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Journal of Social Science Studies Vol. 1, No.

2, July 2021, pages 75 – 80

Competitive Advantage and Service Marketing Mix

1Didit Darmawan, 2Elodie Grenier
Mayjen Sungkono University, Indonesia
Université de Montpellier, Montpellier, France


Article history: The marketing mix is one of the most important aspects of marketing activities and plays
Received 12 May 2021 an important role in creating value and satisfaction to meet customer expectations. The
Accepted 15 June 2021 concept of the marketing mix serves as a tool used by an organization to survive in a com-
Published 28 July 2021 petitive environment. This concept is controlled by the organization and consists of four
main components namely product, price, distribution and promotion. For bids in the form
of services, the marketing mix develops into seven components according to the character-
istics of the service offer. Three additional components are the service provider, process,
physical evidence. The service marketing mix is a formulation of a competitive advantage
Key words: strategy for organizations. The human factor directly involved in the exchange process
Competitive advantage, makes human resources an important figure of strategic application. Customer-oriented
Service marketing mix, competitive advantage should be implemented by service providers with the appropriate
Marketing concept, formulation of the marketing mix. Marketing mix and competitive advantage are strategic
Customer orientation. relationships that are very important for the survival of the company.

INTRODUCTION condition makes every organization will judge that

The competition that takes place between organiza- management plays an important role for survival to-
tions is increasingly difficult to predict the results day and in the future. Business organizations as ob-
due to dynamics that are increasingly fast changing, jects that provide products must be prepared to
technological advances and consumer behavior that compete to develop their potential with the aim of
is difficult to predict. In the era of globalization attracting as many prospective buyers as possible
which is full of changes in all aspects, every organi- with their market offer formulations. The compe-
zation must have experienced complex problems tence comes from the ability of internal resources
from time to time so as to make management tasks that can professionally develop competitive ad-
more complicated. They have an internal orientation vantage so as to create a positive image in the com-
to develop the organization and an external orienta- munity. This is of course a challenge because it re-
tion to deal with environmental dynamics and com- quires management performance that is oriented to-
petition. Organizations that have good management wards increasing competitiveness.
will have an impact on increasing stability, existence In addition to facing these challenges, organiza-
and prosperity. Every industry experience this. tions will be confronted with consumer behavior.
Change and competition also increases so that they Consumers are increasingly critical and have a vari-
continue to look for opportunities and superior po- ety of hopes and desires. The increasingly varied
sitions. Competing is a must for industry players segmentation of its composition and composition
and excellence is the goal. makes it increasingly difficult for organizations to
The development of formulations and aspects of position themselves. Convenience and practice are
competitive advantage aims to reach the maximum attractive elements to offer to potential customers
potential of the target market. These changes require but are variables that can affect product quality. The
management to act more professionally, be able to dilemma arises because some organizations are
identify competitive advantages and implement faced with a choice of sales concepts that are focused
strategies based on the identified advantages. This on maximizing sales volume, in this case increasing

* Corresponding author, email address:

Didit Darmawan, Elodie Grenier: Competitive Advantage and Service Marketing Mix

the number of products sold and social marketing concerned about price. David (2011) defines competi-
concepts that focus on offering value to carry out so- tive advantage as everything an organization can do
cial functions and satisfy the users of their products. but not necessarily other organizations can emulate it.
The strategic vision results in superior product Besanko et al. (2013) states that competitive ad-
performance and quality. Competitive advantage is vantage is an organization that is able to obtain
needed by organizations to compete with competi- greater economic profits compared to other organiza-
tors so that they require innovative strategies that tions. Thus, from all of these definitions the scope of
must be able to dominate the market. By looking at competitive advantage can be determined is an or-
this condition, the management in each organization ganization that has potential and position that ex-
must develop and implement an appropriate mar- ceeds other organizations and cannot be simply cop-
keting strategy to be able to achieve excellence. This ied because there is a special strategy formulation that
paper will discuss the relevance of the service mar- makes it unique.
keting mix to competitive advantage. There are three dimensions of competitive ad-
vantage that are explained based on Porter's theory,
Competitive Advantage namely cost leadership, differentiation and focus.
Competitive advantage is a comparison between the The first is cost leadership, the focus of cost leader-
achievement of an organization and its competitors ship is to have significant costs but to gain a compet-
in an identical target market category (Darmawan, itive advantage (Porter, 1985). Cost leadership is
2009a). Competitive advantage can be realized if said to be successful when it is more efficient than its
there is harmony between the competencies pos- competitors. Differentiation refers to organizations
sessed by opportunities that are truly available. At that are able to position their brands so that they are
the organizational level, competitive advantage can different from their competitors and can create a
be demonstrated by the ability to take the form of special image (Darmawan, 2005). The purpose of dif-
products, services or others offered to the market, is ferentiation is to create competitiveness that can pro-
it more competent when compared to organizations vide benefits obtained by providing superior prod-
of the same level. Competitive advantage can de- ucts or services. According to Porter (1985), the im-
velop because there are special resources and organ- plementation of differentiation can be successful if
izations have capabilities that are not owned by innovation, creativity and learning continue to be
other organizations. Competitive advantage can be developed and maintained. In addition, competition
achieved because there are strategies that provide can be reduced so competitive advantage can in-
opportunities for action. This causes the strategy for- crease due to differentiation. Third is the focus
mulation is needed by the organization to face com- which means the organization can choose who its
petition in its environment so that competitive ad- customer group is, the right product, its geograph-
vantage can be realized. The organization is de- ical area and for service organizations will focus
clared to have a competitive advantage if the strat- more on the services provided (Darmawan, 2014).
egy adopted is not carried out by its competitors so The focus strategy is effective because there are dif-
competitors cannot simply duplicate the strategy. ferent preferences from customers and competitors
Therefore, the strategy adopted should be adjusted have not been able to achieve this (David, 2011).
to the position of competitors and the competitive
advantage they already have must also be devel- Service Marketing Mix
oped for sustainable competitive advantage. How- The concept of marketing has become the main foun-
ever, there are still many organizations that do not dation of the survival of an organization. Marketing
understand clearly how the definitions and dimen- has become a business philosophy. Business must be
sions that indicate competitive advantage. run in the form of products that have value. This
Some definitions of competitive advantage will value contains two elements, namely benefits and
be described as follows. Poddar and Gadhawe (2007) sacrifices that will be exchanged. The value ex-
describe competitive advantage as an organizational changed is contained in fulfilling the wants and needs
strength that is not the same as its competitors and the of both parties. Basically, marketing activities must be
organization already has a certain way such as oriented towards creating a satisfying or beneficial
providing relatively low prices but the benefits ob- exchange relationship for each party.
tained are greater and quality services exceed the Marketers use a number of tools to get the desired
price paid. Meanwhile, Bordes (2009) states that com- response from their target market. These tools form a
petitive advantage is the achievement of organiza- marketing mix, often referred to as 4P or marketing
tions in terms of loyalty and customers who are not mix which is a combination of product characteristics,

Journal of Social Science Studies Vol. 1, No. 2, July 2021, pages 75 – 80

prices, promotions, and place or distribution chan- with the marketing mix of services such as those of-
nels combined to become a special offer. fered by service providers.
Initially, Neil Borden (1964) identified twelve According to Mahmood and Khan, (2014), sev-
controlled, well-managed marketing elements that eral components of the service marketing mix (price,
would produce a profitable business operation. The promotion, people, physical evidence) can signifi-
twelve elements are product planning, pricing, cantly influence one's perception. Apart from that
checking, distribution channels, personal selling, ad- the media, friends, associations also determine their
vertising, promotion, packaging, display, service, decisions. Booms and Bitner (1981) describe the mar-
physical handling, fact finding and analysis. keting mix of services as the management of service
Jerome McCarthy then made it simpler by offer- offerings, the price determined, distribution, promo-
ing the concept of four variables namely product, tion carried out and it involves the staff, customers,
price, promotion and place. Since it was conceptual- processes, physical environment. Therefore, it is ap-
ized by McCarthy, the marketing mix variables were propriate if the constituent variables of the market-
widely accepted by academics and practitioners ing mix of services are measured based on the
(Perreault et al., 2011). The concept continues to Booms and Bitner theory consisting of products,
grow and is shown by the emergence of various con- prices, promotions, distribution, service providers,
cepts of development or expansion of the marketing processes, physical evidence. The following is a de-
mix on an ongoing basis until now. How these mar- scription of the service marketing mix variables.
keting mix variables are used is a common issue in
the development of marketing management. A. Product
Booms and Bitner (1981) then differentiate the Product or service offerings are at the heart of all
goods marketing mix from the service marketing company marketing efforts. Usually, this is the start-
mix which subsequently develops into 7P by adding ing point in the creation of a marketing mix (Darma-
personnel, physical evidence and process variables. wan, 2006). The product is more directed at how the
Service marketing is strongly related to service qual- organization can comprehensively develop its ser-
ity variables (Sjamsi and Darmawan, 2004). Market- vices so that the needs and desires of customers can
ers must always observe the level of quality of their be met. These services include new services and
services with respect to the needs and demands of competing services (Reichheld and Sasser, 1990).
customers and how much they can pay. They must Kotler and Armstrong (2010) define a product
make consumers familiar with the level of products or service as everything that is offered to the market
(services) with informative media or marketing to realize the desires or fulfill the needs in the form
tools. The needs and demands of the customer must of goods, services, enrichment of experience, events,
be considered as a good quality product (service) ac- places, property, people, organizations, information
cording to the situation at a reasonable price. Mar- and ideas. Determining product components in the
keters try to find new ways to improve (service) form of services is a difficult task because service
products, situations, prices and improvements and products are intangible and can be seen at various
also to get customer satisfaction from the quality of levels. Lovelock and Wirtz (2011) identify two main
their products. levels of service products. This is a core service prod-
In general, the marketing mix element only fo- uct and offers additional or additional services. The
cuses on price, place, product, promotion. Accord- core service product is the general service concept,
ing to Booms and Bitner (1981), these elements when which the company wants to offer and its reasons for
applied in service sector organizations are less sup- being in the market.
portive so they must be developed with their human The most important element of a service prod-
resources, processes, physical evidence. This shows uct is quality. This quality can be checked at the level
that services have unique characteristics that are dif- of core service products as well as at the level of ser-
ferent from products because they can cause prob- vice added. Product quality has strategic considera-
lems and challenges (Booms and Bitner, 1981; tions because of its important role in customer satis-
Zeithaml et al., 2009). These marketing problems are faction and organizational performance (Chen et al.,
not only locally but globally so different cultures 2012). Many businesses today recognize that they
and contexts must also be understood. Service mar- can compete more effectively by differentiating
keting is intangible so its quality can be measured themselves in terms of quality of service which
using the concept of a service marketing mix means it is produced by quality human resources as
(Darmawan, 2009b). Customer needs can also be met well as through the performance of each individual.

Didit Darmawan, Elodie Grenier: Competitive Advantage and Service Marketing Mix

Grönroos (2008) states that an organization's com- Smith (2012) emphasizes the need for pricing
petitive advantage is determined by the quality and decisions influenced by customer orientation.
value of goods and services. Darmawan (2009b) Many customers will refuse to buy a service if the
states that service quality is the view of service us- price is too high. The result is that the organization
ers towards the accumulation of ways of service will have to give up market share to its competitors.
that exceeds the expectations of users. According to Likewise, if the price is too low, the organization
(Perreault et al., 2011), the customer's point of view will release the opportunity to make a profit pro-
is very important to consider in order to better un- portionate to the value it creates for the customer.
derstand what is offered so as to satisfy customer Pricing decisions taken by any organization must
needs. Every service provider should consider be driven by customer-related pricing objectives,
providing quality services by understanding their including customer attractions, retention and cus-
customers. Inconsistencies in the service quality de- tomer satisfaction.
livery send a message about the lack of mastery
over what someone does. Inconsistent service offer- C. Promotion
ings result in customer dissatisfaction. In the 1980s, promotion became the main tool for
sales and marketing activities to expand the target
B. Price area or target market. This continues to grow today
Price means the pricing done wisely by the organi- with various developments in all forms of applica-
zation. Kotler and Fox (1995) explain the price deter- tion of promotional activities. Promotion is a com-
mined must be in accordance with the vision, mis- munication process between an organization and
sion, goals of the organization. In addition, the price its environment in this case the target market. Pro-
to be determined by the organization must be con- motion includes a promotional component that is
sidered and adjusted to the demand and competi- carried out to determine its strategy (Peattie et al.,
tion. Promotion can strengthen the image of the or- 1997). Furthermore, promotion is a form of commu-
ganization to provide complete information and of nication between users and providers. Although
course this should not be ignored because if the in- the basic purpose of promotion is to inform cus-
formation has been transmitted there is a negative tomers about organizational offerings and to create
element it will cause serious problems. positive attitudes about products and services. This
Pricing is a complex variable of the marketing causes customers to prefer these products and ser-
mix because to determine it must consider a num- vices during the purchase decision process.
ber of disciplines, including accounting, finance, McDaniel et al., (2011) stated promotion related to
management, industry, economics and psychology the means used by marketers to inform, persuade
(Ferrinadewi and Darmawan, 2004). The price set and remind current and potential customers of
for the service is the most clearly observed part of their products and services in order to influence
the other service marketing mix variables. This is their opinions or get responses. They further noted
also the only marketing mix element that generates that communication can emphasize information,
income because all other elements are costs persuasion or reinforcement of various themes.
(Darmawan, 2006). Therefore, prices have a signifi- Communication is said to be effective if the or-
cant impact on financial performance and severe ganization is able to fulfill what the target market
consequences can occur when there are pricing er- needs and wants. According to Kotler and Fox
rors (Ingenbleek and Lans, 2013). (1995) the communication process consists of iden-
There are various pricing strategies that busi- tifying who is being targeted, clarifying the re-
nesses can use to guide their pricing decisions. Some of sponse sought, developing the message conveyed,
these include cost-oriented pricing strategies, cus- choosing the right media, selecting sources that
tomer-oriented pricing strategies and competitor-ori- have specific characteristics and collecting and
ented pricing strategies. Gabor (1988) states that low evaluating feedback. Promotion consists of activi-
prices can be a deterrent to high-priced purchases be- ties such as advertising, direct promotion, sales
cause psychologically, customers may have the per- promotion, use of salespeople, public relations.
ception that lower-priced products lead to lower qual- Each of these promotional tools has its own ad-
ity consequences. Marketing agents often use prices vantages and disadvantages. The choice of promo-
to compensate for the weaknesses of other variables tional tools must be adjusted to the budget but still
in the marketing mix. To realize the fairness percep- must be aware of the important role of marketing
tion of a market offer is possible if the price is deter- communication.
mined based on consideration of all the weaknesses.

Journal of Social Science Studies Vol. 1, No. 2, July 2021, pages 75 – 80

D. Distribution
This variable is more directed towards sensitivity G. Physical Evidence
to all decisions involved to place the product as Physical evidence leads to the environment where
close as possible to the target market. This includes services are delivered and where service providers
strategic and operational activities involved to en- and customers interact, and any tangible commodi-
sure that products or services are available to cus- ties that facilitate service performance or communi-
tomers. Palmer (2014) states distribution is related cation (Darmawan, 2009b). Physical evidence is an
to the ease of potential customers to access a prod- interest in creating a customer-friendly atmosphere
uct or service. in the environment and work (Booms and Bitner,
1981). Customers actively create their own individ-
E. Service Provider ual meanings from certain service offerings from the
The people involved in the service process are im- physical environment. The physical environment
portant variables in the service marketing mix. This needs to be such that, in the final analysis, customers
leads to all human interactions that play a role in ser- must regard the service as good quality and must
vice delivery and affect customer perceptions about make them want to continue using it. The physical
service quality (Lovelock and Wirtz, 2011). The atti- environment is thus an important factor used by
tudes and behavior of service providers, their dress customers to evaluate the services offered.
codes and their personal appearance influence cus- Lovelock and Wirtz (2011) argue that service
tomer perceptions of services (Zeithaml et al., 2009). businesses need to manage the physical environment
The success of an organization will be achieved with extreme care because they have a significant im-
if it has a qualified and dedicated service provider be- pact on customer satisfaction. Koernig (2003) argues
cause marketing activities cannot be carried out effec- that elements of the physical environment encourage
tively if there is no involvement of service providers emotions, which often have an impact on people and
who have these criteria. The service provider is a stra- objects in the surrounding area as well as their per-
tegic part that represents the institution because it will ceptions and assessments regarding satisfaction, the
deal directly with external customers so they must be value of products or services, service quality, prices,
able to show their professionalism, be polite, feel em- and their attitudes towards service providers.
pathy. Therefore, service management efficiency is
needed for operational procedures when identifying CONCLUSION
and adjusting services. Research on the role of service Therefore, based on the previous description, com-
employees in service quality by Parasuraman, petitive advantages that are oriented to customers
Zeithaml and Berry (1988) as well as studies that ex- should be able to be applied by service providers
plicitly discuss the customer orientation concept of with the appropriate formulation of the marketing
employee service conducted by Kelley (1992) shows mix. Marketing mix and competitive advantage are
that service employee behavior affects customer per- strategic relationships that are very important for
ceptions about service (Bitner, 1990). the survival of the company. From the sources of
various literatures, the current view regarding the
F. Service Process development of a service marketing mix strategy is
The service process is used to measure whether the in harmony with the literature on the concept of
services established by the organization have sys- marketing, which recognizes that marketing is not
tematic, customer-oriented procedures so that the only a set of functions but also a guiding philosophy
services provided can be successful. The service pro- for all activities and business strategies. When a ser-
cess also determines how the system is connected to vice provider organization formulates an organiza-
make the value proposition promised to customers tional strategy, its business and functions should be
(Lovelock and Wirtz, 2011). From a service provider equipped with information and facts about the mar-
perspective, services are processes that must be de- keting concept. The concept of marketing as a busi-
signed and managed to create the desired user expe- ness philosophy plays an important role to guide all
rience. Without a successful service process, the ser- organizational activities. This fundamentally stipu-
vice provider will not succeed because users may be lates that an organization needs to be more effective
frustrated with the treatment of it. Actual service than its competitors to create, deliver and communi-
steps perceived by the user or service operational cate the value of its customers to the chosen target
flow also provide evidence to the user to assess the market so that the organization can achieve its goals.
service. Poorly designed processes tend to annoy The marketing concept forms the foundation of cus-
them because they frustrate and frustrate users. tomer orientation.

Didit Darmawan, Elodie Grenier: Competitive Advantage and Service Marketing Mix

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*Darmawan, D. & E. Grenier. (2021). Competitive Advantage and Service Marketing Mix , Journal of Social
Science Studies 1(2), 75 – 80.


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