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Application of Knowledge, Agents of Socialization 1

Application of the Knowledge about Agents of Socialization

David B. Shields

Cerro Coso Student

Author Note

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Application of Knowledge, Agents of Socialization 2

The understanding of the Agents of Socialization is key when interacting with other

humans, especially if those humans are family, friends or peers of any kind. This sort of

understanding allows you to make conscious decisions about how you act and therefore, by

extension, how you influence those around you. The biggest takeaway I’ve gotten from this

specific chapter is how I need to act around others. For the past years, I’ve been mainly

introverted and silent. This isn’t from a lack of confidence, but rather a fear of saying something

wrong. This fear causes me to be silent most of the time, watching and listening to others talk,

waiting for a chance to jump in with something I know to be right. However, I now realize

thanks to chapter 2, that even these non-speaking events are impacting people, making them

think about me in a certain way. This is an interesting idea that I had never truly thought of

before, that even in inaction, action is taken. My presence or lack thereof could also cause the

exact thing that I’ve been trying to avoid by being silent and waiting, people to think of me as

stupid or rude.

This chapter was really great cause it got me thinking that I would actually be able to

have the exact same effect I’m already having on people, except now I would have more control

over it because I’d be able to say what I mean, instead of waiting for the right time. The act of

waiting had the same result as me talking, just in a more negative way. Thanks to this chapter, I

can begin to speak my mind more clearly, taking a more active role in how others view me, from

friends to people at college to people at work.

Application of Knowledge, Agents of Socialization 3


Loff, Rebecca. (2019). Child, Family, And Community. College of the Canyons

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