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12 Department of Education

National Capital Region


English for Academic and

Professional Purposes
Quarter 1- Module 8

Writer: Araceli C. Maligalig, Ph.D

Illustrator: Marexcza Z. Salinas
Layout Artist: Richland C. Buere

City of Good Character 1

What I Need to Know

Hello Grade 12 learners! In this module, you will learn how to:

Determine the ways a writer can elucidate on a concept by definition, explication,

and clarification

You can say that you have understood the lesson in this module if you can already:

1. define concept;
2. make use of explication and clarification to elucidate a concept;
3. analyze the parts of formal definition; and
4. write an example of formal definition and other techniques in definition.

What I Know

Answer the questions below to the best you can. Write YES if the statement about
position paper is correct and NO if the statement is wrong. Write your answer on the
line provided.

1. Concept is an abstract or general idea inferred or derived from specific

instances. _____

2. Virtual graduation is a concept. _____

3. The purpose is to objectively inform the reader about what you feel on a
certain thing. ______

4. You may use an analogy to elucidate a concept. _______

5. A concept can be elucidated with a definition. _______

Let us think it over! How did you find the activity? Do you think you did well?
If you find it hard, then do not worry, this module will help you understand the
lesson on your own pace and level. Always remember, just keep going, you will be
surprised to finally finish all the tasks!

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What’s In
In this lesson, you will learn the ways on how you can elucidate on a concept.
And of course, you will have a better understanding of what concept is all about.

So now, before you move forward, complete the mind map below. Write
something that you can relate to a concept.


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What’s New
A. Before Reading Activity
Are concept and understanding related to each other? If you understand
something then might as well you already know its concept?
Did you experience having an idea in mind and tried to share this idea with
your friends but they had difficulty of getting your idea?

B. During Reading Activity

Do you believe in God? If yes, who is God for you? Let us read this idea about
what concept is from
Let’s find out if you would agree with this.


That “filter” is a cohesion of some of the nodes of associations, a ‘complex’ structure

that supplies some unconscious/conscious “concept” so that we can “understand”
what we get “to know” because of how our neural cell firing allows us to “indirectly”
form some “BILDUNG” (Picture, scaffolding) or ‘it,’ whatever ‘it’ is.

The concept is something like a scope that has multiple lenses. Each lens is a filter.

These “filters” can be, for example if someone wants to count and to “know how
many,” they might have used to an abacus. Others might use their fingers. Others
might use Roman numerals, and when that gets too hard, Arabic numbers. Some
us other symbols. Some people could just look and nod that there are two apples,
and so on.

In all methods, the CONCEPT is intricately intertwined with “UNDERSTANDING”

supplied by our nodes of associations about ‘it,’ whatever ‘it’ is.

Another example is “the concept of ‘God.’” If we envision the word, title, or reference
as “THE SUPREME BEING” than we are at least trying to have a cohesive concept
of “ONE GOD.”

But if we define “God,” as “a supreme being,” our “concept,” the general notion is
that there is “more than one ‘God.’

Whether or not de re’ (what is pointed at) exists is a separate issue than what or
how we think of ‘God’ because ‘God’ by whatever name, as a flower that is named a
rose would still be the same flower by another name regardless of each individual
“concept of God” (unless everyone’s concept of “God” is the same”).

We cannot conclude that our “concept of God” (notions about ‘God’) can change,
while with ONE SUPREME BEING, that never changes.

This can apply to many things, including life itself, I think.

C. After Reading Activity

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Let us analyze the sample argumentative essay by answering the following

1. What is the reading comprehension all about?


2. What does the author mean when he said that that concept is in-
tricately intertwined with understanding?

3. If you are going to define God, then what will be your concept?

4. If you are going to envision the concept of God as a title, “The Supreme
Being” then what will be your concept?

What is It

Let us now study the succeeding lessons.

What is Concept?

A concept is an idea conceived in the mind. An abstract or general idea

inferred or derived from specific instances. It is a general idea about a thing or group
of things, derived from specific instances or occurrences.

Ways to Elucidate a Concept

Ways to elucidate a concept is by Definition, Clarification, and Explication.

1. Clarification is a method of explanation in which the points are organized from a

general abstract idea to specific and concrete examples.

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Pandemic- is an epidemic (a sudden outbreak) that becomes very
widespread and affects a whole region, a continent, or the world due to a
susceptible population. The Spanish Influenza in 1920 and COVID 19 at
present are examples of pandemic.

2. Explication is a method of defining difficult terms used in the formal definition.

When explicating, you can provide an informal definition.

Example: A ballpen is a writing tool that has a ballpoint. It is a writing

tool preferred by high school students. It also has variety of

3. Definition clarifies the meaning of a word or concept and limits the scope of a
particular word or concept.

Techniques in Definition (Writing Techniques)

1. Informal Definition is a brief explanation of the term being defined. It uses

a word, a sentence, or a phrase. It is usually an incomplete definition.

Example: Ballpen is a writing tool preferred by high school students.

2. Formal Definition is a complete definition and it is stated in an equation

like statement and it has 3 parts (species = genus + differentia).

Species is the term to be defined.

Genus is the family or class to which the species belongs.
Differentia is the distinguishing characteristics of the species that
will set apart from the other species.

Example: A ballpen is a writing tool that has a ballpoint.

Explanation: Ballpen is the term being defined(species), writing tool

is the family where ballpen belongs(genus), and has a ballpoint is the
characteristic of ballpen that is unique from the other writing

3. Negation is usually in a negative statement. Sometimes it is called


Example: A ballpen is not a kitchen utensil.

4. Analysis is telling what steps comprise a process, or what functional parts

make up a device.

Example: A ballpen has a cup to cover the tip of it. The body of the
ball pen contains the ink.

5. Derivation is the information about the origin of a word.

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Example: ‘Pen” originated from the Old French word for feather,
‘penne’, and from the Latin ‘penna’, because long ago pens were made
from feathers, with the end of the feather sharpened to form a ‘nib.’

6. Description is telling the readers what the term looks like.

Example: A ballpoint pen, also known as a biro or ball pen, is a pen

that dispenses ink (usually in paste form) over a metal ball at its
point, i.e. over a "ball point." The metal commonly used is steel, brass,
or tungsten carbide.

7. Analogy points out the similarities between two unlike or different things.

Example: A ballpen is like a human emotion that can express

feelings through writing.

8. Comparison and Contrast compares and stresses the difference between

the things compared.

Example: A pen is made up of a plastic covering that holds the ink

inside and it usually comes in many colors. Blue and black being the
most common. On the contrast, pencils are made out of wood and
come with a rubber eraser on the tip and unlike pen it only comes in
one color, dull and boring gray.

Which among the techniques in definition is helpful to elucidate a concept? Why?


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What’s More
Answer the activities that will follow to practice your knowledge and skill about

Activity 1
Answer briefly and concisely the following questions. Write in complete sentences.

1. In your own words, define concept.


2. Describe the role of definition in a concept.


3. In your own understanding, why do you need to explicate a term in formal


Grading Criteria
Relevance of Content 3 pts
Organization / Coherence 1 pt.
Grammar and punctuation 1 pt.
Total 5 pts. HPS per item

Activity 2
On a separate sheet of paper, use clarification and explication in the following. Use
Clarification method in numbers 1-3 and use Explication method in numbers 4 and

1. Public schools in Marikina City are clean.

2. Reading Sidney Sheldon’s novel is a good past time.

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3. English subjects in senior high school are quite difficult.

4. STEM is a strand taken by senior high school students who are planning to
take a technology related program in college.

5. A book is an educational material that can sustain knowledge to anyone who

reads it.

Activity 3
Check the underlined word/words and determine the parts of formal definition.
Write your answer before the number.

_____________1. Knife is a cutting tool that has a bladed sharp edge.

_____________2. The Colosseum is an amphitheater famous for its bath


_____________3. Coronavirus (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by a

newly discovered coronavirus.

____________4. Tree is a woody plant that has an upright system.

____________5. The Fast and Furious is an action movie with eight


What I Have Learned

In this module, you have studied about concept. Express what you have
learned by answering the questions below.
1. What is a concept?

2. What are the ways to elucidate a concept?


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3. How do formal definition and informal definition differ from each other?

4-5 Give your own example of negation as definition. You may use any
term that you want.

What I Can Do
Now that you have learned some essential knowledge about concept, you are
now ready to do the activity below.

Part I- Give your own example of formal definition from the following terms or
species, and label each part. Use a separate sheet of paper.
1. Triangle
2. Online Class

Part II- Write an example of the following techniques in definition. You may use any
term or species that you want to define. Use a separate sheet of paper.
1. Informal definition
2. Negation
3. Analysis
4. Derivation
5. Description
6. Analogy
7. Comparison and Contrast

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Good job, you finally finished the lessons! Let us now assess your
understanding by answering the following questions below:
Supply the correct answer in the following questions. Write your answer before
the number?

_____________1. If EAPP is the species, then what is the genus?

_____________2. If pandemic is the genus, then what is the species?

____________3. Marikina High School and Parang High School have senior high school
program. Both are offering Non-Academic Track and Academic
Track. Parang High School does not offer Leather Craft while
Marikina High School offers Leather Craft. Refrigeration and
Airconditioning Service is offered in Parang High School but not in
Marikina High School. What technique of definition is used in this

____________4. It is a method of explanation in which the points are organized from

a general abstract idea to specific and concrete examples.

_____________5. It is a method of defining difficult terms used in the formal definition.

Additional Activities
Remember that concept means “idea,” your idea about something. It could be
a thing, place, event or program. Choose a topic and choose a method or methods
that you want to use in defining that concept to help your reader/audience grasp
that topic.


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Grading Criteria
Relevance of Content 6 pts
Organization / Coherence 2 pts
Grammar and punctuation 2 pts
Total 10 pts. HPS per item

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A. Book
Pauley, S.E. & Riordan, D.G. (2004). Technical Report Writing Today. AITBS
Publishers, India; pp. 203-205

B. Internet
Concept Paper. Accessed June 30,
Origin of Pen. Accessed July 3, 2020

Definition of Ballpen. Accessed July 3, 2020

Comparison and Contrast. Accessed July 3, 2020

Corona Virus Definition. Accessed July 4, 2020

Definition of Concept. Accessed July 6, 2020

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Development Team of the Module
Writer: Araceli C. Maligalig, Ph. D. (MHS)
Editors: Nieves T. Salazar, Ph. D. (PHS)
Albert B. Mutia (PSDS)

Internal Reviewer: Janet S. Cajuguiran (EPS- English)

Illustrator: Marexcza Z. Salinas (PHS)
Layout Artist: Richland C. Buere (SEHS)

Management Team:
Sheryll T. Gayola
Assistant Schools Division Superintendent
OIC, Office of the Schools Division Superintendent

Elisa O. Cerveza
Chief, CID
OIC, Office of the Assistant Schools Division Superintendent

Janet S. Cajuguiran

Ivy Coney A. Gamatero


For inquiries or feedback, please write or call:

Schools Division Office- Marikina City

191 Shoe Ave., Sta. Elena, Marikina City, 1800, Philippines

Telefax: (02) 682-2472 / 682-3989

Email Address:

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