes allow for a recovery of neuro-
however, but do not present with significant motor logic function to baseline, whereas others
findings. The remaining 20% of TBIs are divided lead to lasting neurologic deficits.
into moderate and severe27; these subtypes are  Secondary progressive MS: It includes an
more commonly associated with paralysis and initial period of relapsing-remitting MS with
spasticity. Although there are limited data regarding later progression of disability without an asso-
prevalence, available research suggests that prob- ciated remission.
lematic spasticity affects between 34% and 84% of  Primary progressive MS: About 10% of pa-
patients with moderate to severe TBIs.19,27 tients with MS present with this subtype, char-
As with other causes of upper extremity spas- acterized by an insidious progression without
ticity, motor involvement depends on the location remission.
of injury. Localized, unilateral injuries due to blunt  Progressive-relapsing MS: About 5% of pa-
trauma present with focal patterns of spasticity tients with MS present with this subtype.
(eg, monoplegia/hemiplegia), whereas diffuse This type is the most aggressive form of MS
axonal injuries and hypoxic/anoxic brain injuries and one that results in rapid progression to
usually present with more generalized patterns of significant disability.
spasticity (eg, quadriplegia). The initial care of pa-
tients with severe TBIs may be rather complex and Approximately 67% of patients with MS experi-
includes intubation, coma management, and care ence spasticity, 38% of which are affected by clin-
of associated orthopedic and other injuries. The ically significant “problematic spasticity.”30
higher priority management of associated injuries Further, in a study of 100 patients with MS in the
may allow spasticity and upper extremity contrac- United Kingdom,31 it was found that 50% had
tures to go untreated for some time. In fact, it is the detectable arm spasticity as measured by the
authors’ experience that the upper extremity man- commonly used Modified Ashworth Scale.
ifestations of TBIs are underemphasized and few Because a small percentage of patients will have
patients are referred for surgical evaluation. Facil- a progressive variant of MS, it is essential that all
itating range of motion should be considered a pri- patients are followed with serial examinations of
ority in early management of patients with TBIs. range of motion, tone, and neurologic status.
440 Angulo-Parker & Adkinson

Spinal Cord Injury more than half of the key muscles below the
neurologic level have a muscle grade less
The National Spinal Cord Injury Statistical Center
than 3.
estimates the incidence of SCI to be 54 per
 ASIA D (incomplete injury): Motor function is
1,000,000, or approximately 17,000 new cases
preserved below the neurologic level, and at
per year. Approximately 285,000 patients are living
least half of the key muscles below the neuro-
with SCI in the United States, and this condition
logic level have a muscle grade greater than or
mostly affects young males.32–34 The most com-
equal to 3.
mon presentation is one of incomplete tetraplegia
(45.8%), followed by incomplete paraplegia Patients with incomplete SCI (ASIA grades B
(20.9%), complete paraplegia (19.7%), and com- and C) have more difficulties and limitation of
plete tetraplegia (13.2%).35 The most common function secondary to spasticity than patients
cause of SCI is trauma; but spinal tumors, radia- with ASIA grades A and D. Although this
tion treatment, infections, inflammatory disease classification system is useful in order to
(eg, transverse myelitis), and vascular diseases communicate clinical examination and prog-
can also cause SCI. nosis among medical providers, the British
Spasticity is rather common after SCI. McGuire Medical Research Council36 classification of
and colleagues30 report that the presence of spas- muscle strength is much more useful in planning
ticity after traumatic SCIs was 67% and 78% at surgical intervention in patients with SCIs
discharge and follow-up, respectively. Of these, (Table 1).
approximately 25% to 50% had spasticity that Importantly, upper extremity spasticity in SCIs
was problematic enough to warrant treatment. Simi- does not always cause difficulties with function.
larly, Maynard and colleagues15 report the presence Some patients leverage their spasticity to facili-
of spasticity at discharge to be 65%, with problem- tate posturing and movement, in return allowing
atic spasticity in 35% of the study population. them to cooperate or perform mobility tasks,
After initial injury, there is a period of spinal shock transfers, and/or activities of daily living. In pa-
that causes hypotonia and a loss of muscle stretch tients with SCIs with problematic spasticity, func-
reflexes. This process can last days to weeks and is tion may be markedly impaired. Joint and muscle
followed by a transitional state with a progressive contractures can develop if left untreated.
increase in tone. The spastic state follows and sta- Ongoing stretching and focal therapy for specific
bilizes in the months following injury. Neurologic re- spastic muscles are essential to preserve/
covery after SCI is more pronounced during the first improve function and to assist in the perioperative
6 to 12 months after injury.35 phase of care for patients that are surgical candi-
The muscles innervated above the level of injury dates. An acute change in spasticity in patients
have normal strength. Muscles innervated below with SCIs may indicate a change in or a new med-
the level of injury may be either flaccid or spastic. ical condition, including acute infection, bowel or
The presence of spasticity is directly related to the bladder dysfunction, urinary tract infection, pres-
level of injury; higher-level injuries (eg, cervical and sure injury, syrinx, and deep vein thrombosis,
high thoracic SCI) are more likely to result in upper among others.37
extremity spasticity as compared with lower level
injuries (eg, low thoracic and lumbar level
SCI).15,30 Further, paralysis and poor motor control Table 1
of the upper extremities are characteristics of up- British Medical Research Council’s muscle
per thoracic and cervical SCI. grading system
Traumatic SCIs are classified according to the
Grade Clinical Finding
international standards proposed by the American
Spinal Injury Association (ASIA), as follows6: 0 No contraction
1 Flicker or trace of contraction
 ASIA A (complete injury): No sensory or motor 2 Active movement with gravity
function is preserved in the sacral segments eliminated
S4 to S5. 3 Active movement against gravity
 ASIA B (incomplete injury): Sensory but not 4 Active movement against gravity
motor function is preserved below the neuro- and resistance
logic level and includes the sacral segments 5 Normal power
S4 to S5. From James MA. Use of the medical research council mus-
 ASIA C (incomplete injury): Motor function is cle strength grading system in the upper extremity. J Hand
preserved below the neurologic level, and Surg 2007;32(2):155; with permission.
Common Etiologies of Upper Extremity Spasticity 441

Cerebral Palsy including chronic pain, seizure disorders, intellectual

disability, communication impairment, hip disloca-
CP is a functionally limiting group of nonprogres-
tion/subluxation, and scoliosis. These overlapping
sive, permanent disorders of movement and
challenges require a multidisciplinary team of special-
posture that are attributed to a disturbance of
ists in order to optimize medical care and outcomes.
the developing fetal or infant brain.38,39 Approxi-
mately 1.5 to 4.0 per 1000 live births are affected;
it is the most common motor disability of child-
hood.40 Multiple risk factors are associated with
the development of CP, including low birth weight, Spasticity may also present as part of several
prematurity, perinatal asphyxia, teratogens, CNS other less common neuromuscular diseases and
malformation, neonatal infection, and metabolic can lead to marked disability.
disorders.41 In most cases, the CNS insult occurs
in utero (w75%).42 Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
It is estimated that spasticity is the main neuro-
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a rare dis-
motor impairment in nearly 80% of children with
ease with a prevalence of 4 to 6 per 100,000.45 It
CP. Further, bilateral CP comprises nearly 70%
is a disease of both upper and lower motor neu-
of all patients with spasticity.43 CP is classified
rons and affects the motor cortex, brainstem,
clinically according to either the type of neuromo-
and spinal cord. The clinical course of ALS is
tor disorder or the anatomic distribution of motor
severely debilitating and progresses rapidly with
an almost inevitable death from respiratory failure.
 Type of neuromotor disorder Clinically, it is common to see significant muscle
 Spastic (most common) wasting accompanied by hypertonia, hyperre-
 Dyskinetic flexia, or clonus. Spasticity in the setting of ALS
 Hypotonic can lead to substantial functional impairment. Sys-
 Ataxic temic medications should be coupled with therapy
 Mixed forms in order to address the discomfort resulting from
spastic hypertonia. Because of the rapid progres-
Hypotonic and ataxic forms of CP are rare. sion of the disease and limited life span after diag-
 Anatomic distribution of motor impairment nosis, surgery is rarely, if ever, indicated.
 Hemiparetic (hemiplegic) CP: Involvement
is on one side of the body (39% of patients). Primary Lateral Sclerosis
Hemiplegic CP commonly presents with Primary lateral sclerosis is a rare condition and usu-
worse motor control and spasticity in the ally presents in the fifth to sixth decade of life. It is a
upper extremity as compared with the lower disorder of the upper motor neuron that can pre-
extremity. sent with spasticity involving the upper or lower
 Diparetic (diplegic) CP: Motor impairment is extremities. There is usually progression to involve-
present in bilateral lower extremities (38% ment of the cranial nerves (ie, bulbar palsy).
of patients).
 Quadriparetic (quadriplegic) CP: This sub- SUMMARY
type affects the whole body (23% of pa-
tients). In other words, the upper and Upper extremity spasticity may result from several
lower extremities as well as the central different conditions affecting the upper motor neu-
(core) muscles are impaired. rons. The most common causes include stroke,
 Triparetic (triplegic) CP: This subtype af- TBI, MS, SCI, and CP. A thorough understanding
fects 3 extremities and is rare. of these conditions is mandatory in order to pro-
vide an accurate prognosis and to optimize out-
Although the CNS injury in patients with CP is comes of treatment.
nonprogressive, changes in medical and nutritional
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