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1 - Stay at home, no shopping, not even for basic necessities. For at least three
to four days. In case of acute need: ask relatives, acquaintances, or neighbors.

2 - Do not answer unfamiliar calls. Ignore all bells and knocks at the front door.
Let them lock and unlock your door with the key.

3 - If you have to leave the house for any reason, only walk and run. It is also
acceptable to use women's clothing. Don't drive, let alone try to leave the house -
you may lose your car at best.

4 - Do not give money to those who offer exit assistance or for "free" exit.
According to available information, all "able-bodied" conscripts are being sought.

5 - Do not buy certificates of ineligibility, even if they are available. You will
be left with no money, no certificate, and you will be sent to the front.

6 - If you are detained, the main rule is to remember everything. The number of
vehicles, the location, and which vehicles, the number of personnel, etc. This will
save your life.

7 - If you find yourself in a barracks, pretend to be insane, stuttering, or even

sleepwalking. It is recommended that you show aggression. This is better than
giving up your life in the field.

8 - If you find yourself in a training camp: do exactly the same thing as in the
barracks. It is better to be considered mentally ill and sent to the asylum.

9 - If you're unsure you can do a credible mental picture, shoot yourself in the
thigh. Repeat the anatomy and arteries to prevent death by blood loss.

10 - If you don't know how to act incontinent - carry a laxative with you. Always.
Before going out - drink a laxative and only go out when the desired effect has
been achieved. In case of detention - this is a chance that you will not be taken

11 - If you have made another decision and have already started to act, remember
that you are constantly being watched, and do not talk to anyone about it. You
should become a loner.

12 - If you have a hunch that you are in a minefield and you are part of a unit:
always walk behind at a distance of 30 metres and always step into step.

13 - Before any exit, be sure to prepare a short but clear note in your pocket -
your name, address where you are being held, registration and the fact that you are
not here of your own free will.

14 - If you realize that you will not be able to leave and have to go back, the
note should be destroyed.

15 - Do not go back, and do not retreat if you are already in combat. Be aware of
the presence of barrier troops, which are likely to include Nazis from the PS or

16 - Before the battle begins, investigate possible escape routes from your
position to the Russian Armed Forces.

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