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1. She (paint) a (шедевр) every week and (sell) them online.

2.  He (use) a (веревка) to tie the boxes together.

3. The (пол) ____ dirty and (need) cleaning.
4. She (like) to paste stickers on her (блокнот).
5. Now: Look! He (throw) the (мусор) on the floor!
6. Now: She (set) the table for (ужин).

7. He (sew) his own (одежда) and they ____ very fashionable.
8. Now: She____ in her garden, she (dig) a (яма) to plant a .
9. Now: He (point) at the (карта) and (show) me where we (go).
10. She (shout) at him every time he ___ late.
11. Now: He (pour) some (сливки) into his (кофе).
12. Now: Excuse me, you (sit) on my (стул).
13. Now: He (sleep) and (breathe) deeply.
14. She____very intelligent and (know) a lot of things.
15. Humans ____ the only animals that can use language and write books.
16. He (go) to work by bus, but when he____ in a hurry, he (take) a taxi.
17. She (go) to visit her grandparents by train once a month.
18. He (fly) to (разные страны) by plane for his job and (meet) new people.
19. Dolphins (hunt) (вместе), but cats (hunt) alone.
20. He (have) a dog called Max and a cat called Luna.
21. He___ very smart and (solve) (сложные) problems easily.
22. She (live) (одна) in a small apartment, but (dream) of a big house.
23. Now: She (choose) (одежда) to put on tonight.
24. Now: What she (do)? - She (talk) (по телефону) with her friends.
25. Now: He (try) to hang a picture on the (стена).

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26. Now: I (dry) my hair with a (полотенце).
27. Now: He (carry) a heavy with his and
28. She (stretch) before doing some yoga (упражнения) .

29. Now: Be careful! He ___ (опасный)! He (hold) a gun!

30. She (stay) in (дорогие)  hotels when she (go) on a trip.
31. Would you like (to watch) a science fiction movie with me?
32. He always (order) a (двойной) cheeseburger with fries.
33. ____ not forget your change!
34. Now: Look! She (litter) the street! Let's tell her to pick it up!
35. - What kind of (овощи) ___ you plant in your garden?
36. Now: Who you (point) at? Who ___ there?
37. ____not shout at me, I can (слышать) you. 
38. How much (сахар) ___ you put in your tea?
39. Now: Why she (laugh)? What ___ so funny?
40. How long (можешь) you stay (под водой) without air?

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