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1. The ambitious guest - author: Nathaniel Hawthorne

2. I learned that we have to live fully, enjoying ourselves, our family and friends. The life is just one.

3. The reading takes place in a house in the White Mountains at New England.

• Strange young man: adventurous, critical and honest.

• Father: kind, emphatic and loving
• Grandmother: wise and quiet with a lot experience
• Oldest daughter: shy and flirt

4. This is a story about a lovely family who loved his environment in a little house between the
mountains at New England. The conditions around of their home wasn’t comfortable because this place
was a spot in the middle of nothing! Often, they fell scared because the wind and the snow were wild.
This family was conformed by the grandmother, three siblings and their parents. One night in
december, there was a terrible snow storm as was normally, but this particular day, one adventure
young man who was walking the mountain, took their door for a little of warm because outside were
dangerously cold! This kind family open the door and invited him to sit around the fire like they was
and became a friendly conversation… when suddenly a sound, rising like the roar of the ocean, shook
the house. The slide came rushing toward the house and they rushed to hidden to the secret spot that the
father had built to protect his family in a case like this… the next morning nobody was in the house,
although the fire was still burning, because the terrible success didn’t destroyed the house. But the most
interesting issue, was that nobody knew with security who was the strange man, or if he really was with
the family this terrible night.

5. I don’t like the reading, because I don’t like this type of mistery story.

6. because although I think is bored, the moral lesson is good to know in live.

7. Wild - Spot - Warm - Rushed - Slide - blows - knitting - high up - held up - afraid - neighbor - built -
nameless - chimney - burning - remain - stranger.

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