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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Division of Palawan
Mainit Brooke’s Point, Palawan



DIRECTIONS: Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. The following are the activities that destroys our biodiversity, EXCEPT?
a. deforestation c. dynamite fishing
b. illegal logging d. costal clean up

2. Which of the following is the mismatch definition of three levels of diversity?

a. species diversity – abiotic components
b. ecosystem diversity – different kinds of places where organisms live
c. species diversity – different kinds of organisms
d. genetic diversity – genetic information that organisms contains

3. Which of the following is the correct order of classification of organisms from largestto smallest group?
a. species-genus-family-order-class-phylum-kingdom-domain
b. domain-kingdom-phylum-class-order-family-genus-species
c. kingdom-phylum-domain-order-class-family-species-genus
d. phylum-domain-kingdom-class-order-family-genus-species

4. It is a group of similar organisms and capable of reproducing their own kind.

a. class b. family c. species d. genus

5. The type of bacteria that can survive in places where there is no oxygen is called____?
a. halophiles c. methanogens
b. thermophiles d. saprophytes

6. Why some people were infected by anthrax? The following are the reasons, EXCEPT?
a. eating raw or undercooked meat from infected animals
b. exposed while working with infected animals or animal products
c. people who drink unclean water after the flash floods
d. workers who handle contaminated animal products get spores in a cut on their skin

7. Why female mosquito bites animals and people and feed itself with blood?
a. to fly faster
b. to make their eggs
c. to have a long life’s span
d. to attract male mosquito

DIRECTIONS: Match column A To column B.


______8. Horse a. nonvascular

______9. Mollusks b. vascular
______10. Mosses c. cnidarians
______11. Kangaroo d. roundworms
______12. Scorpion e. phylum Mollusca
______13. Pine trees f. echinoderm
______14. Sea star g. arachnids
______15. Jelly fishes h. amphibians
______16. Salamander i. marsupials
______17. Ascaris j. eutherians
18. Which of the following is a difference between a food chain and food web?
a. Food chains are linear and food webs are complex.
b. Food chains include decomposers, but food webs do not.
c. Food chains involve plants and animals, but food webs involve only animals.
d. Food chains involve only plants, while food webs involve both plants and animals.

19. _______ are autotrophic organisms with the ability to carry on photosynthesis and
make their own food for themselves.
a. carnivores b. consumers c. herbivores d. producers

20. Which of the following is most likely decomposer?

a. bacteria b. bird c. grass d. water

21. In energy pyramid, as the trophic level increases, the energy________.

a. decreases b. increases c. is not affected d. is decomposed

22. The following terms, except one, have something to do with the base of food pyramid.
a. producer b. shell fungus c. photosynthesis d. decomposer

23. How dead organisms returned back to the nonliving world?

a. via respiration c. via digestion
b. via decomposition d. via photosynthesis

24. The escape of water through leaf pores is called_______.

a. condensation c. precipitation
b. evaporation d. transpiration

25. Why only about 10% of biomass of energy are transferred to the next level?
a. some plants are poisonous
b. some parts of plants are not edible
c. consumers only eat what they want.
d. producers are not available everywhere

26. This the largest glandular organ in the body.

a. liver b. large intestine c. small intestine d. stomach

For the items 27-29 refer to the case below.

A patient was rushed in the emergency department around 3 o’clock in the morning due to severe pain in
the abdomen. The patient is conscious and thinks that he is having a urinary tract infection. He told the nurse that he
experiencing severe pain in the stomach particularly in the right side and he vomit many times. The nurse on-duty
immediately relayed the information to the doctor on-duty.

27. From the case scenario given, the problem might be due to_____.
a. appendicitis b. constipation c. flatulence d. indigestion

28. What could be the possible cause of the severe pain he experienced?
a. lack of fiber c. excessive air in the stomach
b. dehydration d. microorganism in the appendix

29. In what way could be this ailment be treated?

a. drink lots of water c. surgery
b. avoid fatty foods d. eat lots of fiber

30. How many servings or rice and rice products do we need, including corn, root crops, bread,
and noodles?
a. 5-6 servings b. 4-5 servings c. 2-3 servings d. 6-8 servings

31. Why does enough fats essential to our body?

a. it gives postures in our body
b. it gives warm and serves as energy storage
c. it eliminates toxins from the food we intake
d. it aids during digestions of solid foods
32. How many servings of fruits and vegetables we need every day?
a. 3 servings b. 4 servings c. 5 servings d. 6 servings

DIRECTIONS: Read the list of words in the box, and choose the letter that best answers the each statement given

a. esophagus d. large intestine i. indigestion

b. stomach f. constipation j. flatulence.
c. liver g. appendicitis
e. small intestine h. diarrhea

33. Inflammation of the appendix.

34. Long tube connecting the mouth to the stomach
35. The condition of being unable to release solid waste from your body.
36. First stop for food. It is where the chemical digestions begins.
37. The presence of too much gas or air in the stomach or intestines.
38. It produces bile that aids during digestion.
39. It is the discharge of watery waste from your body.
40. It absorbs water and electrolytes from the digested food.
41. Unpleasant feeling in your stomach or chest that is caused by difficulty in digesting food.
42. Absorbs nutrients and minerals from food.

DIRECTIONS: Identify what specific phase of the cell cycle is being described. Choose the letter of the correct
answer from the box.

a. G1 Phase d. prophase g. telophase

b. G2 Phase e. metaphase h. cell division
c. S Phase f. anaphase

43. DNA replication

44. The chromosomes are at the poles, and are becoming more diffuse. The nuclear envelope is
reforming. The cytoplasm may be dividing.
45. Growth of the cell
46. The chromatids of each chromosome have separated and are moving toward the poles.
47. Preparation for cell division
48. The chromosomes appear condensed, and the nuclear envelope is not apparent
49. Mitosis and meiosis
50. Thick, coiled chromosomes, each with two chromatids, are lined up on the metaphase plate.

Trust yourself. You know more than you think you do!


Prepared by:
Science Teacher

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