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199 proverbs

1. "A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush." - It's better to have something for sure than to risk
losing it by trying to get more.

2. "A watched pot never boils." - When you're impatiently waiting for something, it seems to take longer.

3. "All that glitters is not gold." - Things that appear attractive may not always be valuable or genuine.

4. "Don't put all your eggs in one basket." - Don't invest everything in a single option or plan; diversify to
reduce risk.

5. "Better late than never." - It's better to do something late than not do it at all.

6. "When the going gets tough, the tough get going." - In challenging situations, strong people take
action and don't give up.

7. "Every cloud has a silver lining." - Even in difficult times, there's a positive aspect to be found.

8. "Honesty is the best policy." - Being truthful is the most reliable approach.

9. "You reap what you sow." - Your actions have consequences; good deeds lead to good outcomes, and
vice versa.

10. "Actions have consequences." - Your actions will have results, whether positive or negative.

11. "A penny saved is a penny earned." - Saving money is just as valuable as earning it in the first place.

12. "A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step." - Every significant accomplishment starts
with a small action.

13. "Where there's smoke, there's fire." - If there are signs of a problem, there's likely a real issue behind

14. "No pain, no gain." - Achieving something worthwhile often requires hard work and sacrifice.

15. "The early bird catches the worm." - Being proactive and starting early can lead to greater success.

16. "Two wrongs don't make a right." - Retaliating or seeking revenge doesn't correct a mistake or

17. "Beggars can't be choosers." - If you're in need, you can't be too selective about what you receive.

18. "Curiosity killed the cat." - Being too inquisitive or nosy can lead to trouble.

19. "Fortune favors the bold." - Taking risks can lead to significant rewards.

20. "Look before you leap." - Consider the consequences before making a decision.

21. "Rome wasn't built in a day." - Great achievements take time and effort.

22. "Still waters run deep." - Quiet or reserved individuals may have profound thoughts or emotions.
23. "A friend in need is a friend indeed." - A true friend shows their loyalty and support in challenging

24. "Don't judge a book by its cover." - Don't judge someone or something based solely on appearance.

25. "Every man is the architect of his own fortune." - Each person is responsible for their own success or

26. "Haste makes waste." - Rushing can lead to mistakes and wasted efforts.

27. "If the shoe fits, wear it." - If a statement or criticism applies to you, accept it.

28. "Kill two birds with one stone." - Accomplish two tasks with a single action.

29. "The grass is always greener on the other side." - People tend to think others' situations are better
than their own.

30. "To each his own." - People have different preferences, and that should be respected.

31. "A fool and his money are soon parted." - Someone who makes unwise financial decisions loses
money quickly.

32. "Love is blind." - People in love may overlook their partner's faults or shortcomings.

33. "Once bitten, twice shy." - After a bad experience, people become cautious to avoid a repeat.

34. "Practice makes perfect." - Repeated efforts lead to improvement and excellence.

35. "The pen is mightier than the sword." - Words and ideas can have a greater impact than physical

36. "Time heals all wounds." - With time, emotional pain and distress tend to lessen.

37. "You can't make an omelette without breaking eggs." - Achieving something often involves making
sacrifices or causing some harm.

38. "Better safe than sorry." - It's wiser to be cautious than to take unnecessary risks.

39. "There's no smoke without fire." - There's usually a reason behind rumors or suspicions.

40. "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy." - A balanced life with both work and leisure is essential
for happiness.

41. "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder." - Perceptions of beauty vary from person to person.

42. "Charity begins at home." - Taking care of one's family and loved ones is the first priority for helping

43. "Every man for himself." - People should focus on their own interests and survival in challenging

44. "It's a piece of cake." - Something is easy to accomplish.

45. "The devil is in the details." - Paying attention to small things is essential to avoid problems.
46. "A rolling stone gathers no moss." - Constantly changing and not settling down leads to a lack of
stability or success.

47. "All that ends well is well." - A positive outcome justifies any difficulties faced during the process.

48. "Better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all." - Experiencing love and loss is more
fulfilling than never having loved.

49. "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." - Treat others with the same respect and
kindness you want for yourself.

50. "Easy come, easy go." - Things acquired quickly or without effort can be lost just as easily.

51. "If wishes were horses, beggars would ride." - Wishing for something doesn't make it happen; action
is required.

52. "Nothing ventured, nothing gained." - Taking risks is necessary for achieving success or progress.

53. "People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones." - Those with faults should not criticize

54. "The road to hell is paved with good intentions." - Good intentions are not enough; actions matter

55. "Two heads are better than one." - Collaboration and sharing ideas lead to better outcomes.

56. "Actions speak louder than words." - What you do matters more than what you say.

57. "A drowning man will clutch at a straw." - In dire situations, people will try anything to survive.

58. "A friend to all is a friend to none." - Being overly friendly with everyone may not lead to true

59. "A leopard cannot change its spots." - People rarely change their fundamental nature or behavior.

60. "All good things must come to an end." - Pleasurable experiences don't last forever.

61. "As you sow, so shall you reap." - The consequences of your actions will come back to you.

62. "Barking dogs seldom bite." - Those who make the most noise are often the least threatening.

63. "Better the devil you know than the devil you don't." - It's safer to deal with a familiar problem than
an unfamiliar one.

65. "Don't cry over spilled milk." - Don't lament over past mistakes or accidents.
66. "Don't put all your eggs in one basket." - Don't invest everything in a single option or plan; diversify
to reduce risk.

67. "Every cloud has a silver lining." - Even in difficult times, there's a positive aspect to be found.

68. "Fortune favors the brave." - Taking bold and courageous actions can lead to success.

69. "Give credit where credit is due." - Acknowledge and appreciate the contributions of others.

70. "Honesty is the best policy." - Being truthful is the most reliable approach.

71. "If you can't beat them, join them." - If you can't win against an opponent, it might be better to align
with them.

72. "Ignorance is bliss." - Not knowing about a problem can lead to happiness or contentment.

73. "Kill the fatted calf." - To celebrate a special occasion or achievement with a feast.

74. "Like father, like son." - Children often inherit traits or behaviors from their parents.

75. "Misery loves company." - Unhappy people seek others who are also unhappy.

76. "Necessity is the mother of invention." - The need to solve a problem leads to creative solutions.

77. "Old habits die hard." - It's challenging to change long-established behaviors.

78. "Penny wise, pound foolish." - Being careful with small expenses but careless with significant ones.

79. "Rome wasn't built in a day." - Great achievements take time and effort.
80. "The apple doesn't fall far from the tree." - Children often resemble their parents in character or

81. "There's no smoke without fire." - There's usually a reason behind rumors or suspicions.

82. "When in Rome, do as the Romans do." - Adapt to the customs of the place you're in.

83. "Where there's a will, there's a way." - If someone is determined to achieve something, they will find
a method to do it.

84. "You can't have your cake and eat it too." - You can't enjoy the benefits of something without giving
something up.

85. "A leopard cannot change its spots." - People rarely change their fundamental nature or behavior.

86. "A problem shared is a problem halved." - Discussing a problem with someone can make it feel less

87. "An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth." - Seeking revenge or retaliation for harm done.

88. "As you make your bed, so you must lie in it." - You must accept the consequences of your actions.

89. "Birds of a feather flock together." - People with similar interests or characteristics tend to associate
with each other.

90. "Curiosity killed the cat." - Being too inquisitive or nosy can lead to trouble.

91. "Don't count your chickens before they hatch." - Don't anticipate success before it actually happens.
92. "Don't cut off your nose to spite your face." - Don't harm yourself in the process of trying to harm

93. "Every dog has its day." - Everyone will have a moment of success or triumph.

94. "He who laughs last laughs best." - The person who succeeds or has the final say will have the
greatest satisfaction.

95. "It takes two to tango." - Both parties are responsible for a dispute or problem.

96. "Laughter is the best medicine." - Humor can alleviate stress and improve one's mood.

97. "Money can't buy happiness." - True happiness comes from experiences and meaningful
relationships, not material wealth.

98. "One man's trash is another man's treasure." - Something someone considers worthless may be
valuable to someone else.

99. "Out of sight, out of mind." - People tend to forget about things or people that are not visible or

100. "Practice makes perfect." - Repeated efforts lead to improvement and excellence.

101. "The early bird catches the worm." - Being proactive and starting early can lead to greater success.

102. "There's no time like the present." - Don't procrastinate; act now.

103. "Too many cooks spoil the broth." - Too many people trying to do the same thing can lead to
confusion and mistakes.

104. "When life gives you lemons, make lemonade." - Turn adversity into opportunity.
105. "A drowning man will clutch at a straw." - In dire situations, people will try anything to survive.

106. "A friend in need is a friend indeed." - A true friend shows their loyalty and support in challenging

107. "A penny for your thoughts." - Asking someone what they're thinking.

108. "Absence makes the heart grow fonder." - Being apart from someone can strengthen affection.

109. "Actions speak louder than words." - What you do matters more than what you say.

110. "All's fair in love and war." - In certain situations, any tactic is acceptable.

111. "Beauty is only skin deep." - True beauty goes beyond physical appearance.

112. "Better late than never." - It's better to do something late than not do it at all.

113. "Better safe than sorry." - It's wiser to be cautious than to take unnecessary risks.

114. "Birds of a feather flock together." - People with similar interests or characteristics tend to associate
with each other.

115. "Charity begins at home." - Taking care of one's family and loved ones is the first priority for helping

116. "Dead men tell no tales." - Secrets are safe with those who can't reveal them.

117. "Don't bite the hand that feeds you." - Don't harm or criticize those who support or help you.
118. "Don't count your chickens before they hatch." - Don't anticipate success before it actually happens.

119. "Don't cry over spilled milk." - Don't lament over past mistakes or accidents.

120. "Don't judge a book by its cover." - Don't judge someone or something based solely on appearance.

121. "Don't put all your eggs in one basket." - Don't invest everything in a single option or plan; diversify
to reduce risk.

122. "Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater." - Be careful not to discard valuable things while
getting rid of unwanted things.

123. "Every cloud has a silver lining." - Even in difficult times, there's a positive aspect to be found.

124. "Every dog has its day." - Everyone will have a moment of success or triumph.

125. "Familiarity breeds contempt." - Being too familiar with someone can lead to disrespect or dislike.

126. "Fortune favors the bold." - Taking bold and courageous actions can lead to success.

127. "Give credit where credit is due." - Acknowledge and appreciate the contributions of others.

128. "Good things come to those who wait." - Patience can lead to rewarding outcomes.

129. "Haste makes waste." - Rushing can lead to mistakes and wasted efforts.

130. "Honesty is the best policy." - Being truthful is the most reliable approach.

131. "If it ain't broke, don't fix it." - If something is working well, there's no need to
132. "If the shoe fits, wear it." - If a statement or criticism applies to you, accept it.

133. "If you can't beat them, join them." - If you can't win against an opponent, it might be better to
align with them.

134. "If you want something done right, do it yourself." - Taking personal responsibility ensures a task is
done well.

135. "Ignorance is bliss." - Not knowing about a problem can lead to happiness or contentment.

136. "It takes two to tango." - Both parties are responsible for a dispute or problem.

137. "Kill the fatted calf." - To celebrate a special occasion or achievement with a feast.

138. "Like father, like son." - Children often inherit traits or behaviors from their parents.

139. "Many hands make light work." - When many people collaborate, tasks become easier and quicker.

140. "Misery loves company." - Unhappy people seek others who are also unhappy.

141. "Necessity is the mother of invention." - The need to solve a problem leads to creative solutions.

142. "Old habits die hard." - It's challenging to change long-established behaviors.

143. "One man's meat is another man's poison." - People have different preferences and tastes.

144. "Out of sight, out of mind." - People tend to forget about things or people that are not visible or
145. "Penny wise, pound foolish." - Being careful with small expenses but careless with significant ones.

146. "Practice makes perfect." - Repeated efforts lead to improvement and excellence.

147. "The apple doesn't fall far from the tree." - Children often resemble their parents in character or

148. "The proof of the pudding is in the eating." - The true value of something is seen through practical

149. "There's no time like the present." - Don't procrastinate; act now.

150. "Too many cooks spoil the broth." - Too many people trying to do the same thing can lead to
confusion and mistakes.

151. "Two heads are better than one." - Collaboration and sharing ideas lead to better outcomes.

152. "Two wrongs don't make a right." - Retaliating or seeking revenge doesn't correct a mistake or

153. "When life gives you lemons, make lemonade." - Turn adversity into opportunity.

154. "When the cat's away, the mice will play." - People may misbehave when authority figures are

155. "Where there's a will, there's a way." - If someone is determined to achieve something, they will
find a method to do it.

156. "You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink." - You can provide an opportunity, but
you can't force someone to take it.
157. "You can't have your cake and eat it too." - You can't enjoy the benefits of something without giving
something up.

158. "You can't judge a book by its cover." - Don't judge someone or something based solely on

159. "You reap what you sow." - Your actions have consequences; good deeds lead to good outcomes,
and vice versa.

160. "You scratch my back, and I'll scratch yours." - If you help me, I'll help you in return.

161. "A cat has nine lives." - Cats are often said to have multiple chances to survive dangerous situations.

162. "A fish out of water." - Someone feeling uncomfortable or out of place in a particular situation.

163. "A leopard cannot change its spots." - People rarely change their fundamental nature or behavior.

164. "A penny for your thoughts." - Asking someone what they're thinking.

165. "Absence makes the heart grow fonder." - Being apart from someone can strengthen affection.

166. "All is fair in love and war." - In certain situations, any tactic is acceptable.

167. "All talk and no action." - Someone who speaks a lot but doesn't follow through with deeds.

168. "An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth." - Seeking revenge or retaliation for harm done.

169. "As you make your bed, so you must lie in it." - You must accept the consequences of your actions.

170. "Beat around the bush." - Avoiding direct discussion or getting to the point.
171. "Beggars can't be choosers." - If you're in need, you can't be too selective about what you receive.

172. "Between a rock and a hard place." - Stuck in a difficult situation with no good options.

173. "Bite the bullet." - Accepting something difficult or painful.

174. "Blood is thicker than water." - Family bonds are stronger than other relationships.

175. "Break a leg." - A theatrical expression wishing someone good luck before a performance.

176. "By hook or by crook." - Using any means necessary to achieve a goal.

177. "Come rain or shine." - Regardless of the circumstances.

178. "Cut to the chase." - Get to the main point without unnecessary details.

179. "Devil's advocate." - Arguing from an opposing viewpoint to challenge a discussion.

180. "Don't beat around the bush." - Be direct and get to the point.

181. "Don't burn your bridges." - Avoid damaging relationships that may be needed in the future.

182. "Don't cry over spilled milk." - Don't lament over past mistakes or accidents.

183. "Don't cut corners." - Don't take shortcuts that compromise quality or safety.

184. "Don't give up the ship." - Don't surrender or abandon a task.

185. "Don't put all your eggs in one basket." - Don't invest everything in a single option or plan; diversify
to reduce risk.

186. "Don't put off until tomorrow what you can do today." - Don't procrastinate; take action promptly.

187. "Don't throw stones if you live in a glass house." - Don't criticize others if you have similar faults.

188. "Easy come, easy go." - Things acquired quickly or without effort can be lost just as easily.

189. "Every cloud has a silver lining." - Even in difficult times, there's a positive aspect to be found.

190. "Every dog has its day." - Everyone will have a moment of success or triumph.

191. "Familiarity breeds contempt." - Being too familiar with someone can lead to disrespect or dislike.

192. "Fools rush in where angels fear to tread." - Some people act without considering the risks.

193. "Give credit where credit is due." - Acknowledge and appreciate the contributions of others.

194. "Good things come to those who wait." - Patience can lead to rewarding outcomes.

195. "Great minds think alike." - Intelligent people often have similar ideas or opinions.

196. "Haste makes waste." - Rushing can lead to mistakes and wasted efforts.

197. "Honesty is the best policy." - Being truthful is the most reliable approach.

198. "If the cap fits, wear it." - If a criticism applies to you, accept it.
199. "If the shoe fits, wear it." - If a statement or criticism applies to you, accept it.

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