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Ex. 1.

Comment on the uses of the Present Simple.

1. Nurses look after patients in hospitals. 2. Why don't you give up smoking? 3. I am weighing
myself. I weigh 65 kilos. 4. This coat belongs to you. 5. She drives to London once a week. 6.
Can he manage? – I hope so. 7. She loves her baby more than anything. 8. I occasionally eat
meat. 9. Do you see that bird over there? 10. I wear old clothes at home. 11. The car stops
outside the National Bank. Three men get out and the driver stays in the car. The three men
walk into the bank and take out their guns. 12. Vegetarians don't eat meat or fish. 13. Let me
explain what you have to do. First you take the photos and sort them into categories. Then you
file them according to subject. 14. I often forget things. 15. Why doesn't he take up tennis? 16.
Gases expand when heated. 17. Something smells strange. 18. We drink a lot of tea. 19. My
uncle works in a factory. 20. The coach leaves at 6 this morning. 21. You know what I mean.
22. Do you like the music? – Yes, it's nice. 23. I always go out on Sundays. 24. The concert
starts at 7 next Friday. 25. They pay $60 a week rent. 26. Ellis throws the ball in to Snow, but
he loses it. 27. What time do banks close in England? 28. The earth goes round the sun. 29.
You cook it for five minutes, and then you put the onions 30. I hear a bird. It is singing.
Ex. 2. Comment on the uses of the Present Continuous.
1. I'm always paying for your coffee. Why can't you pay for a change? 2. We're spending next
winter in Australia. 3. Don't rush me. I'm working as fast as I can. 4. We're enjoying our holiday
here very much. 5. Young people are becoming more and more politically aware these days. 6.
Ben and Patty are in London on holiday. They are staying at a small hotel near Hyde Park. 7.
I'm meeting Sue on Saturday evening. 8. You are constantly panicking, aren't you? Calm down.
9. Is he arriving tomorrow? 10. What are you drinking? It looks awful. 11. She is always helping
people. 12. She is still waiting to see the boss. 13. He is always upsetting people by asking
personal questions. 14. She is running 1,500 meters in the next Olympics. 15. What is Maria
doing these days? – She is studying English at a school in London. 16. She is forever forgetting
to lock the front door. 17. He's hurrying to catch his train. 18. Prices are rising all the time.
Everything is getting more and more expensive. 19. Tom isn't playing football this season. He
wants to concentrate on his studies. 20. Is your English getting better? 21. I'm having
treatment on my bad back for a few weeks. 22. He's always lying. You can't believe a word he
says. 23. Let's go out now. It isn't raining any more. 24. Please be quiet. I'm trying to
concentrate. 25. My sister is very busy these days. She's writing an article. 26. I'm learning
English at evening classes this year. 27. Jennifer's always losing her key. 28. Are you seeing
Nigel tomorrow? 29. I'm living with friends until I find a place of my own. 30. You are spending
a lot of money these days.
Ex. 3. Complete the sentences. Use the Present Simple or Present Continuous.
1. Alice (take, not) the bus to school every day. She usually (walk) instead. (Take, you) the bus
to get to school every day, or (walk, you)? 2. It (rain, not) right now. The sun (shine). (Rain, it)
a lot here? 3. Right now I (look) at the board. (I, see) some words on the blackboard. 4. I
(need) to call my parents today and tell them about my new apartment. They can’t call me
because they (know, not) my new telephone number. 5. The tea is good. I (like) it. What kind
is it? I (prefer) tea to coffee. How about you? 6. Right now the children (be) at the beach. They
(have) a good time. They (have) a beach ball and they (play) with it. They (like) to play catch.
Their parents (sunbathe). They (try) to get a tan. They (listen) to some music on a transistor
radio. Тheу also (hear) the sound of sea gulls and the sound of the waves 7. Right now I
(think) about sea gulls and waves. I (think) that sea gulls are beautiful birds. 8. Sam is at the
library. He (sit) at a table. He (write) a composition. He (use) a dictionary to look up the
spelling of some Words. The dictionary (belong, not) to him. It (belong) to his roommate. Sam
(look) up words in the dictionary because he (want) to make sure that he doesn’ t have any
misspelled words in his paper.
9. A: Which colour (prefer, you), red or blue?
В: I (like) blue better than red. Why?
A: According to this magazine article I (read) right now, people who (prefer) blue to red (be)
calm and (value) honesty and loyalty in their friends. A preference for the colour red (mean)
that a person (be) aggressive and (love) excitement.
B: Oh? That (sound) like a bunch of nonsense to me.
10. A: (Believe, you) in flying saucers?
B: What (talk, you) about?
A: You know spaceships from outer space with alien creatures aboard.
B: In my opinion, flying saucers (exist) only in people’s imagination.
11. Janice: What (write, you) in your notebook?
Diane: I (make) notes about questions I want to ask the teacher.
Janice: (Prepare, you, always) so thoroughly for every class? Diane: I (try, always) to.
12. Bob: Jack really makes me angry!
Sue: Why? 
Bob: Well, for one thing, he (interrupt, always) me. I can barely get a whole sentence out of
my mouth.
Sue: Is that all?
Bob: No. He (ask, always) me to do his homework for him. I have enough homework of my
own without doing his homework too!
13. Mother: Susie! Get your fingers out of the dessert! What (do, you)?
Susie: I (taste) the cake. It (taste) good.
Mother: Well, you’ll just have to wait until dinnertime. You can have some then.
14. This morning it (rain). I can see Janet from my window. She (stand) at the corner of 5th
and Pine. She (hold) her umbrella over her head. She (wait) for the bus. 15. Right now I (look)
at Janet. She (look) angry. I wonder what’s the matter. She (have) a frown on her face. She
certainly (have, not) any fun right now.
16. I can’t afford that thing. It (cost) too much. 17. I (own, not) an umbrella. I (wear) a
waterproof hat on rainy days. 18 The house is in a mess, because we’ve got the workmen in.
The plumber (put) in a new bath, the electricians (rewire) the system, and the carpenter (build)
us some new bookshelves. 19. You (hear) the wind? It (blow) very strongly tonight 20. You
(see) my car keys anywhere?—No, I (look) for them but I (not see) them. 21. Why you (walk)
so fast today? You (walk, usually) quite slowly. — I (hurry) because I (meet) my mother at 4
o’clock and she (not like) to be kept waiting, 22. You (recognize) that man?—I (think) I have
seen him before but I (not remember) his name. 23. Look at that crowd. I (wonder) what they
(wait) for. 24. Stop! You (not see) the notice? — I (see) it but I can’t read it because I (not
wear) my glasses. What it (say)? — It (say), “These premises are patrolled by guard dogs.” 25.
You (need) another blanket or you (feel) warm enough? 26.It (save) time if I (take) the path
through the wood? — No, it (not matter) which path you take.
27.1 (save) up because I (go) abroad in July. 28.1 (think) it is a pity you don’t take more
exercise. You (get) fat. 29. The plane that you (look) at now just (take) off for Paris. 30. Tom
never (do) any work in the garden; he always (work) on his car. — What he (do) in his car
now? — I (think) he (polish) it. 31. That film (come) to the local cinema next week. You (want)
to see it? How Peter (get) on at school? — Very well. He (seem) to like the life. 33. Why Mrs
Pitt (look) so angry? — Mr Pitt (smoke) a cigarette and (drop) the ash on the carpet. 34. This is
our itinerary. We (leave) home on the 8th, (arrive) in Paris on the 9th, (spend) the day in Paris,
and (set) out that night for Venice. — That (sound) most interesting. You must tell me all about
it when you (get) back. 35. This story is about a boy who (make) friends with a snake which he
(find) in his garden. Then he (go) away but he (not forget) the snake and some years later he
(return) and (look) for it. He (find) the snake who (recognize) its old friend and (coil) round him
affectionally. But, unfortunately, the snake is by now a full-grown boa-constructor and its
embrace (kill) the poor boy. — The snake (feel) sorry about this? — I (not know). The story
(end) here. 36. How you (end) a letter that (begin), “Dear Sir”? — I always (put), “Yours truly”,
but Tom (prefer) “Yours faithfully”. 37. What the word “catastrophe” (mean)? — It (mean)
“disaster”. 38. What you (wait) for? — I (wait) for the shop to open. — But it (not open) till
9.00. — I (know) but I (want) to be early as their sale (start) today. 39. Why you (smoke) a
cigar, Mrs Pitt? You (not smoke) cigars as a rule. — I (smoke) it because I (want) the ash. This
book (say) that cigar ash mixed with oil (remove) heat stains from wood. 40. Who (own) this
umbrella? — I (not know). Everybody (use) it but nobody (know) who (own) it. 41. You (mind)
if I (ask) you a question? — That (depend) on the question. -— It (concern) your brother. — I
(refuse) to answer any questions about my brother. 42. The last train (leave) the station at
11.30. 43. You (enjoy) yourself or would you like to leave now? — I (enjoy) myself very much.
I (want) to stay to the end. 44. How you (get) to work as a rule? — I usually (go) by bus but
tomorrow I (go) in Tom’s car. 45. Why you (put) on your coat? — I (go) for a walk. You (come)
with me? — Yes, I’d love to come. You (mind) if I bring my dog? 46. You (belong) to your local
library? — Yes, I do. — You (read) a lot? — Yes, quite a lot. — How often you (change) your
books? — I (change) one every day. 47. You (like) this necklace? I (give) it to my daughter for
her birthday tomorrow. 48. These workmen are never satisfied; they always (complain). 49.
You (write) to him tonight? — Yes, I always (write) to him on his birthday. You (want) to send
any message? 50. Tom and Mr Pitt (have) a long conversation. I (wonder) what they (talk)
about. 51. You (believe) all that the newspapers say? — No, I (not believe) any of it. — Then
why you (read) newspapers? 52. This car (make) a very strange noise. You (think) it is all
right? — Oh, that noise (not matter). It always (make) a noise like that. 53. The fire (smoke)
horribly. I can’t see across the room. — I (expect) that birds (build) a nest in the chimney. —
Why you (not put) wire across the tops of your chimneys? —Tom (do) that sometimes but it
(not seem) to make any difference. 54. The children are very quiet. Go and see what they (do).
— They (cut) up some $ 5 notes. 55. What you (wait) for? I (wait) for my change the boy just
(get) it. 56. I can’t hear what you (say); the traffic (make) too much noise. 57. She always
(lose) her glasses and (ask) me to look for them. 58. Someone (knock) at the door. Shall I
answer it? — I (come) in a minute. I just (wash) my hands. 59. You (do) anything this evening?
— No, I’m not. — Well, I (go) to the cinema. Would you like to come with me? 60.. We (have)
breakfast at 8.00 tomorrow as. Tom (catch) an early train. 61. They (dig) an enormous hole
just outside my gate. — What they (do) that for? — I don’t know. Perhaps they (look) for oil.
62. What (make) that terrible noise?—It’s the pneumatic drill. They (repair) the road. 63. (You
sit) comfortably? Good! I (hope) you (study) this text carefully because I (have) news for you.
The Guinness Book of Records (not include) records for eating any more. People who (try) to
swallow 47 hardboiled eggs in half a minute will have to do it for pleasure and not to get into
the record book. “We (regard) these records as unhealthy,” said the book’s editor, Mr Donald
McFarlan. 64. We (hope) you (enjoy) this marvellous weather as much as we are. We
(sunbathe) and (go) swimming every day. Next week we (go) boating. 65. The play is set in
London in 1890. The action (take) place in Sir Don Wyatt’s mansion. When the curtain (go) up,
the hero and heroine (sit) in the lounge. They (argue). 
66. Ann sees Tom putting on his coat and says: Where you (go), Tom?
Tom: I (go) to buy some cigarettes. You (want) an evening paper?
Ann: No, thanks. You always (buy) cigarettes, Tom. How many you (smoke) a day?
Tom: I (not smoke) very many—perhaps 20. Jack (smoke) far more than I (do). He (spend) £
10 a week on cigarettes.
67. Mary (see) Peter standing at the bus stop.
Mary: Hello, Peter. What bus you (wait) for?
Peter: Hello, Mary. I (wait) for a 9 or a 14.
Mary: You usually (go) to work by car, don’t you?
Peter: Yes, but the car (belong) to my mother and she sometimes (want) it. She (use) it today
to take Bob to the dentist.
Mary: I usually (go) by car too. Jack (take) me because he (pass) my office on his way to the
factory. But this week he (work) in a factory in the opposite direction, so I (queue) like you.
Peter: Here’s a 9 now. You (come) on it or you (wait) for a 14?
Mary: I (think) I’ll take the 9. If I (wait) for a 14 I may be late, and if you (be) late at my office
everyone (look) at you.
68. Mary and Ann (wait) outside a telephone box. Inside the box a boy (dial) a number.
Mary: You (know) that boy?
Ann: Yes, he’s a friend of my brother’s. He (phone) his girlfriend every day from this box.
Mary: Where he (come) from?
Ann: He (come) from Japan. He’s a very clever boy; he (speak) four languages.
Mary: I (wonder) what he (speak) now.
Ann: Well, his girlfriend (come) from Japan too; so I (suppose) he (speak) Japanese.
69. It is 8.30. Tom and Ann (have) breakfast. They both (open) their letters. 
Tom: No one ever (write) to me. All I (get) is bills! You (have) anything interesting?
Ann: I’ve got a letter from Hugh. He (say) he (come) to London next week and (want) us to
meet him for lunch. 
70. Peter: You (have) traffic wardens in your country?
Pedro: No, I (not think) so. You (not see) them in my town anyway. What exactly a traffic
warden (do)?
Peter: He (walk) up and down the street and if a car (stay) too long at a parking place or (park)
in a noparking area he (stick) a parking ticket to the windscreen. Look! He (put) a ticket on
Tom’s car. Tom will be furious when he (see) it. He (hate) getting parking tickets.
71. What (happen) in your class? The teacher (give) lectures every day? No. He (give) one
lecture a week, and on the other days he (show) films or (discuss) books with us.
72. Why that man (stand) in the middle of the road? —
He (try) to get across. He (wait) for a gap in the traffic. — Why he (not use) the subway? —
Lots of people (not bother) to use the subway. They (prefer) to risk their lives crossing here.
73. You (wear) a new coat, aren’t you? — Yes. You (like) it? — The colour (suit) you but it (not
fit) you very well. It’s much too big.
74. Ann (on telephone): You (do) anything at the moment, Sally?
Sally: Yes. I (pack); I (catch) a plane to New York in three hours’ time.
Ann: Lucky girl! How long you (stay) in New York?
75. Jack: I just (go) out to get an evening paper.
Ann: But it (pour)! Why you (not wait) till the rain (stop)?
76. Mrs Jones: My daughter never (write) to me so I never
(know) what she (do). Your son (write) to you, Mrs Smith?
Mrs Smith: Yes, I hear from him every week. He (seem) to like writing letters.
77. I (see) my solicitor tomorrow; I (change) my Will. — You always (change) your will. Why
you (not leave) it alone?
78. You (look) very thoughtful. What you (think) about? — I (think) about my retirement. —
But you’re only 25. You only just (start) your career. — I (know); but I (read) an article which
(say) that a sensible man (start) thinking about retirement at 25.
79. Jack: How much longer you (stay) in England?
Paul: Only one more day. I (leave) tomorrow night. I (go) to Holland for two weeks.
Jack: And you (come) back to England after that or you (go) home?
Paul; It (depend) on my father. But if he (agree) to let me go on studying here I’ll certainly
come back. And
I (expect) he will agree. By the way, Jack, Ann (see) me off at Victoria tomorrow. Why you (not
come) too? You could have coffee with her afterwards.
80.What all those people (do) in the middle of the street? And why they (wear) such
extraordinary clothes? 
They (make) a film. Most of the crowd are local people who (work) as extras. —
It (sound) great fun. You (think) I could get a job as a film extra? —
I (not know) but I (see) Ann over there; when they (finish) this scene I’ll ask her if they still
(take) on extras. 
Ann (act) in the film? — She has a small part. She (not act) very well. I (imagine) she got the
part because she (know) the director.
81. Mrs Jones: What you (look) for, Tom?
Mr Jones: I (look) for the garage key. I always (look) for the garage key, because nobody ever
(put) it back on its hook.
Mrs Jones: I always (put) it back on its hook. Why you (not try) your pockets?
82. Imagine that you (travel) by train in a crowded compartment One of the passengers (read)
a newspaper; another (do) a crossword puzzle; another (look) out of the window. Suddenly the
train (stop) with a jerk and your suitcase (fall) off the rack on to somebody’s toes.
83. I (hear) that you have bought a new house. —
Yes, but I (not live) in it yet. They still (work) on it and the work (take) longer than I expected.

I (think) repair jobs always (take) longer than one (expect).
Ex.4 Translate into English.
1. Позвони ей сейчас. Мы думаем, она еще не спит. 2. Она сейчас много учит. Она сдает
экзамены завтра. 3. Они не видит, что мы на них смотрим. Они читают газеты с большим
интересом. 4. Где Ника и Джон? — У них урок французского языка. У них всегда
французский язык по вторникам. 5. Давайте покатаемся на велосипедах. Дождя нет. 6.
Мои братья работают инженерами на фирме. Они говорят, им очень нравится их работа.
7. Ваш сын ходит в садик? — Да, она в старшей группе. — Вы помогаете ей? — Постоянно.
8. Моя мама хорошо знает математику. Она помогает студентам решить контрольные
работы. 9. Послушай. Звонит телефон. 10. Мой сын хорошо успевает в университете. Он
тратит слишком мало времени на спорт и слишком много времени на уроки. 11. Где ты
обычно проводишь отпуск? — В Белоруссии. Мои родители живут там. — Там есть река
или озеро? — Там есть большое и красивое озеро. Я хорошо провожу там время. 12. Мой
брат живет далеко от меня. Я не часто его вижу. 13. Куда ты торопишься? — В кино. Мой
друг ждет меня около кинотеатра. 14. Кому принадлежит этот' дом? — Это дом моего
дяди. 15. Сколько стоит этот смартофон? — 200 долларов. 16. С кем она разговаривает?
— Со своим начальником. 17 Мой брат дипломат. Он часто ездит за границу. 18. Мужчина
так пристально смотрит на вас. Вы его знаете? 19. Что ты слушаешь? — Я слушаю
народные песни, я очень люблю их 20. У моего брата есть автомобиль, но я никогда им не
пользуюсь. Я хочу купить свой автомобиль. 21. Позвони на вокзал и узнай, когда
приходит поезд из Берлина. 22. Я не люблю ее. Она постоянно ворчит. 23. Ты часто
пишешь своим родителям? — Каждую неделю. 24. Не бери эту книгу. Мой брат читает ее,
25. Темнеет. Включи свет 26. Я никогда не езжу на работу. Я всегда хожу пешком 27. Ты
идешь в университет? — Нет. Я иду в библиотеку. 28. Она очень рассеянная. Она
постоянно теряет вещи. 29. Моя сестра живет сейчас в Москве. Она там учится в
Московском университете. 30. Дождь все еще идет? — Да. 31. Мы уезжаем в пятницу в 8
часов утра. Мы встречаемся на вокзале в 7.30 32. За что он ей так нравится? — Она
говорит, что он добрый и умный. 33. Вы помните меня? Мы вместе учились в институте.
34. Почему бы нам не поехать на велосипеде за город в Субботу? — Хорошая идея. 35.
Том сейчас очень занят. Он строит гараж. 36. Когда приезжает твой отец? — Через
неделю. 37. Что ты думаешь об этом фильме? — Он скучноват. 38. О чем она думает? — Я
думаю о своем детстве. 39. В котором часу закрывается магазин? — В восемь. 40. Когда
начинается спектакль? — В семь часов вечера. 41. Какие товары экспортирует ваша
страна? 42. Над чем вы смеетесь? — Том рассказал нам смешную историю. 43. Он никогда
не пропускает занятия без уважительных причин. 44. Мои родители сейчас на море. Они
хорошо проводят время. 45. Что ты ищешь? — Ключи от машины. 46. По - чему ты меня
не слушаешь? Это очень важно. 47. Неужели ты не любишь футбол? Это такая
захватывающая игра. 48. Я завтра встречаюсь с Аней. Мы играем в теннис. 49. Что ты
здесь делаешь? — Просматриваю новые журналы. Я делаю это каждую неделю. 50.
Почему вы изучаете английский? — Собираюсь поехать за границу на несколько месяцев.
Кроме того, английский мне нужен для научной работы. 51. 0 чем они говорят? — Думаю,
они обсуждают итоги конференции. 52. Ты мажешь выключить телевизор. Я не смотрю
его. 53. Кто присматривает за твоими детьми, когда ты на работе? — Как правило, моя
мать. Она сейчас не работает. 54. Почему ты так сердит? Почему ты кричишь на меня? 55.
Она не любит мясо, она предпочитает рыбу. 56. В ее диктанте много ошибок, хотя обычно
она делает мало ошибок. 57. Конференция начинается 8 июня и заканчивается 14 июня.
58. Где Аня? — Она принимает душ. 59. Почему ты не пишешь ей? — Я не знаю ее адреса.
60. Она не знает, когда приедет ее брат. 61. Ты часто видишь Аню, не так ли? — Нет, она
сейчас живет за городом. 62. Сколько иностранных языков знает Джон? — Если не
ошибаюсь, два. А сейчас он учит арабский. — Правда? Он нужен ему для работы? — Да.
Он собирается в Египет. 63. Следующий поезд отправляется в 10 часов. Ты можешь
успеть на него, если поспешишь. 64. Интересно, чем она сейчас занимается.

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