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Kasit Team

Graph Theory Final First Semester 2020

Q1: What is the number of edges present in a complete graph having n
vertices ?
A. (n*(n+1))/2
B. (n*(n-1))/2
C. n
D. Information given is insufficient
Q2: Which of the following graphs are isomorphic to each other?

A. Fig 1 and Fig 2

B. Fig 2 and Fig 3
C. Fig 1 and Fig 3
D. Fig 1 and Fig 2 and Fig 3

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Q3: Consider the following graph:

If b is the source vertex, what is the minimum cost to reach f vertex ?

A. 4
B. 6
C. 9
D. 8
Q4: What will be the chromatic number of the following graph?

A. 3
B. 2
C. 5
D. 4
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Q5: Which of the following is a HyperGraph, where V is the set of

vertices, E is the set of edges?
A. V = { v1,v2,v3} E = { e1,e2 } = {{v2,v3} {v1,v3}}
B. V = {v1,v2} E = {e1} = {{v1,v2}}
C. V = {v1,v2,v3} E = {e1,e2,e3} = {{v2,v3} {v3,v1} {v2,v1}}
D. All of the mentioned
Q6: What is the pseudo code to compute the shortest path in Dijkstra’s

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Q7: Which of the following ways can be used to represent a graph?

A. Adjacency List and Adjacency Matrix
B. Incidence Matrix
C. Adjacency List, Adjacency Matrix as well as Incidence Matrix
D. No way to represent
Q8: Regarding implementation of Breadth First Search using queues,
what is the maximum distance between two nodes in the queue?
(considering each edge length 1 ) :
A. At most 1
B. Can be anything
C. Insufficient information
D. 0
Q9: Which of the following edges from minimum spanning tree on the
graph using kruskals algorithm:

A. (B-E) (G-E) (E-F)(D-F)

B. (B-E) (G-E) (E-F)(D-F) (D-G)
C. (B-E) (G-E) (E-F) (B-G)(D-F)
D. (B-E) (G-E) (E-F)(D-E)

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Q10: For which of the following combinations the degree of vertices

would the connected graph be eulerian?
A. 2,3,4
B. 2,4,5
C. 1,2,3
D. 1,3,5
Q11: Consider the graph shown below:

Which of the following edges from the MST of the given graph using
Prim’a algorithm, starting from vertex 4:
A. (4-3)(3-5)(5-1)(1-2)
B. (4-3)(3-2)(2-1)(1-5)
C. (4-3)(3-5)(5-2)(1-5)
D. (4-3)(5-3)(2-3)(1-2)

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Q12: How many of the following statements are correct?

i. All cyclic graphs are complete graphs.
ii. All complete graphs are cyclic graphs.
iii. All paths are bipartite.
iv. All cyclic graphs are bipartite.
v. There are cyclic graphs which are complete.

A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
Q13: Which of the following properties does a simple graph not hold?
A. Must be connected
B. Must be unweighted
C. Must have no loops or multiple edges
D. Must have no multiple edges
Q14: What will be the chromatic number of the following graph?

A. 2 C. 3
B. 4 D. 5
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Q15: A person wants to visit some places. He starts from a vertex and
then wants to visit every vertex till it finishes from one vertex,
backtracks and then explore other vertex from same vertex. What
algorithm he should use?
A. Breadth First Search
B. Depth First Search
C. Trim’s algorithm
D. Kruskal’s Algorithm
Q16: Regarding implementation of Breadth First Search using stacks,
what is the maximum distance between two nodes present in the
stack? (considering each edge length 1) :
A. Insufficient information
B. 0
C. At most 1
D. Can be anything
Q17: A node is visited, in Depth first search :
A. Equivalent to number of indegree of the node
B. Thrice
C. Once
D. Twice
Q18: Which of these adjacency matrices represents a simple graph?
A. [ [ 1,0,0], [ 0,1,0] , [ 0,1,1] ]
B. [ [ 1,1,1], [1,1,1], [1,1,1] ]
C. [ [0,0,1],[1,0,1], [1,0,0] ]
D. [ [0,0,1],[0,0,0],[0,0,1] ]

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Q19: In the given graph which edge should be removed to make it a

Bipartite Graph?

A. B-E
B. D-E
C. A-C
D. C-D

Q20: What sequence would the BF5 traversal of the given graph yield?

A. C B A F E D
B. A B D C E F
C. A F D B C E
D. E F D C B A

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Q21: All undirected Multigraphs contain eulerian cycles:

A. True B. False
Q22: Which of the following statements is true :
A. There exists a Simple Graph having 10 vertices such that minimum
degree of the graph is 0 and maximum degree is 9.

B. There exists a MultiGraph having 10 vertices such that minimum

degree of the graph is 0 and maximum degree is 9.

C. There exists a MultiGraph as well as Simple Graph having 10

vertices such that minimum degree of the graph is 0 and
maximum degree is 9.
D. None of the mentioned.
Q23: For the given graph(G), which of the following statements is true?

A. G is a complete graph
B. G is not a connected graph
C. The vertex connectivity of the graph 2
D. The edge connectivity of the graph is 1
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Q24: What would be the DFS traversal of the given graph?


Q25: For a given graph G having v vertices and e edges which is

connected and has no cycles, which of the following statements is true?
A. v=e
B. v=e-1
C. v=e+1
D. v+1=e
Q26: Which of the following is true?
A. A graph may contain no edges and no vertices
B. A graph may contain no edges and many vertices
C. A graph may contain no vertices and many edges
D. A graph may contain many edges and no vertices

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Q27: A graph having no edge from each vertex to every other vertex is
called a ------------- :
A. Weakly Connected
B. Tightly Connected
C. Strongly Connected
D. Loosely Connected
Q28: The number of elements in the adjacency matrix of a graph having
7 vertices is --------:
A. 14
B. 36
C. 7
D. 49
Q29: Which of the following statements for a simple graph is correct?
A. Every trail is a path as well as every path is a trail
B. Every trail is a path
C. Path and trail have no relation
D. Every path is a trail

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