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Journal Number 3

Subject Number: PC 101 Date: August 21, 2023

Time: 7:00 AM - 8:30AM
Day Schedule: Monday & Wednesday
Room Assignment: SEDM 302 Day: Monday
Course and Year: BSN 2 - A
Journal Title: A productive day on Ninoy Aquino Holiday
Dear Mama Minda,
1. Today was a unique day as we celebrated Ninoy Aquino Day, a national holiday
that meant no school and a chance to catch up on household chores, with both my
parents at work, the responsibility of managing the house fell on my shoulders.
2. The morning sun streamed through the curtains, waking me up earlier than usual,
excitement and the absence of school propelled me out of bed, ready to tackle the
day's tasks.
3. After a hearty breakfast, I set out to make a to-do list for the day, cleaning the
house, laundry, organizing, and cooking were all on the agenda.
4. The laundry pile had been growing, so I sorted clothes, loaded the washing machine, and hung the
clothes out to dry, as I pinned each garment, I took a moment to appreciate the stillness of the
5. Lunchtime arrived, and I decided to prepare a special meal, cooking allowed me to channel my
creativity, and I whipped up a dish that brought warmth to the table.
6. In the afternoon I take a nap.
7. As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm golden hue across the sky, I found myself
preparing for a significant week ahead.
8. Tomorrow marks the beginning of the RLE (Related Learning Experience) week, a time to immerse
myself in practical learning at the hospital.
9. With excitement and a touch of nervousness, I embraced the evening, getting ready for the journey
10. After a satisfying dinner that my family and I shared, the clinking of plates gave way to a sense of
11. As the evening unfolded, I turned my attention to the task at hand: preparing for the upcoming
RLE week.
12. I retrieved my uniform from the wardrobe, setting up the ironing board with a sense of purpose.
13. As the iron glided over the fabric, I couldn't help but reflect on the significance of the uniform.
14. It symbolizes not only my dedication to the nursing profession but also the responsibility that
comes with caring for others.
15. With the uniform perfectly pressed and hung, I moved on to the next step: checking my
paraphernalia, my stethoscope, penlight, medical reference books, and other essential tools were laid
out on the table.
16. Each item represented a piece of the puzzle that I would use to provide quality care and gain
valuable experience.
17. As I meticulously inspected each item, I felt a mixture of excitement and anticipation, the RLE
week was a chance to put theory into practice, to work alongside experienced healthcare
professionals, and to learn from real-world scenarios.
18. As the evening grew darker, I took a moment to gather my thoughts, this journal entry serves as a
snapshot of my emotions and reflections on the eve of this journey.
19. The evening settles in, I find myself in a state of quiet anticipation.
20. Today has been a day of preparation, both physically and mentally, as I gear up for the next
chapter of my nursing journey.
21. With tomorrow's lecture on bag technique in community health nursing on the horizon, I've
dedicated my evening to study and contemplation.
22. My bag was carefully packed with essentials: notebook, pen, stethoscope, and other tools that
would aid me in absorbing and retaining the information that lay ahead.
23. With my bag in order, I nestled into a cozy corner of my room, ready to delve into the materials.
24. The topic of bag technique holds particular importance in community health nursing, and I knew
that understanding it thoroughly would enhance my skills as a future nurse.
25. As I began to read, I marveled at how each concept weaved into the larger framework of
community healthcare.
26. Bag technique might seem simple, but its proper execution plays a vital role in infection control
and patient safety during home visits.
27. The pages came alive with information about maintaining sterile fields, the correct handling of
medical supplies, and the importance of proper hand hygiene.
28. As I absorbed the details, I couldn't help but appreciate the meticulous attention to detail that
nursing requires.
29. As I read, I also allowed myself to envision scenarios where I might apply these techniques.
30. real-world situations helped me internalize the information and connect it to my future practice
as a nurse.
31. The stillness of the evening allowed me to focus fully on the material at hand.
32. With each passing paragraph, I felt a sense of empowerment and responsibility.
33. The knowledge I was gaining was not just for academic purposes; it was knowledge that would
equip me to provide competent and compassionate care.
34. As the clock ticked, I closed the book with a sense of satisfaction.
35. Tomorrow's lecture held the promise of expanding my understanding further, but for now, I felt
prepared to engage and contribute to the discussion.
36. With a heart full of curiosity and a mind enriched with new insights, I pen down this entry.
37. The anticipation of tomorrow's lecture and the prospect of deepening my knowledge in
community health nursing brings a sense of purpose to my journey as a student nurse.
38. Today's journey began with studying for tomorrow's lecture, followed by heartfelt conversations
with friends and loved ones, and an exploration of a new craft.
39. Following my study session, I turned my attention to connecting with friends and loved ones.
40. The digital realm allowed me to bridge the gap and share experiences despite the physical
41. Conversations flowed, anecdotes were exchanged, and laughter echoed through our messages.
42. As the the evening settled in, I embarked on a creative adventure: crochet, armed with yarn and a
crochet hook, I embarked on the journey of making a tulip flower.
43. The rhythm of the stitches, the gradual emergence of a floral pattern, and the sheer act of
creating with my hands brought a sense of calm and joy.
44. With each loop and twist, I felt a connection to a timeless tradition of craftsmanship, the gradual
transformation of a simple thread into a delicate flower reminded me of the beauty that emerges
from patience and dedication.
45. As I sat there, enveloped in the soothing process of crochet, I couldn't help but feel a sense of
balance, the day had been a harmony of different activities, each contributing to my personal growth
and well-being.
46. Now, as I put down the crochet hook and gather my thoughts in this journal entry, I feel a sense of
contentment, this day has been a reminder of the richness that life offers when we engage with
various aspects, whether it's learning, connecting with loved ones, or exploring new creative avenues.
47. As I prepare to rest, I carry with me a heart full of gratitude for the opportunities and experiences
of this day.
48. I eagerly look forward to the lecture tomorrow, more conversations, and perhaps another creative
49. As the day gently slips into night, I find myself embracing the comfort of rest and reflection, today
has been a whirlwind of learning, connection, and creativity, and now, as I lay in bed, I am grateful for
the opportunity to replenish my energy for what tomorrow holds.
50. The weight of the day's activities gradually lifts as I sink into the tranquility of sleep, the
knowledge gained from studying, the warmth of conversations shared, and the creative joy of crochet
all find their place in my memories.
51. As I close my eyes, I let go of the thoughts and worries of the day, each breath I take carries me
deeper into a realm of peacefulness.
52. The act of resting becomes an act of self-care, an acknowledgment of the need to recharge and
53. In this moment of stillness, I reflect on the day's accomplishments, the manual for tomorrow's
lecture has been studied, connections with loved ones have been nurtured, and a new creative
pursuit has been explored.
54. The pieces of today's mosaic come together, creating a tapestry of experiences that shape my
55. I will end in here I hope we survived nursing.

Your daughter,

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