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Học phần: Phương pháp NCKH Mã đề: ENDRES119

Mã học phần: 4112792 Số TC: 02 Phòng: …..........
Ngày thi: 5.2021 Thời gian: 45’

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Ghi chú: Sinh viên làm bài trực tiếp trên đề thi.

1. 1. You have identified the problem of your study as mentioned below (3ms)
Difficulties that prevent EFL learners from participation
1) Write the title for the research with the topic/problem of study (0.5m)
2) Write the aims and objectives of the study for this research (1.5ms)
3) Write the research questions for this research (at least 3 questions) (1m)
1) Title:
An investigation into the difficulties that prevent EFL learners from participation.
A study of the difficulties that prevent EFL learners from participation.

2) Aims
The study aims to investigate the difficulties that prevent EFL learners from participation in order to help them
overcome the difficulties of participation.

Objectives: To achieve the aims of the study, we need

-To investigate the difficulties that prevent EFL learners from participation;

-To figure out the reasons for the difficulties that prevent EFL learners from participation;

-To propose the solutions that helps EFL learners overcome the difficulties that prevent them from

3) Research Questions

(1) What are the difficulties that prevent EFL learners from participating classes?

(2) What are the reasons for the difficulties that prevent EFL learners from participation?
(3) What are the solutions to help EFL learners overcome the difficulties in participating classes?

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Phần cắt phách. Không làm bài vào đây.


2. Fill in the blank with each of the following words (some of these words can be used more than one time) to
complete the definition of the two terms reliability and validity (1.5ms)
reliable valid invalid consistency measurement same

Reliability is another term for 1………………… . If one person takes the 2………………… personality test several times
and always receives the 3………………… results, the test is 4 ………….

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Phần cắt phách. Không làm bài vào đây.

A test is 5………………… if it measures what it is supposed to measure. If the results of the personality test claimed
that a very shy person was in fact outgoing, the test would be 6………………….
A 7………………… may be valid but not reliable, or reliable but not 8…………………. Suppose your bathroom scale was
reset to read 10 pound lighter. The weight it reads will be 9………………… (the same every time you step on it) but
will not be 10…………………, since it is not reading your actual weight.

You are required to put the correct words to the corresponding numbers in the cells below.

1 consistency 2 same 3 same 4 reliable 5 valid

6 invalid 7 measurement 8 valid 9 reliable 10 valid

4 ways to assess reliability in research

1. Pick a consistent research method.

2. Create a sample group and ensure the members are also consistent.
3. Administer your test using the chosen method.
4. Repeat the exact same testing process one or multiple times with the same sample group.

3. How to ensure the reliability and validity for a questionnaire? (1.5ms)

Ask others (colleagues, some of the respondent groups, etc.) to tell in their own words what specific terms mean.
Through this process, one can identify items that may not have a clear meaning to the respondent groups and can
adjust them accordingly.
Ask others (colleagues, relatives, friends, etc.) to explain what the question is asking. Through this process, one
can identify questions that do not seem to elicit the kind of information desired.

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Phần cắt phách. Không làm bài vào đây.


4. Write the details of the following sources in order in a list of references (2ms)

For a book:
Name of author: David Rose
Year of publication: 2001
Title of publication: The Western Desert Code: an Australian cryptogrammar
Place of publication: Canberra
Publisher: Pacific Linguistics

Rose, D. (2001). The Western Desert Code: an Australian cryptogrammar. Canberra, Australia: Pacific Linguistics

2. For a journal article:

Name of author: Ali Roohani, Mahmood Hashemian & Khadijeh Dayeri

Year of publication: 2018
Title of publication: An investigation into EFL teachers’ motivation to teach from a self-determination
Title of journal: International Journal of Research Studies in Language Learning
Volume number: 7
Issue number: 3
Page number: 29-44

Roohani, A., Hashemian, M. & Dayeri, K. (2018). An investigation into EFL teachers’ motivation to teach from a self-
determination perspective. International Journal of Research Studies in Language Learning, 7(3), 29-44

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5. Read the extract of the article below and answer the following questions (2ms)

Since foreign language teaching in Iran is relatively unique in terms of teaching and learning
environment, the present study examined the combined effects of these contextual characteristics on
the motivational changes of students after four years of learning English at high schools. The data was
collected by administering a valid and reliable questionnaire which measured ‘L2 Motivational Self
System’ of 401 Iranian high school students. Results of descriptive statistics showed that …


1. What is the research aim of this study?

 This study aims to examine the comined effects of these contextual characteristics on the motivational changes of
students after four years of learning English at high schools.
2. What is the sample of the study?
 The sample of the study is 401 Iranian high school students.
3. What are the instruments for the data collection?
 The instrument for the data collection is a valid and reliable questionnaire which measured ‘L2 Motivational Self
4. Is the data collection qualitative or quantitative or both? Why?
 The data collection is quantitative because a questionnaire was carried out.


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