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Whom shall we fear?

Monsieur Consul General Pakistan in Toronto: Khalil Ahmed Bajwa,

We claim to have Faith; whence this fear of China?

After I witnessed a girl from Hong Kong faint at a Communist trial, it is your
ministry's duty to advise China that Pakistan's nuclear weapons are not just loyal
to India!

Whereas, the only basis of a united chain of command is the principle: "Ladies
First" - I demand Consul General of Pakistan explain Pakistan's interest in joining
the BRICS plot or face a spiraling lawsuit by this mendicant (fakeer)!

It is United States that guaranteed civilization by fighting World Wars. Each

invention below that Pakistanis use, has American origin.

And if a Pakistani claims he has paid for any invention, no: he can't: a singularity is
worth infinite dollars. It is military prowess that guards default!

There can be only one superpower - as I was taught at Pakistan Air Force Inter
College E-9: "Too many cooks spoil the broth".

If there were two superpowers, it would mean endless war.

America has earned the right of supremacy, I affirm, as a Chief of Air Staff Honor
student 1995AD - who had won scholarship to China.

Following is a list of America's manifest accomplishments - Pakistanis are well-

acquainted with:

E-mail, The Personal Computer, Mobile phone, Internet, Morse Code, Circuit
Breaker, Ice cream maker, Gas mask, Fire alarm, Burglar alarm, Potato chips,
Pepper shaker, Pencil eraser, Electric stove, Escalator, Vacuum cleaner,
Machine gun, Motorcycle, Barbed wire, Paper bag, Tape measure,
Clothes hanger, Can-opener, Jeans, Fire sprinkler, QWERTY keyboard layout,
Carton, Cash register, Metal detector, Electric iron, Electric fan, Solar panels,
Thermostat, Skyscraper, Photographic film, Telephone directory, Payphone, Stop
sign, Smoke detector, Electric bulb, Ferris wheel, Tesla coil, Rotary dial, Tractor,
Zipper, Volleyball, Remote control, Filing cabinet, Assembly line,
Safety razor, Air conditioning, Tea bag, Airplane, Windshield Wipers, Headset,
Autopilot, Traffic light, Supermarket, Light switch, Blender,
Toaster, Car headrest, Bulldozer, Bubble gum, Radio telescope, Nylon,
Automated teller machine, Deodorant, Microwave oven, Credit card, Diaper,
Transistor, Supersonic aircraft [for example, the F-104 Starfighter], Frisbees {flying
disc}, Compiler, Teleprompter, Nuclear submarine, Hard disk drive, Operating
system, Videotape, Laser, Communications satellite, Light-emitting diode (LED),
Computer mouse, Liquid crystal display (LCD), Kevlar, Hypertext, Cordless
telephone, Compact Disc (CD), Calculator, Virtual Reality (VR), Lunar Module,
Laser printer, Passenger Aircraft, Mousepad, Chapman Stick, Markup Language,
WLAN (Wireless Local Area Network), Uno {card game}, Microprocessor
BASIC, PERL, JavaScript, C {programming languages}, Video Game console,
Global Positioning System (GPS), Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), ecombinant
DNA, Voicemail, Post-it note, Universal Product Code (UPC), Post-it note, Digital
Camera, Ethernet, Popcorn bag, Stealth-aircraft, Control-Alt-Delete, Space
Shuttle, Paintball, Graphic User Interface (GUI), Atomic microscope, Firewall,
ZIP file format, Electricity [discovery], CMOS image sensor, Macromedia Flash,
Macromedia Dreamweaver, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Acrobat, Microsoft
Windows, Apple iPhone, Android OS {open source}, YouTube (free), Gmail (free),
Hotmail (free), Yahoo (free),, Amazon Kindle, Siri, Cortana, Alexa
{Virtual Assistants}, Tubelight, Fastfood, Hollywood Movies, AI: ChatGPT

If Pakistan does not abdicate its interest in BRICS through an e-mail response to
me - within 30 days; this mendicant will raise his hands to Goddess Of Power
(Allah) - like he did against Imran Khan (now ex-PM Pakistan), to have all
American inventions confiscated from Pakistanis; in step by step, ascendant

Our country: Pakistan, will beset with misfortune.

1. ["Mendicant", "Described"]
2. Google Search [Google]
3. [Benjamin Franklin]
4. [Timeline of United States inventions]
5. Siri [what is the name of iphone virtual assistant]

/Salman SHUAIB
+ TEL: 14375562530
+ EDUCATION: BComm (Hons.), Toronto MU
+ LIVES: Toronto
// @salmanshuaib
/// FORCES: F37032330 (candidate)

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