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WD vere aignum University of Chicago Readings in Western John W. Boyer and Julius Kirshner, General Editors 1, The Greek Polis ited by Arthur W. H. Adkins and Peter White . Rome: Late Republic and Principate Baited by Walter Emil Kacgi, Jr, and Peter White ‘The Church in the Roman Empire Edited by Karl F. Morrison J. Medieval Europe edited by Julius Kirshner and Karl F. Morrison 5. The Renaissance uited by Eric Cochrane and Julius Kirshner 6. Early Modern Europe: Crisis of Authority Tata by Erie Cochrane, Charles M. Gray, and Mark A. Kishlansky 7, The Old Regime and the French Revolution Edited by Keith Michael Baker 8, Nineteenth-Century Europe: Liberalism and Its Crites Edited by Jan Goldstein and John W. Boyer 9, Twentieth-Century Europe ited by John W. Boyer and Jan Goldstein Upiversity of Chicago ‘eadings in Western Civilization John W. Boyer and Julius Kirshner, General Editors 7 The Old Regime and the French Revolution Edited by Keith Michael Baker The University of Chicago Press Chicago and London Spa permmmmrarocecremrcnimemeeremmmmememomme se Cohan, 128-1985 CB aus Contents abéveros wien ‘ U oF Immortal memory 1b yol. 7 Series Editors’ Foreword fot General Introduction ‘ 1 ‘Tea Unvaaly of obege Pee Lag London 3. A Royal Tongue-Lashing 47 Lana of Congres Case Protests of the Parlement of Paris (March, 1776) 118 Ul Peter White — fete. — ‘okt regime and the der in Council Concerning the Convocation of the French Revolution / edited by Keith Michwel Baker. U ie 1c il C 1g the Cor ation of the ioe a : aoe ee a att SUSERL Poet Nel Anat 18 416 After the Terror 48. Napoleonic Ideas ee Te 8D, afer alec tha devas te Fes ion evel inn vor ng tht woul fase eons pin nenuchical authori, Napoleon was declared Expeor a the Fench and thera ces wan est n ens fh amy. The sl ions en pina from is ts) suegs soe ofthe tenceptons of edoain, government, eign, socal rer, and his Own ‘Cd or signe ht povened is conduc 3 mpeo. wicioe eee On Education ne will son asiv for considering rebar 16, 1805). Pethaps thei 7 Iver upto corn tat Shampoo oer pws tact, who ene ane seca: renonce he word and soon Thre doesnt ee cathe wo ets tate any comenon between eat og and nest, Attn coporton cul ore al evs, Cina rics ne Ege vr me tie ce crea, unc te ofthe ests andi te tcc se oso Coma iti ist tig ses ad tones ricr hcg wo dts win eon Terra nae mr repuar stages of promovon na each’ caer, toes sly ano yo a ee ie of Hes ay Sreusho neon bt cho someting ln oa A mn ot ion msec nd no aw Re pede Seger n ce aia go eam fr bere tv ha cata ia sd sme ico, igs pt whose pend eis 9 spe ly mia bndnng Me pes. 1 thi wee 0 he ones tain pen wel eum ste of aie cee, Tha vss pred cops anger. Theo nine moma te conpcton cul be ten under he Emperor rei 8 yr i After the Teron 447 and his patronage would rise them even higher in public estecmn than the Priests were, ata time when priesthood passed for a rank of nobil y. Every: cone Knew how important the Jesuits were. It would not be long before ihe same prestige attached to the corporation of teachers, if people saw a man Whose education had begun in the fycée, picked out for his talents to be himself a teacher, promoted from stage to stage, and finding himself, be fore the end of his career, in the front ranks of state officials Of all political questions ths is perhaps the most important. There will be no stability inthe state until there i a body of teachers with fixed prin- ciples. Till children are taught whether they ought to be Republicans or Monarchists, Catholics or Unbelievers, and so on, there may indeed be a state, but it cannot become a nation. It will rest on vague uncertain founda. tions. It will be constantly exposed to changes and disorders." On Governing Italy (To Prince Eugene,’ Viceroy of Italy, 5 June 1805] By entrusting you with {he government of Our Kingdom of Italy, We have given you proof of the espect your conduct has inspired in Us, But you are still at an age when ‘one does not realise the perversity of men's hearts; I cannot therefore 100 strongly recommend (o you prudence and citcumspection, Our Italian sub jects are more deceitful by nature than te citizens of France. The only way in which you can keep ther respect, and serve ther happiness, is by leting ‘no one have your complete confidence, and by never telling anyone what you really think of the ministers and high officials of your court, Dis. Simulation, which comes naturally at a matures age, has fo be emphasised. and inculeated at yours. Ifyou ever find yourself speaking unnecessarily, and from the heart, say to yourself, “have made a mistake,” and don't doit again. Show respect for the nation you govern, and show itall the more as ‘you discover less grounds for it. You will come to see in time that there is lite difference between one nation and another, The aim of your admin. ‘stration is the happiness of my Italian peoples; and the first sacrifice you will have to make will be to fallin with certain of their customs which you detest. In any postion but that of Viceroy of Italy you may boast of being a Frenchman: but here you must forget it, and count yourself «failure unless ‘the Italians believe that you love them. They know there is no love without 1. These leas were realized in 1806 by the esiblshmnt ofthe peril Univers, the ‘talizd, Hierarchical system of sate edcation that has since rminad base fain of French naira i 2 Napoleon took tbe erown of he Kingdom of aly (ormerly the organized Chine pubic) in 1805 and appointed his spson, Eugene Berns, to rule hi vice, 418 Alter the Tertor Mics i" educated, anc mM" PS yang edge. Don't be ashamed to ask questions. Though a Viceroy, you a nly tations, and honour you less for what they believe you to be than for what sarin tare pS ay a spetent to discuss business. So long as a prince holds his tone, bis Comers incloulable; -s8 he knows he is the ablest coe seo aso at an 1 Doce note erp sine iran ec seated w cane en Sa en yon wins Coen ESKER fe en cet el c + you have Frenchmen and ee Sec snail nan tenis ae po Ize itish in yea il Miser of ain cma tb wo scl ici el hep Se TY always think beter of those they seldom see than of then rofessed friends and benefactors, There is only one man here at Milan who really matter of Finance: he is a hard worker, and knows his job well Although they know I am behind you, I have no doubs the {gauge your character. See that your orders are carried out, the army: never allow them to be disobeyed ‘The public decree that I have signed defines the powers Iam delegating he Minister * are trying to Particularly in Pon’ show my letters to & single soul, under any pretext whatsoever. It

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