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5 key learnings from the webinar

1. Your income may be 1 lakh per month, but your knowledge could worth 5 times of
that. Your knowledge can be taught forward. It could change someone's lives, and
you can make a lot of money.

2. Build a community: It is a great way to start expanding your income. With a

community, you can do many things beyond just a course. And you can sell to more

3. Many creators have succeeded, like Nikist Hacker Club sold 10 lakhs in Courses
or 30DaysCoding sold 145,000 INR in Membership, all through their communities.

4. is free, simple to use and the most creator-supportive platform to build
your community and make money.

5. How to get members: Start by creating a community here on, fill your
content and share the link of your community in the social media channel
description, like how UX Alok does. If you are more advanced, you can run digital
ads like Facebook and Instagram ads. integrates with Facebook Pixel as well
to help you keep track of your marketing campaigns.
You don't need to start with a lot of followers. You just need to find a niche
(React JS, Cyber security, Coding interview cracking etc) and a small group of
people that want to learn from you.


Recording of the lesson can be found here:

A quick walk-through of

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