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Ability Score Increase: Your Charisma score increases by 2

and your Constitution score increases by 1.
Age: Axolom mature much faster than humans, reaching
adulthood in 18 to 24 months. They however also have
much shorter lifespans, typically only living up to 15 years
on the high end with few exceptions.
Size: Medium
Speed: 30 feet walking speed, as well as 30 feet swim speed.
Poor Vision: You are exceedingly near-sighted. Any
perception check made using your eyes beyond 5ft is made
at disadvantage.
Keen Smell: As a part of adapting to having poor sight, you
have an enhanced sense of smell, even while under water.
You have advantage on any perception checks utilizing your
sense of smell.
Limited Tremorsense: An additional adaptation to having
poor eye-sight is your sense of touch. You have
tremorsense up to 15ft, being able to feel vibrations
through the ground of any moving thing within that range
as long as it and yourself are connected to the same
surface. While in water, any movement within that range
you can pinpoint.
Regeneration: As a reaction to being damaged, you may use
one hit die and regain what you roll on it.
Limited Amphibiousness: While you can breathe air or
water, you must be submerged in water once every 4 hours
to avoid suffocation.
Languages: You can speak, read, and write Common and

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