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GEN-ASGC-HSE-FOR-023 HSE Pre Start Brief


Work Location: Date:
Completed By: Company:
Work Description:
Foreman/Supervisor to ask individuals the questions below and encourage answers and
Are we all fit for work, trained as required, including 3rd party requirements?
Is our standard PPE in good condition? Do we have any specialist PPE that we require?
Have we got safe access/egress to the work area, is the work area clear of trip hazards?
Are all our tools and equipment in good condition and inspected as required?
Do we have to move equipment/material, can we use mechanical means or team lifting?
Are all areas we could fall from protected by covers or barriers, or is a lifeline in place?
Are all scaffolds, towers and false work that we will use secured and green tagged?
Are we segregated or at a safe distance from mobile plant/vehicles?
Are we safe from overhead work or falling objects?
Are all our electrical connections safe, DB’s locked and cables managed safely?
Do we understand any permit controls that are in place and have we checked them?
Can we see any other hazards in the area? List them with controls below





Foreman/Supervisor reminder to all workers: If you see any unsafe acts or conditions,
you are encouraged and authorized to stop work and inform me immediately
Do not start work unless you have; Read the risk assessment,
Have all required permits and their controls in place,
Completed the pre-start and identified and controlled all hazards
You are responsible to ensure this, if there is an issue report to your engineer.
Foreman/Supervisor Name:

IBL HSE Checked Name: Signature:

GEN-ASGC-HSE-FOR-023 HSE Pre Start Brief


Name Signature

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