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Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

Good afternoon and best wishes to all of u

The Honorable for our audience to present on the seminar this day, The
Honorable for our speaker namely putra bungsu harahap be present at
the Seminar on.
First of all, let us offer pray and gratitude for the presence of Allah SWT.
So that on this happy occasion, we are still given healthy favors
To save time, before the opening of today's seminar, please allow me
Okta Viani br surbakti as host to read our rundown this afternoon,
Opening by myself
Singing Indonesia Raya
(sponsor's presentation 1 = don't read it in the agenda)
Presentation of the contents of the material by our resource person,
the youngest son, harahap
(ice breaking = don't read it. Arrange events too)
Question and answer session which will be opened after the material is
(sponsor exposure 2 = don't read Acura books)
To save time, let us open today's seminar by reading Basmallah
followed by singing the National Anthem. audience please stand
Attendees please sit back
Be present, ladies and gentlemen
The next event is the withdrawal of the seminar which will be guided by
our moderator, Ayu Annisha Zebua
Who is a student of Medan State Polytechnic
Let's give a round of applause……….

In conclusion, I as the MC closed our seminar today with the
theme ...........................I would like to thank all attendees who
enthusiastically following every agenda in the seminar this morning, I
hope that every good thing we get at this seminar can be of benefit to
all of us.
assalamualaikum warahmatullah hi wabaraktuh
good morning and best wishes to all of us

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