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| SADAKI NAKABAYASHI “ } (ith Dan) : and others WN Calle Shs Aas JUDO Sadaki Nakabayashi Hikaru Nagao 7th Dan Sth Dan Henry Okamura Dr. Paul V. Harper Sth Dan 3rd Dan Morey Korey Ist Dan ATHLETIC INSTITUTE SERIES STERLING PUBLISHING CO., INC. New York. yc The Coke Tree Fess Loxoo AND MELBOURNE Foreword Judo" is but one item in @ compre: hensive list of sports instruction aids made available on a nos: ‘profit basis by The Athletic Institue. The photographic material 4m this book has been reproduced in total from The Athletic Institute's sound, color filmstrip kit, "Jado." This book and the filmstrips are paris of c program designed to bring the many benefits of athletics, physical education and recreation to every. The Athletic Institute is « non-profit organization devoted to the edvancement of athletics, physical education and recreation, It functions on the premise that athletics cnd recreation bring benefits of inestimable value to the individual and to the community. The nature ond scope of the many Institule programs are determined by an advisory committee of selected persons noted {or their outstanding knowledge, experience and cbility in the fields of athletics, physical education and recreation. Its their hope, and the hope ofthe Institue, that through this, ‘book, the reader will become a better Judo player, skilled in the fundamentals of this fine activity. Knowledge, and the pract necessary to mold knowledge into actual ability, are the keys to zecl enjoyment of Jude. CAUTION Never use Judo techniques against an untrained person. Practice Judo only’ on the regulation mat, under the guidance of ‘competent instructor. Remember... Judo is a sport! ‘on pictures identifies opponent throughout book. Third Printing, 1966 Copyright © 1965 by The Adhlte Inmate Pebitnes by Sterling Pulahing Co. Ine ip Park Avenue South, New York, NY 1016 io published i Great Britain and the Commons in 1966 ‘by the Oak Tie Pres, Ed, 115 Baker Steet, Laon Wr All vighsrsroed Manafacerad nthe United Sats of America Libeary of Congress Catalog Card. No. 68-20876 One — Two — Four — Five — CONTENTS THE SPORT The History of Judo The Judogi Belt Tache-Re BREAKFALLS Turns (Toi-Sabaki) ..... Somersaulting Breakfalls THE ART OF THROWING Leg and Foot Techniques Knee Wheel ip Techniques. ADDITIONAL THROWING TECHNIQUES Minor Inside Reap .... Sweeping Ankle Throw ‘MAT TECHNIQUES Modified Scarf Hold Shoulder Lock (Katagatame) OFFENSIVE & DEFENSIVE ‘MAT TECHNIQUES Proper Offensive Mat Posture The Cirele Throw Three Ways to Wi 4 .4 .7 8 1 A 2 BREAKFALLS PPIs . , Corr TAI- SABAKI 0 = Opponent 3 KOSHI- WAZA LN ; ” TACHI= WAZA 4 Ned GURUMA O-SOTO -GARI SASAI -TSURIKOMI -ASHI RTT eer Cy POO certs MAROTE- SEOI= NAGE »KO -UCHI-GARI veu-ma TANDOKU-RENSHU . It fot bot poral to your A ths precine moment you adi ond scopes. The fist tecnigve we'e Sais ieecoten ker coieeteey by draping to ove knee daw to he det 9. They ove tel ihvows recommended by il a Tokye his ight crm ot the elbow This gives you song conte of your op rm deeply under your let ponents ight orm, thon will seve Judo doy to come, n IKUZURE-KESA- GATAME evi) |e ead GATAME 2D KUZURE-KAMI- SHIHO-GATAME ey 25 2 KUZURE-YOKO-SHIHO TATE-SHIHO-~ GATAME 6 eee LU Nae CLS KUZURE-YOKO-SHIHO KAMI- SHIHO- GATAME m2 TATE-SHIHO~- GATAME TOMOE- NAGE IPPON FULL POINT WAZA-ARI HALF POINT kal, 29 Back snake crawl, 17 Buance 24,22, sing 9-41 Break vag. 24 Sides 3 aeeaking he fll, 24.27 Choking hol 136 She throw 119121 Bape from’ tengchwise locking of Tour quarcers, 94,95 mocified lateral tocking of four ‘uarcers, 1 sidbfour quarers hold, 88,89, nace ares ee rere, agcoration, TELA Eneree (207 ‘paint throw, Grin bac, 20 ‘throw, 125 Hip how, 43,44 Hold, choking, 126 ‘modified sert 75, 78 Sear Tite ic four guarcers, 85.87 ‘high throw, 67, 68 sehen 6 esos Hoo develonmant of 4 5 Kano, Prot ligara, 4,5. Knee wheel 40-8 Kogoian school, 5, 70,97 engghwise locking of four quarters, Susactiiatd Litepal-hip throw, $8, 59 Toe tenathwse of four quarcers, Sasa, titi modifies Interal of four quarters, 30,108 modified upper four quarters, 08 7,78 Upperfosr qaarears,79-81, 409-110 Major inner reaping throw, 90,51 iain throw, 44, ‘throw, 45,47 oa Minor ia reap throw, 57 ‘utsge reap throw, 35,56 128 INDEX Modiied Interal locking. of four arcers, 90,106 scatt hla, 75, 76 Sipper ove quarters lock, 62.84 ‘ltensive mac techniques, 97-107 Sherhand forward somersaie, 33 Gheshand.overstheshoulder throw, Pin, 16 Proppine-drawingankle throw. 48, Pushups, 18 Restoration exercises, 12-124 Snerfce throw, 119-121 Sear hold or Isck, 71-74 Selepractice throw, 9, 70 Shoulder locke 77, 78 Stool 30,31 Side four quarters hold, 85-87 Sideway ores 34 ing bow 9 Bieertlitngspuleip throw, 60,61 Somersaule 32,33, ‘one hand forward, 33 seances, natural 18,19 Sweeping ankle throw, 61, Sweeping iain shrov, 85 68 Throw, body drop. 63, 64 fuiFpoine 125 hal pone, 125 wip, 3, 44 Inner thigh, 67.68 Knee wheel, 4.42 leg and foot eechrique, 38, 39 Vipul nps $853 Imajor inner reaping. 50,51 Imajor loin, 44,45 Inalor outer *eap. 46, 47 furor inside resp 97 Iminor outside reap, 55,56 Sneed over heuer propping-drawing-anke, 48,49, sovgaraeae Seltpractce, 69,70 sleevesliting-pui-hip, 60, 64 Sweeping ano, 61, 62 Sweeping loin 65, 8 Grourm moviger, 33,54 Throws, three basic 36,37 Trower. € Torn 2 Tworarm shoulder throw, 53,54 Uniform, 5 Upper Your quarters lock, 79-81, on. 110 Winning 2 mateh, 124127

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