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Soal English

Fill up the blank with the appropriate determiner from the following options.

1. "She has hardly read ___ of the book."

a. Any

2. "He drove with ___ care and was hauled up by the police."
a. Many
c. Much
d. Little

3. "____ house with the odd shape belongs to _____ people standing near the gate."
a. That, Those
b. Those, That
c. A, Those
d. My, Those

4. "It appears to us that we've had ____ assignments in Science this semester."
a. Much
b. Many
c. Another
d. Either
5. "I've paid ______ attention to how ____ rain we've had."
a.Few, Much
b. An, Much
c.Little, Many
d.Little, Much

6. "___ pupil of this section has passed the exam with a distinction."

7. "____ tigers that escaped from the zoo were found wandering on the road."


8. "My _____ brother is shorter than me."


9. "___ persons know as much about cars as Abhinav does."


10. "Can you give me ____ information about determiners?"


11. "I ________ a lot these days."

a.are eating eating
d. am eating

12. "_____________________ his credentials unfairly?"

a. Am they not questioning
b. Is they not questioning
c. Are they not question
d. Are they not questioning

13. "Temperatures _________ all over the world."

a. are rising
b. is rising
c. rises
d. rised

14. "You ______________ this dirty shirt to the office. Wait, I will give you another."
a. not wear
b. are not wear
c. are not wearing
d. is not wearing

15. "Hurry up! We __________ late for school."

a. getting
b. is getting
c. are getting
d. am getting

16. "Hurry up! We __________ late for school."

"Just a second, please! I ________."
a. are getting, am coming
b. are getting, are coming
c. is getting, am coming
d. are getting, is coming

17. "I _________ a novel these days."

a. writes
b. am writing
c. are writing
d. writing

18. "The Prime Minister _________ for China on a 5 days state visit."

a. leaved
b. leaves
c. are leaving
d. is leaving

19. "____________ me for the movie tonight?"

a. is you joining
b. are you joining
c. am you joining
d. are we joining

20. Choose the sentence that is NOT in active voice.

a.Telugu is spoken in India

b.Anamika speaks Telugu.
c. You should open your eyes.
d.They often watch dance performances.

21.Choose the sentence in passive voice from the following options.

a. She sings a sweet song.
b. Your bicycle has been damaged.
c. I have damaged your bicycle.
d. Do you not play cricket?

22. Which of the following options is true of sentences written in passive voice?
a. Scientific writing should not be done in it.
b. The subject performs the action.
c. The subject is the focus of attention.
d. The sentence may use 'by' or a variation of the verb 'be'.

23. Doctor       : What's happened to your son, Mrs. Rina?     

Mrs. Rina : He said ........ a terrible pain in his stomach.
a. That he felt
b.  Whether he felt
c. If he is feeling
d. That her feels
24. Rindu : Mom, I am nominated in the singing contest     
Mama : Great! I'm really proud of you.      The underlined utterance is an expression ...........
a. Will
b. Satisfaction
c. Hope
d. Pride

25. Wido           : Would you like me to carry these books, sir?     

Mr Sumadi : Sure, thank you very Much.      The underlined expression shows ........

a. Asking to do something
b. Offering to do something
c. Greeting someone
d. Disagreeing with someone
26. Father : Andri, you'd better mow the grass first before you paint the fence.     
Andri   : ............................................................................................?     
Father : I'm afraid not. The smoke may make our neighbours feel annoyed.
a. May I gather the rubbish
b. May I smoke while working
c. May I sweep the yard afterward
d. May I burn the rubbish

27. X : What are you asking him to do ? And why ?     

Y : I'm asking him to do more physical exercises ......

a. So that he can win in the race

b. In case he will win the race
c. In case he should win the competition
d. Because I have just recovered from an injury

28. Bella : It seems that the Family Planning Program is successful in this country.     
Intan : You are right. The government has made the people carry out the program.     
The underlined sentence means ........
a. The people asked the government to carry out the program
b. The government carried out the program
c. The people made the program
d. The government asked the people to carry out the program

29. A : You have only a few minutes before the train leaves, or you ........ it.     
B : Thank you for reminding me.
a. Might miss
b. Should have missed
c. Are missing
d. Have to miss

30.Hellen Keller Was known and admired throughout the world for the way she overcame her handicaps.
The underlined word means ........
a. Curiosity among friends
b. Disability of a person's body
c. Ability to do something good
d. Clarity in speaking


1. A
2. D
3. B
4. A
5. D
6. A
7. D
8. C
9. A
10. C
11. D
12. D
13. A
14. C
15. C
16. A
17. B
18. D
19. B
20. A
21. B
22. A
23. A
24. D
25. B
26. D
27. A
28. D
29. A
30. B

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