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Remembering something can be sometimes makes you feel happy

or sad sometimes angry or disappointment. The thing that i will always
remember this school year is my teachers and classmates. I will always
remember them because they help me improving my learnings and
socialization. Sometimes i remember the happy moments in this school
year some of them is going on a fieldtrip, making arts, and more.

I dont like studying but i will still study for my future and im always
thankful for the teachers for teaching us and helping us grow. Sometimes i
remember the time where im struggling in a group presentation but
thankfully my classmates are there to assist me and im thankful for that and
i wont ever forget those moments.

Its sad to remember what all happened in this school year cause i will
miss all of it. I just laugh at myself when i remember the embarrassing
moements i did this school year and im sad because those moments wont
last for long because i will leave this school next school year and im kinda
sad. The journey this year i will never forget it.

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