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Sri Lanka - Health in the middle of a crisis

The Lancet Regional Health Southeast Asia

Sri Lanka—once a role model for health and develop- increase of tuberculosis cases. If Sri Lanka does not The Lancet Regional
receive help, there is a high chance of such a surge Health - Southeast Asia
ment—is currently in an economic crisis. Attempts at
2022;4: 100067
swift development by borrowing enormous amounts of occurring. Availability of clean and potable water is also
money at high interest rates, banning the import of bound to be an issue. Wastewater treatment would lansea.2022.100067
chemical pesticides to curb outflow of foreign currency, effectively prevent an outbreak of water-communicable
tax cuts, and the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic and diseases, such as cholera. The authorities need to
the Russia Ukraine war on tourism have catapulted Sri ensure water availability and wastewater facilities to all
Lanka into an economic downfall. The economic mis- people without discrimination by religion, region of res-
management and its consequences are unforgiveable idence, or political ideology to prevent similar events
because it has forced millions of people into poverty. that occurred in Zimbabwe during the economic crisis
Most importantly, the economic crisis has put in 2009. The COVID-19 pandemic had already led to
national health care in jeopardy. Physicians and health- underreporting of dengue cases in Sri Lanka, and with
care workers are trying to keep the Sri Lankan health- the absence of funding, epidemiological surveillance of
care system afloat. However, the current crisis has led infectious diseases will be a challenge.
to a shortage of fuel affecting the supply of medical Without a doubt, the economic crisis majorly
equipment and emergency transport of patients and affected the mental health of Sri Lankan people. Schools
health-care workers. Out of options, nurses are working have closed and regular power disruptions have made
double shifts because daily transport to work has online learning difficult. According to the Save the Chil-
become unaffordable. With stocks of essential medica- dren Fund in Sri Lanka, closure of schools has led to
tion reaching a record low, physicians are focusing on change in behaviours in children, such as changes in
ways to procure crucial medication. Sri Lanka used to appetite and emotional regulation, an increase in
import most of its medication, but now with a shortage aggressive behaviour, and disturbed sleep patterns.
of foreign currency, the hopes of procuring more medi- Also, the reduced education attainment would also
cation are low. During April, 2022, there was a 40% impact future employment and the nation’s economy in
increase in the cost of medication. Adding to the woe, the long term. Similarly to the economic collapse of
medication has become up to four times more expen- Zimbabwe, reduced income might increase transac
sive and unaffordable to many people. Although most tional sex in exchange for basic groceries, as emerging
hospitals in Sri Lanka are public, the increase in cost of reports have already indicated that some women in Sri
medication would discourage people from using private Lanka are reluctantly becoming sex workers to survive,
hospitals and increase burden on the public sector, which could lead to numerous issues, such as an
which might encourage health-care workers to emigrate increase in sexually transmitted diseases and more peo-
from the country to seek better jobs. ple seeking medical care for mental health-related
Shortage of fuel has also increased the food prices problems.
and affected nutrition. According to the Demographic Other regional countries, such as Pakistan, are
and Health Survey 2016 17, 20¢5% of Sri Lankan chil- claiming to have averted a major economic crisis, but
dren were underweight in 2016 and there was no sub- Bangladesh is still facing economic challenges. To man-
stantial improvement from 2006. Unfortunately, age debt, India has provided US$3¢8 billion to Sri Lanka
reports from the World Food Programme (WFP) sug- as financial assistance. The Norwegian government has
gests that currently 86% of families in Sri Lanka are also allocated 13 million Norwegian krone (around
buying less nutritious and cheaper food. The practice of US$1¢3 million) to help Sri Lanka’s food crisis. How-
consuming less food and forgoing meals has also ever, according to the WFP, Sri Lanka needs a total of
emerged, and if continued, more children, pregnant, US$63 million in the upcoming months for all life-sav-
lactating women, and older citizens will face malnutri- ing activities. Further foreign aid is needed from other
tion. Previously, the economic crisis in the former countries, regionally and globally, to help Sri Lanka
Soviet Union and Zimbabwe resulted in widespread immediately overcome this crisis.
malnutrition and was strongly associated with the

© 2022 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an

open access article under the CC BY license (http:// Vol 4 Month September, 2022 1

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