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Name : Indi Dwi Lutfitriani (20180510406)

Class : HI A6_E III

Courses : Essay Writing
Teacher : Sri Rejeki, M.Pd
Faculty : FISIPOL/ HI

The Similarity and Different thing between Angora Cat and Persian Cat
Cat is one of the cutest animal in this world. Cats are also a favorite pet for humans. in
addition to being funny, some cats can also understand a person's feelings. That’s why there
is many people loved Cats. The type of cat that is often kept is Persian cats and Angora Cat.
But, can you distinguish it ? As Cat lovers we must to know about the differences between
Persian and Angora cats. The Differences between Persian and Angora is not just by physical
characteristics, but also by their behavior.
The first difference is the origin place of the cat. Angora cats is originating from the
Ankara (Angora) region in Turkey which is said to have been known since the 1600s. Angora
cat is also one of the oldest breeds of cat. Persian cat originating from Persia, now known as
Iran. First introduced of this cat is in Italy since 1620s. Second difference is shape of the cat
face. Angora cat have a face like ordinary cat, they are have sightly triangel face, nose sightly
sharp, and pointed triangel long ears. Persian cat have round face, usually have a snub-nosed,
and if we look at side of this cat, the part of forehead, nose, and chin are look flat. Third
Angora cat tails have quite thick fur like a feather duster or tail. But usually, the Persian cat's
tail is not as thick as Angora's cat.
Fourth, Angora cats are generally more active, playful, energetic and obedient.
Angora cats are quite intelligent, like to interact with humans, have high curiosity, are easily
trained, adaptable and friendly with humans and other animals. But the Persian Cat, he is
more calm, obedient, a little lazy and spoiled.

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