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Republic of the Philippines

Region I
District of Aguilar

Name:___________________________________________________LRN:__________________ Score:___________
Grade & Section: ______________________

I. Multiple Choice: Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. Which of the following are used in land preparation and in transporting farm inputs and products?
a. Farm Equipment b. Farm Tools c. Farm Implements d. None of the above
2. Which of the following are accessories pulled by animals or mounted to machineries to make the work easier?
a. Farm Implements b. Farm Equipment c. Farm Tools d. None of the above
3. Which of the following are objects that are usually light and are used without the help of animals and machines?
a. Farm Tools b. Farm Implements c. Farm Equipment d. None of the above
4. Which of the following is used to pull a plow and harrow in preparing a large area of land?
a. Hand Tractor b. Grab Hoe c. Shovel d. None of the above
5. Which of the following are used to draw irrigation water from a source?
a. Water Pump b. Sprinkler c. Four Wheel Tractor d. None of the above
6. What do you call to the size of the surface?
a. Area b. Fertilizer c. Interest d. None of the above
7. What do you call to the work performed by farm workers in exchange for salary?
a. Labor b. Salary c. Area d. None of the above
8. Which of the following is a material added to the soil to support nutrient?
a. Fertilizer b. Pesticides c. Insecticides d. None of the above
9. Which of the following is refer to the development of the seed into a young plant?
a. Germination b. Cultivation c. Irrigation d. None of the above
10. Which of the following is refers to the amount you owed?
a. Principal b. Net Income c. Gross Income d. None of the above
11. Which of the following is used for cutting tall grasses and weeds and chopping branches of trees?
a. Bolo b. Crowbar c. Pick Mattock d. Grab Hoe
12. Which of the following is used for digging big holes and for digging out big holes and for digging up stones and
a. Bolo b. Crowbar c. Pick Mattock d. Grab Hoe
13. Which of the following is used for digging canals, breaking hard topsoil and for digging up stones and tree stumps?
a. Axe b. bolo c. crowbar d. pick mattock
14. Which of the following is used for breaking hard topsoil and pulverizing soil?
a. Rake b. Shovel c. Spade d. Grab hoe
15. Which of the following is used for removing trash or soil, digging canals or ditches and mixing soil media?
a. Rake b. Shovel c. Spade d. Grab hoe
16. Which of the following is used for cleaning the ground and leveling the topsoil?
a. Rake b. Shovel c. Spade d. Grab hoe
17. Which of the following is used for loosening and leveling the soil and digging out furrows for planting?
a. Light hoe b. Grab Hoe c. Spading fork d. Hand fork
18. Which of the following is used for inter row cultivation?
a. Hand cultivator b. Hand trowel c. Hand fork d. pruning shears
19. Which of the following is used for cutting bigger size post?
a. Axe b. bolo c. crowbar d. pick mattock
20. Which of the following is used for watering seedlings and young plant?
a. Sprayer b. Pail c. Sprinklers d. None of the above
21. Which of the following is used for hauling water, manure, and fertilizers?
a. Sprayer b. Pail c. Sprinklers d. None of the above
22. Which of the following is used for spraying insecticides, foliar fertilizers, fungicides, and herbicides?
a. Sprayer b. Pail c. Sprinklers d. None of the above
23. What do you call to an implement mounted to a tractor used for tilling and pulverizing the soil?
a. Harrow b. Plow c. Rotavator d. Grab hoe
24. How many centimeters in 1 meter?
a. 100 cm b. 1000 cm c. 10 cm d. 1000 cm

25. How many meters in 400 centimeters?

a. 40 m b. 80 m c. 4 m d. 8 m
26. How many meters in 5 kilometers?
a. 500 m b. 5000 m c. 50000 m d. 500000 m
27. How many centimeters in 1 kilometer?
a. 100000 cm b. 1000 cm c. 1000000 cm d. 10000 cm
28. How many millimeters in 10 meters?
a. 10000 mm b. 10 mm c. 100 mm d. 110 mm
29. Which of the following is the basic unit of length?
a. Liter b. meter c. millimeter d. milliliter
30. Which of the following is NOT BELONG to the group?
a. Meter b. kilometer c. liter d. millimeter
31. Which of the following refers to the locating the position of plant in the field?
a. Intercropping b. Lay outing c. Monocropping d. Irrigation
32. Which of the following refers to the planting of other crop within the row of the main crop
a. Intercropping b. Lay outing c. Monocropping d. Irrigation
33. Which of the following refers to the growing of single crop?
a. Intercropping b. Lay outing c. Monocropping d. Irrigation
34. Which of the following is the process of application of water to the soil by any other means than rainfall?
a. Intercropping b. Lay outing c. Monocropping d. Irrigation
35. What does acronym “FFTF” means?
a. Farming for the Future b. Farming for the Free c. Future for the Farming d. None of the above
36. What is the importance of site assessment?
a. to evaluate the area b. to familiarize the area c. to formulate the map of the area d. all of the above
37. What do you call to a system of growing crops in linear pattern in at least one direction rather than planting
without any distinct arrangement?
a. Lay outing b. Row Planting c. Intercropping d. Monocropping
38. Which of the following is an advantage of row planting?
a. Visibility is enhanced c. no access for application of fertilizer
b. b. light absorption is minimized d. all of the above
39. What do you call to a system of growing crops in blocks or strips of 2 or more rows?
a. Multiple row planting b. Row planting c. Single Planting d. Double planting
40. What do you call to a systematic apportioning of the farm area or any growing surface for crop production.
a. Multiple row planting b. Row Planting c. Spatial Arrangement d. Single Row Planting
41. Which of the following ways that intercrop can be planted?
a. within the rows of the maincrop c. in replacement series
b. between the rows of main crop d. none of the above
42. Which of the following method of planting in which seeds are directly planted on the ground in the farm or any
growing surface while transplanting makes use of pre-grown plants, seedlings, or vegetatively propagated clones?
a. Single Planting b. Direct Seeding c. Spatial Arrangement d. Row planting
43. Which of the following is also known as “Sabog Tanim”?
a. Broadcasting b. Direct Seeding` c. Row Planting d. Single Planting
44. Which of the following is example of broadcasting planting?
a. rice b. squash c. Tomato d. camote
45. Which of the following refers to a water is applied to the field in either the controlled or uncontrolled manner?
a. Surface Irrigation b. Sprinkler irrigation c. Drip irrigation d. all of the above
46. Which of the following is ideal in areas where water is scarce?
a. Surface Irrigation b. Sprinkler irrigation c. Drip irrigation d. all of the above
47. Which of the following is NOT BELONG to the group?
a. Fully portable system b. Semi portable system c. Fully permanent system d. Drip Irrigation
48. Which of the following refers to the practices related to production and work process?
a. Safety b. Occupational Safety c. Health d. Cleaning
49. Which of the following refers to the physical or environmental conditions of work which comply with the prescribed
Occupational Health Safety (OHS) standards and which allow the workers to perform his or her job without or
within acceptable exposure to hazards?
a. Safety b. Occupational Safety c. Health d. Cleaning
50. Which of the following define as sound state of the body and mind of the workers that enable him or her to perform
the job normally?
a. Safety b. Occupational Safety c. Health d. Cleaning

Prepared by:
Subject Teacher
School Head

Approved by:


Public Schools District Supervisor


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