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Global ecology sio-mlo.htm/).

These measurements demonstrated

two crucial facts. The first, and most famous, was
that average atmospheric CO2 concentrations were
rising exponentially. Later work on gas concentra-
Within the conventions of ecology qua ecology, the tions in ice cores showed that the beginning of this
notion of global ecology is almost an oxymoron. Tra- increase coincided with the start of the Industrial Rev-
ditional ecologists tend to regard ecology as “The olution. Keeling’s measurements also demonstrated
study of the controls over the distribution and abun- that the seasons in the northern hemisphere affected
dance of organisms”. According to this criterion, the intra-annual changes in CO2 concentration. Dur-
the locus of ecology occurs at a single scale, that ing the northern hemisphere’s spring and summer,
of the organism, and research emphasizes organ- CO2 concentrations dropped, while during the win-
ism–environment and organism–organism interac- ter they rose. This initial observation spawned entire
tions. Most of the classic questions of both autecology new research programs (as well as journals) dedicated
and synecology focus on this scale. Questions regard- to investigating the role of the biosphere in regu-
ing the survivorship and growth of individuals in lating atmospheric CO2 concentrations. Out of this
different environments, behavioral ecology, popula- interest has come an increased awareness that the
tion dynamics, predation, and competition, as well as details of microbial and plant physiology, once the
some more modern topics such as symbioses, occur province only of physiologists, are essential also
at this single spatial scale. for ecological research. Current efforts now examine
Global ecology began with Joseph Priestley’s both the impacts of biological activity on the atmo-
experiments in the eighteenth century demonstrating sphere and the effects of CO2 concentration on plant
that plants, in effect, purified air and thus allowed growth, community dynamics, and ecosystem pro-
animals to survive. These results provided the first cesses. Global ecological research on CO2 exchange
hard evidence that the activities of some organisms now considers such classical topics as competition,
had impacts on the functioning of other organisms at predation, and symbioses because these processes
spatial scales greater than that of the individual. More both respond to and influence CO2 concentration.
recently, Redfield [1] demonstrated in the middle of In addition to CO2 exchange, global ecologists
the last century that the structure and behavior of examine the role of the biosphere in regulating
marine organisms played a major role in determining the exchanges of other gases, such as oxygen and
the chemistry of the oceans. In the last 25 years, water, that have important functions in both the
global ecology has expanded to include a wide range chemical and radiative balance of the atmosphere.
of organismal activities that affect continental and Ecological (and geological) research has demon-
larger spatial scales [2]. strated that the consumption of CO2 during respi-
Perhaps the highest profile topic of global ecology ration almost perfectly balances the production of
currently being investigated concerns the exchange O2 by photosynthesis. Only during periods of high
of carbon dioxide between the biosphere and the organic matter burial (e.g., the Carboniferous era)
atmosphere (see Climate change, cryosphere, and does O2 production outstrip respiration and allow
atmospheric chemistry). At the end of the nine- O2 to accumulate. Over most of the Earth’s land
teenth century, Svante Arrhenius [3] noted the role surface, water flux from plants during transpiration
of carbon dioxide in maintaining the thermal bal- provides much of the rainfall for that land. Massive
ance of the Earth’s surface. Beginning with the changes in the surface features, for example, large-
International Geophysical Year in 1958, C.D. Keel- scale deforestation, can permanently change rainfall
ing [4] started to measure the average concentra- and thus vegetation patterns. For example, defor-
tion of CO2 in the lower atmosphere by making estation of the Tibetan plateau by the Chinese led
repeated measurements at a remote site in Hawaii (see to a decline in transpiration (as more water was
http: // /trends /co2/ lost to runoff), which caused a decrease in rainfall,
which made it impossible for trees to re-establish
Based in part on the article “Global ecology” by (see Soil erosion and conservation). The Tibetan
Manuel Lerdau, which appeared in the Encyclopedia plateau now has all the characteristics of a temper-
of Environmetrics. ate grassland and will probably never again become

Encyclopedia of Environmetrics, Online © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

This article is © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
This article was published in Encyclopedia of Environmetrics Second Edition in 2012 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
DOI: 10.1002/9780470057339.vag020.pub2
2 Global ecology

a forest without massive human or climatological they can be considered global, and the interaction of
changes. these nitrogen effects with elevated carbon dioxide
Ecologists also attend to other features of Earth’s create a true global nitrogen ecology.
atmosphere that are determined by biological activ- In addition to the far-from-complete list of terres-
ity. Some of the most prominent of these activities trial processes described above, aquatic ecosystems
are the biosynthesis and emission of methane and (see Benthic ecology; Pelagic ecology Water bod-
other reduced hydrocarbons that are greenhouse gases ies) are vital in the global exchange of matter and
and photochemical reductants. Most methane comes energy. CO2 fixation by phytoplankton and accumu-
from anaerobic respiration in wetlands that is under lation of carbon in tests of marine invertebrates are
tight biological regulation. Interestingly, the possi- two of the principal mechanisms by which CO2 is
bility for significant feedbacks between the atmo- sequestered from the atmosphere. Grazing by zoo-
sphere and these wetlands exists because as climate plankton similarly releases CO2 that can, in turn,
warms (methane is an important greenhouse gas), return to the atmosphere. The burial of organic mate-
the wetlands will dry, increasing the ratio of aerobic rial in sediments is currently the only significant
to anaerobic respiration and decreasing the methane process by which organic matter is removed from the
flux. These declines in methane flux will lead to a photosynthesis/respiration cycle and net oxygen pro-
decreased greenhouse impact of methane. However, duction achieved. As research moves into the twenty-
the increase in CO2 flux from these systems will, first century, more and more efforts will be made
to a certain extent, radiatively balance the decreased to link these globally significant ecological processes
methane emissions. Plants also produce a wide range with the classic questions of ecology such as compe-
of volatile hydrocarbons, ranging from ethane to tition and predation (see Species competition). Over
15 carbon sesquiterpenes. These hydrocarbons are the next few years, it will become increasingly likely
less important as greenhouse gases because they are that all ecologists, whether studying local questions
so chemically reactive that they rarely accumulate regarding the distribution and abundance of organ-
enough in the atmosphere to absorb substantial quan- isms in grasslands, deserts, forests, or oceans, will
tities of infrared radiation. They do, however, act to think globally.
reduce oxidized compounds such as the hydroxyl rad-
ical and nitric oxide. These plant-emitted hydrocar- References
bons are the main players in maintaining the reduced
side of the lower atmosphere’s redox balance. Soil
[1] Redfield, A.C. (1957). Interaction of Sea and Atmo-
microbes also produce oxides of nitrogen such as sphere: A Group of Contributions, American Meteorolog-
nitrous oxide (a greenhouse gas) and nitric oxide ical Society, Boston.
(a photochemical oxidant) that are under ecological [2] Mooney, H.A. (1999). On the road to global ecology,
control. Annual Review of Energy and the Environment 24, 1–31.
An emerging topic in global ecology has been [3] Arrhenius, S. (1896). On the influence of carbonic acid in
the repeated expression across the Earth’s surface of the air upon the temperature on the ground, Philosophical
Magazine and Journal of Science 41, 237–272.
phenomena that act at local to regional scales. For [4] Keeling, C.D. (1960). The concentration and isotopic
example, nitrogen deposition onto terrestrial ecosys- abundance of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, Tellus
tems is altering these systems and, when the nitrogen 12, 200–203.
passes through soils into vadose water, aquatic sys- [5] Vitousek, P.M., Hattenschwiler, S., Olander, L., & Alli-
tems as well [5]. Most nitrogen that enters terrestrial son, S. (2002). Nitrogen and nature, Ambio 31, 97–101.
systems comes either through the direct application
of fertilizers or the deposition of oxidized nitrogen (See also Global environmental change; Global
that is produced during fossil fuel combustion. While warming; Climatology)
these issues are local to regional in that nitrogen is
not well mixed in the atmosphere, they are occurring MANUEL LERDAU
across such a large swath of the Earth’s surface that

Encyclopedia of Environmetrics, Online © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

This article is © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
This article was published in Encyclopedia of Environmetrics Second Edition in 2012 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
DOI: 10.1002/9780470057339.vag020.pub2

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