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International Journal of Scientific Research and Review ISSN NO: 2279-543X.

A Comprehensive Analysis of Medical Image Segmentation

using Deep Learning
R.Vinayagamoorthy, 2 T.Arul Raj, 3T.Ilamparithi,
1,, 3,
1, 2
Research scholar, Department of computer science & engineering, Manonmaniam Sundaranar
University, Tirunelveli-627 012
Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, MSU College, Puliangudi, India
Professor, Department of computer science & engineering, Manonmaniam Sundaranar University,
Tirunelveli-627 012

Image segmentation has created important advances in recent years. Recent work construct to a
great extent with respect to Deep Learning techniques that has brought about groundbreaking
enhancement within the accuracy of segmentation. As a result of image segmentations are a mid-
level illustration, they need a potential to create major contribution over the wide field of visual
understanding from image classification and interactive pursuit. Medical image segmentation is a
sub area of image segmentation that has many essential applications inside the prospect of
medical image evaluation and diagnostic. In this paper, distinct strategies of medical image
segmentation could be classified forthwith their sub techniques and sub fields. This paper
presents useful approaches into the field of medical image segmentation using Deep Learning
and attempt to summarize the long term scale of work.

I Introduction
In image segmentation, the images are partitioned into series of non-overlapping regions. These
regions provide the tissues of human with utterly different structures and submit the tissue into
the suitable technique for determining the clinical identification accurately. Automatic
segmentation of medical image is difficult due to the fact of variations in structure such as shape
and size among patients [1]. Moreover, the tissue surrounded by the poor contract will create
troublesome in automated segmentation. Recently, the application of deep learning based
methods provides an effective classification and learning of features from the image directly.
Particularly, the improvement of Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) has similarly advanced
the progressive in medical image segmentation [2].
A CNN contains more than one Conloluational layers with sub sampling layers. The
convolutional layers build spatial correlation for given input image by constructing a feature map
and sharing the kernel weight for each contribution [3]. The CNNs are effectual due to the
hierarchical feature representation of a given image is learned strictly in data driven method. The
challenges of using CNNs are defined as follows.

Volume 8, Issue 6, 2019 Page No: 613

International Journal of Scientific Research and Review ISSN NO: 2279-543X.

1. The CNN does not simplify the formerly unseen objects that are not available in the
training set. In medical image segmentation, the annotations of medical image are high-
prices to gather as both knowledge and it take more time to produce the accurate
information. This restricts the performance of CNNs to segment the specified image for
annotations are not present in the training set [4].

2. The recent research is not adaptive for various test images and requires image specific
learning for dealing the large context variations among various images.
Deep learning is a set of rules in machine learning [5] that automatically analyze the medical
images efficiently for diagnosis the diseases. In recent year, deep learning become popular by
facilitate the higher level of abstraction for providing enhanced prediction from the given data
set. In this paper, the proposed deep learning based medical image segmentation techniques are
compared to identify the challenges for its future research.
The rest of paper is organized as follows. In section II, architecture of Deep learning technique is
described in detail afterwards section III addresses the application of deep learning in medical
field and the pros and cons of each algorithm is discussed in brief. Finally the conclusion is
drawn with suggestion of future research.

II Deep Learning Architecture

This section analyzes completely different deep learning architecture that are developed and
utilized within the method of medical image segmentation. The aim of the survey is.

 To show that the deep learning technologies are saturated into the entire field of
medical image segmentation

 To identify the difficulties for effective utilization of deep learning in medical image

 To emphasize the precise contribution which illuminate or go around the difficulties

in medical image segmentation
The medical image segmentation permits the chemical analysis of clinical parameters associated
with the shape and volume of organs and its sub structures such as the analysis of brain and
cardiac [6]. The function of medical image segmentation is determining the arrangements of
voxels that invoke the structure of either contour or inside of the objects of interest.
Segmentation is that the most typical method for applying deep learning to medical image and
intrinsically observed the most stretched out assortment in approach. Here some of the important
existing deep learning architectures are analyzed as follows.

The U Net [7] architecture is constructed upon the FCCN and adapted in an exceedingly method
that it give up higher segmentation in medical image. The two important innovations of U Net
architecture is the unsampling and downsampling layers are mixed in equal quantity. The Unet
architecture is differed from FCN-8 in two ways (1) U Net has symmetric connection (2) the skip

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International Journal of Scientific Research and Review ISSN NO: 2279-543X.

connection between convolution and deconvolution layers apply a concatenate operator from
contracting and expanding its path. The aim of skip connection is to provide the local and global
information whereas unsampling. From the training viewpoint, the segmentation map is directly
produced in U-Net by processing the image in single forward pass. Due to the symmetric
connection, U-Net has a large number of feature map within the sampling layer that permits
transferring the information. The U-Net architecture is shown in fig 2.

Fig 1. Architecture of U-Net.

In U-Net, the contracting path consists of 4 blocks in which each block can have 3*3
convolutional layers and activation function with batch normalization. U-Net starts with 64
feature map. It doubles the feature map at each pooling. In order to segment the medical image,
the contracting path confine the context of input image and transfer it to the expanding path.

In medical image segmentation, the diagnostic images often contains 3D format that are having
the ability to perform volumetric segmentation by the way of deliberating the entire volume
content directly has a specific relevance. The aim of V-Net [8] architecture is segment the
prostate MRI volumetric. This can be difficult function due to the prostate will assume in
different examines because of deformation of intensity distribution. In V-Net, medical image
segmentation uses the intensity of completely convolutional neural systems, to process MRI
volumes. In contrast to other latest methodologies, V-Net abstain from preparing the input
volumes in slice-wise and uses the dice coefficient maximization to get an accurate
segmentation. In V-Net the MRI images are segmented quickly and efficiently than other
In training, dice overlab coefficient is established between anticipated segmentation and
ground truth annotation. Fig. 3 shows a graphical representation of V-Net architecture. The
compression path is placed in left side and decompression path is in right side. It uses a
volumetric kernel with the size of 5*5*5 voxels for performing the convolution at each state. In

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International Journal of Scientific Research and Review ISSN NO: 2279-543X.

order to activate various resolution, the left side of the network is further divided into number of

The GoogleNet [9] is developed by Google. It contains 22 layers with the novel method of
inception module. This module consists of number of very little convolutional layers with the
purpose of reducing the number of required parameters.

Fig.2 GoogleNet Architecture

In GoogleNet, the number of parametes is reduced from 60 million to 4 million compared

than AlexNet [10]. In GoogleNet many feature extractors exists in a single layers which helps to
improve the performance of network indirectly. The inception modules are arranged in stacked
manner in the final architecture when compared with the other network, the top most layers are
made up of its own later. As a result, the GoogleNet converge very fast compared than others
and the parallel trainings and joint trainings are performed layer itself.

ResNet [11] built the architecture with the novel approach of skip connections with feature heavy
batch normalization. It has the ability to train the network with 152 layers at the same time as
lower complexities compared than previous networks. ResNet includes multiple residual
modules which helps to construct the architecture. The illustration of residual module as follows.
The residual module has two choices, both it may carry out the set of task on this input or it
may well omit this step on the whole. Now almost like GoogleNet, these modules are arranged
in staked manner to construct an absolute end-end network. Some of the additional novel
methods are introduced by the ResNet is described as follows.

 ResNet use a standard SGD rather than a elaborate adaptive technique.

 This can be carried out together with an affordable initialization function that
maintains the training together.

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International Journal of Scientific Research and Review ISSN NO: 2279-543X.

RCNN (Region Based CNN)

RCNN [12] is a region based method which can carried out the semantic segmentation based on
the result of object detection. It solves object detection problem by constructing the bounding
box for the object which are present in the image and then recognize the specified object in the
existing image. The structure of RCNN is defined as follows.

Fig 3. RCNN architectur

The RCNN determine the CNN feature of each object by using a selective search to extort
huge amount of object proposals. It uses class specific classifier SVMs for classifying each
region in the image. The RCNN concentrated on the more problematical task of image
segmentation and object detection. In RCNN image segmentation, 2 kinds of features are
extracted in each region. They are foreground features and full region features. These two
features are combined together to get a good performance for image segmentation. At testing
stage, the region based predictions are converted into pixel based predictions. The pixels are
classified based on the high score in the region.

SegNet [13] is a deep learning architecture for image segmentation which has encoder and
consequent decoder with pixel classification layer. The encoder generates the feature map by
carry out the convolution with filter bank. The input feature map is converted into unsample
using the decoder with the help of max pooling. The max pooling induces from feature map
decoder. As a result, the sparse feature map is generated.

Fig 4. SegNet Architecture

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International Journal of Scientific Research and Review ISSN NO: 2279-543X.

These feature maps is further trained by the decoder filter bank to create a dense feature
maps. Finally batch normalization is applied over the feature maps. The decoded feature map is
passed into the soft-max classifier to generate the independent class probability for every pixel.
The output of soft-max classifier consist of k probabilities channel images. It retains the high
frequency details efficiently in segmented image by connecting the pooling indices of encoder
with the pooling indices of decoder. The comparison of deep learning architectures are shown in
table 1.
Table 1. Comparison of Deep Learning Architectures

Deep No. Layers Advantage Disdavantage

U-Net 2 convlutional layers 1. To determine high quality image It takes considerable
with maxpooling segmentation, the UNet merge the local amount of time for
and ReLU layer information from deconvolutional layer training the data
and context information from
convolutional layer.

2. various size images will be used as

input. i.e . there is no dense layer

3. In medical image segmentation, the

usage of huge amount of data growth is
important while the quantity of
annotated sample is limited.
V-Net 2 convolutional 1. The dice loss layer doesn’t require Difficult to insert an
layers with 3*3*3 any sample re-weighting when the unparameterised layer
kernals pixels of foreground and background of such as ReLU or delete
the image is unbalanced after adding element
2. The V-Net minimizes the resolution
and extract the features from data by
using suitable stride.
GoogleNet 22 layers 1. The training of GoogleNet is faster 1. Still it has less
than VGG. computational complexity
2. The pre-trained size of GoogleNet is with fewer parameters.
relatively small when compared with 2. There is no use of fully
VGG. connected convlutional
3. The GoogleNet has a size of most neural networks
effective 96MB but VGG can have
greater than 500MB
ResNet 152 layers Hundreds or thousands of residual
1. The final performance
modules is familiarized to construct a
of image segmentation is
network completely different fromaffected
normal networks 2. It takes more time for
extracting the features of
specified objects.
RCNN 13 sharable RCNN attain major enhancement in 1. In segmentation, the
convolutional layers performing image segmentation by features is not attuned
using the high discriminative CNN 2. The features does not

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International Journal of Scientific Research and Review ISSN NO: 2279-543X.

features. have sufficient spatial

information for particular
boundary generation
SegNet 13 Encoder layers 1. SegNet is best architecture for 1. It cannot absolutely
13 Decoder layers dealing image segmentation. separate the result of
2. The trainable parameters are smaller model vs. optimization in
than other networks. attaining the detailed
3. SegNet provides more efficient time effect.
inference and memory inference 2. In training, this
compared than other networks. network includes gradient
back propagation which
is inadequate for solving
image segmented

III Deep Learning Algorithms for Image Segmentation

In computer vision, deep learning methods have become progressively more popular in image
segmentation because of its efficiency for performing a number of tasks. An efficient
segmentation method ought to acquire results expeditiously with feasible user interactions [14].
There are two important factors should be considered for handling the performance and quality
of image segmentation. They are i) user interaction is considered as input and ii) algorithms
groundwork representations.
Convolutional networks are mainly used to handle the computer vision and prescient
problems are closely beneath manipulated on user aspects. However, the deep learning method
have provides alternate solution for learning the feature of still or video images. Therefore, it is
necessary to understanding what kind of deep learning methods is appropriate for given problem
could be a challenging task. In this section, some of the existing deep learning algorithms for
image segmentation is discussed as follows.

Deeplab [15] segments the semantic images by applying the strous convolution using the
unsampled filters for extracting the dense features. Atrous convolution makes it possible for
segmentation to unambiguously manipulate the decision at which function extractions are
determined inside the DCNN. The DeepLab tend to more extend it to atrous special pyramid
pooling that train the objects furthermore as image framework at different scales. The
localization of object boundaries are enhanced by combining the probabilities graphical model
with Deep Convolutional Neural Networks. Furthermore, the DCNN is combined with fully
connected conditional random fields to provide the exact calculation of semantic images and
construct the segmentation maps for boundary of each objects.

A Deep Interactive Geodisk [16] proposed a 2D and 3D image segmentation using DL
interaction framework. To increase the interaction of users, the DeepIGeos presented a
framework with two stages. In first stage, the initial segmentation is obtained automatically by
using P-Net and in the second stage, DeepIGeos used R-Net for indicating the missegmented

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International Journal of Scientific Research and Review ISSN NO: 2279-543X.

regions by interacting with users and filter the user interaction. The filtered user interactions are
converted and integrated into the input of R-Net. The level features are captured without any loss
in resolution by using the resolution preserving structure in R-Net and P-Net. Once the R-Net is
trained based on the interaction of users, it consider the reasonable time for retraining the
convolutional neural network for large number of training set.

Deepcut [17] integrate the iterative graphical optimization with Deep Learning to attain
segmentation in pixelwise manner. The medical images are segmented from image data sets with
its consequent bounding box observations. The training targets are updated iteratively finds out
by CNN method and the segmentations are regularized with the help of fully connected
conditional random filed. The training targets are the functions related with the localization of
voxels which are depicted from image patch. So that Deepcut method is developed in an
exceedingly generic type and therefore is often readily applicable to any medical images.

DeepMedic [18] presents a dual pathway with eleven layers and 3D DCNN for segmenting the
multi model MRI based brain lesion. It contains two important components. They are 1) 3D
Convolutional Neural Network which provides segmentation map accurately 2) fully connected
3D CRF which enforces the constraints in regular manner on output of CNN and finally generate
the segmentation labels. The dual pathway analyzes the given images at different scales
concurrently in order to integrate both local and global contextual annotations. DeepMedic is
usually assessed on three different tasks of brain MRI lesion segmentation: 1. Traumatic brain
wound, 2. Ischemic stroke and 3. Brain tumors. In training stage, test images segmentation
utilize the dense training for analyzing the behavior of each image.

DeepOrgan [19] provides a probabilities bottom up approach for pancreas image segmentation in
abdominal CT scan by using multilevel DCNN. It proposes coarse to fine classification for
image patches in dense annotations, to regions and whole organs. It generates the initial super
pixels for medical images and these super pixels can act as local contextual information with low
precision. DeppOrgan provides a dense classification of local patches in images through nearest
neighbor fusion and P-ConNet. Class probabilities are assigned to each super pixel regions to
train image.

Deep contour-Aware Networks [20] propose multilevel contextual features from layered
architecture which discovered the gland segmentation with auxiliary supervisor. Discriminative
features of transitional features are improved when training set is integrated multilevel
regularization technique. DCAN can handle three important challenges of gland segmentation.
Fist, probability map is generated straightly in a single forward propagation for large quantity of
image analysis. Second, it is easy to analyze the glandlure structure with biopsy test which
includes benign and malignant. Finally, gland contour and objects are investigated independently
using multi task training framework. The comparison of deep learning applications are shown in
table 2.

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International Journal of Scientific Research and Review ISSN NO: 2279-543X.

Table 2. Comparison of Deep Learning Applications in Medical Field

DL Applications Data sets used Advantages Disadvantages

DeepLab Pascal context, It address the atrous 1.Downsampling causes loss of
Pascal perform- convolution and CRF information
port and 2. the input damage the pixel
cityscapes accuracy
DeepIGeos 2D Fetal MRI, 1.It uses underpinning In testing, this method does not
Brain Tumors, learning method to learn the connected fully
3D FALIK knowledge from large amount
images of training set.
2. it consider ales amount of
user interaction to encode into
geodeis distance
Deepcut Fetal MRI, Brain Fast and provide a optimal 1.In testing, it does not
and Lungs results interacted fully
2. no refinement for further user
DeepMedic Brain MRI, It minimize the user Loss of feature map due to
BRATS and interaction and provide the multilevel maxpooling and
ISLES good performance downsampling
DCAN MICCAI gland 1.It uses joint multilevel This method fails to provide
learning method for acceptable results in malignant
improving the performance of field.
gland segmentation.
2. it improve the robustness
of gland

IV Conclusion
This paper provides a brief overview of Deep Learning architecture and its application of image
segmentation in medical field. The aim of this survey is specify the applications of deep learning
in medical image analysis in a crisp and easy way. Medical field consists of a number of issues
for analyzing the disease of different kinds of patients. Therefore, this paper is concentrated on
analyzing the architecture of DL and application of DL in medical field. Furthermore, it also
carried out the difficulties of analyzing the particular disease in specified organs in discussed in
details. From the survey, it concludes that the DL can provide a sensible support for
specialization in medical field. In future, the application of various fields will be considered.
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Volume 8, Issue 6, 2019 Page No: 622

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