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Halloween, Halloween Allerheiligen within the 24 hour extension Wells

Strangest sights I’ve ever seen, granted, or they take him out and acquire it themselves.
Corporate Goons, stealthy Drones, Once Wells finds out that Bruggner managed to let a
Mercs and Gangers, bunch of gangbangers get their hands on the art piece
he will not be happy. It's really looking grim for
Warfare Zones.
Halloween, Halloween And finally there is the corporation, Saku, INC..
Deadliest I’ve ever seen! They own the museum Allerheiligen was taken from,
and they want it back. Or, to be more precise,
All Hallows Hisamoto Atsuto, Yakuza boss and head of the
Yoshida-kai and CEO of Saku, INC., wants his property
Carson Bruggner is a very specialized thief, and a back. His people are combing the city they tracked the
good one. His clients pay him a lot of money to obtain art piece to. For the moment they have lost the trail, but
rare pieces of art all around the globe. His latest job had that won't last long. The police are not involved in this,
him acquiring a rather unusual item: Allerheiligen, a because Hisamoto wants to “discuss” the topic of
painting by German artist Albrecht Dürer, which is stealing from the Yakuza with the thief in private.
incorporated into an altar piece.
Until payment and delivery he stored it with a fence
he trusted, Vince Donizetti. Sadly for Bruggner, the A mixed bowl of trouble
fence has trouble with his local “protector” gang, The There are multiple angles for the player characters to
Hallows. They raised their rates lately, and Donizetti enter this situation, depending on their backgrounds.
was late on his payments. To encourage him to come up Bruggner is desperate at this point, as he has less than
with the money the Hallows took some items from his 24 hours to reacquire Allerheiligen. He has no faith in
storage as collateral. Donizetti, so he needs help. He can pay the characters
They stumbled across Dürer's work, which was taken up front, and won't offer too much resistance at the
from a museum and the crate still had the info label on negotiation table. Can't spend money if you're dead.
it. The commlink of one of the Hallows gangers had a He needs the art piece back, without anybody else
translation program on it, but it made a slight mistake. noticing he got it back, or that he ever lost it.
Instead of the correct ‘All Saints’, it translated Donizetti is in serious trouble. He needs the item
Allerheiligen to ‘All Hallows’. Naturally this peaked back so he can give it to Bruggner, so he can pay the
the Hallows' interest, and they took the crate. Hallows, who must not learn about his betrayal or they
will kill him. Additionally his credit at the gambling
No honour amongst thieves den is about to be due, and he doesn't have nearly
enough cash left to pay that either.
Bruggner is in trouble. He is way out of his comfort His best option is to hire the characters to steal the art
zone with this situation. Usually he spends weeks piece and have them inflict enough damage on the
preparing a job, gathering intel and carefully planning Hallows to have them worry about competing gangs
every step. Now he has to get Allerheiligen back within and not about him. He can't front any money, but he has
24 hours, or he's a dead man. various items in his storage they may find useful.
Donizetti isn't in a much better place. His gambling Hisamoto Atsuto is Yakuza and he isn't stupid. He
addiction has put him in a tough spot, and without knows his chances of finding Allerheiligen are getting
Bruggner paying him his commission he can't pay the slimmer with every hour, and since his own people
Hallows, but without paying the Hallows he won't get can't seem to find it, he may hire the characters.
his items back.
Then there is Bruggner's employer. Brian Wells is a All Hallows' Thief by Manuel “ManuFS” Sambs (Version 1.0)
wealthy man, and when the thief started stalling the Veiled Fury Entertainment
delivery he hired a team of enforcers to shadow © Manuel Sambs 2020 All Rights Reserved
Sci-fi v1 page background by Lord Zsezse Works
Bruggner. Either the thief manages to turn up Evil Jack O’ Lantern clip art courtesy of
He can front them some money, but he can also pay be deadly. The gang is armed and they will defend their
them in various services rendered by a multitude of HQ to the death (well, the gangers will, hangarounds
establishments under Yakuza control. And if they really and prospects aren't that stupid yet).
impress him, he might even owe the characters. Usually nobody is dumb enough to attack their HQ,
so the Hallows aren't particularly alert. There's
partying, drinking, drug-use, and enough coming and
Tricks or Treats? going around the building to make an approach not too
Due to the open nature of this adventure, and the difficult. Of course only full members of the gang are
different angles the characters can take to resolve the allowed into the actual building.
scenario, it's not possible to list all possible solutions. There are armed guards on the roof, but they mostly
Go with the background on the NPCs and either keep an eye on the shacks and alert the people below if
integrate them into your existing storyline and world, or fights break out, which happens once or twice a night.
flesh out the situation in a way fitting for your setting The gangers usually carry pistols, submachine guns,
and the player characters. What we can provide is the and the occasional shotgun. The boss, lieutenants, and
place where the showdown will happen: The Hallows' roof-guards have assault rifles handy where they are,
HQ. Use stats which fit your setting for gangers, for and there are more of those guns stored in the
example Interface Zero 2.0's Ganger Archetype. basement. Gangers usually don't care much for armour,
they prefer to show their gang colours on their leather
Hallowed Ground clothing.
If your setting includes hacking and cyberware, the
The gang carved their turf out of a rundown part of Hallows are not a high-tech gang. They have a few
town a few months ago and they have steadily manipulated pay-phones on the parking lot and the
expanded their influence ever since. The Hallows are a gangers carry mobile phones. Usually only lieutenants
typical street gang: tough, brutal, criminal, armed well and the boss have implants, and if they do they are
enough to defend their turf against rival gangs, angry focused on combat enhancements.
enough to think of shooting up other gangs on their The gang relies mostly on motorcycles for
domain as defence. transportation, but there is a flatbed truck parked near
Their home base is located in an old building which one of the shacks, and there's an armoured up van
used to be a warehouse. After getting rid of the former inside the warehouse, painted with blazing orange
occupants the gang boarded it up to a formidable grinning pumpkins.
defensive structure. They are tapping the city's power There are cameras on the warehouse, but they don't
grid for some electricity, so the parking lot and work. Cameras on surrounding buildings are in bad
warehouse itself are dimly lit at night. shape, but can help to get a first impression of the area.
The gang members live in old containers still on the This part of town is gangland, so police presence is
warehouse's first floor, while the lieutenants and the basically non-existant. Civilians living here know to
boss reside in the former warehouse offices on the keep their head down if trouble rears its head. There are
second floor. Prospects and hangarounds live in shacks quite a lot of shops under the “protection” of the
on the parking space around the building. Hallows, and the gang reigns with an iron fist through
Typically present are S.T., the gang's boss, one or violence and fear.
two lieutenants, a dozen gangers and about twice that However the characters plan to get their hands on
many hangarounds and prospects. Allerheiligen, they will run into trouble with
There's a basement, accessible only from the other teams, either before or during their
the inside of the building, where the gang approach of the Hallows' HQ, or during the
stores weapons, drugs, and valuable loot. handover of the item. Everybody seems to
Allerheiligen proved to be a disappointment be after this thing, and nobody wants to
to them once they took it out of the crate. share. Needless to say, whoever finally
Art really isn't the Hallows' strong point, so receives it will not be happy with its
they decorated the painting with the gang's condition.
grinning pumpkin logo and the gang boss
has it in his “office” living space, with big
candles and a few bags of nova-cocaine
placed on it.
A straight-up assault would most likely

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