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Vitamin C in Health and Disease


Vitamins are essential to maintain normal metabolic processes and homeostasis within the body. The amount
of a specific vitamin required by an individual varies considerably and it is influenced by such factors as body
size, growth rate, physical activity, and pregnancy. Most vitamins are stored minimally in human cells, but some
are stored in liver cells to a greater extent. Vitamins A and D, for example, may be stored in sufficient amounts
to maintain an individual without any intake for 5 to 10 months and 2 to 4 months, respectively. However, a defi-
ciency of vitamin B compounds (except vitamin B12) may be noted within days, and the lack of vitamin C will
manifest within weeks and may result in death in 5 to 6 months. The current recommended dietary allowance
(RDA) of vitamin C is 75 mg for woman and 90 mg for men, based on the vitamin’s role as an antioxidant as
well as protection from deficiency. High intakes of the vitamin are generally well tolerated, however, a Tolerable
Upper Level (TUL) was recently set at 2 g based on gastrointestinal upset that sometimes accompanies exces-
sive dosages. Several populations warrant special attention with respect to vitamin C requirements. These
include patients with periodontal disease, smokers, pregnant and lactating women, and the elderly.

Keywords: Vitamin C, oral health, systemic diseases, infections, daily allowance

Citation: Bsoul SA, Terezhalmy GT. Vitamin C in Health and Disease. J Contemp Dent Pract 2004

The Journal of Contemporary Dental Practice, Volume 5, No. 2, May 15, 2004
Introduction to form collagen fibrils results
Humans require vitamin C in in capillary fragility character-
their diet. Fruits and vegetables ized by petechial, purpuric,
are rich in vitamin C. While pro- ecchymotic skin and mucosal
longed storage of unprocessed lesions, and subperiosteal and
fruits and vegetables leads to the visceral hemorrhages, which
loss of vitamin C, most means of lead to anemia. The anemia
food processing (boiling, steam- that accompanies scurvy is of
ing, freezing, canning) preserve multifactorial origin. It results
vitamin C to a great extent. The from acute blood loss related
intestinal absorption of vitamin to hemorrhage, decreased
C is 80-90% efficient. This efficiency rate, how- absorption of iron, and the concurrent folate
ever, declines with increased intake. Vitamin C deficiency that is seen in patients with scurvy.4
is actively co-transported with sodium against Molecular studies on platelets deficient in col-
an electrochemical gradient into intestinal (small lagen-induced aggregation also suggest a pos-
bowel) epithelial cells. Once in the cells, a con- sible role for platelet-related collagen receptors.
centration gradient is created by both brush These studies have shown the platelets, which
border absorption and intracellular reduction of lacked collagen-induced aggregation and adhe-
dehydro-L-ascorbic acid (DHAA) to ascorbate. sion, have significantly reduced levels of 62-kD
Facilitated diffusion of ascorbate into the circula- membrane glycoprotein VI (GPVI). GPVI has
tion is sodium independent and follows a concen- been suggested to function as a platelet-related
tration and electrochemical gradient. A similar collagen receptor. It has also been reported
transport mechanism is responsible for the near the serum from an idiopathic thrombocytopenic
complete resorption of ascorbate in the kidneys. pupura patient contained an antibody against
Ascorbate and, significantly, one of its metabo- a platelet protein, which was later identified
lites, oxalate, are found in the urine only in excess as GPVI.
states. The latter is pertinent, as it accounts for
one of the few potential clinical toxicities of sys- Since many foods (mushrooms, broccoli, cere-
temic vitamin C supplementation, oxalic acid als fortified with folic acid, oranges, and cata-
renal stones. loupe) that contain vitamin C also contain folic
acid, a diet that causes scurvy may also cause
Mechanisms of Action of Vitamin C folic acid deficiency. In addition, ascorbic acid
Vitamin C readily undergoes reversible oxida- deficiency increases the oxidation of tetrahydro-
tion and reduction and plays an important role folate to inactive folate metabolites and predis-
as a redox agent in biological systems.1 Its best poses the patient to macrocytic/megaloblastic
understood function is in the synthesis of col- anemia. Vitamin C also regulates iron distribu-
lagen, which promotes the formation of hydroxy- tion and storage by maintaining a normal ratio
proline. Nonhydroxylated collagen is unstable of ferritin to hemosiderin. Patients with vitamin
and cannot form the triple helix required for nor- C deficiency excrete incompletely oxidized
mal structure of subcutaneous tissue, cartilage, products of tyrosine, although the clinical sig-
bone, and teeth. The failure nificance of this is not clear.
of cells to deposit collagen Vitamin C also appears to
fibrils and intracellular cement function as a buffer against
substance leads to delayed cell damage from free radi-
wound healing. The inability cals thought to be important
of osteoblasts to form new in a number of disease pro-
bone matrix between cells cesses. As a specific elec-
prevents ossification, which tron donor, vitamin C also
may lead to bone fractures, appears to participate in
and prevent bone healing. A the synthesis of brain neu-
lack of intracellular cement rotransmitters and pituitary
substance and an inability peptide hormones.

The Journal of Contemporary Dental Practice, Volume 5, No. 2, May 15, 2004
Vitamin C and Oral Health tributing factor for periodontal disease, has shown
Scurvy is the classic there is a relationship between reduced dietary
disease associated with vitamin C and increased risk for periodontal dis-
vitamin C deficiency. The ease in the general population (odds ratio [OR]
earliest symptom is fatigue = 1.19; 95 % Cl: 1.05 to 1.33).16 The study has
followed by cutaneous also shown current and former tobacco users
findings such as follicular who were taking less dietary vitamin C had an
hyperkeratosis, perifol- increased risk of periodontal disease with an OR
licular hemorrhage, bent of 1.28, 95 % Cl: 1.04 to 1.59 for former smok-
or coiled body hair; pete- ers, and an OR of 1.21, 95 % Cl: 1.02 to 1.43 for
chiae, purpuras, and ecchymoses beginning on current tobacco users. The dietary intake of vita-
the back of the lower extremities; and xerosis. min C showed a weak but statistically significant
Hemorrhage into the muscles of the arms and relationship to periodontal disease in current and
legs and joints may lead to phlebothrombosis and former smokers as measured by clinical attach-
pain. In severe deficiency states hemorrhage ment. Those taking the lowest levels of vitamin C,
in the viscera leads to vomiting of blood and a and who also smoke, are likely to show the great-
bloody stool. In terminally scorbutic patients, est clinical effect on periodontal tissues. Since
syncope, cerebral hemorrhage, high fever, convul- smokers already are at greater risk for periodon-
sions, shock, and death may occur abruptly. Oral tal disease independent of vitamin C intake and
manifestations of scurvy include gingival edema, oxidants from cigarette smoking lower vitamin C
bleeding, and ulcerations; secondary bacterial concentrations in blood, it can be hypothesized
infections; and the loosening of teeth. smokers require higher levels of dietary vitamin
C intake.
Periodontal Disease
Periodontal disease is caus- Dental Caries
ally related to anaerobic Ascorbic acid affects in vitro
bacteria. Tissue damage growth of bacteria and may
occurs as a result of com- also act in vivo
o to decrease
plex molecular interac- caries activity. A double-
tions between pathogenic blind study has evaluated the
bacteria and host immune possible association between
responses. In susceptible vitamin C in plasma, the
patients, both local and systemic factors affect number of carious lesions, the relative numbers of
the pathogenesis of the infection. Vitamin C defi- selected species of the oral cariogenic flora, and
ciency has been shown histologically to result in a the rate of salivary secretion.16 The caries status
lack of collagen formation by affecting the hydrox- and selected bacteriological variables of den-
ylation of proline and increasing the permeability tate adult subjects with low levels of vitamin C in
of the oral mucosa to endotoxins. Vitamin C also plasma (< or = 25 mumol/L) were compared with
enhances the mobility of polymorphonuclear leu- those of controls (plasma levels of vitamin C > or
kocytes, and a deficiency of vitamin C is associ- = 50 mumol/L) matched for age, sex, and num-
ated with decreased host immune responses. ber of teeth. The study concluded the amount of
Animals placed on a diet deficient in vitamin C visible plaque and the number of decayed tooth
exhibit adverse changes in the periodontium relat- surfaces were
ed to a lack of collagen formation characterized significantly higher in the low vitamin C group.
by degenerative soft and hard tissue changes,
distorted nuclear morphology of polymorpho- Primary and Secondary Dentin Formation
nuclear leukocytes, and reduced chemotactic Collagen is the major organic matrix component
responses. of dentin. It has been shown in vitro
o treatment
with ascorbate enhanced the formation of
Vitamin C has long been a candidate for modulat- mineralized nodules and collagenous proteins.
ing periodontal disease. A recent study, which Calcium threonate may be one of the metabolites
evaluated the role of dietary vitamin C as a con- influencing the mineralization process. Animal

The Journal of Contemporary Dental Practice, Volume 5, No. 2, May 15, 2004
studies have shown a mutant strain of wistar rat, of the immune system, stimulation of collagen
characterized by hereditary lack of L-gulono-g- formation necessary for “walling off” tumors,
lactone oxidase, is unable to synthesize ascorbic inhibition of hyaluronidase which may keep
acid when given an ascorbic acid-free diet and the ground substance around the tumor intact
showed a significant reduction in both size and and prevent metastasis, inhibition of oncogenic
mineral apposition rate of dentin and a reduction viruses, improved wound healing after cancer
in bone formation in the mandible.19 These results surgery, enhancement of the effect of certain
suggest ascorbic acid deficiency hampers dentin chemotherapy drugs, reduction in the toxicity of
formation. chemotherapeutic agents such as adriamycin,
prevention of free radical damage, and neutraliza-
Bone Healing tion of carcinogenic substances. An in vitro
The initial inflammatory stage of bone healing study found an ascorbic acid and alpha-tocopherol
is characterized by the formation of granula- combination inhibited human hepatoma cell pro-
tion tissue and the induction of precursor cells liferation, induced redifferentiation, and reversed
that differentiate into fibroblasts, chondroblasts, its malignant phenotypic characteristic.29 Several
chondroclasts, osteoblasts, osteoclasts, and cells studies that investigated the association between
essential for capillary proliferation. The major vitamin C and cancer suggest an inverse relation-
difference between calcifying and non-calcifying ship between vitamin C intake and cancers of
cartilage is the amount of type II and type IV col- the mouth, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, lung,
lagen. In non-calcifying cartilage, type II collagen and pancreas. A meta-analysis also found
predominates because it is the major component decreased breast cancer risk (20% reduction)
of cartilage matrix. In calcifying cartilage, type associated with high dietary vitamin C intake.
X collagen predominates under the influence of In contrast, a recent cohort analysis showed no
alkaline phosphatase, which is induced by ascor- overall relationship with vitamin C intake , and a
bate. In an animal study, it was found the vita- prospective plasma study showed no association
min C supplemented group progressed through between prediagnostic vitamin C levels and breast
the various stages of bone healing faster than the cancer risk.
control group. In another experimental animal
study, bone healing was impaired by the pres- Cardiovascular Disease
ence of free oxygen radicals.22 Another benefit
of vitamin C in bone healing may be through its Ischemic Heart Disease
antioxidant effect. Vitamin C deficiency has also It has been shown oxidation of low-density lipo-
been associated with decreased bone density protein (LDL) and lipid membranes play a crucial
in a number of animal studies.23,24 In a recent role in atherosclerosis.36 Although the mechanism
human study, low intake of vitamin C was found is still unclear, it has been suggested vitamin C
to be a risk factor for hip fractures in the elderly.25 can protect circulating and membrane lipids from
Dietary ascorbic acid intake was independently free radicals. Vitamin C is also believed to pro-
associated with bone density among premeno- tect lipids indirectly by sparing or reconstituting
pausal women. Among men, serum vitamin C the active forms of vitamin E. Atherosclerotic
was associated in a nonlinear fashion with bone plaques impair endothelium-dependent vasodila-
density and with self-reported fractures. Among tion in human coronary and peripheral blood ves-
postmenopausal women with a history of smoking sels , and it has been suggested the acute
and estrogen use, a standard deviation increase administration of vitamin C may reverse this endo-
in plasma ascorbic acid was associated with a thelial dysfunction. Indeed, there is emerging
49% decrease in fracture prevalence. evidence linking high intake of vitamin C with

Vitamin C and Cancer

The possible anticarcinogenic effect of vitamin
C appears to be related to its ability to detoxify
carcinogens or block carcinogenic processes
through its action as an antioxidant or as a free-
radical scavenger. Other proposed mecha-
nisms of action for vitamin C in the prevention
and treatment of cancer include enhancement

The Journal of Contemporary Dental Practice, Volume 5, No. 2, May 15, 2004
reduced mortality from heart disease.43,44 A cross- to endothelium-derived NO after physiologi-
sectional survey of population groups throughout cal stimuli.62,63 It has been hypothesized this is
Europe noted an inverse relationship between caused by reduced synthesis of NO possibly due
plasma levels of vitamin C and ischemic heart to a reduced NO-synthase gene expression.64
disease.45 However, other mechanisms such as reduced
availability of L-arginine or enhanced inactivation
of NO by free radicals may be involved as well.
Vitamin C has been shown to improve CHF by
increasing the availability of nitric oxide. This
observation suggests endothelial dysfunction in
patients with CHF may be due to accelerated
degradation of nitric oxide by free radicals.

Vitamin C and Iron Deficiency Anemia

Iron deficiency is regarded as the major cause of
nutritional anemia, but vitamins A, B12, C, E, folic
Hypertension acid, and riboflavin have also been linked to its
Nitric oxide (NO), a labile endothelial relaxing fac- development and control.
tor, is derived from L-arginine by the activity of the
enzyme NO synthase. Essential hypertension is Ascorbic acid has been reported to play a key
characterized by impaired endothelium-dependent role in the absorption of dietary non-heme
47,48,49,50,51 67,68,69
vasodilation to specific agonists due to an iron.
alteration in the L-arginine-NO pathway. This
appears to be associated with the production of Diabetes Mellitus
superoxide anions, which impair the ability of the The cellular uptake of vitamin C is promoted by
endothelium to induce NO-mediated relaxations of insulin and is inhibited by hyperglycemia. In the
vascular smooth muscles. In patients with absence of insulin, hyperglycemia produces “tis-
essential hypertension, this impaired endothelial sue scurvy.” The complications of diabetes melli-
vasodilation can be improved by the administration tus (DM), in part, are believed to result from either
of vitamin C, an effect that can be reversed by a the intracellular accumulation of sorbitol or the
NO synthase inhibitor.57 A cross-sectional study nonenzymatic glycoxidation of proteins or both.
showed an association between higher vitamin C In type 1 diabetic patients, vitamin C supple-
intake and lower blood pressure.58 Furthermore, mentation may be necessary to prevent protein
vitamin C also appears to improve the endothe- glycoxidation and to optimize aldose reductase
lium-dependent vasomotor capacity of coronary inhibition.70 Ascorbic acid status depends on the
arteries in patients with hypertension and ischemic interactions of dietary vitamin C intake, plasma
heart disease. insulin concentrations, and glycemia. Insulin
promotes the active cellular uptake of vitamin C
Congestive Heart Failure whereas hyperglycemia inhibits renal vitamin C
Patients with congestive heart failure (CHF) dem- reabsorption. In type 1 diabetes mellitus, an ade-
onstrate systemic vasoconstriction and reduced quate dietary intake of vitamin C is often associ-
peripheral perfusion. While an increased sym- ated with an unexpectedly low ascorbic acid sta-
pathetic tone and an activated renin-angiotensin tus. The role of vitamin C as an aldose reductase
system have been proposed to be involved in inhibitor and a water soluble antioxidant in body
the reduced vasodilator capacity in heart failure, fluids is an important adjunct to tight glycemic
clinical studies have documented endothelial dys- control. Hyperglycemia also appears to be a fun-
function of peripheral resistance arteries and damental abnormality underlying the mechanisms
an impaired flow-dependent, endothelium-medi- that cause endothelial dysfunction in diabetic
ated dilation of conduit arteries. An important patients, which are impaired in both animal mod-
functional consequence of endothelial dysfunction els and humans with type 1 or type 2 DM.
is the inability of a vessel to dilate in response Indeed, the administration of vitamin C has been

The Journal of Contemporary Dental Practice, Volume 5, No. 2, May 15, 2004
shown to improve endothelium-dependent vaso- to lower activity of antioxidant enzymes such as
dilation in both experimental hyperglycemia in superoxide dismutase.91,92 The major targets for
healthy, nondiabetic human subjects as well as in oxidation in the brain are lipids and lipoproteins.
patients with either type 1 or type 2 DM.73,74,76,77,78 Supplementation with vitamin E and C significantly
increases the concentrations of both vitamins in
Renal Transplantation plasma and CSF and significantly decreases the
Despite major advances in the management of in vitro
o oxidation of plasma lipoproteins. In con-
patients with end-stage renal disease, these indi- trast, supplementation with vitamin E alone did not
viduals still have a threefold higher risk of dying decrease lipoprotein oxidation. Two recent studies
from ischemic heart disease (IHD) compared found patients with AD have low plasma vitamin
with age-matched healthy subjects. Established C concentrations despite an adequate diet and
risk factors for IHD, such as hyperlipidemia and supplementation with vitamin C may lower the risk
hypertension, remain after transplantation, and of AD.94,95
there is evidence of increased oxidative stress
and enhanced low density lipoprotein oxidation Vitamin C and Viral Infections
in renal allograft recipients.80,81 Recent studies
have also shown impaired endothelium-dependent The Common Cold
vasodilation in patients with renal allografts inde- The role of vitamin C in the
pendent of hypercholesterolemia, hypertension, prevention and treatment of
uremia, or treatment with cyclosporine. All the the common cold remains
above factors appear to impair endothelial func- controversial. A review of
tion in part by increasing vascular production of controlled studies suggests a
superoxide anions, which may inhibit the release reduction of at least 80% in
of nitric oxide or inactivate it directly. Vitamin C the incidence of pneumonia
in renal transplant recipients has been shown to in vitamin C groups and sub-
improve flow mediated, endothelium-dependent stantial treatment benefit from
vasodilation and increase the resistance of lipo- vitamin C in elderly patients
proteins in dilute serum to oxidation.86 96,97
hospitalized with pneumonia or bronchitis. It
seems the preventive effects of supplementation
Age-Related Eye Diseases are mainly limited to subjects with low dietary vita-
Degenerative eye disorders min C intake, but therapeutic effects may occur in
are common among the wider population groups.96 Research has shown
elderly. There is evidence long-term daily supplementation with large doses
vitamin C can reduce oxi- (1 g daily during winter months) of vitamin C does
dative stress and lower the not appear to prevent colds, but there may be a
risk of such age-related modest benefit in reducing the duration of cold
87,88 98,99
degenerative changes. symptoms.
A prospective study in
health professionals Herpetic Infections
showed lower rates of self- One study has shown the topical treatment of
reported cataracts among recurrent herpes labialis with an ascorbic acid-
those who took multivita- containing preparation resulted in statistically
min supplements or who were long-term users of significant reduction in clinical signs and symp-
89 100
vitamin C. Another study found the 5-year risk toms. In another study, the efficacy of a system-
for cataracts was 60% lower among persons who, ic water-soluble bioflavonoid-ascorbic acid com-
at follow-up, reported the use of multivitamins plex was evaluated in the treatment of fifty epi-
containing vitamin C or E for more than 10 years sodes of recurrent herpes labialis. Twenty epi-
compared to nonusers. sodes were treated with a complex of 600 mg of
water-soluble bioflavonoids and 600 mg of ascor-
Alzheimer’s Disease bic acid, administered in equal increments three
There is evidence in patients with Alzheimer’s dis- times daily. Twenty episodes were treated with
ease (AD) that there is increased sensitivity of the a complex of 1,000 mg of water-soluble bioflavo-
cerebral cortex to free radicals, perhaps related noids and 1,000 mg of ascorbic acid, administered

The Journal of Contemporary Dental Practice, Volume 5, No. 2, May 15, 2004
in equal increments five times daily. Ten episodes jected to therapy with non-selective non-steroidal
were treated with a lactose placebo. The thera- anti-inflammatory drugs. They damage the gastric
peutic regimens were maintained for 3 days after mucosa by the inhibition of protective prostaglan-
the recognition of the initial symptoms associated dins on mucosal tissues. This results in micro-
with recurrent herpes labialis. The water-soluble vascular injury accompanied by the activation of
bioflavonoid-ascorbic acid complex was observed neutrophils and the release of oxygen radicals.113
to reduce vesiculation and to prevent the disrup- Vitamin C was found to eliminate free radicals.
tion of the vesicular membrane. The therapeutic Vitamin C is also potentially important in the pre-
measure was found to be the most effective vention of gastric cancer by scavenging nitrate
when initiated during the prodromal stage of the and preventing the nitrosation of dietary substanc-
disease process. No significant difference in the es by potentially carcinogenic N-nitrosoamines.
remission of symptoms was observed between
the 600 mg and the 1,000 mg regimens, but both Recommended Daily Allowances of Vitamin C
were statistically superior to the placebo (p<0.01). The current daily recommended dietary allow-
Bioflavonoids maintain normal capillary perme- ance (RDA) of vitamin C is 75 mg for women
ability; ascorbic acid is known to maintain the nor- and 90 mg for men, based on the vitamin’s
mal mechanical strength of capillaries, role as an antioxidant as well as
to promote collagen formation, and to protection from deficiency.116,117
facilitate wound healing. Susceptible Pharmacological doses (> 100 mg/
patients may benefit from the prophy- day) of vitamin C may reduce the
lactic intake of a bioflavonoid-ascorbic risk of chronic diseases such as
acid complex if initiated 24 hours prior cancer, cardiovascular disease, and
to exposure to factors known to pre- cataracts, probably through antioxi-
cipitate herpes labialis. dant mechanisms. The totality of the
reviewed data suggests vitamin C,
HIV infection 100 mg/day, may be required for the
A fundamental immunologic abnormal- optimum reduction of chronic dis-
ity in HIV infection is the progressive ease risks in nonsmoking men and
decrease and functional impairment women.118 Several populations war-
of CD4+ lymphocytes. The functional rant special attention with respect to
capacity of lymphocytes is critically dependent on vitamin C requirements. These include patients
intracellular redox balance and oxidative stress. with periodontal disease, smokers, pregnant and
An inability of antioxidants to neutralize the forma- lactating women, and the elderly.
tion of reactive oxygen species has been shown
to impair lymphocyte functions.102,103 Glutathion, Patients with Periodontal Disease
a cysteine-containing tripeptide, is the dominant Based on evidence from a recent study, it can
intracellular antioxidant. Several reports have be concluded there is a significant relationship
suggested decreased antioxidant defense due to between dietary vitamin C intake and periodontal
disturbed glutathione homeostasis plays a role in disease after adjusting for age, gender, gingival
105,106,107 16
the immunopathogenesis of HIV infection. bleeding, and tobacco consumption. When
Antioxidants such as N-acetyl cysteine, glutathi- compared to patients taking in excess of 180
one, glutathione-esters, and vitamin C have been mg of dietary vitamin C daily, the odds ratios for
demonstrated to inhibit HIV replication in vitro o and periodontal disease were 1.30, 1.26, 1.21, and
several of these antioxidants appear to have co- 1.16 for patients taking 0-29 mg, 30-59 mg, 60-99
operative interactions. In vivo, vitamin C mg, and 100-179 mg of vitamin C, respectively.
and E have been shown to reduce oxidative These findings indicate there is a dose-depen-
stress in HIV infected patients and to reduce the dent relationship between dietary vitamin C intake
viral load. and periodontal disease. Therefore, patients with
periodontal disease may benefit from a dietary
Vitamin C and The Gastrointestinal System analysis and, when appropriate, from daily vitamin
Gastrointestinal ulcers, erosions, and bleeding C supplementation.
are common adverse reactions in patients sub-

The Journal of Contemporary Dental Practice, Volume 5, No. 2, May 15, 2004
Smokers Vitamin C Toxicity
Smokers have a higher requirement for vitamin Vitamin C appears to be relatively nontoxic,
C than nonsmokers.119,120 Vitamin C concentra- although intake levels above 1 gram/day can
tions in smokers are inversely related to cigarette cause nausea and diarrhea.117,132 The toler-
consumption.121-124 This is most likely due to able upper intake level for adults is 2000 mg.117
increased demand as a result of increased oxida- Potential problems with pharmacological doses
tive stress. In one study, vitamin C supple- may also include “rebound scurvy,” which occurs
mentation (2000 mg/day for 5 days) significantly when the intake of high levels is abruptly stopped.
reduced the amount of urinary F2-isoprostanes, In excess states (>4 gram/day), high levels of
an indicator of oxidative stress. The current ascorbate and, significantly, one of its metabo-
RDA for smokers is 110 mg/day for women and lites, oxalate, are found in urine and may increase
125 mg/day for men , although it has been pro- the risk of renal-oxalate stone formation. The lat-
posed smokers require 120 to 180 mg/day to ter is pertinent, as it accounts for one of the few
maintain plasma vitamin C concentrations compa- potential clinical toxicities of systemic vitamin C
rable to nonsmokers.125 supplementation.

Pregnant and Lactating Women Summary

Pregnant or lactating women also require a The current RDA of vitamin C for nonsmoking
higher intake of vitamin C to maintain optimal women and men is 75 mg and 90 mg, respec-
plasma vitamin C concentrations. The higher tively. The totality of the reviewed data suggests
requirement is due to active placental vitamin C these dosages of vitamin C are optimal in this
transport, whereby vitamin C concentrations are population both as an essential nutrient as well
significantly higher in cord blood and in newborn as an effective antioxidant. Several populations
infants than in the mothers, and the loss of vita- warrant special attention with respect to vitamin
min C through milk. The current RDA for C requirements. These include patients with peri-
women during pregnancy and lactation is 85 and odontal disease, smokers, pregnant and lactating
120 mg/day, respectively. women, and the elderly. However, even in these
subpopulations, the data do not support recom-
The Elderly mending the routine daily intake of more than
The elderly are prone to vitamin C deficiency 200 mg of vitamin C. While higher dosages are
because of dietary habits.120,119,126 They also generally well tolerated, the tolerable upper level
appear to have a higher requirement for vitamin of vitamin C is 2 g. In response to the aggressive
C, although the evidence is inconsistent.126 The promotion and advertising by health food advo-
RDA for those over 70 years of age is the same cates related to the use of nutritional supplements
as for young adults (75 mg for women and 90 and antioxidant, patients may seek information
mg for men).117 Oxidative processes have been from their dentist, a trusted source, about holis-
implicated in aging and it has been proposed anti- tic issues. Clinicians should be cognizant about
oxidants may have beneficial effects on cognitive such issues and should be prepared to provide
functions in the elderly. In one cross-sectional their patients with evidence-based recommenda-
study there was no association between cognitive tions. In their comprehensive approach to patient
function and intake of vitamin C (>160 mg/day care, clinicians should base the need for recom-
compared with <70 mg/day). However, two mending dosages in excess of the RDA on sound
other studies have shown high plasma vitamin data supported by a nutritional analysis and the
C concentrations lower the prevalence of severe patients’ plasma vitamin C concentration (normal:
cognitive impairment. >0.2 mg/dl) levels.

The Journal of Contemporary Dental Practice, Volume 5, No. 2, May 15, 2004
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The Journal of Contemporary Dental Practice, Volume 5, No. 2, May 15, 2004

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