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Fuotamine- Aun. Lasuwin ~ Recombinant energy not an endogenous substance ptowids + GLUCOCORTICOIDS MINERALOCOATICOIDS SEY HORMONES Liothyponinn: Ts CTHYAOID HORMONE) Tyrosine amino acid, Non- steroidal horrrone — Fequtan, Sruutin- only IV insulin Megbtinide > INSULIN SECRETAGOUGE ~ SULFONYLUAEAS Frogutun- +t glncose in the liver Piquamider + sensitizer (sensitivity of cig in the insulin but not in secretion) of- qlucendans uihubitors -srequlates the quucow ud after. meals delay Jinhibit the absorption of sugar | cars Fhus ovylona > nti hyper lipi demic drug S Fateniifenc. = asteoPonnsis Metformn > Non-INcuUIN OEPENOBNT OlApETES meLUTUG Frnaateride -» anrnyorosen (BPH) PTW + Fins: cHoce ron HYPERTHYRDIOISM clamxicfen ESTROGEN -DEVENDENT. BREAST AER nnn — secreted by the p- PANCREATIC CELIs Vasoprusun —* resorphon of water Seasastowrne- + control male sexual development Corticstbopun — diagnostic too! ADVERSE EFFECTS © ADRENO CORTOIDS © SULFONYLURERS / Hy PDGLYCeMy @ ~ PEPTIC ULCER — HYPOGLYCEMIA - GL HEMORRHAGE = JAUNOICE ~ MOONFACE > GRANULOCYTES ~HPTN - EDEMA See RP @HYPOGON ADISM & ~Testasterone therapy “ERECTILE DysFUNCTION © ANOROSENS /TESTOSTERONE & ~ GYNECOMASIA -PROSTATIC HYPERTROPHY Vsecretion of GNRH PROLONGED ERECON 4 FSH X LH J Tectusiuone levels 5 OXYTOCIN = induces tabor HYPOTHALAMIC PITUITARY -ADRENAL SYSTEM — long-lerm therapy of glucocorticoid ee NEDIATED @Y THE ORENAL CORTEX ADRENAL CORTEX CMIODLE LAYER) —> releases glucocorticoids ADRENAL GLAND -» releases proopiomelanocottin w/c further seleases cortiotropin PREMATURE ACTH) (ACH) HYPOTHALAMUS - releases CAH OXYTOCIN = alleviate postpartum br¢ast cAlargement in akients who are ‘breastfeeding their infants > induce milk-tet-down | eechon of milk PROLACTIN production of milk HCG CHUMAN CHORIONIC GONADOTROPIN) -¥ positive sign of prcgnanoy OCREOTIDE + SYNTHENC ANALOG OF SOMATOSTATIN — inhibits the searetion Of 6 HORMONE e GROWTH HORMONE DEFICIENCY in children must be determined by measuring hormone levels atter Gving an agent that stimulaks release becaure GROWTH HOLMONE SecnEnON Is EPucoDic & PULSATILE © NOT CONSTANT SECRETION INSULIN IN TRE LIVER 7 increase Storage of QUCOse as ghyogen GUULONED GENESIS -+ syntresize /create glucose trom non- carbohydrate cource — CluwAcon INSULIN -*releases when blood glucose level is increased GLYCOGENOINEIS 7 gixogen to glucose by glucagon PROPRANOLOL ~ HYPERTHYROIDISM KETOCONAZOLE = ANTIFUNGAL (twiDAz0LE) CLOMIFENE — Treat ingrtility in women FINASTERIDE inhibitor of 5 o- reductase SPIRO NOLACTONE —+ antagonist | inhibit aldosterone FLUTRNIDE = inhibitor of androgen syottesis CYPROTERONE + androgen PROPYLTHIDURACIL — first choice CTHYROIO CRisis) © POST-MENAPAUSAL OSTEOPOROSIS ¢ - ESTROGEN ~ CLOUM ~ BIPHOSPHATE CALCITONIN Cf deposition of Galeium. in the bones?) LEUPRDLIDE - noc for endometriosis in young women VAGINAL CANCER ~¥ effect of diethylshipestol intake during pregnancy on infants FINASTERIDE ~ suppress prostatic growth Without affechng libido ETHINYL ESTRADIOL —* combined hormonal contraceptive HYPDGLYCENNIA —# complication of Insulin therapy LACTIC ACIDOSIS ~+ effect of MeTORNIN ty patients w) TYRE 2 Diab A alcohalsm METIMAZONE ~ reduces serum concentration of T3 primarily by preventing Hae addition of iodine tv thyrosine residues of Hryroglobulin | GLYBURIDE - t chance of hypoglycemia when taken orally monotherapy LEVOTHYROXINE — HypomYROIDISM & DEIODINATON + Sy]0, growth Mtardation , replaccmem therapy LOTHYROMINE - susceptability to organiem of- GLUCOSIORSE \neteITOR CACAREDE 2 MIGLITONE) > ¥ olycemic. excretion RALOXIFEN — tstrogen agonist to bone , estrogen antagonist tO breast cancer SECRETAGOUGE (SULFONYLUREAS) -» tdlease of insulin INSULIN > hormone wie shimulaks nuckar receptor © Combination of estrogens and progestins axet Her ve Contacephye effec largely through INIBINON oF PITMITARY FUNCTION ¢ DANAZOL -rendometriosis LEWPROLIDE -» DOC for young women w) Ongometriosts TAMOXITENE — palliative TYPE 1 DM —sinsulin dependent ; primarily tweaked w/ insulin METFORMIN -» amp- activated protein Kinase wie is a key regulator of the Metabolism 4. fat X glucose TRIAZONONEDIONES CGLITRZONES) -» sensiTZERS — enhance sensihvity 2 glucose utilization > suppression of luc oned gunesis + T plasma BOL cholestaol ions GLUCAGON antagonizes the effects of insulin BLOOD MONITORING ~ glucose test wed in monitoring OM. SULFONYLURERS -» THE Z /NipoM ~+ SYMPTOMS OF DMs + FASTING HYPERGLYCEMIA + POLYDIRSIA *POLYURIA TYROSINE -+ required for thysoting bicsynHesi WASMOTD -+ deshous the thyroid gland INSULIN ULTRALENTE 9 SC /Suburtoncdus TAMOMPEN ~ SERM POSTETIOR PITUITARY GLAND — VASOPRESSIN — OxYTDUN KALONIFENE a OSTEDPORDSS Aucironn MELATONIN — sleep a1d HYPERPLASIA, —> cushing syndio®e Is Awodakd w) hyra plaia TSH (THYROID HORMONE SYNTHESS) MOA REPAGUIINIDE CEGLITIMOE) + INGILIN SECRETRCOUGE ESTROWE —» menopause ESTRADIOL —» most potent THYROID HORMONE / INSULIN —> bind te receptor latakd at the call menbrane DESMOPRESSIN ~* Diabetes Iipidus 5 N20 retention / anti-divretic "TS 1S DETER THAN THe Pu MOA OF THOAMIDES \N HNPERTINEO! OLN 2 whine —* Bucks peroxidase - catalyzed reachon + Blocks coupling of iodo Hyoxines O-BLOCLETS IN RYPEWTINROINSM —= Wntrol the symmathehic cymptons Of hyper Hhyrvidisn LENTE INSULIN -930'l* semidente, 70°F ultvolentc; intermediate aching AEPAGLINIDE IN DM control post -grandiol bypeaglycemia CHRONIC ALCOHOLICS ~* LACTIC ACIDOSIS ROSIGLITAZONE & GHANA —* PPAR THERAPEUTIC USES ¢ AuINQLONEE i EINE CONDITION 4 PLOXACIL > FULONATOLE “4 PROF LOYACIN Baey SNmOME + CHLORANATENIOL un BLOOD CONC MoNITOHED NATROPURANTOIN, — GENTAIANCIN BETA LACTRMS — inachvation Hough hydrolysis ESTOLATE -seast erythromycin to gastric @ degradahon; Causes JaUN OIE GC AMINOPEWICILLAMIC A -* common pucleus of all genfallin BACTEMCIDAL = —» UARBENICILLIN — GENTRMICIN > CETUROXIME 3 VANCOMYAN BACTER(OSTAIE + ERYTPONNCIN PSEUDDMONAL IMFECHON — PENICILUN IS INETFEC YE WOILO ~ FrynteomycN CEFOPETAZONE — 380 GEN CErHALospORIS ERYTHRONNCING MACIOLIVES) 7 ALTERNATIVE TD PENICILLIN QUINOLONES » cat beta lactams derived in nalidixic aid CEPHALOSPORIN —» Broad spechum ~+ Padaiudal — Aud stable a HFfeud by p-lactamase CHLORAMPHENICOL ~* aplastic anemia Gray voby jyndrome AMINOGLYCOSIDE ~* Gtntamicin CHLORAMPHENICOL -* baby syndiomes deficency of ducuronysy! ag! haw fyase MOA OF B-LACTANS inhibition 4, the transpepfdase enxymne ~+ Binding tr The -catted paps related to Proteins in the Cel] membrane COMPLICATIONS OF AMINDGLYCOMDES + Nevromys ular blockade Nephrotoxtc Oh bylc PROPERTIES FF AMINOOLYCOSIDES — Bacieri of dal 3 gram(-) atrobic badiria <3 Inhibit poten syohasis AMLIACIN (NMAINDGLYENSIPE) — Oftrvicity X Nephrafoni chy bg CETOTANIME + CEPHALOSPORIN ALTUFONAM > MONOBALTAM CEPTRIRXONE 7 CEPHALOCPOFIN CHLOWA MP HENICOL 9 PENETRATE | FOR MENNoanS CEFMIAXONE 2 Not renally eliminated / x renal tmpaisment HEPATIC IMPAIRMENT —* ELM g NET DOXYCYCLINE — TeMACYLLINE jurtak Ca B iteth staining TAMepcTAM & SULBACTAM = pininize decrucion of te pemullins by Waial p- lactomase PSEDOMONAS KERMGINOSN ae CEFAIOLIN ~ 161 Gey coPHALOSPORAN OCFEIME 3 4m cen ATTROWNAN > mon nBAcTIO QLASTATIN = INHDIT CEMA, OLYOROPETIOMY WIC MeTABOYIIES IM\pENEM VANCOMYCIN, + Whibit cell nad eyntesis CHOPAMAENICAL2 305 2 peptidyl transferox crzyme MAUUL [DES - CLINDAMYCIN + Fumomycin FTI MYCIN OOXYGLINE 7 D0C OF TETHACYLLINE FATA EITULATE 9 4G aval absorption QUINOPRISTN- ORLTOPRISTIN Trea ment oO, MESA Tee atmget of mo nsidtart shains D) Ghrephiencu = lenlaliin raigtand Strain a, Srephoocas previnenia NEIMY CIN ~ MMINO HY MDE MAUMULDE ANTIBIOTICS * cEYTHWONYCIN CLUNDRMYCIN = nat an aminglyuside PENY 5 Oval Gasca rembanl ; mot Sabie OXACILLIN > ptnicillinase resistant TUNSPETT DATION + penni cine anh backsial eee AMINOOLY COPED — effective ag dinstt: BERD SPECTRUM EXEPT MuNEUye\, MiGUIOE MN! 2 Vieuses VANCOMYCIN + Kedneck & phiebitis MATRIC MINE = heatme-st Fx Hedman / fed-teck eypdhone PMLACIN > CeinuTaRy) AND SEN VE Act GEN — mort prtent than the 4st gen. MIFERRISTONE — anti-progestin EM THLOMYCIN bactertostohe but became batt dda! in cone ST PHYLOCOCUAS + Cox ACLLIN CHEMOTHERAPEUTIC AGENTS STREPTOCOCCUS PYOGENES —¥ caused half of all post-bitth deals & was a major Cause of death from burns. STAPHYLOCOCCUS AUREUS fatal in 80" of infected wounds TUBERCULOSIS & PNEUMONIA BACTERIA > FAMOUS KILLERS ein ae + ORGANISM's IDENTITY C ORGANISMS SUSCEPTIBILITY « SITE OF INFECTION * PATIENT FACTORS + SAFETY OF THE AGENT * COST OF THERAPY Sdentificatin 9 the- Infectig Or ganam~ e DIRECT MICROSCOPIC VISUALIZATION eCULTIVATION & tornniFIcATION eOETECTION OF MICROBIAL AGENTS + DETECTION OF RNA OR DNA ‘DETECTION OF HOST IMMUNE RECPONSE DETERMINATION OF ANTIMICROBIAL SUSCEPNBILITY OF en | es ORGANISMS @ MIC (MINIMUM INHIBITORY CONCENTRATION) lowest comentiation of antibiotic that inmibits bacterial growth 4 EFFECTIVE ANTIMICROBIAL THERAPY 72? antibiotic conc: in body fluids Should be MIC. © MBC C MINIMUM BACTERICIDAL CONCENTRATION ) “#minimum conc: of antibiotic that hills the backria under investigation - PENETRATION & CONCENTRATION OF AN ANTIBACTERIAL AGENT TN THE ccF. ~ ONTIMENCED +LIPLD SOLUBILITY oF THE DRUG “MOLECULAR WEIGHT OF THE DRUG “PROTEIN BINDING OF THE ORUG ACTOR {ROUTE OF _ADMUNICTRATION| + IMMUNE SYSTEM *MILD INFECTION - oral adniinistration * RENAL DYSFUNCTION * SERIOUS INFECTION - parenteral HEPATIC DXFUNCTION * POOR PERFUSION + AGE Then VANCOMYCIN , AMINOGLY COSIDES LACTATION AMEHOTERICIN ARE. fooRty ABSORBED IN THE git: NOTE: DETERMINANTS OF RATIONAL DOSING © CONCENTRATION - QEPENDENT KILLING — | bacterial Killing Tantibiotic concentrahon © TIME-DEPENDENT (CONCENTRATION INDEPENDENT) KILLING — Percentage of time thal blood woncentrations of a drug remain above the Mic- POST ANTIBIOTIC EFFECT (PAE) — persistent suppression ©F miciobial_ growth levels of anhbiotic have fallen below the MIC length of Hime i takes Cafker the transfer) for the culture to achieve LOg-PHASE GKoWwTH AGENTS UGED IN BACTERIAL INFECTIONS: * PENICILUINS * MACROLIDES + CEPHALOSPORINS + FLUDROGUINONES + TETAACYCLINES * OTHERS + AMINOGLYOSIDES EMOTMERAPEVITIC SPECTRA © NARROW- SPECTRUM ANTIBIOTICS p — CAgents aching only on a Single or a limited group of microor ganigms “EXTENDED. SPECTRUM ANTIBIOTICS effedive agains! gram (Ht) ga Significant 90. of gfam(-) backria * BROAD- sPECRUM ANTIBIOTICS affects wide varicty Of microbial species walker the nature of normal backyial ova 4 pt pai a cuperingction of an troanism ae ras COMBINATIONS OF ANTIMICROBIAL DRUGS & MONOTHERAPY reduces superinfection w Lemergence of resistant @ganisns *minimraes toxicity A KOVANTAGES OF DRUG COMBINATIONS *SYNERGISM + More effective than cither of the drugs used separately GDISAOVANTAGES OF DRUG COMBINATIONS “Cowses bactetigctasis “A scuond agen thal is backricidal may resulh in the first drug interfering w) He action of the second: DRUG RESISTANCE * Maximal level of an anhbiotic Mat can be tolerakd by Hie hock dtes not halt growth. GENETIC ALTEWATIONS LEROING TD DRUG RESISTANCE re ¥ Resistance develops due to the ability of ONA ty unde(go spontaneous mutation or to move from one oxganig to ano ther . ASPONTANEOU MUTATIONS ZONA TRANSFER OF OF DONA 7 DRUG RESISTANCE // one backriym to ander *TSISTANE properhes Gr Ucually encoded In Ext Chygmosemal R Foctms Cresictang plaids) + INSERTION “DELETION «SUBSTITUTION of one OF moe nuckotga W)m the genome. ALTERED EXPRESSION OF PROTEIN IN D-REWICTANT ORGANISM ¥ Modification of taiget site x Deotace acwmulaton Enzymatic inachvation ¢P-LACTAMAGE. -Peniciling , cephalosporins CAETYLTRANSFERASES— Chloramphenicol / Amino glywosides CESTERAGES = Maciolides PROPHYLACTIC ANTIBIOTIC *Ankibiotic use gar prevention [+++ MUST KNOW wy than the heat mem of_ infections ae : AE ANTIBIOTIC THERAPY SITE OF ANTIMICROBIAL ACTON *HYPERSENC NNT) ACCORDING TO: “DIRECT TOXICITY *CHENICAL STRUCTURE *SUPERINFECTION + MOA “ACTIVITY AGAINGT PARTICULAR TYPE OF ORGANIC, OO Q 3%, CELL WALL INMIBITORS @ ANTIMICROBIAL DRUGS thal sclectvely inieyere ww] synthesis of the backrial cel wall — A STRUCTURE THAT MAMMALIAN CELLG 00 Not PAsES- @ Requite dctively prolifurating microorganicms ~ have litte /mo effect On ackria Heal are not growing 4 dividing © P-lactam antibiotics & Vancomycin (most ignpt- rnembers o¢ OWI) AGENTS AFFECTING THE CELL WALL 6 -LACTAM ANT BloTics OMER ANTIBYOTICS % PENICILLINS 7 BACITRA CIV Y CEPHALOSPORINS 7 VANCOMYCIN 1 CARKBAPENEMS 7 DAPTOMYCN 7 MonoBACTAMS B-LACTAMASE INHIBITORS * ANMOY ICILUL N «AMPICILLIN * METHICILLIN oNAFCILUIN * OXACILLIN + DICLOKACILUN “PENICILLIN V PENICILLIN G *PIPERACILLIN “TICARCILLIN * most widely effective antibiotics 4 also the least fMxie drugs bnowwt A resistance bas limited their we + R-GRoUp- dektmines the drugs stability tv emymatic oy addic hydrolysis 2 affeds it antibacterial cpechum MOA: TRANSPEPN DATION | Kors “UNKAGE ~ COE of the osmofically Ie stable CEL WSIS - osmotic pressure =o achvaio 6 autnlysins PEWICILLIN - BINDING PnorEiNs + syntheris 2) Hie cell wall * maintenance ¢ the morphologic ftatuirs 4) the bacterium + Penicitling tate Franehidave = catalyred eeaction s Hus hind erin Famnation 4 Us links uusuital for tty wall inkgt\ty gram (4) microorgantem hare oll walle that ot tae’ fronevensed vy penicillins and, Herefre in ty vie OF Hesistane art susctpfible to these drugs PORINS * prokins inserted in the IMpopolysaccharide layer thal act, as WARE - filled channels permit ancmembrane emhy of penicillin + oblained from farmemahions of he mold Penicillin chrysogenum PSEUDOMONAS AUREGINOSA lacks poring making resistant fo many antimicrobial agents PENICILLIN © BENZYL PENICILLIN) Cornerstone, of Heropy for infections caugd by a humber Of gram positive & gram negahve ocd, gram (+) bacilli ssplyochetes ~* Suscepible fo inactivation by p-lactamare — Semisyntnetic becouse the different R-groups are atached chemically fy the U-amisopentcillanic add cleus ebtained prom fermentation broths of He mold- PENICILLIN V iF snot used fet treatment of baceremig Peeowe of its migher tactatadal properly Mon alid- able than PEN G. FHM employed erally in He freatmen) of WeECnON, METHICILLIN: |NAFCILLIN, OXACILUN, DICLOXACILLIN “rpenicillinase -resistant penicillins —o use {s restrickd tu the treatment of infechons caugd by pericillinase producing Staphylocoees PNENHCLIN is not used clinically exept bd identify shains of S- aureus. 4 MASA NOCOMONIAL INFECNON > Susceptible fo vancomyal > ralely 4 ciproftoxadn or yifampin Citi pales Paina AMPICILLIN 1000 for the gram (4) bauillus lsterig monocytegjenes widely used in He ttalment of Respir infections a a [ Avroxicituiny employed prophyactically by dentists for ratients wy abnormal heart valves. who Gre fo undt(go uxknsive eral sugary ANMOYICILLIN $ CLAVULANIC ACID F ony ORMULATI LACT: AMPGLLIN 4 SULBACTAM p BE. NSIT A SEE AS prokection from uraymatic hydroly ris oxkn H Anti mnicrdolal «pect urn cai oo Andicysacdamncal pets CARBENICILLIN TICARCILLIN PIPERACILLIN —ACTIVE AGAINST . AERUGINOSA PIPERACILLIN | —¥ mast pottnt = eifechve Again many gram (-) bacilli bud not Klebsiella because of its oonshtutive penlallinace EXTENSION: TICARCILLIN. + CLANULANIC ACIO PIPERACILUIN. + TAZOBACTAM. “+ hahbacterial effeds are synergl tic w/ aminoglycosidc RESISTANCE —+ natural fo the penicillins occurs in organisms that cither lock 4 Pephidogiycan cell wall ( mycoplasma) 9 plasmra hans fur BETA-LACTAMASE AcrVITY this family of enzymes hydrolyres the cyclic amide bond Of he B- lactam ring A mgjor Cause of resistance eanshtutive | Acquired * pam (4) organisms seart 9- (act amases trxhavcllularly DECREASE PERWEAGILITY OF THE DRUG —rdecreaed penehation of He anhbiohe the preence of an eux pump ALTERED PRpK Modified FBP, have lower AFF nity for Bladam anh biotics ADVERSE REMTION *HYPERSENTUITY “most important AE of penicillins J Metavolite, Penicilloie acid > majol Antigenic dekrminant of penicillin "MACULOPAPULAR RACH 7 Most common rash xen w]- ampicillin hypersensitivity + NEPRUITS “METHICIUN can camse acuk Nephritis CE PHALO SPOR INS + produced semisynthetically by phe uemical attachment oF side chains to 3 amino ephalos peTanic aad AST GENERATIONS ~ CEFRIOLIN * Ace as PEN 6 subshtke ~ GErAOHOKIL ‘Resistant fe He qophylococcal penllare = OFPHaLexIN "Have activity agains PEK 9 CE PRALONYIN 7 > CepyMPIRIN + Prokus mirabilic + CEPHRAQINE 4 ECli Y Kebsiella pheumgniac CEFRZOLIN _——— stony Ist GEN parentera) cephalosporin 7 DOC (Gurgical prophylaxis) ~ F penetra the ens > thea meningihs + alternak t an antstaphylocoucdl penivilin for Gatien who are alieigie 4 penicillin [Zuo GENERATIONS — CEFACLOR + ack vity aguinst 3 dddihow — CET AMANDOLE CHeNPEK) peeronelo % Be Influence 7 EF ROR FEntcrobackr ae rogencs ie eee ¥ Sone Neisola Cero yt N % Klebwtella Pneumonia o+ OEANETRD UE + CRPOTET IN CEPHANNCIN CEFOXITIN 9 litte adhiry agains) > Influenza 7 fHictive against the anattobe Bacteroides Flagilis CEFUROX INE + Community. acquired pneumonia Ales efeechive in 4X OF meningitis Vinferior 1 fit generation against gram-positive cocci. have activity against gram negative bacilli plus seraka marcescens. CEPTRIAXON E CE FOTAXINE ETA PAGENK of choice in the eatment 4 MeNiAgi tis CEFTA2IDINE thas activihy againct @- aeruginosa fm cenexenonl CEFEPIME > administered Porenterally 7 hos wide ankbackrial spectrum, active against methicilliq— Susaphble streptococci ond stophylo coca efRctive againg otto Fam negative AE: Auergic Manifestation CARBAPENEMS \MIPEWEM, MEROPENEM, ERTAPENEM ssymhetic $-lackam anhbiokic ~Sulfr atom of Hie Yhiarolide ring has been “akenatized & replaced by a carbon atom. IMPENEM / CLAsTATIN & MEKOPENEM EE GLASTATIN & MEROPENEM “broadest spechum f-ladam antbiohe auilable “Reacts hydrolysis by most g-lactamase but nn} Metallo- B-Lactamaye 7 administered \v ERTAPENEM PMO ater native fax Pedetuginosa core ay? MEROPENEM does nol undergo metabolism \Mipenem Undergoes Cleovage by dehy drop eptidase fund in the brush boider of the proximal renal twoule — used in rhe teal men q un MonoBactaMs > P-lacam ting is mot hued fo another fing AZTREONAN SS Only available monobactam * achvity direckd primarily again the enkrobacteriaceae + lack achuity Agpinst gram postive stxuekd in Me urine + may cause priebitis , din rath { abormal hives fan: + safe alkinatve for peniaitins | ce pnal os poring. 0- LACTAMASE IN HierTDRS qa LANULANIC ACD, SULBACTAM ™o CHANULANIC ACID , SULBACTAM, Th2.06 ACTA contain a P-lactam ring, dd hot have Significant antibacterial achvity 7 They bind to ond inactivates P-lactamases , protecting ¥he antibiotia > Combingtion w) p-lactamase sensitive ann biohes OTMER ANT BIOTICS BACITAACIN ——. mixture of polyp4hde that inhibits backrial cell wall synthesis A adive again gram ¢4) + RUHILKG ty fopicol application becaase of ie gokenhal fbr neghcdronicity w/ systemte uy. VANCOMYCIN *ricyclic glycopeptide “+ inhibits Synthesis of bacterial cell wall phospholipids ar well og Peptidogly can polymeri canon thei again gram (4) + lifsaving in the heatent 8 MAGA WRSE , Ent: ococcal Ing dions rusted in individuals w] prosthenic heart valves fishing CREDMAR SINDegmE) (AED ~# Anthistanines & stettids ( At) ORPTOMYCIN = Wdlic lipopeptide antibiotic 7 altunative ty Linerolid ¢ Quinupstin / Dalpopristin for ‘eating bisa g Vee = fr the hy Skin chucture infedions 440-45 7+ protein bound + does not appcat ty urdergo hepale metabolism DRUGS AFFECTING THE ENDOCRINE SYSTEM NEUKOENDOG@INE SYSTEM + cotholied by the Fiditary 4 Hypothalamus production 4 release § hemones § hanport hommones —-bloods}ecun ENDOCHINE + ducthess gland + dine secretion A) hormones to the. blovds eam EXOceiNeE + w] duct GLAND eee J release ploduch ty Wevdeream dire cHly HOt Mones + products thal deliver messages h body. ThReet caus + ypeific netphys fr qpeafic hormones Hormones + produced by [fiuiTany Ovanles & TESTES endearing , hypo thalamy adrena) pihuitany, grads & Ynyrvid- | ease RePeooucnon METABOLISM Growmy Co GUMOYE LEVELS PACATRY ROO & PANCRER [AORENALS Ca £ GWUKOSE LEVELS RESPONSE To STRESS HEVROPEPND EL —? ANTERIOR PHUITARY — > RELEASING/ INBINNG WORMONES JAYPOTHAL ANNC-RELE AGING HORMONE -rdlagneshe purposes =m pituitary deficit [FATE § ROMER RiNviTneY 4 Foun fC. ME PePMOIL NATURE WL BE DESTROYED bY THE PmTEOLITIC ENZYME IN THE DluenVvE TRACT HORMONES OF THE POSTERIOR PAT AREY TW eo GLAND THYROID HORMONE + Mgjov Wnctabolic hormone > composed of 2 active Aine -containing hormones Twn x INE ~seureka by He Hywid Pilides “TRODOTHNRONINE - umverts T4 a faugek Hstwes CALUITONIN 1} Co lewls = deposition on bone A antagonrthc 1 parathyord hor vont = produad by pacaftbionlar cells ) Found in between the gotlicles ANTN-TB DRUGS osu “ SEAI-Paye” S + STREPTOMYCIN E = ErHameutor R — RiFampicin 1 = 1sontarip — PYRAZINAMIDE ae [Heese Zed —+ BLEEDING — ALLERGIC MANIFESTATIONS [o)— DISULFIRAM- LIKE EFFECT oe [s] — SERUM SICKNESS AMINOGLYCOSIDES ADVERSE EFFECTS ul “NANO Neweorxiciy Aueneie MANIFESTATION $ Nemeoronciry Ororoneity CIRREVERSIBLE) comMON poverce errects 7 AINTI- FUINGIAIL DRUGS ence mnie nt ROAOOONSO RAEN AICAM I taco ANCA DAARA AL ARO en een, » “NAAN - HT N — NEUROLOGICAL PROBLEMS A — BPLASTIC ANEMIA IN PATIENTS WiMH GOPD DEFICIENCY A — AVERGIC MANIFESTATIONS N = nepnsotoxicity H = veprmncity T — THAomencyTOPENIA ADVERSE EFFECTS OF B- BLOCKERS am “BALD FISH” —+ BRONCHOCONSTRYCNON , BRADYCARDIA — ARRYTHNIAS — LETHARGY — DISTURBANCE IN GLULOSE METABOLISM — FANGUE — INSoMIA — SExuAL DYSFUNCTION — HYPOTENSION BEEF SHeee SULFONAMIDES ARNIERSIE EFFECTS K — keANICETAUS C = caysrwuria H — BaeMoWme ANEMIA H —* BYPERTENSION A — ALLenole manirEstATIONS FLUOROGUINOLONES ADVERSE EFFECTS ; *“TA- DAgit!” T — TENdon ayeruRe A — AleRGIC MaNiF ECTATONS D — prantss & OIARRHER A APLASTIC ANEMIA Srcuare } CyP4so (BERPing ) eee ahi uel dee as — PrReiTuRATes — ETHANOL —* RIFAMPICIN Gans — PHENYTOIN te INHIBITORS OF CYTOCRRONE P4SD “CLA wists D.C” C — cimenpine I = soniazio A — auveurinor DO — dswripam C — GALonAMPHENICOL PIRE - ANESTHETIC DRUGS “ OBAMA” 0 — OPIOIDS B — errerunares & BENZODIAZEPINES A AnTi-HisTAMINES M — MUSCLE RELAXANTS A — ANTI-CHOLINERGICS £ bd £1 plekar— (sympaTholyncs /AORENERUC ANTAGONISTS > ett sup Tlgst TAPDA” ha] + TEWAZOSIN i — TRIMAZOSIN [1] ~ inoonamine JA} > rrucesin fT) > TAMsnosin LP] > PRAZOSIN, 1D) > doxnzeein POTASSIUM SPARING DIURETICS st SEAT: S + Sprmonoracrone E = evpeRenone A = amionive T > TRIAMIERENE CARBONIC ANRYDRASE INHIBITORS “BAD M.D” B = eAINZOL AMIDE A — ACETA20LAMIDE D— Dosz20LamudE M— METHAZOLANIDE D — DIChLORPHENAMIDE [bem ADRENERGIC AGONISTS USED IN coro | “¢ STAR” S = SALMETEROL T — Tewpureune A > ptewreroL R — RiTooRINE PARENTERAL ANTICOAGULANTS HEAD”? [A)~ Hernan TE] = enoyngant [D) = dateraRit Drucs FOUOWING LZERO- ORDER KINETICS “Peas and «WHEAT P — prenyroin / preNYLeuTAZONE W — WARFARIN H = weppan E> Entavo A Asian T — mevpayine / TOLBUTAMIOE DRUGS USED FoR MIGRAINE “TEA? T+ TRIPTANS (5414-0 ReceprDR PARTIAL AgonicTe) E — ERCOMMINE (Shra RECEPTOR PARTAL AeDNT) A — puarogsics MONOAMINE CXIDASE INHIBITORS © Pistol” P ~ PHENELZINE | > Isocareoxazio S Sergciuine T = TRANYL CypRONMINE SIDE EFFECTS OF ASPIRIN “ ASPIRIN” A = Astin S = saucyausm P = pepnc uicer | = WrESTINAL BLOOD Loss R = neve's synogate | = \Oiosyncracy N = Noise CHNWITUD ACTIONS OF MORPHINE * NORPHINES >? M — tosis O — onmiostanic nyporeNsjon Ro — RESPIRATORY DEPRESSION P — PAIN SUPPRESSION H — HISTAMINE AELERSE | + WeREGUENC) (CONSTIPATION, URINARY RETENTION) No — NAUSEA —E= EVIPHORIA S — SEDATION SIDE EFPECTS NARCONC ANALGESICS ADDICTIVE. pRopeenes €€VAACUUM 7? Ns VOMINNG A ANALOESIA A = pmmvsite oo CONsnp ANON Yr UNDER = SEDATON U_ — UNogR = qePAATORY DEPRESSION M — miss ACTONS oF BENZODIALEPINES & SCAM?” S = SEDATON © = anki ~CONWULSANT A 7 oni - ANXIETY M— wusce aevacant

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