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Imagine a world where the remnants of yesterday’s fire can power tomorrow’s
future. Picture a ground-breaking process that harnesses the potential of ash, turning
it from a mere by-product into a catalyst for innovation. Welcome to a riveting
exploration of the untapped power hidden within ash, the key to generating
electricity through a remarkable voltaic cell process. Not only shall this generate
electricity but it may also reduce the amount of ash that is discarded of in landfills, to
improve public health, to reduce our dependence on foreign countries for electricity
and much more!
Background information
A voltaic cell is a device that converts chemical energy into electrical energy. It does
this through a process called oxidation-reduction, or redox. In a redox reaction,
electrons are transferred from one atom or molecule to another. The atom or
molecule that loses electrons is oxidized, while the atom or molecule that gains
electrons is reduced. In a voltaic cell with ash, zinc, and graphite, the zinc electrode is
oxidized, meaning that it loses electrons. The electrons travel through the wire to the
graphite electrode, where they are reduced, meaning that they are gained by the
graphite atom. The flow of electrons through the wire creates an electric current.

The ash in the voltaic cell acts as an electrolyte. An electrolyte is a substance that
allows the electrons to flow between the zinc and graphite electrodes. The ash in this
case is a mixture of potassium hydroxide and sodium hydroxide. These substances
are ionic, meaning that they have positive and negative ions. The positive ions from
the ash migrate to the zinc electrode, while the negative ions migrate to the graphite
electrode. This migration of ions creates a potential difference between the two
electrodes, which drives the flow of electrons. The voltaic cell was invented by Italian
physicist and chemist Alessandro Volta in 1799. He named it after himself, and it is
also known as the voltaic pile. The voltaic cell was the first electrochemical cell that
could continuously provide an electric current to a circuit. It was a major
breakthrough in the development of electricity, and it paved the way for the
invention of the battery.

Volta's inspiration for the voltaic cell came from the work of Luigi Galvani, who had
discovered that a circuit of two metals in contact with a frog's leg (acting as an
electrolyte) would make the frog's muscles contract. Volta realized that the
contraction was caused by the flow of electricity through the circuit, and he set out to
build a device that could generate electricity in a more controlled way.
 To create a more sustainable energy future
 To reduce the unemployment rate
 To improve public health
 Reducing the amount of ash discarded of in landfills, by recycling ash to generate
 To reduce costs associated with production and distribution of electricity
 To generate electricity from ash using a voltaic cell
 To educate the Namibian population on the potential of voltaic cells
 To reduce greenhouse gas emissions
 Reduce air pollution
 To reduce our dependence on foreign countries for electricity
Apparatus required
 2kg of ash
 4 liters of water
 Six 500ml cups
 1 meter wire (must conduct electricity and safe)
 6 batteries
 Scissors
 LED light
 Bucket
Step 1: cut the battery to acquire zinc and graphite then poke a small hole on the top
of the zinc.
Step 2: cut the wires into seven equal pieces and remove the insulation at 2cm on
both ends of the wire.
Step 3: connect one zinc and graphite to all ends of the wires but for two wires you
must connect zinc and graphite to each of them and you are done constructing the
Step 4: to prepare the electrolyte solution, put the ash into the bucket, add water
and mix it together with your hands, making sure the ash and water are properly
Step 5: take the cups and pour the electrolyte solution into the cups. Place the
electrodes into the cup in patterns of zinc and graphite, making sure they do not
touch to create a short circuit.
Step 6: connect an LED light to the wires that don’t have zinc or graphite on both
ends and watch the electrifying
Results from six cups

Chart Title






1 2 3 4 average

DC Voltage ressistance Series 3

Results from three cups

Chart Title


1 2 3 4 average

DC Voltage ressistance Column1

Discussions and interpretation of results

. Available at:

19.3: Voltaic (or Galvanic) Cells- Generating Electricity from Spontaneous Chemical
Reactions - Chemistry LibreTexts. [online]. Available at:
. Available at:

Electricity From Ash. [online]. Available at:
Electrochemical Cells | Definition, Description & Types. [online]. Available at:

Ash - Energy Education. [online]. Available at:
I’d like to thank all my family and friends that have landed me required materials for
my project because I couldn’t do this without them. I’d also like to appreciate all my
science teachers that have helped me understand all that comes with this remarkable
and electrifying process. Last but not least my greatest appreciation goes to The Lord
for everlasting gracious wisdom and knowledge that has drove me to where I am

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