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2. Demonstrate the ability to reason 4. Determine elements in intersection,
logically. unions and complements of sets.


Venn diagrams are the diagrams that are used to represent the sets, relation between the sets
their elements and operation performed on them, in a pictorial way.

Venn diagram, uses circles, to denote the relationship between sets.

In set theory, there are many operations performed on sets, such as:

 The Compliment of Sets

 Union of Sets
 Intersection of Sets
 Difference of Sets

Some operations have associated symbols, just as addition and subtraction would have. Let’s
look that the symbols below.
Venn Diagrams Explanation
The Union symbol - U A U B is read as A union B.
Elements that belong to either set A or set B or
both the sets.
The Intersect symbol - ∩ A ∩ B is read as A intersection B.
Elements that belong to both sets A and set B.
The Complement symbol – A’ A’ is read as A complement.
Elements that don’t belong to set A.

The Complement

The complement of any set A can be given as A'. This represents elements that are in the
universal set, that are not in set A.

Using set builder notation that is written as

A’ = {x: x ϵ U but x ϵ A}

The shaded region represents A’.

Activity S3 O 4.1 Completed: Yes □ __________ Submitted: □ In- Class

a. Using the Venn diagrams below, label each of them using the information provided below.
1. Label one set mathematics, using the symbol, M.
2. Label one set English, using the symbol, E.
3. Label the Universal set with the symbol, U.
If U = {5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50}, E = {10, 15, 30} and M = {5, 20, 35, 50}.
Place this information into the Venn diagrams below and shade in the respective regions
using the set operation of complement.
4. On the first Venn diagram shade only the set M.
5. On the second Venn diagram shade only the set E.
6. On the third Venn diagram shade only the region that represents E’.
7. State the elements found in E’.
8. Using set builder notation, write the set of E’.
The elements of E’ are _________________________________________________.

Set builder notation, E’ = _______________________________________________.

The Union of Two Sets

The union of two sets A and B is the set of all the elements that are in either A OR B.

Using set builder notation that is written as

A U B = {x: x ϵ A or x ϵ B or both}


Activity S1 O 7.2 Completed: Yes □ __________ Submitted: □ ___________

a. In the following numbers, write the value of the digit 7 in numbers and words.
Activity S1 O 7.2 Completed: Yes □ __________ Submitted: □ ___________

i. 7 ____________________________________________________ (1 mark)

ii. 8 ____________________________________________________ (1 mark)

iii. 9 ____________________________________________________ (1 mark)

iv. 1 ____________________________________________________ (1 mark)

Activity S1 O 7.3 Completed: Yes □ __________ Submitted: □ ___________

a. Compare the value of the digit 4 in the following numbers by expanding the numbers.

i. 5432 ___________________________________________________ (1 mark)

ii. 4567 ___________________________________________________ (1 mark)

iii. 9984 ___________________________________________________ (1 mark)

iv. 3647 ___________________________________________________ (1 mark)

v. 94 890 __________________________________________________ (1 mark)

vi. 20 467 982 ______________________________________________ (1 mark)

b. Write the following numbers in words.

i. 5 678 _____________________________________________________ (1 mark)

ii. 6 203 345 _________________________________________________ (1 mark)

iii. 203 ______________________________________________________ (1 mark)

iv. 73 610 285 ________________________________________________ (1 mark)

v. 875 491___________________________________________________ (1 mark)

vi. 94 678____________________________________________________ (1 mark)

b. Write the following number using digits.

i. Three hundred and eighty-seven thousand nine hundred and two

Activity S1 O 7.3 Completed: Yes □ __________ Submitted: □ ___________

ii. Four hundred and six million and fifteen

iii. Ninety-one thousand, five hundred and sixty-six

iv. Two trillion, three hundred and four million, seven hundred and twenty-five

v. Seventy-three

vi. Five hundred and one thousand and nine


Assignment S1 O 7 Completed: Yes □ __________ Submitted: □ ___________

a. Complete the worksheet provided in Modules on Canvas. It is titled Place Value S1 O7.

NB. Pace you self and incorporate time management skills to ensure timely submissions. Any
deliverable submitted after the deadline will not be graded.


Before the lesson you are required to complete and/or submit activities. You will be told when
these activities are due either via canvas or directly as stated by your teacher. You are at liberty
to submit as early as desired.

NB. Pace you self and incorporate time management skills to ensure timely submissions. Any
deliverable submitted after the deadline will not be graded.

Plagiarism does not comply with the vision and rules of the school and thus any content that has
been plagiarized with automatically be ungraded. This means that your work should be your

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