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Ques%on: Design and implement a live voice chat feature in a Flu9er app.

The feature should

allow users to join voice channels, communicate with other par%cipants in real-%me through
voice chat, and display a list of par%cipants in each channel.
1. Users should be able to create and join voice channels.
2. Each voice channel should have a list of par%cipants who are currently ac%ve in the
3. Users should be able to send and receive audio streams in real-%me during the voice
4. Implement a UI that displays the list of available voice channels and the par%cipants
in each channel.
5. Provide op%ons for mu%ng/unmu%ng the microphone and adjus%ng the volume
during the voice chat.
6. Handle any errors or excep%ons that may occur during the voice chat process.
Note: You may use any necessary dependencies, plugins, or libraries to achieve the desired
func%onality. Consider scalability, reliability, and user experience in your design and
1. Provide the main widget class code and any other necessary classes or func%ons.
2. Explain your approach to handling real-%me communica%on and audio streaming in
3. Describe how you would ensure data privacy and security during the voice chat.
4. Discuss any considera%ons or challenges you encountered during the
implementa%on process.
5. If applicable, provide any sugges%ons for further op%miza%ons or improvements to
the voice chat feature.

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