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Hervyk Calivozo


Journal 1: The role of pay-for-performance in reducing healthcare disparities: A

narrative literature review

1. My first takeaway is regarding the reimbursement system the company will

implement on how they will adjust the benefits that they provide to their
employees as they grow. The company wants to reduce healthcare costs so that
patients can easily access assistance and it would make their health and
experience with the hospital better. The hospital not only focuses on how will
they provide benefits for their employees, but also for the well-being of their
patients. This can also be applied in other companies, for example fast-food
restaurants. They provide incentives and benefits for their workers and giving
promos to customers in order to further satisfy them.

2. My second takeaway is the risk adjustment strategy of the hospital towards its
patients especially with comorbid conditions and low socioeconomic status. They
prioritize these patients in order to prevent their conditions from worsening and
eliminating the risks as soon as possible. In every company/business, there will
always be risks whenever making decisions and conclusions. Mitigating risks can
significantly help a business but it is important to assess the risks first so that you
can come up with a best solution on how to eliminate them just like what the
hospital did, they made risk adjustments for patients to help them.

3. My last takeaway is the Exception Reporting. From what I understood, this is

basically selecting low-risk patients and avoiding high-risk patients. My initial
reaction to this is I’m confused and upset because this method chooses specific
patients so that it will be easier for the hospital and it is one way to mitigate risks.
Everyone deserves proper treatment and receive immediate treatment so that
their conditions won’t worsen.

Journal Article 2: Creating unfairness by mandating fair procedures: the hidden hazards of a pay-
for-performance plan

1. My first takeaway on the second article is on the part where employees think that
they are compensated more fairly when their salaries are based on their
performance in the company. And from what I understood, the employees think
that the agents who came up with that idea are also fair. I think this is a good
strategy for companies because it will keep employees motivated and industrious
because their salaries will reflect from their performance and contributions. The
bigger the credit, the bigger the salary. And for me, I think this idea is fair.

2. I’ve also read that not all managers treat their employees fairly treating them
harshly and taking advantage of them without giving proper credit and bonus
which may be a potentially costly result for the company because it would give
them a bad name. Because of this, bad managers shall be treated as less
credible and trustworthy sources of information and will suffer a loss of power in
position or worst case is to fire them. Managers that ignore the good
performance of the employees and not compensating them correctly must be
addressed by the company and make immediate solutions. Give them proper
lessons and warn them so that they will treat the employees fairly and the
employees will treat them fairly as well, creating a healthy relationship in the
3. Always do your best as an employee, colleague, manager, and boss of the
company. Having integrity for sure makes us a better role model for the company
because we do the right thing whether someone is watching or not. Even when
we are not treated fairly and properly, we will still abide by the rules and not seek

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