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Exploring Consumer Attitudes towards Protein Food

Alternatives: A Comprehensive Study on Acceptance,
Perceptions, and Drivers

Submitted in partial fulfilment for the Post Graduate Diploma in Management at

TAPMI, Manipal by:

Working Group - 7

S. No. Name Roll No.

1 Aarya Mukhopadhyay 22F401
2 Akash Giri 22F406
3 Darshit Bhardwaj 22F418
4 Gauri Singh 22F422
5 Shishir Singh 22F448
1. Problem Statement: The increasing global demand for protein-rich foods, coupled
with concerns about environmental sustainability and animal welfare, has led to a rise
in the popularity of protein food alternatives. These alternatives, such as plant-based
proteins, cultured meat, and insect-based products, have gained significant attention in
recent years. However, the acceptance and adoption of these protein food alternatives
by consumers remain variable and complex. Understanding consumer attitudes towards
these products is crucial for shaping future food choices, addressing sustainability
challenges, and fostering a shift towards more sustainable food systems. Therefore, this
research aims to explore and analyze consumer attitudes towards protein food
alternatives to shed light on factors influencing their acceptance or resistance.

2. Motivation of Studying the Issue: The motivation behind studying consumer

attitudes towards protein food alternatives is multi-faceted. Firstly, as the world's
population continues to grow, traditional protein sources like meat and fish face
challenges in meeting the escalating demand. Protein food alternatives present an
innovative and potentially sustainable solution to this issue. Secondly, concerns about
the environmental impact of conventional livestock farming, including greenhouse gas
emissions and deforestation, have driven interest in more eco-friendly protein sources.
Additionally, ethical considerations regarding animal welfare have influenced consumer
preferences. However, the success of these alternatives heavily depends on their
acceptance by consumers, making it imperative to understand their attitudes and
perceptions towards these products. This research aims to bridge this knowledge gap
and offer insights to policymakers, food industry stakeholders, and researchers for
effective decision-making and product development.

3. Research Questions: To achieve the research objectives, the study will address the
following key questions:
• What are the general attitudes and perceptions of consumers towards protein
food alternatives?
• What factors influence consumer acceptance or rejection of protein food
• How do demographic factors (age, gender, education, etc.) impact consumer
attitudes towards these products?
• What role do taste, health, and environmental concerns play in shaping
consumer preferences?
• What are the potential barriers and drivers for the widespread adoption of
protein food alternatives?
• How do cultural, societal, and marketing factors influence consumer choices
regarding protein food alternatives?
4. Methodology: This research will employ a mixed-methods approach to gather
comprehensive data on consumer attitudes towards protein food alternatives. The
study will conduct surveys and interviews to collect data. Additionally, focus groups and
in-depth interviews will provide a deeper understanding of the factors influencing
consumer perceptions and preferences.

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