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Communication is the process by which information is exchanged between one group or person and another

The Sender – people who want to give out the information

The Receiver - the person or people who receives the information from the sender (who may give feedback)

Internal and External Communication

Internal – inside the business
⮚ Employees talking to one another
⮚ Director sending a memo to staff
⮚ Employees sending emails to boss
⮚ Invoice between two sites etc.

External – from the business to people outside the business (or visa versa)
⮚ Talking to customers
⮚ A customer asking a question
⮚ A manufacturer writing to the sales department to check specifications.

The importance of good communication

There are many reasons why good communication is important – examples include;
⮚ A clear instruction helps make a task get done
⮚ An accurate memo may clear up a misunderstanding

It is therefore often easier to look at this in a negative way. Communication is important, because if it does
not happen then the following will…

Poor external communication leads to; dissatisfied customers, poor business image and problems with
suppliers etc.
Poor internal communication leads to: workers not understanding what they have to do, poor
motivation, duplication of effort etc.

Overall poor communication =

⮚ lack of sales because of dissatisfied customers
⮚ increased costs because work is not completed efficiently
⮚ mistakes made
⮚ things overlooked
Therefore, loss of profits

I know this is all really simple, but it does come up on the exam.
Communication summary
Methods of communication

Videos Reports Briefings Memos Letters

Faxes Intranet Email Newsletter Magazine
TV Speaking Notice Board Loud Speaker Meetings
Telephone Text Websites Videoconference Social media

Communication Skills
Key factors
Information must be:
⮚ accurate
⮚ give all necessary information
⮚ simple
⮚ clear

Other factors that must be right:

⮚ time
⮚ place
⮚ sender
⮚ receiver
⮚ method

Barriers to communication
Communication may not always be effective because the process breaks down. There could be many reasons
for this
⮚ Sender may not explain themselves properly
⮚ Receiver may not be capable of understanding (technical jargon, wrong language etc)
⮚ Receiver may not hear or read properly
⮚ Receiver may pay attention to the wrong part
⮚ Message could be distorted through too many channels
⮚ Message could not be received because of a breakdown of equipment

Channels of communication
Communication summary
All communication is passed through channels.

Formal Communication - recognised and approved by the business

Diagonal Vertical; upwards

Horizontal Vertical; downwards

Vertical – Up and down the hierarchy

Horizontal – workers within the same level
Diagonally – workers of differing levels and functions

Informal communication - “Through the grapevine”

This is information that workers receive from an informal method (gossip!!!) Can be advantageous and

One way communication – communication that does not allow for a response

Two-way communication – communication that allows a response and a flow of communication back.

Channels of communication should be clearly laid down by a business – otherwise vital information may be
lost or sent to the wrong person.

If there is a long chain of communication information can be lost or distorted

Communication summary
The fewer stages i.e. chain of communication the less likely the message will be misinterpreted. This is an
advantage of a small business.

Methods of communication

The business needs to decide what is the most effective way to communicate, there are many choices;
Things to consider:-
● Do we need a permanent record of what was said?
● Do you need to be able to refer back to it, for example, if it were complex?
● Do I need feedback?
● If so, how soon?
● How urgent is the message?
● Are there any social norms as to how this information should be communicated?
● Will body language be important in understanding?
● How many and which people need to see the information?

Body Language - when people meet, many messages are passed by the way they act and physically react. E.g.
laughing may relax people. Body language is a non-verbal form of communication.

Verbal Communication (oral) – this is when two or more people talk. If they meet it is called face to face
⮚ Discussions
⮚ Meetings
⮚ Telephone conversations
⮚ Interviews
⮚ Conferences
⮚ Teleconference
⮚ Video conference
⮚ Etc.

Visual Communication
⮚ Samples of products
⮚ Posters
⮚ Photographs
⮚ IT
⮚ Graphs
⮚ Computer networks
⮚ Videos
⮚ Advertisements
⮚ etc.

Visual images can improve communication for businesses. A photograph of something may change people’s
views about something that a letter could not. A consumer will get a clearer idea of what to expect if
they see a finished product on a computer screen.

Written Communication
Written words are a useful means of communication because they can be stored or paper or on computer
system (they give a permanent record). It can also be very detailed. However written communication
does not encourage feedback and therefore the communication may be ignored, misinterpreted or not

Communication summary
Types of written communication
⮚ Letters – these are versatile and can give plans, instructions, comments or analysis.
o Personal letter – sent with the understanding that it will be read only by the named receiver
o Open letter – the sender wants anyone who’s interested to read it
⮚ Memorandum / memo – a short internal letter
⮚ Circular / newsletter – communication sent to a number of people
⮚ Forms – Designed to make sure all the necessary information is included
⮚ Minutes – written records of a meeting – can be referred to in the future
⮚ Reports – an extended piece of writing on a particular topic
⮚ Databases – files of information kept on a particular topics (staff, customers, products)

Other IT Applications used for communication

⮚ EPOS (electronic point of sale). Interesting! Is this really communication?
⮚ Word processing
⮚ Modem
⮚ E Mails (electronic mail)
⮚ Computer network
⮚ Websites
⮚ Internet
⮚ Intranet
⮚ Spreadsheets
⮚ PowerPoint presentations

ICT is often quicker and easier than paper communication. It is often more powerful and more information
can be handled than using a pen. It is often quicker as well.

Communication is a two-way process. As I am sure you know, just because I tell you something then it does
not mean you have heard, or understood it. Ultimately, good communication needs an action or response.

Communication summary

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