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Academic year: Spring 2023

Presentation title
Mirjam Nilsson
Dr. Mostafa Mahran
Lecturer of Anatomy and Embryology
Anatomy department
Reproductive system
Male genital
9th lecture
The male genital system
It includes
3.Ductus deferens
4.Seminal vesicle
5.Ejaculatory ducts on
each side,
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The testis (male gonad)
❖ It is an oval organ that lies in the scrotum.
❖ It is surrounded by tunica albuginea.
❖ Outside the tunica albuginea the testis and epididymis are
covered by tunica vaginalis.
❖ It contains 2 or 3 convoluted seminiferous tubules embedded
in loose connective tissue from which sperms are formed.
❖ The seminiferous tubules pass backwards and unite forming a
network of about 20 to 30 straight ducts passing upwards
towards the upper end of the epididymis.
❖ the interstitial cells of Leydig around the tubules are
responsible for formation of testosterone
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Function of testis
❖ it produces sperms and secrets the male
sex hormone (testosterone) which is
formed by the interstitial cells of Leydig
around the tubules.
❖ Testosterone is produced at puberty
under the influence of a hormones
produced by pituitary gland.
❖ It is responsible for 2ry sexual characters
(development of testis and penis , growth
of hair on face and other parts and
change in voice).

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• It is comma-shaped and
attached to the
posterolateral aspect of the
• It has head, body and tail.
• It is covered by tunica
vaginalis together with the
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The ductus deferens (vas) (50cm)
• It starts at the lower end of the
epididymis and passes upwards towards
the groin.
• It passes through the inguinal canal
just above the groin as a content of the
spermatic cord.
• the ducts deferens joins the duct of
the seminal vesicle at the back of the
bladder to form the ejaculatory duct.
• The ejaculatory duct passes through
the prostate and opens on each side
into the prostatic urethra.
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The prostate
❖ It is a glandular muscular organ
that lies below the bladder.
❖ Through it pass the urethra and
the ejaculatory ducts.
❖ It produces alkaline secretion and
zinc to the seminal fluid which is
responsible for alkalinity of semen
that helps neutralize the acidity of
the vaginal tract

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The seminal vesicles
✓ It is a glandular structure
which produces a secretion
that forms a considerable part
of the seminal fluid.
✓ There is 1 on each side of the
lower end of the ductus
deferens and behind the
urinary bladder.
✓ Each 1 has a duct which unites
with the ductus deferens and
forms the ejaculatory duct.

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The penis
• It consists of 3 longitudinal masses of
vascular erectile tissue, the paired corpora
cavernosa lying close together with the
corpus spongiosum lying between them.
• The corpus spongiosum forms the whole
of the enlarged terminal part of the penis
(the glans).
• The urethra passes through the corpus
spongiosum and the glans.
• Penile erection is due to the distension
of the vascular spaces of the corpora.
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The Female system
9th lecture
The female genital system

It consists of:
1) Ovary
2) Uterine tube on each side
3) Uterus
4) Vagina.

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The ovary (the female gonad)
❖ It is almond-shaped organ that lies on the lateral wall of pelvis
❖ It consists of a framework of connective tissue cells in which lie
the ovarian follicles.
❖ During the process of maturation, the largest follicle becomes
the ovum of the Graffian follicle.
❖ The release of the ovum from the follicle is called ovulation.
❖ Estrogen hormone is produced by the follicular cells
❖ Progesterone is secreted by the corpus luteum which is formed
in the ovary after ovulation.

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The ovarian hormones
▪ Estrogen hormone is responsible for
the 2ry sexual characters at puberty in
females (enlargement of uterus and
vagina, enlargement of breasts, the
typical female distribution of fat and
hair and the repair of uterine wall
after menstruation).
▪ Progesterone hormone is produced
by corpus luteum, it prepares the
uterus for implantation of fertilized
ovum and maintains pregnancy.
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The uterine (fallopian) tubes
❖ It is about 10 cm long and it lies in the
upper border of the broad ligament and is
formed of 4 parts:
❖ Its lateral end is irregular (infundibulum)
and has finger-like processes termed
fimbria. they pick up the ovum during
❖ The next part is dilated and called ampulla
(site for fertilization).
❖ The 3rd part is narrow and called isthmus.
❖ The medial end (intra-mural part) opens
into the cavity of the uterus.
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The Uterus
• It is a pear-shaped hollow muscular organ lying in
the pelvic cavity in front of the rectum and behind the
• It consists of 3 parts:
1. The fundus lies above the level of the uterine
2. The body is the main part containing a triangular
3. The cervix The cervical canal is spindle-shaped
and opens above into the uterine cavity by
internal os and opens below into the vagina by
external os. The lower part of the cervix projects
into the vagina.

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Position of uterus
•The position of the normal uterus
is ante-flexed on itself and ante-
verted on the vagina. Usually the
empty uterus is bent forwards over
the superior surface of the bladder.

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The vagina
❖ It is a tubular structure (about 8-9.5 cm long) and extends from the
cervix to the exterior.
❖ It lies behind the bladder and in front of the rectum and the urethra
runs close to its anterior wall.
❖ Its upper part surrounds the lower part of the cervix of the uterus.
❖ Its lower end is surrounded by 2 folds of skin on each side.
❖ The smaller inner folds are called the labia minora and the larger outer
folds are termed the labia majora.
❖ The labia majora is equivalent to the scrotum in males. In front of the
labia minora, lies the clitoris which is similar to glans of penis in males.
❖ In virgins, there is a thin perforated fold of mucous membrane that
covers the vaginal orifice called the hymen.
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Saturday 20/5/2023

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Thank you

This slide is a thank you for all

of those who attended my
lectures and shared with me
the experience

You were really supportive,

interactive and disciplined

Thanks a lot wonderful


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