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Reference Check Questionnaire 背景調查問卷表

Reference Check Subject Referee Name

林珈筠 詹斯晴 Date 填寫⽇期
背景調查對象 推薦⼈姓名

Referee Company Referee Job Title

韓商三星物產營造股份有限公司 品管⼯程師
推薦⼈所在公司 推薦⼈職位名稱

*1. Would you please confirm your working relationship to him/her? 您與他/她的⼯作關係?

Line Manager 直屬主管 ✔ Peer 同事 HR ⼈資 Other 其他

*2. What about his/her leaving reason and date?他/她的離職原因和時間?


*3. Has he/she engaged in any compliance violation , or received any warnings or disciplinary sanctions?

✔ No 否 Yes 是(Please specify 請具體說明)

*4. Given the opportunity would you welcome the chance to work with him/her again?

✔ Yes 是 No 否(Please specify 請說明原因)

5. How would you describe his/her work performance? 您會如何評價他/她的⼯作表現?

Excellent ⾮常好 ✔ Good 好 Average ⼀般 Below Average 不佳

Please provide details such as work efficiency, expertise, accountability 請具體描述,如⼯作效率、專業度、責任⼼⽅⾯


6. What is his/her professional strengths? 他/她的優勢有哪些?


7. What is his/her professional weaknesses or areas you thought he/she could improve? 他/她有哪些⽅⾯可以提升?


8. How would you describe his/her personality and interaction with colleagues? 他/她與同事相處如何?


This questionarie is ONLY used for new hiring reference check. 本次調查僅⽤於新員⼯⼊職背景調查。

Thanks again for your cooperation! Wish you all the best! 再次感謝您的配合!祝⼀切順利!

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