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Daily News
Animals UK News 19th July 2023

Butterfly Survey 2023

How many butterfly species can be
found in the UK? 

• Currently, there are 59 species

of butterfly in the UK. Two of
these are migrant species, they
are the Clouded Yellow and
Painted Lady.

• In the last 150 years, five

species of butterfly have become
extinct in the UK. Photo: Red Admiral butterfly.

It’s time for the Big Butterfly Count! Last year’s report showed that there had been
People are invited to help ‘take nature’s pulse’ a substantial decline in the number of
by helping count the UK’s butterfly population butterflies in the UK. In fact, it showed
between the 14th July and 6th August. that the number had dropped by 80% since
The annual event is run by the Butterfly the 1970s.
Conservation and was first started in 2010. It also showed that, due to climate change,
How can people take part? Well, all they need plants fed on by caterpillars were unable
is 15 minutes! to survive in the high temperatures the UK
First, people will need to ensure that they experienced last year. The charity wants to find
are prepared. The Butterfly Conservation has out if this has affected the number of butterflies
butterfly ID charts featuring species of butterflies this year.
and day-flying moths. This chart will help people However, it wasn’t all bad news. The 2022
to identify any butterflies they spy. report showed that efforts to stop numbers
Next, they will need to find a suitable spot to from falling through conservation work were
observe nature and see if they spy any butterflies successful.
in the 15 minute time frame. So, will you spend 15 minutes butterfly-
Then, they must record which species of watching to help this year’s Big Butterfly Count?
butterfly they spotted during that time. This
information can be inputted using the Butterfly Glossary
Conservation’s website or the app designed for
migrant A species that has moved from
the Big Butterfly Count.
one country to another.
On the app, there is also an interactive
map. It shows the user the data that has been extinct To no longer exist.
collected in each area of the UK.
substantial A large amount.
Once all of the data has been collected, it is
used to form a report that shares the results of conservation The act of protecting nature
the survey with the public. and the environment.


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Butterfly Survey 2023

1. According to the fact box, how many species of butterfly can be found in the UK?

2. Give the meaning of the word ‘population’ as it is used in this sentence: People are invited
to help ‘take nature’s pulse’ by helping count the UK’s butterfly population between the
14th July and 6th August.

3. Tick to show whether the statement is true or false according to the article.
True False
The Big Butterfly Count ends on the 14th July.
5 species of UK butterfly have become extinct in the last 200 years.
The Clouded Yellow butterfly originates from another country.
In the last 70 years, the population of butterflies in the UK has
dropped by 80%.

4. In what year did the Big Butterfly Count first begin?

5. What do you think the results of this year’s Big Butterfly Count will be?

6. Write an alternative headline that could be used for this story using six words or fewer.


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