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Name :

Class / No :6 /

Day / Date :

Subject : Religion

No./ Semester : 2 (Handout) / Odd

Academic Year : 2023 / 2024



 God gives our nation, Indonesia, so many great gifts.

 Nation means a coUNtry, when thoUGHT of as large GROUP of people

living in one area with their own government, lan GUAGE, and tradition.

 We have many beautiful islands : Sumatra, Java, Kalimantan, Sulawesi,

Nusa Tenggara, Papua.

 We have different cULTURES and traditions : Traditional Dances (Reog,

Kecak, Jaipong, Saman), Traditional Songs (Apuse, Jali-jali, Lir-Ilir, Potong

Bebek Angsa), Traditional House (Gadang, Joglo, Bale, Tongkonan) and

Traditional Foods (Gado-gado, Rendang, Satur Asem, Papeda)

 We have six different religions : Islam, Protestantism, Catholic, Hinduism,

Buddhism, and Confucianism)

 We have great beautiful naTURES : islands, forests, mountains, sea,


 Bible Story : Joshua 6:1-20

 The Israelites had a great spirit of unity when they struggled for the

Promised Land of Canaan.

 Even they had different tribes or ethnics, they struggled in unity as one

nation and as the one chosen people of God.

 They had a belief that God of Israel was their TRUE Leader.

 We should be thankful to God for His great gifts to our nations.

 The ways to be thankful are : be proud to be the Indonesian people, care

for God’s creation in our country, respect all diversities we have and keep

our unity in Pancasila.

→ Diversities mean the conditions or facts of being


→ Pancasila is the foUNdation of oUR lives as the Indonesian

people that contains of the five life principles.

 We have the great motto for our gifts of diversities : “Bhinneka TUNggal

Ika” or “Unity in Diversity”.

→ “Bhinneka TUNggal Ika” or “Unity in Diversoty” means

the diversities of cULTURes, lanGUAGES, traditions, and

religions we have to be respected and lived.

 The first native Bishop of Indonesia. Mgr. Soegijapranata, SJ, voiced

that we are “One HUNDRED percent Catholic and one HUNDREd percent

Indonesian”. It means that as the followers of Jesus, we are called to

work for God’s Kingdom and for our nation, Indonesia.

 We are called to live the “Unity in Diversity” in our daily lives by

respecting others who are having their prayers, giving greetings of holy

day to our neighbors, visiting our friends who have different religions

from us when they are ill, and helping our neighbor to prepare their holy

days celebration.

 As the Indonesian people we have rights and responsibilities.

 Rights are somethings we should receive from our nation as a citizen.

Responsibilities are somethings we should do to our nation.

 Rights and responsibilities could not be separated. It should be balanced.

We receive our rights after we do our responsibilities.

 Our responsibilities as the Indonesians people are : paying the tax bills,

paying the electricity, obeying the laws of oUR nation, defending oUR

coUNtry, etc.

 Our rights as the Indonesian people are : right to work, right to health,

right to edUCation, right food and hoUSing, etc.

 Right and responsibility in the Bible : Matthew 22:15-22.

 Jesus was a Jewish. In Jesus’ periods the Israel was colonized by the


 Jesus, together with His parents, Joseph and Mary, obeyed the Jewish

laws and traditions.

 When Jesus was eight years old, He was presented to the Temple.

→ Temple is a holy place where people gathered for

praying and worshiping God.

 Every year they celebrate the Jewish Easter in Jerusalem.

→ Easter is a Jewish celebration of God’s great work to

lead His people of Israel oUT from the slavery of Egypt.

 Jesus paid the tax to the Temple and to Roman Caesar.

 As a Jewish, Jesus also had the rights.

 He had right to teach in the Temple, the towns, and villages.

 He had right to pray and do the Jewish traditions.

 He had legal protection.

 Jesus called us to be good citizens : He teaches us to obey our nation’s

laws, to participate in our nation’s life, and to have rights and do

responsibilities balance.

“Have a nice learning and God bless yOU…”

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