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Mariefe D.

Activity #2 (Chapters 2)

1. Identify how and to what extent the chosen organization is based on certain principles
of specialization and coordination.
A rule-bound governmental and administrative system is referred to as a bureaucratic
structure. Bureaucracies are defined as organizations in which responsibilities are
distributed among technical specialists who devote their entire working capacity to the
organization and whose operations are managed by rational norms, hierarchy, and written
records. As Weber, 1947 stated that it is continuous organization of official function bound
by rules.

Key authority structures, such as a governing board, a president or chancellor, a group of

administrative leaders, and an academic senate, are present in all public and private colleges
and universities. In public institutions, these core organizational entities work with external
authorities like state and federal political leaders, community organizations, and members of
the public, as well as business interests and philanthropic foundations.

Although there may be other types of organizations within the state universities, in my
opinion, bureaucratic serves as the main organizational structure and other structures
operate within the institution depending on some circumstances. Multi-dimensional models
seek to explain organizational behavior across institutional types, and in various institutional
activities. Scholars of higher education have developed a variety of multi-dimensional
models of organizational behavior that also shed considerable light on college and university
structure and process. From J. Victor Baldridge's three dimensions (bureaucratic, collegial,
and political) to Lee Bolman and Terrence Deal's four-cornered frame (structural, human
resource, political, and symbolic) to Robert Birnbaum's five dimensions (bureaucratic,
collegial, political, anarchical, and cybernetic), the models' incorporation of dimensions
varies somewhat.
2. Discuss some consequences of its formal organization structure.
Bureaucratic structure incorporates a rule-following structure which disseminates
responsibility by division and hierarchy. This system may refer to government and corporate
structure. Being part of a state university, I agree that having this kind of structure may give us
the advantages of clear leadership structures, equal dissemination of responsibility, fair policies
and procedures for those who follow and not. Nevertheless, organizations have its
disadvantages as well. In the bureaucratic system, people can be continually promoted but we
cannot be assured if they are really fit for the promotion as some part of the rules may be
overlooked, this signifies that they can no longer handle their position properly because of
incompetencies until they retire. At the same time, numerous rules and laws must be followed
but additional rules and laws can be added virtually which may confuse the workers with their
normal working process which can also cause disarrangements. In this, I conclude that
everything has its area for improvement and the quality depends on how the structure of an
organization is being maintained and managed.

Abane, J. A., Abubakari, M., & Asamoa, E. Y. (2020). Structure of bureaucratic decisions. In Springer
eBooks (pp. 1–6).

Colleges and Organizational Structure of Universities - Governing Boards, The President, Faculty,
Administration and Staff, Students, Future Prospects. (n.d.).

Gaille, L. (2019b, December 16). 20 Advantages And Disadvantages Of


Matipa, B. (2020b). Social consequences of bureaucracy. In Springer eBooks (pp. 1–


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